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The Wild Brood/Transcript (Toonwriter)

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

Biker Dude: Hey, little muffin, how 'bout you and me go for a moonlight ride? Girl: No thanks, I'm allergic to the stink of desperation. Random Spanker Gang Member: Let's go spank somewhere else! Daphne: Oh, Freddie, this is such a romantic setting for our second date. Fred: If you say so. All I know is, since my dad owns the place, we get free refills. Sheriff Stone: Hold it right there, leather-wearing creepy. First section seven forty-one dot B of the Chrystal Cove bylaws; there are no monsters or monster-like creatures allowed in public areas. Mayor Jones: Unless tickets are being sold. Daphne: Wow, that was very... poetical. Member of The Wild Brood: Velma, do you believe in love at first sight? Velma: In your case... no. Daphne: Did you break into the armory and steal a rocket launcher? Orc: No. Daphne: (to Fred) See, I told you, let's go. Orc: My gratitude is yours, fair Daph. Fred: Fair Daph?! Listen here, Tusky, only I get to call her Daph, and I never say fair! Orc: Crazy driving there, Frederick. Fred: Thanks. And it's Fred. Unless we're dating, and then it's Freddie. Daphne: Okay. Let's see who was trying to give the Wild Brood a bad name. (The Orc unmasks the Impostor Orc) Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne, Velma and Fred: Another geek? The Orcs: Maxwell? Shaggy: Like, who's Maxwell? Odnarb: He works in the copy room at our gaming company. Maxwell, why? Maxwell: Why? I'll tell you why. You all thought you were so cool. You never let me join in the beta testing of any of your new video games. No, I was just the lowly copy boy. So I sought my revenge. I made a Wild Brood costume of my own. From that point on, all I had to do was steal a rocket launcher, grab someone to hack the computer to divert the train, reroute said train, board the train from a moving motorcycle, defeat the train's security system, blow up the bridge the train was on, which would cause the Swordfish console to be destroyed in a massive train wreck, ruining your careers and hopefully giving rise to my own in the process. Simple! Shaggy: Dude. Seriously? Maxwell: Overkill, huh? Well, it might have worked, if it wasn't for you meddling kids. Am I right? Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne, Velma and Fred: Uh, no. Velma: Don't think so. Shaggy: Not really. (Maxwell feels sorry) Sheriff Stone: (puts the Orc mask on Maxwell's face) And keep that mask on. You geeks freak me out without them. (drives away with Maxwell arrested) Velma: Don't be so hard on yourself. You tried to do a very brave thing. Fred: No, Odnarb was the brave one. He saved us all. Go ahead. Hang with him, Daph. Odnarb: We've got to get back to our render farm. But I was thinking... maybe one last ride? I'll let you hold onto my jacket. It's genuine elf thigh. Daphne: Oh. No thanks, Od. You're awesome with all your deep thoughts and poetical nobility and stuff. But my heart has always been with Freddie. (kisses Fred on the cheek) Fred: Yes! In your face, Odnarb, or whoever you are. She digs me. She digs me! SHE DIGS ME!