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Winnie the Pooh and Nickelodeon's Ho-Ho Holiday Special/Transcript

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

Here's the transcript of the remake of Winnie the Pooh and Nickelodeon's Ho-Ho Holiday Special.

Script[edit | edit source]

The Prologue[edit | edit source]

(The short film starts off with Encino, CA)

  • The Narrator: And now, direct from Encino, America's favorite pirate and the host of all upcoming future Adventure Holiday specials, Patchy the Pirate.

[The exterior of Patchy's house is shown. The name "Patchy" appears. Inside, Patchy is wrapping presents]

  • Patchy the Pirate: [to the tune of "Jingle Bells"] Yo ho ho, yo ho ho, yo ho ho ho ho ho. [he notices he's on air] Oh! Hi. [he waves] I'm Patchy the Pirate, the Host of all the upcoming adventures Holiday specials! Ho! [He notices a long piece of confetti on his hook and tries to shake it off. He pulls on it and whacks himself in the eye, giving him a black eye. He switches his patch over to the other eye] Hey, that's better!
  • Potty: [squawks] Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!
  • Patchy the Pirate: That's right, Potty! It is Christmas. [he limps over to the fireplace] And there ain't nothing better in wonderful greatest adventures during Christmas. It sure is a magical time of year. [he blows on his pipe, and bubbles emerge] Why, I'll bet good friend like SpongeBob is gearing up for Santa Claus right now! [He picks up a picture of SpongeBob. Cuts to SpongeBob, holding a remote]
  • SpongeBob: I sure am! [He presses a button on the remote. A large chimney rises from the ground next to his house, and a gigantic funnel pops out of it with the words "Welcome Santa" in neon letters] I'm ready!
  • Patchy the Pirate: [Laughs] Not bad for a creature with no vertebrae. [he puts down SpongeBob's picture] And I'm sure his friend named Patrick is doing his share of the decorating. [He picks up a picture of Patrick. Cuts to Patrick standing by his house with a dopey smile on his face. Zooms out to reveal a single ornament hanging from the antenna on top of his rock. It snaps off and hits the ground. Patrick then falls to the ground as well. Now, Patchy is mixing cookie dough] I too am also preparing for Christmas. [he lifts up the mixer] Hmm, unbaked cookie dough! [he takes a lick] Mmm...
  • Potty: [squawks] Potty want cookie dough! [Potty flies over, squawking] Cookie! [Patchy ducks]
  • Patchy the Pirate: Potty! No! [Potty flies back and forth]
  • Potty: Cookie! [squawks]
  • Patchy the Pirate: Get out of here!
  • Potty: Cookie!
  • Patchy the Pirate: Potty!
  • Potty: [squawks] Give us a lick!
  • Patchy the Pirate: Back off, you flying freak! [Potty flies on the counter]
  • Potty: [squawks] Clarify please.
  • Patchy the Pirate: [the cookies are shaped like SpongeBob and Patrick] This here cookie dough is for the children, not for pesky parrots.

(Cuts to Hans reaching over and ringing a bell. Patchy looks out the window)

  • Patchy the Pirate: What's that? Three bells! Well, we all know what three bells means!
  • Children: [off-screen] Free ice cream!
  • Patchy the Pirate: [Laughs at loud a bit] No, you silly livers. [sternly] No!
  • Potty: [squawks] Man overboard?
  • Patchy the Pirate: [Walks over to a desk] You, I'm ignoring. [he sits down] No, it's time to open fan letters!

(Potty flies over with a letter in his beak)

  • Potty: [squawks] Here you go! [Patchy tugs at it]
  • Patchy the Pirate: Thank you, Potty. [Potty is not letting go] Yeah. Okay Potty, thank you! [Potty squawks, still not letting go] Come on, give it, you birdbrain! [Potty squawks some more] Quiet, infernal bird!

(Patchy uses his hook, now with a pair of scissors on the end, to snip Potty's strings. Potty squawks and falls to the ground. Patchy nods)

  • Patchy the Pirate: Hmm. [he sits back down] This letter comes to us from...
  • Fish Head: [as voiceover] Name and address withheld!

(Patchy tears the envelope open, pieces of it flying all over. He pulls up his eye patch and replaces it with a pair of reading glasses with one eye covered up)

  • Patchy the Pirate: And she writes, "Dear, Winnie the Pooh. I’m 10 years old. And I wondering that if you and your friends spend Christmas with cast of Nickelodeon Stars before? Sincerely yours..."
  • Fish Head: [as voiceover] Name and address withheld!
  • Patchy the Pirate: [He's gets up and takes off his glasses. Now his eye patch is back on] A very good question. But you know, we don't even know that they did spend Christmas with Cast of Nickelodeon before.
  • Potty: [squawks] They didn't?
  • Patchy the Pirate: No sir, my fine feathered little neck pain.

(Patchy pulls down Potty's strings. Potty falls to the ground, and a puppeteer falls down from above the set. Patchy hangs a homemade SpongeBob ornament on a Christmas tree. Zooms out, showing the entire tree, which is decorated with many similar SpongeBob, as well as ornaments featuring Patrick and Squidward, and a few gift boxes)

  • Patchy the Pirate: Ha. There was a time when Pooh and his pals did spend Christmas with them during a special holiday party that they'll never forget. [he snaps his fingers] Hey! Who wants to hear the story of Pooh and his friends first met some cast of Nickelodeon during Christmas?
  • Potty: Squ-ouch!
  • Patchy the Pirate: Potty? [Patchy sees an empty bowl of cookie dough, accompanied by a foghorn noise] You ate all me cookie dough!

(Potty is now incredibly fat. Potty's body and strings fall off, leaving only the bird's head)

  • Potty: Squ-ouch!
  • Patchy the Pirate: Oh, well. On with the show.

(It cuts to a the Santa's Workshop. The boss elf checks on two elves named Jingles and Tinsel, who were busy making toys)

  • Boss Elf: Jingles, Tinsel. How's it going?
  • Tinsel: How's it going? Fantastic! It's Christmas time!
  • Jingles: And we just made some great new toys to show Santa. Check it out!

(The elves walk up to a table)

  • Jingles: A bowling ball launcher. This thing can shoot a bowling ball like... (blows raspberries) 200 miles an hour.
  • Boss Elf: Why would anyone need a bowling ball launcher?
  • Tinsel: Uh, to launch their bowling balls great distances at fast speeds. [The two elves high-five each other] Oh. And we also made this [He picks up a baby doll from the table] Say hello to Baby Burps-A-Lot.
  • Boss Elf: Aww.

(As the Boss Elf looks at the dolls face, Tinsel squeezes the doll's tummy and brown vomit shoots out of the doll's mouth, getting the Boss Elf dirty)

  • Tinsel: Oops. This is the Baby Barfs-A-Lot.
  • Boss Elf: Clearly. [wipes the vomit off his face] Guys, Santa expects you to make toys that children actually asked for.
  • Tinsel: [Boss Elf hands him a list] Oh.
  • Boss Elf: Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go clean baby barf off myself. (walks away)
  • Jingles: Oh, don't you just love Christmas time? Ah, the toys, the Christmas specials on TV. Telling holiday stories.
  • Tinsel: Ooh. I have a good holiday story.

(Jingles and Tinsel sit on chairs at their workbench)

  • Tinsel: (starts the story) 'Twas a days before Christmas, a bear named Winnie the Pooh. As he and his friends and along with the stars from all the Nickelodeon shows are about to get a invitations to what was sure to be the best holiday party ever....

(We cut to The Hundred Acre Wood)

  • Tinsel: And right before Pooh and his friends was about to get their invitation to the holiday party. They've never noticed that it was few days before Christmas Eve and not Groundhog Day began it was.....

(We see Tigger is about the skiing down the hill)

  • Tigger: Gangway! Hoo hoo hoo hoo! [Chuckles] I'm gonna bust every ski jumping record there is. I'm gonna ski, where no tigger's skied before.
  • Piglet: [He and Pooh shows up] But, uh, Tigger, Tigger, how can you ski--
  • Winnie the Pooh: When there's no snow?
  • Tigger: No snow! [Chuckes again] Why, of course there's-- [He noticed there is no show around him] No snow?

(The whole Acre Woods is snow-free and no snow to be found)

  • Tigger: Hey, what gives here? We ought to be swimming in it. We ought to be slathering in it. Why, today's the first day of winter. Isn't it?
  • Winnie the Pooh: [He brings his watch out of his pocket] I don't know, Tigger. My watch stopped.

(We cut to Rabbit's house, as he cleaning his house and just about to finish up)

  • Rabbit: There. As Clean as a whistle.

(Rabbit heard a whistle. As he about the what that whistle comes from, the front door opens at him. As Tigger, Piglet and Pooh {with mud on their feets} comes right in without rabbit's knows)

  • Tigger: Hey, bunny boy! Yoo-hoo! Anybody home?

(Then, a big windy breeze came throw Rabbit's house, with breaking or blowing Rabbit's things throwout the house. And even Rabbit calendar get blowing way with few days are ripping off from it [starting Dec 24th {Christmas Eve}], all of the days mart blow away into Rabbit's room door, and right into under neth Rabbit bed. And Rabbit finally able to close the door)

  • Rabbit: [panting] What are you doing?
  • Tigger: Well, we're trying to find out when winter is, long ears.
  • Piglet: And you're the only one with a calendar, Rabbit.
  • Rabbit: Why, ahem, oh, I, uh, yes. So I am. Ahem. We let's see. [As he leads them to the calendar, {which is now at Feb 2nd}] As of first thing this morning, today is Groundhog Day. [gasp] Groundhog Day?
  • Tigger: Groundhog Day?
  • Piglet: Groundhog Day?
  • Winnie the Pooh: Oh, it's Groundhog Day. Hmm. Hmm. Uh, what's a groundhog day?
  • Tigger: [Chuckles] Why, everybody knows that, buddy bear. It's a-- a-- uh.....
  • Rabbit: Well, it's the day a groundhog comes out of his hole.
  • Tigger: Precisively.

(We see them walking outside throw out the woods)

  • Rabbit: And if he sees his shadow, that means there will be six more weeks of winter. But if he doesn't, spring starts tomorrow.
  • Tigger: Exac-- Spring? Uh, but what happen to winter?
  • Rabbit: it's gone. Over. We missed it.
  • Piglet: Christmas, too?
  • Rabbit: According to the calendar, Christmas, too. But the only way to be completely sure winter is over is to find a groundhog and check with him.

(We go to Gopher's place, as he not happy about hearing this news)

  • Gopher: Hmm? Groundhog? Who are you calling a groundhog? I'm a gopher, not a groundhog. [grumbling] What are you trying to do, insult my ancestors? Hmph. [He trip himself and falling in his hole] Yaah!
  • Piglet: Now where would we find a groundhog to see if spring's here? [Rabbit and Tigger look at Piglet, and they've both thought a idea] Oh! D-D-Dear.

(We cut them again, as Piglet get put on fake groundhog teeth around his face, as Rabbit tited it up for him)

  • Piglet: As a very small and timid animal, I have enough trouble being just a piglet. Perhaps someone else could--
  • Rabbit: Nonsense. You're a perfect-- [He drops Piglet into a hole that they dug] Groundhog.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Do you see your shadow, Piglet?
  • Tigger: Oh, please, please see your shadow. I want to go skiing.
  • Piglet: [He climb up from the hole, as he didn't saw his shadow {which Piglet's shadow is was there}] Actually, I don't see a thing.
  • Rabbit: No shadow? Hoo! Hoo! Winter's over! It's gone! Oh, hooray!

(Rabbit grabs Piglets from his ribs, and lift him up in the air few times. And the others didn't even know they see their shadows idter)

  • Winnie the Pooh: You're a hero, Groundpiglet, for telling us spring is here.

(They lift Piglet few more times, as they cheering for him some more)

  • Rabbit: Come on, everyone. We have to get ready for spring. There's a lot to do.
  • Piglet: Like what, Rabbit?
  • Rabbit: Oh, a great many things,

(As throwought the Acre Woods, everyone is getting ready for spring, while Rabbit talks throw it)

  • Rabbit: ....such as, uh, airing out our houses....

(We see Pooh taking his window frames out of his house)

  • Rabbit: ....and spring cleaning.

(We see Tigger doing some spring cleaning his house, as he throwing his things out of the house and leading them on from the ground)

  • Rabbit: [As he planting some seas from his garding] And most important of all, my garden. The secret to great gardening, Piglet, is knowing when to plant. And, thanks to you, I know that when is now.

(We see Piglet walking his way home)

  • Piglet: All my friends are certainly vey happy with me, and I suppose they should be. After all, I-- I did tell them winter was over.

(Piglet close his door, as some snow fall front of the his door. The next day, we see some snow came to Hundred Acre Wood. We go to Tiggers as he noticed from his window)

  • Tigger: Hmm. Unusual wather we're having this spring.

(We see, Pooh at his place, as some snow and big winds blew inside. As Pooh carving some Honeypots and accidentally drop them and it turns into a cover of snow)

  • Winnie the Pooh: Oh bother.

(And now, we see Rabbit, as he tries to make some snow track throughout his garden)

  • Rabbit: [muttering] Spring? [muttering] Groundhog? Ooh, that Piglet.

(We cut to Piglet's house, as Rabbit confronts him in anger)

  • Rabbit: Piglet, you said you didn't see your shadow. You told us winter is over.
  • Piglet: Oh deer. I did, didn't I?
  • Rabbit: [about to leave] We prepared for spring. There should be fields full of flowers, not 6 feet of snow. Ruined! Ruined! And it's all your fault.

(We see Piglet ashamed to himself. And we cut back to Rabbit, as he giving some stcarth and earmonths for his scare croll)

  • Rabbit: I'm sorry you have to be out in weather like this. [He kiss it on the nose, as he walks way from him. The Scare croll sneeze) Gesundhiet.

(We see at Rabbit's house, he left the door open, as wind blewing inside the house. And some of marked calendar form other day blow out of the window, as torws to Rabbit. And he grab one of them)

  • Rabbit: Oh, uh, what's this? Calendar pages? Why, it's-- it's-- [He took all the calendar makes back tires to fix it] It's only December. It's nowhere near Groundhog Day. Hmm. Piglet wasn't quite as wrong as I'd thought. [he remembers] Piglet? Oh, my. I'd better apologize to him. [he runs off]

(Rabbit finally made it to Piglet's house, as he knocking his door)

  • Rabbit: Piglet. Piglet-- [he notice that a note that was tape on the door. He garbs it and read it]
  • Piglet: [Voice over] I've gone to find a real groundhog who can tell me when spring really is.
  • Rabbit: He must be kidding. [He went back and reads some more form the note]
  • Piglet: [Voice over] P.S. I'm-- I'm n-not kidding.
  • Rabbit: [He notice some Piglet's footprints as lead a track his trail] Piglet? [He follow his footprints, which it leads him in scurcles] Piglet? Piglet!

(We cut back to Piglet. as he looking for a Groundhog)

  • Piglet: Groundhog! Oh, groundhog! [He listing the Groundhog, but all he can hear that his echo, but in different meaning] I don't remember saying that. [He keeps walking throw out the snow] Perhaps they just can't here me under all this snow. [He put his head into the snow] Groundhog. [His head pop out of the snow. Then, suendlley, some of the snow, from branch of the tree, fell on Piglet and made it into a Piglet snowman] Oh, d-d-dear. [Then, made a tunnel got himself out of it] I think the groundhogs must have flown south for the winter. Perhaps I should try to find one later, like some time next spring. [walks away]

(Piglet contiunes walking throw snow, he went deep throw the snow, which make Rabbit didn't see him passing by him)

  • Rabbit: Oh, where could he be? [Then, he notice that he sees Snowman Piglet in front of him, as he surprised] There you are, Piglet. You shouldn't have come out here all alone. Piglet? [Then, he thought Piglet turn into snow, as it fell over on his ride side] [gasp] Oh, no! You're-- [gasp]--frozen solid. I have to get you home quickly and warmed up. [He runs off to Piglet's]

(Rabbit finally made to Piglet's with Pooh and Tigger at his house. As he run in fastly)

  • Rabbit: He's so sold, he can't even speak.
  • Tigger: [Brining some cup of Hot Chocolate] Here's some hot chocolatey.

(Tigger pows Hot chocolate on Piglet and Pooh brought the Hot bag for him. As they did those thing to "Snowman Piglet," he starting to melting quickly)

  • Tigger: He's sweating up a storm. He's-- He's sweating away to nothing! [gasp]
  • Rabbit: He's melting! He-- Get a bucket! We have to save him! [Tigger slpping on Piglet's water, and sliding away] Tigger, you're stepping in Piglet!

(Rabbit quickly bring a mop to sweap Piglet's water and solk it into bucket. As we see the real Piglet comes home and open his door)

  • Winnie the Pooh: Oh, poor Piglet. [He starting faint form this trazzing] Ohh.
  • Tigger: He's gonna faint! [He used Piglet's water to snap Pooh out of it, by throw at him]
  • Rabbit: Tigger! [He save Piglet by catching him into a bowl and he did. And Rabbit starts talking to it] Piglet! Piglet! How do you feel?
  • Piglet: [starts walks towards them] Well, I feel very badly for saying it was spring in the middle of winter.
  • Rabbit: What? That? Oh, don't worry about that. It was all my fault!
  • Piglet: But-- But I was the groundhog.
  • Rabbit: But my calendar. Snow. Spring. Winter. The pages. Ohh! [sobbing] I never should have asked you to be be a groundhog in the first place. Do you understand?
  • Piglet: I think.
  • Rabbit: Can you ever forgive me?
  • Piglet: Of course, Rabbit.
  • Rabbit: [He looks at the real Piglet, and then look at the Water Piglet again] Did you hear that, Piglet? Piglet forgives me. [He notice that was the real Piglet after all] Piglet! [He was so surprised, he jumped and blow himself into a wall]
  • Pooh and Tigger: [Both] Piglet!
  • Tigger: You're unmelted! [hooting]
  • Rabbit: Piglet! [He runs tows Piglet and hugs him] You're all right!
  • Piglet: Yes. Uh, thank you.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Oh, no! If that's Piglet, then who is this?
  • Tigger: Kinda resembles Eeyore, uh, around the eyes.
  • Piglet: Heh heh. That was just a pile of snow.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Oh. [giggling] I see.
  • Piglet: [To Rabbit] Uh, excuse me, Rabbit, but there is something I've been wondering. If it isn't spring and it isn't winter and it isn't Groundhog Day, what day is it?
  • Rabbit: it's December 23rd, Piglet.
  • Tigger: December 23rd? [gasp] December 23rd? [gasp] Do you realize what means? Tomorrow is Christmas Eve!
  • Winnie the Pooh: Oh, no. It's Christmas Eve already. Uh, how exactly forgot that is Christmas Eve already?
  • Piglet: Well, we muss have doings things that we're thought it was Groundhog Day and trying to prepared that spring that didn't come. We've muss forgot about that Christmas is almost here.

(Tigger gasp in surprised)

  • Tigger: And if we forgot that Christmas is almost here....
  • Winnie the Pooh: We forgot to planning anything to do for Christmas!
  • Rabbit: Pooh, you're right. We did forgot about it. [gasp] I can't believe Christmas is so soon.
  • Tigger: Well, if we're gonna have a great Christmas this year, we've gotta plan something very good, uh in self-defense.
  • Rabbit: But how are we gonna to do that, Tigger? How are possibly plan something to do for Christmas, with very short and last minute time?

(Then, Eeyore just came out of nowhere)

  • Eeyore: Hello Rabbit.

(Rabbit got scared and jumped and landed so hard)

  • Rabbit: Eeyore, what are you doing here?
  • Eeyore: I'm was just passing by, when heard you all found out that tomorrow is Christmas Eve and trying to come up something. So I would thought I should stop by at Piglet's and help you guys out.
  • Tigger: Oh, that's very though of you, donkey-boy.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Well, you can always help us out, Eeyore. It can very help us think some ideas.
  • Piglet: So, what do you think that we should do for Christmas this year, Eeyore?
  • Eeyore: I don't know, Piglet. I didn't very think of that so far.
  • Tigger: Well, at least you're trying, donkey-boy.

(Then suddenly, something came out of Piglet's window and hit Rabbit)

  • Rabbit: [off-screen] Ow!
  • Tigger: What was that?
  • Rabbit: it's for Pooh.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Why thank you Rabbit. But, was that too soon for Christmas, isn't it?
  • Rabbit: That wasn't from me Pooh, it could been from someone else.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Yes, but it still little bit sooner that I thought.
  • Rabbit: Oh, why do I bother.
  • Piglet: Hey guys, there's a note.

(Then Rabbit takes the note)

  • Tigger: What does it said, long-ears?
  • Rabbit: It said.... "Dear Pooh, you officially invited to The Best Holiday Party that ever to celebrate. And some of Nickelodeon Best stars will be participating this holiday event. The party will be held at Nick Manor and the date is Christmas Eve Night. Hope to see you there, Sincerely.... The host"
  • Eeyore: Christmas Eve? That's tomorrow night, which is before Christmas.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Why, this is perfect. That just what that we want to do for Christmas this year.
  • Piglet: But Nickelodeon Best stars? Did meet them, Pooh?
  • Winnie the Pooh: I don't think so.
  • Tigger: Oh come on, you two. We've met new people before. Like we met some of our friends during our adventures in the past.
  • Rabbit: Tigger's right. Wait a minute? Tigger's right? That's can't be right.
  • Eeyore: Well, I think that's a good idea. Which I duot.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Well, that's settled then. We should all go to this Best Holiday Party for Christmas this year.
  • Piglet: But where do find this Nick Manor place?
  • Tigger: Why, in Burbank, Piglet. [chuckles] We can bring Timmy, Cosmo, Wanda, Ronny, Timon, Pumbaa, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and Goofy along with us to the party.
  • Piglet: Can we also bring Twilight and her friends too?
  • Tigger: Oh, posilutely! We can also bring Custard, Pupcake, Honey Pie Pony, King Julien, Maurice and Mort as well.
  • Rabbit: You're right! We leave tomorrow night.

I'm Invited/The Holiday Party Starts[edit | edit source]

(Then, at Christmas Eve night, we cut to the White House Oval Office. Jack Griffo was at the White House in the President's honor0

  • Jack Griffo: Mr. President, I just wanna say thank you so much for inviting me here to spend Christmas Eve with you and your family. It's a dream come true.
  • Mr. President: It's a dream come true for me, Jack Griffo.

(A hand comes out of nowhere holding an envelope reading "Mr. Jack Griffo" on the front. The president points to the envelope)

  • Jack Griffo: What's this? [He opens the envelope and reads the invitation] I'm invited to an amazing holiday party. And all my friends from all the Nickelodeon shows are gonna be there? And I'm gonna even make some new friends during the party as well. And it's on Christmas Eve! [surprised] That's tonight!
[Jack Griffo]
I'm invited, to a party! I'm invited to a party, yes I am!
I'm excited! I'm excited, I'm invited, gotta scram!

(Jack jumps out the window. Hair salon. A red-haired woman is combing Breanna Yde's hair)

[Breanna Yde]
There'll be music, there'll be dancing,
we get to party with our whole Nick family!!!!
  • Breanna Yde: (speaking) Well, not you, just me. [She takes off her magenta smock and jumps off the chair and dashes out] (yelling) Oww!

(The hairdresser holds a lock of Breanna's hair. Apartments. Lizzy Greene pops out holding mail)

[Lizzy Greene]
I owe money! I went over on my rate plan for my phone...
  • Lizzy Greene: [She sorts through the letters to find the invitation] Wait, wrong letter!
[Lizzy Greene]
I'm invited, to a party, gonna need this outfit so...

(Lizzy brings out a clothes hanger with a torn piece of a dress. Dentist's office. Kira Kosarin is getting her teeth cleaned until she finds the invitation)

  • Kira Kosarin: [muffled singing]

(Kira takes off her apron and the dental instrument from her mouth, and gets off the dentist chair and dashes off. Art gallery. The same hand that handed Jack's invitation handed Isabela Moner her invitation. She opens the envelope)

[Isabela Moner]
I'm invited, to a party! I get to see my friends from all of the Nick shows!
This is awesome! I'm invited to a party, gotta gooooo!

(Isabela converts her backpack to a jetpack and flies out of the roof. Mansion. The Nick stars rush through the doors)

[Nick Stars]
The holidays, the holidays, the holidays, the holidays are here.
The holidays, the holidays, the holidays, the holidays are here.

(Casey Simpson and Buddy Handleson look at each other while Isabela lands her jetpack outside)

[Nick Stars]
Tonight's the Nickelodeon star-explo-deon, chocolate-float-eon party!
Enjoy the holiday, we'll have games to play, "pin the hat on the elf"!

(Brec Bassinger and Isabela spin a blindfolded Aidan Gallagher onto a cardboard elf where he pins a hat on it)

[Brec, Lizzy and Isabela]
We got puppies dressed up as reindeer, a volcano flowing with treats.

(Kira, Aidan, Jack, and Buddy got their hands on the treats that spewed out of the volcano. Breanna eats a marshmallow from the volcano. Jade Pettyjohn sits on a marshmallow chair and takes a bite from it)

[Jade Pettyjohn]
Marshmallow chairs to sit on, they're comfortable and sweet.
[Nick Stars]
Snowcones, popcorn, candy canes.
Giant ice cream, freeze our brains!

(Buddy stands by the snack table and Casey pops out behind Buddy)

[Buddy Handleson]
And healthy snacks for me!
[Casey Simpson]
And some are gluten-free!

(In the hallway, Maya Le Clark rides on a rollercoaster screaming while Brec, Jade, Aidan, and Breanna throw snowballs from a ball pit while running down the stairs)

[Nick Stars]
There's a rollercoaster down the hall,
a ball pit filled with big snowballs and a guy named Moe!

(The hands point to Moe, a guy wearing an ugly Christmas swester with a bow. Moe waved to the stars. Jack is holding a selfie stick, while Kira is holing Maya in her arms)

[Jack and Kira]
Best of all, we'll share this night together!!!!

(The other stars gather around for a giant group selfie)

[Nick Stars]
Holidays are better with your friends.
It's so great to be here with each other.
Let's all hope this party never ends!

(The boys come out the hallway and the girls come down the stairs)

[The Boys]
The holidays, the holidays, the holidays, the holidays are here.
[The Girls]
The holidays, the holidays, the holidays, the holidays are here.
[Nick Stars]
We're at the Nickelodeon trampolodeon, cookie dough-deon, guy-named-Moe-deon,
mistletoe-deon, winter snow-deon, lights-a-glow-eon,
bubble-blow-eon, ho-ho-ho-eon, ho-ho-ho-eon parteeeeeeeee......

(The stars try to hold on to the last note of the song. Before the song ended, the rollercoaster that Maya was on stopped in the middle of the living room. After the last note ended, the stars lie down)

  • Maya Le Clark: Wheee!!!
  • Announcer: It's Winnie the Pooh and Nickelodeon's Ho-Ho-Holiday Special. Starring way too many people to name here, but trust me, all your favorite Nickelodeon stars are in it.

(At the Nick Manor, we see Pooh and his friends [long with Timmy Turner, Cosmo, Wanda, Ronny Robinson, Mickey Mouse, Twilight Sparkle and their friends] arrived for the party)

  • -
  • Mickey Mouse: Yeah, and I can't believe that we're gonna make some of Nickelodeon best stars from this party. Thanks for let us come along, Pooh.
  • Winnie the Pooh: You're welcome, Mickey.
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -

(Later at the party, Breanna and Lizzy passed by Jack and Buddy)

  • Breanna Yde: Hey guys.

(Lizzy blows a kiss to Jack, who was holding an ice cream sandwich)

  • Jack Griffo: Hey. You know, this time of year really makes me think of friendship and family, (excitedly) and a cookie sandwich filled with ice cream and cotton candy. (takes a bite from an ice cream sandwich) Hmm? [He hands the sandwich to Buddy]
  • Buddy Handleson: No thanks. My body's a temple.

(Jade jumps downstairs to talk to Kira)

  • Jade Pettyjohn: Hey, Kira. Great party. Whose house is this anyway?
  • Kira Kosarin: Why? Did they ask you about the broken statue in the hallway which I had nothing to do with, and again, who puts an extremely expensive statue in a hidden corner where literally anyone, again not me could bump into it and smash it into a million pieces? (takes out a severed hand from the statue) I don't even know where I got this.


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(????????????????. Mace Coronel walked up Casey and others, who Casey was sitting on a melted marshmallow chair, staring at Brec)

  • Mace Coronel: Isn't this great, fellas? I love seeing all my Nick friends.
  • -So do I. I can't believe that we're heading out of the Nickelodeon's best stars.
  • Rabbit: I glad for it too-- [he trip over and drop lights on Eeyore]

(We seeing Pooh and Piglet are making Popcorn decration, while Pooh's eating all the the popcon)

  • Winnie the Pooh: [eating] This is the best holiday party ever, Piglet. [He found out, there's no more popcorn] But I think perhaps you should bring more popcorn.
  • Piglet: Oh, d-d-dear.
  • Rabbit: Now, just hold still. I'm almost got it.
  • Eeyore: Don't worry Rabbit, take your time.
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -Well I just glad all the Nick's stars are here on Christmas Eve night.
  • Casey Simpson: (dreamily) Me too. Especially Brec. You can never see enough Brec. And every time you do see Brec, it just makes you wanna see Brec even more.
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • Mace Coronel: You know what, I think they've had point, Casey. You may have a crush on Brec.
  • Casey Simpson: [sarcastically] What? No! [notices Brec walking] She's coming this way! Run!
  • -Yep, he's in love with her, alright.
  • King Julien:
  • -
  • King Julien: Of course it he does, I see this before. That what happen to me with my many girlfriends.
  • Maurice: What girlfriends?
  • King Julien: You don't know them, they've all live in Canada. But trust me, I tell you. They've are made up. Eh-huh, lipsticks, bottles and such. What, you know tastefully.
  • Maurice: Uh huh.
  • Brec Bassinger: Hey, guys. Did you see the virtual sleigh simulator? This party has got everything.
  • Aidan Gallagher: It doesn't have eggnog. I mean, what kind of holiday party doesn't have eggnog? [drinks a pink beverage and spits it out]

(Then, Coy Stewart, wearing a Christmas tree costume barged into the party)

  • Coy Stewart: Whoo-hoo!!! Costume party!!!

(Everyone stare at him. Some even gave him dirty looks)

  • -
  • -
  • Rabbit: They're right, this is Holiday party, not a costume party.
  • Coy Stewart: [To Rabbit] But Rabbit, the invitation says a celebration of holiday costumes.

(Then, Isabela shows him her invitation and reads it for him)

  • Isabela Moner: No, it says "a celebration of holiday customs".
  • Coy Stewart: Yeah, it does say that. Well, this is embarrassing. [chuckles]
  • -
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  • -

(Breanna stops to take a selfie with Lizzy.)

  • Breanna Yde: Say selfie!!! One more. One more. One more. One more. One more. One more.
  • Lizzy Greene: Okay, fine. They all look the same.
  • Breanna Yde: Just one more.

(clicking resumes)

  • Lizzy Greene: This is so annoying... [The bracelet that Lizzy's wearing beeped red] ...ly fun.

(The bracelet that Lizzy's wearing beeped green. Buddy walks up to the two girls)

  • Tigger: Say, what is that thing on you rise, anyway?
  • Lizzy Greene: [to Tigger] It's my naughty-nice meter. This thing is gonna make sure I'm on Santa's nice list. And if I play my cards right, I'll get all the gifts I want tomorrow.
  • -
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  • -
  • -
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  • -
  • -

(Suddenly, everyone hear a horn beeping "Deck the Halls". They turn to notice Jack crashing into the party, riding a cart with "Nickelodeon" printed on the seats and on the windshield)

  • Jack Griffo: Anyone who wants a ride to the indoor ice skating rink, say "happy holidays"!
  • Everyone: Happy holidays!

(Everyone hop onto the cart, ready to go to the rink. Cut to security camera mounted on top of the fireplace. Cut to control room. Zoom out to reveal the back of a mysterious person wearing a black hoodie.)

  • A Mysterious Stranger: [deep, villainous male voice] Happy holidays? More like "trappy holidays". 'Cause you're all gonna be trapped in here with me! (evil laughter).

Guess the Gift Segment/Holiday Trap[edit | edit source]

(Fade to Santa's Workshop. Jingles and Tinsel were resuming the story. We see a dollhouse on the workbench, and the Boss Elf was walking in)

  • Tinsel: ...And they didn't know that they were being spied on by a mysterious stranger.
  • Boss Elf: [clears throat]
  • Tinsel: Uh, hey, boss. We're almost done building everything on this list.
  • Jingles: Yeah. A football, a yoyo, an exploding doll house, a jump rope.
  • Boss Elf: [He introubes Jingles] Whoa, back up a sec. What did you just say?
  • Jingles: A jump rope.
  • Boss Elf: No, no, before that.
  • Jingles: A yoyo.
  • Boss Elf: No, after yoyo, before jump rope.
  • Jingles: Oh, exploding dollhouse?
  • Boss Elf: Yeah, that's the one. Exploding dollhouse? [He take the clipboard from Tinsel] This girl just asked for a--

(Then suddenly, the dollhouse just exploded in pieces. As Jingles, Tinsel and Boss Elf covering ashes)

  • Boss Elf: --regular dollhouse.
  • Tinsel: Uh, well, why don't we give that little girl this, uh... oh, [He grabs a board game set called "Guess the Gift"] Guess the Gift board game? I mean, it doesn't explode or anything--
  • Jingles: [He grabs the board game from Tinsel] Guess the Gift? That's my third favorite game show.

(We cut to an segment as a game show based on the board game with same name. With two contestants named; Fred and Rick)

  • Boy Announcer: It's time for everyone's third favorite game show.
  • Audiences: [Off-screen] Guess the Gift!

(As the audiences applauses, we see the host of the game show named Dilbert Palermo, comes in to greet with the audiences)

  • Dilbert Palermo: I'm your host Dilbert Palermo. Let's meet today's contestants. [He goes to Fred first] Over here form Cheddar Springs, Wisconsin, we got Fred Peppertin. [To Fred] Fred, that's an interesting name for a girl.
  • Fred Peppertin: [Starts to cry] My dad wanted a boy.
  • Dilbert Palermo: Fantastic! Okay! [Then he goes to Rick] And over here form Baton Rouge, Canda, we've Rick Thomas. [To Rick] Rick, that's an interesting name for a boy.
  • Rick Thomas: No it's not.
  • Dilbert Palermo: Fantastic! Okay. Let's get unwrapping. Remember the rules of Guess the Gift are simple. Guess the Gift. Sheila, show us the first gift.

(Then Sheila, the game show host's assistant, shows the first gift as to present. As it cover with wrapping paper)

  • Dilbert Palermo: Okay, Fred, you have seven minutes to guess the gift. Clock starts now.
  • Fred Peppertin: A skateboard.
  • Dilbert Palermo: That's right!

(It was reveal Fred's answer was correct, it was skateboard, Sheila is unwrapping it)

  • Dilbert Palermo: And because you guessed the gift, you get to keep the gift.
  • Fred Peppertin: Hooray! [As Sheila giving the skateboard to her]
  • Dilbert Palermo: Okay, Rick, you're up. Guess the gift.

(Then Sheila shows the second gift as to present. As it also cover with wrapping paper)

  • Rick Thomas: Uh, that's a guitar.
  • Dilbert Palermo: Oooh, no, sorry, no.

(It was reveal Rick's answer was incorrect, and it was rolled-up socks disguise as guitar, as Sheila is unwrapping it)

  • Dilbert Palermo: It's rolled-up socks.
  • Rick Thomas: Wait, what? Really?
  • Sheila: Bummer.
  • Dilbert Palermo: Okay, Fred, back to you. Here's your next gift.

(Then Sheila shows the third gift as to present)

  • Fred Peppertin: A flat-screen TV.
  • Dilbert Palermo: That's right!

(It was reveal Fred's answer was once again correct, it was A flat-screen TV, Sheila is unwrapping it)

  • Rick Thomas: Oh, I want a TV.
  • Dilbert Palermo: Fred, you are on fire.
  • Fred Peppertin: [Laughs]
  • Dilbert Palermo: Rick, let's see if you can catch up. Okay, this one should be easy.

(Then Sheila shows the fourth gift as to present)

  • Rick Thomas: Okay, that's gotta be a bike.
  • Dilbert Palermo: Is that your final answer?
  • Rick Thomas: Yep, that's my final answer.
  • Dilbert Palermo: Okay, because it is...
  • Rick Thomas: Yes!
  • Dilbert Palermo: Not a bike! It's not bike!

(It was reveal Rick's answer was incorrect again, and it was rolled-up socks again, as Sheila is unwrapping it. But this time, it was disguise as a bike)

  • Dilbert Palermo: It's rolled-up socks.
  • Rick Thomas: Wait, what? Socks again?
  • Sheila: You're not very good at this game.
  • Dilbert Palermo: No, he's not. Okay, Fred, time for you're final gift. Sheila.

(Then Sheila shows the fifth gift as to present)

  • Fred Peppertin: A gift certificate for six-day, seven-night luxury cruise to Hawaii accompanied by the Queen of England and her royal guard.
  • Dilbert Palermo: That's right.

(It was reveal Fred's answer was once again correct, it was A gift certificate for six-day, seven-night luxury cruise to Hawaii accompanied by the Queen of England and her royal guard, Sheila is opening the box)

  • Rick Thomas: What? How could you possibly have guessed that?

(Then The Queen of England and her royal guard named; Nigel shows up, as they offer Fred a nice Hawaii necklace)

  • The Queen of England: I'm so looking forward to snorkeling with you in Hawaii.
  • Nigel: As I am.
  • The Queen of England: Nigel!
  • Nigel: Right. I'm not supposed to speak. Or snorkel.
  • Dilbert Palermo: Fantastic! Okay, Rick, this is your last chance to win something. Sheila.

(Then Sheila shows the sixth and final gift as to present)

  • Dilbert Palermo: Guess the gift.
  • Rick Thomas: Gee, I don't know. Is it a bunch of rolled-up socked again?
  • Dilbert Palermo: Oh, no, Rick, it's a car.

(It was reveal Rick's answer was once again incorrect, and it was not rolled-up socks again as disguise as a car, as Sheila is unwrapping it. But it was really a red car)

  • Dilbert Palermo: I would have thought you'd get that one.
  • Sheila: It seemed pretty obvious to me.
  • Rick Thomas: Well all the other ones were socks.
  • The Queen of England: What a twit.
  • Nigel: That's British for dumb-dumb.
  • Dilbert Palermo: Yeah, it's a real shame you didn't get that one, Rick, because that was today's bonus gift gift. Sheila, show us what's inside that trunk.

(It was reveal that inside that Red car's trunk, a $1 million dollars in cash)

  • Dilbert Palermo: You would have won a million bucks, Rick. Million bucks.
  • Rick Thomas: You know what? I'm taking that car, and that money. [He starts running tows to the car]
  • The Queen of England: Get him, Nigel.
  • Nigel: But it's tea time.
  • The Queen of England: Just do it!
  • Nigel: All right.

(Nigel handles the Tea to Queen and go after Rick for stealing the money, but he refuse from his arrest and starts running form him)

  • Dilbert Palermo: Fantastic! All right, everybody, that's our show. Join us next time on...
  • Everyone: Guess the Gift!

(As the segment ends, we faded back to Nick Manor, as the party is still going on, as Maya is still on the rollercoaster, as she passing by)

  • Maya Le Clark: Wheee!!!
  • Jade Pettyjohn: I'm next, Maya!
  • Cosmo: And I'm going after Jade, too!
  • -Since when, Cosmo?
  • Cosmo: Since 2 seconds ago.
  • -
  • -[To Jade] Quick question, Jade. Why dose you're marshmallow chair's melting?
  • Jade Pettyjohn: [She notices that her seat is melting as covering in melted marshmallow around her body] Ah, man. Who put this marshmallow chair so close to the fireplace?
  • Mort:
  • Rabbit: Mort! Why would you do that for?! You know marshmallows always melts when you put them in a fireplace!
  • Mort: But Rabbit, I'm wanna know that'll work with that chair, and it did! [giggles]
  • Rabbit: Oh bother.
  • Jade Pettyjohn: [She gave up form the chair] Uh, now I'm all sticky.
  • Mace Coronel: And delicious.
  • Jade Pettyjohn: Do I have any on my back?
  • Mace Coronel: A little bit.
  • Pinkie Pie: ??????
  • Twilight Sparkle: Pinkie!
  • Pinkie Pie: Oops, sorry Twilight.

(Then Jack, as he's riding a electrical boarder with wearing a blue helmet comes right in, as making anmouncement)

  • Jack Griffo: Guys, I know we've only been here for s few minutes, but I think we can call it. This is officially the best party ever!

(Everyone is cheering)

  • Aidan Gallagher: Well, I kinda think the best party ever would need eggnog, so...
  • Winnie the Pooh: Yeah, and perhaps this party should also need like.... Honey!
  • Rabbit: Odd. How can you think of honey at a time like this?
  • Winnie the Pooh: I practice.

(A voice speaker turns on, as some voice it over to the guests)

  • A Mysterious Stranger: [VO] Glad you're having a good time, because this party is about to get very exciting.
  • Isabela Moner: What?
  • Jack Griffo: Huh?
  • Kira Kosarin: What did he say?
  • Cosmo: I don't know.
  • -
  • -
  • A Mysterious Stranger: [VO] I've set up a series of dangerous traps--I mean, fun challenges throughout the house. So split yourselves into groups, and get started.
  • Breanna Yde: What do we get if win?
  • -Yeah, we've always get something if we win.
  • Tigger: We do? Uh, I'm mean... we do!
  • A Mysterious Stranger: [VO] Uh, mum, a big prize.
  • -
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  • -
  • Isabela Moner: Yeah, or maybe is a pony?

(Back to the control room, as Mysterious Stranger turns off the speaker)

  • A Mysterious Stranger: The prize is you're all gonna be trapped in here and miss Christmas tomorrow. Your entire holidays will be ruined!

The Nut Room/Snowflakes Song[edit | edit source]

The Epilogue[edit | edit source]

Patchy: Dee dee, dee dee dee dee.

SpongeBob: [as a puppet] Ahoy, Patrick! It's Christmas Island!

Patrick: [also a puppet] Presents ahoy!

SpongeBob: Hooray! [Patchy starts making storm sound effects] Uh-oh, a storm!

Patrick: Yay! I mean yikes!

Patchy: [makes more sound effects and begins speaking in his own voice] Oh, we're going down! [He keeps making noises. Zoom out to show the boat is on Patchy's head] Trim the sails! Hoist the yardarms! Turn on the Weather Channel! [he screams]

Man on Set: [off-screen] Patchy?

Patchy: Oh, hi kids. Boy, that Pooh and his friends makes me as jolly as a roger. Well, I hope you enjoyed Pooh’s very first Christmas adventure. And I hope your Christmas is better than sunken treasure. [He takes the boat off his head. Potty flies out, and there is a nest underneath her. In it are a few eggs she laid, wrapped in bows. Patchy picks one up] Aw... Potty left me a little Christmas present. [He laughs. Then he goes over to the mistletoe] Argh, ye old mistletoe. And you know what that means. [he sprays breath freshener in his mouth] Ah, time for somebody to kiss Patchy the Pirate! [he makes kissing noises] Come on, who's it gonna be? Come on! Kiss the captain! [He laughs. Potty flies over and squawks. Patchy screams]

Potty: Give us a kiss! [Patchy goes to avoid him]

Patchy: No! No, not you! [Potty keeps flying around squawking] No, not you Potty! Get out of here! No, Potty! I don't wanna kiss you! No, we talked about this. Potty! No!

Potty: Kissy, kissy!

French Narrator: Well, it looks like Patchy's pretty busy at the moment, so I'll say it for him. Good night, and happy holidays