The Magna Defender/Transcript
Prologue: An Ancient Warrior Returns[edit | edit source]
(Scene: Space)
- Computer: This sector has been declared forbidden by order of the Utrom Council
- Mysterious Voice: Slag the Utrom Council.
- Mysterious Voice: Give me a quantum scan
- Computer: That would contradict program directive, 9-3...
- Mysterious Voice: Just do it.
- Computer: Acknowledged
- Computer: Scan positive Energy signature of the Lights of Orion detected.
Enter: Treacheron[edit | edit source]
(Scene after the Intro and the Title Card: Bandora Palace)
- Queen Beryl: Treacheron, the Magna Defender has returned.
- Treacheron: I am not surprised at this news. My arch rival. He, too, will be seeking the offspring of the Lights of Orion.
- Queen Beryl: He will stop at nothing to destroy me and Dark Specter. He must not get the Lights. Take three monsters and destroy him.
- Treacheron: My pleasure.
(Scene: Command Center / Medical Chamber)
Who is this Masked Man?[edit | edit source]
- Sora (KH): It's happening Again, first Terra Venture and now Earth.
- Ashi: Sora, you know him?
- Sora (KH): His name was the Magna Defender.
Epilogue: Who is the Magna Defender?[edit | edit source]
(Scene: Command Center)
- Michelangelo (OS): So, ah, who is this Bullman any way?
- Sora (KH): his Name was the Magna Defender, he was a Rival of the Lost Galaxy Rangers.
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): Long before the Invasion of Mirinoi, which Leo Corbett and his Friends became the Lost Galaxy Rangers, Scorpius invaded his Homeworld and killed his Only Son, Zika.
- Rex: Only The Magna Defender survived.
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): From then on, The Magna Defender swore Revenge on Scorpius, by obtaining the Lights of Orion, but it was then Mike Corbett harbored in his Body.
- Aisling: Mike Corbett?
- Good Fairy: Leo Corbett's Older Brother he was the one who Pulled the Red Quasar Saber, he was destined to be the Red Ranger but he fell into the Gorge back in Mirinoi.
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): After four stellar cycles he brought him back to Eltar, He asked the Utrom Council to find on his Own
- Rex: They turned him over to us instead. he wasn't too happy with the decision.
- Michelangelo: Eh, so he's got a lot of angst, The question is: how he'd get here?
- Sentinel: Morphin Grid Energy Repair cycle complete.
- Rex: Now's our chance to ask.
- Magna Defender: What the Pit are you?
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): I guess I've changed since we last met, Magna Defender.
- Magna Defender: Zordon of Eltar!
- Sentinel: Alert! Lights of Orion still functional
- Aisling: I'm Aisling, Niece of Animus Thanks for the help out there.
- Magna Defender: Go chase some Deer.
- Magna Defender: Why are YOU here, Zordon? And why you're harboring Optimus Primal's Body?
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): We were about to ask you the same thing
- Magna Defender: I have no idea, Some kind of anomaly trashed my ship
- Magna Defender: I was searching the galaxy for your mistake.
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): We have bigger problems here, Magna Defender.
- Magna Defender: Good, Then the Lights of Orion are mine again.
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): Wait!
- Magna Defender: Back off, Zordon, You blew it, just as I told the Utroms and Supreme Commander Birdy you would
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): Stubborn as ever
- Michelangelo: Let 'em go. The Villains will change his mind, or make him into Burgers.
- Magna Defender: It can't be...
- Magna Defender (OS): The Chaos Emeralds!, the Infinity Stones!
(he Sees the Command Center the Galactabeasts, the Chaos Emeralds and the Infinity Stone)
- Rex (OS): It's the Command Center, And this is the City of Angel Grove.
- Rex (OS): You've now on Planet Earth.
- Michelangelo: Yeah, a few million stellar cycles of the Solar System, and Dark Specter and his Wacko Son, are trying to slag the Legacy of Power.
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): It's not a joke. We're in a war to save our own future and we could use your help.
- Magna Defender: You want my help? I still have your first mess to clean up! Now, where's the way out?
- Tai Kamiya: What's with him?
- Iago: Probably rust.
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): Magna Defender, let it go! You're not responsible for what Scorpius did to your Son, and neither am I
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): Stop looking for revenge and do something to help.
- Magna Defender: It's not revenge I'm looking for. It's justice, I lost the lights of Orion once, I will not let history repeat itself and more so when it comes to you and your toy soldiers.
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): (Sigh), Alpha, Open the doors.
(Magna Defender gets out of the Command Center while he's Pointed by Clonetroopers)
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): Treacheron is not alone is now a Member of the New United Alliance of Evil now Under Bowser's Control an Entire Army, among them three Members of Dark Specter's Inner Circle.
- Magna Defender: I gotta hand it to you, Zordon, When you screw up, you do it big time.
- Magna Defender: But thanks for the tip.
- Aisling: So, you think he'll come back?
- Zordon (Optimus Primal Transmetal II Body): There was a time he would never have left. Scorpius changed that.
- Bowser: It was really so very nice of you to come...
- Bowser: So glad you could stay, Oh, we'll have such fun, oh yeah!
(Bowser Destroys the Magna Defender's Stasis Pod)
(Scene: Rini's Bedroom)
Executive Producers
[edit | edit source]
- Dave Mallow (Narrator): Next Time on Disney and Saban's "Pooh's Adventures Armada: Hunt for the Chaos Emeralds". The Hunt for the Lights of Orion Continues, as the Resurrected Magna Defender, continues his Quest for Vengeance.
- Magna Defender: Dark Specter i will Have my Revenge.
- Mewtwo (OS): Listen! I don't know who you are or what your problem is, but you've gotta get a grip on your anger.
- Magna Defender (OS): *You* have no idea what you're talking about. A long time ago...Before Scorpius took my only son from me, Dark Specter and Queen Beryl took my Beloved in front of me. I will not stop until I destroy them.
- Dave Mallow (Narrator): Meanwhile Bowser takes Advantage as he Sends the Dangerous Fishface in search for the Lights of Orion, then The Magna Defender does something Unimaginable.
- Mewtwo: What is wrong with you? Didn't you see those people over there?
- Magna Defender: They are not my concern.
- Ahsoka Tano: But they're *ours*. I Can't Believe it, Sora and Luna were Right You're out of control.
- Ashi: Don't you care about innocent people in this Planet?
- Magna Defender: They're insignificant!.
- Dave Mallow (Narrator): Can our Heroes find a Way to stop the Magna Defender and Retrieve the Lights of Orion?
- Magna Defender: I have a mission to complete.
- Dave Mallow (Narrator): Find out Next Time on Disney and Saban's "Pooh's Adventures Armada: Hunt for the Chaos Emeralds!".