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Winnie the Pooh Spends the Night at the Museum/Transcript

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

Opening/Meeting Larry[edit | edit source]

Larry get's a job[edit | edit source]

Meeting Cecil, Reginald and Gus[edit | edit source]

First night at the museum[edit | edit source]

Later that night, Larry falls asleep on his chair in his desk, everyone else sleeps around the desk.

Alex: Come on now, baby. My little museum. My little Museum mignon with a little walk around the exhibits. I like that, I like the a little walk on my night watch. My sweet, peaceful Night watch. (begins sucking his thumb)

Larry stirs around then falls off.

Meeting Teddy Roosevelt[edit | edit source]

Advising Jed and Octavuis[edit | edit source]

Learning about the tablet[edit | edit source]

Larry gets fired[edit | edit source]

Locked in the room[edit | edit source]

Misty: You old grumps won't get away with this!

Gus: (chuckles) We've already have, miss.

Cecil: and now you're going to be in there with our son.

Cecil Closes the gates and locks it with Larry's keys

Gus: Sleep Tight, Hot Shots. ( Chuckles)

Final battle[edit | edit source]

Ending[edit | edit source]