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Trakeena’s Revenge

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

“Trakeena’s Revenge” is the eighth and ninth episodes of Pooh’s Adventures Armada: Hunt for the Chaos Emeralds.

Plot[edit | edit source]

Episode Title Card

Part 1: When a girl named Heather witnesses her mother getting kidnapped by an army of ghouls, Trakeena seeks to destroy her. But with the aid of Leo Corbett and the original Lost Galaxy Rangers, the 100 Acre Wood Rebel Alliance and the Avatar League must protect her from the monster Triskull.

Episode Title Card

Part 2: As Trakeena’s plan to mutate to green, destroy the Morphing Grid and all Power Ranger Universes continues, the New United Alliance of Evil plans to get rid of her while our heroes plan to stop her and free the people she captured before it’s too late.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

This 2-Part Episode is Based on the Power Rangers Lightspeed Rescue Episode of the Same Name.

Monster of the Day[edit | edit source]

  • Monster: Triskull and Demon Trakeena
  • Megazord Battle?: Yes (Demon Trakeena Part 2)

Transcript[edit | edit source]