The Irelanders' Super Adventures of Thomas & Friends: Marvelous Machinery/Transcript
This is the transcript of The Irelanders' Super Adventures of Thomas & Friends: Marvelous Machinery.
[The film begins one sunny day on Sodor as Thomas puffs along his branch line]
Thomas: (narrating) It was a beautiful sunny day on the Island of Sodor. I was happily puffing along my branch line with Annie and Clarabel when suddenly...
[A grey car with wings and a jet attached to the back swoops past Thomas overhead]
Thomas: Whoa! What was that?
[The car flies on passing Rebecca. She looks up and sees it]
Rebecca: [gasps] Wow!
[Percy is delivering the mail at Maithwaite when the car flies past him]
Percy: [gasps and backs up] It's a UFO!
[The car flies on before the scene changes to Ulfstead Castle]
Thomas: (narrating) We all followed the strange object as it flew toward Ulfstead Castle.
[The engines and the Irelanders puff through the gate]
Thomas: What do you think it is?
Percy: An alien from outer space.
Connor Lacey: Don't be ridiculous, Percy. Aliens, apart from Stitch and his friends of course, don't exist.
Rebecca: I don't care what it is. [gasps] I just love it!
Twilight Sparkle: Well, whatever it is, it's amazing.
[The car lands on a patch of grass near the tracks]
Everyone: Wow!
[The roof opens like a cockpit]
Percy: Oh, no. [closes his eyes and backs away] I can't look.
[Sir Robert Norramby, the Earl of Sodor, steps out of the smoke cloud and lifts his goggles]
Thomas: It's the Earl!
Sir Robert: Oh, hello, you lot. What are you doing here?
Lightning McQueen: We saw that car you were flying and we wondered what it was so, yeah, here we are.
Dusty Crophopper: And I don't think you flew that thing alone.
[Another person, a female inventor named Ruth, steps out of the smoke cloud]
Thomas: Ooh, who's that?
Sir Robert: Let me introduce you to a good friend of mine, who's come all the way from America.
Ruth: [takes her helmet off] Hi, guys. I'm Ruth.
Thomas: Hi, Ruth. My name's Thomas.
Connor Lacey: I'm Connor Lacey.
Wilson: I'm Wilson. This is Brewster and Koko.
Irelanders: We're the Irelanders.
Thomas: And this is Percy and Rebecca.
Rebecca: Hello.
Percy: (whimpers)
Beshte: Percy thought that car you were flying was a UFO and that you two were aliens.
Thomas: Yeah. We're part of the Steam Team. We wondered what your strange flying thing was.
Ruth: Oh, that? It's one of my inventions.
Percy: (gasps) You invented a spaceship?
Ruth: [laughs] I wish I could invent a spaceship, Percy. No, this is a road plane.
Aviva Corcovado: Wow, that's pretty good.
Iago: But Holley is the one who can do that trick.
Holley Shiftwell: Not just me. Franz can do it too.
Sir Robert: And you'd better get used to seeing strange and wonderful things around here. Because we're organizing a very special fair. A technology fair.
Ruth: It's going to be called World of Tomorrow and it's going to happen right here. On Sodor.
Irelanders: Wow!
Percy: Wow. Um, what's tenkiockikles?
Ruth: (chuckles) You mean technology, Percy. It's using science to invent newer and better things.
June: Yeah. We've seen stuff like this before on our adventures and they're really amazing.
Captain Jake: Like Rodney Copperbottom. He's a robot inventor.
Chris Kratt: He can also repair things in record time.
Martin Kratt: He even has his own little invented pal, Wonderbot.
Iago: Looks like we're having another event here at Ulfstead Castle once again.
Sunset Shimmer: Yep. The Earl really knows how to put up events here a lot over the years.
Sir Robert: We've got inventors coming from all over the world to show their inventions.
Leonardo: We've got some inventors on our team, maybe they could participate.
Aviva Corcovado: Great idea, Leo. It could a chance for me to show off just how good an inventor I am.
Ruth: And there'll be a stage, with lights and a spectacular giant wheel.
Rebecca: Wow!
Will Vandom: That is so cool.
Sir Robert: Come on then, Ruth. Let's get you settled into the castle then we can check over the preparations. The world of tomorrow is on the way!
[Thomas looks a little concerned by this. The scene changes to Tidmouth Sheds at night]
Thomas: (narrating): That night, the Steam Team and the Irelanders were so excited, they just couldn't stop thinking about new inventions.
Koko: This technology fair is going to be absolutely traintastic!
Kion: I know right?
Korra: Can't wait to see what it has to offer.
Nia: [gasps] What kind of inventions do you think there might be?
James: There might be railway engines of the future. Oh, I wonder what they'll be like?
Gordon, Rebecca, James and Nia: Oooh.
[They all blow up steam starting a fantasy sequence. In the sequence, Flying Scotsman is puffing along when Gordon, with rockets attached to his sides, comes up next to him]
Gordon: I could be the fastest engine in the world! Rocket power express coming through!
[Gordon speeds past Flying Scotsman. The scene changes to Nia puffing down the ramp at Arlesburgh Harbour into the water with some coaches]
Nia: All aboard for the underwater adventure train!
[She floats underwater and her funnel moves up like a pare-scope and she moves through the water with her passengers looking out of the coaches in awe. The scene changes to Rebecca puffing along covered in balloons, passing crowds of people]
Crowd: (cheering)
Rebecca: All aboard the Party Train, your one way journey to fun, fun, fun. (giggles) Yeah.
[The camera pans up to the sky where James, with wings and a tail fin like a plane, is flying around]
James: I can fly! I can fly! I can fly! I can fly!
[The sequence ends and James sees everyone staring at him in confusion]
James: What? Well, I can dream can't I?
Razer: Yep. You're living the dream, Jamey boy.
Melody: Well, whatever inventions there'll be, I know they'll be exciting.
Discord: Yeah. What the Earl is planning, I simply can't missed it.
Aisling: We'll just have to wait and see, Discord.
Percy: Do you think one day the mail will be able to deliver itself?
Brewster: Pfft. Don't be silly, Percy. There's no way that could happen.
Thomas: But wait a minute, Brewster. If the mail could deliver itself, then maybe one day passengers won't need us to deliver them either.
[He blows up steam, starting another fantasy sequence. Thomas puffs into Maithwaite]
Thomas: Hop aboard!
[Annie and Clarabel's doors open but the passengers uses jetpacks to fly off through the air]
Thomas: Huh? Oh, no! There's nothing for me to do.
The Fat Controller: (flying into view) Ha-hey! (chuckles) Whoa! I Hey-hey! have to say, Thomas, these jetpacks are really useful! (chuckles)
[He flew off, blowing steam which ended the sequence]
Thomas: With all these new inventions, we engines won't be useful anymore.
Emily: Don't be silly, Thomas.
Boots: That'll never happen and you know it. You're too useful for stuff like that to take your place.
Violet Parr: Yeah. There's nothing to worry about.
James: Violet's right. Nothing will replace us engines.
[The engines, all but Thomas, settle down to sleep]
Thomas: (narrating) But I wasn't so sure. The thought of all these inventions made me worried.
[Thomas rolls back into his berth and the doors shut. The scene changes to the next morning]
The Fat Controller: Okay, everyone, we've got lots of jobs to do. If everyone's going to be ready for the opening of the technology fair.
Elsa: You heard your owner.
Jackie Chan: So, what's on the to-do list, sir?
The Fat Controller: So, uh, let's see. Oh, ah. Percy, now, you will be taking tents for the stands to the castle.
Percy: Yes, sir.
The Fat Controller: Uh, James, uh, you will be collecting tables and chairs.
James: Okay, sir.
The Fat Controller: And Nia, uh, you will be collecting the metal beams for the, um, oh-ho-ho-ho, I say, a giant wheel.
Nia: No problem!
The Fat Controller: Right. Next. Emily. I need you to pick up some wood for the stage at Knapford yard and take it to the castle.
Emily: Certainly, sir.
[Thomas looks worried at not yet being chosen but smiles as the Fat Controller walks past him again]
The Fat Controller: Next. Gordon and Rebecca, it's business as usual for you, I'm afraid. I need you to take the Express. Oh, oh, but then I need you to go to the docks to collect [chuckles] a surprise guest. Oh-ho, this is exciting.
Rebecca: Oooh, I can't wait!
Casey Jones: Oh, yeah! A surprise guest totally means we get a new bud comin' in, yo!
Dora: I wonder what they'll look like.
Miles: Who knows?
The Fat Controller: And finally, Thomas and the Irelanders, your job is to collect some empty trucks from Knapford Yard and take them to the Blue Mountain Quarry.
Connor Lacey: You got it, FC.
Thomas: On our way, sir! [whistles]
The Fat Controller: Oh, ah-ah, one moment! Heheh. Not so fast, you lot. After that, I need you to pick up all the workmen from Farquhar station and take them to the castle in Annie and Clarabel.
Thomas: Oh, yes, sir.
Good Fairy: You can count on us.
The Fat Controller: Oh, very good, heh.
[The Fat Controller heads off as the engines start to leave. Thomas still looks concerned]
Thomas: Wait, team! Before you go, remember, we really have to do the best job ever so that we don't get replaced by any new inventions.
Gordon: Nonsense. Nothing could replace me.
James: And nothing would look as red and shiny as me.
Mewtwo: Yes, Thomas. Stop worrying. Just because it's called a technology fair doesn't mean you're being replaced.
Raven Queen: Yeah. Like our friend Woody the toy cowboy says, it doesn't matter how useful you are. What matters is that you're here for Sodor when it needs you most. That's what you're here for right?
Buzzie: Yeah. There's nothing to worry about.
[Thomas looks at Percy who smiles at him. Later]
Thomas: (narrating) While the Irelanders and I collected the trucks and raced to the Blue Mountain Quarry, the rest of the team were busy tackling their tasks to help prepare for the technology fair.
[The scene changes to the docks]
Salty: Arr, Nia. Be careful with these rods. They be long and heavy. Ha-ha-harrr.
Nia: Okay, Salty. [chuckles]
[She puffs off]
Salty: [chuckles] Here you go, Percy. Here's all the tents.
Percy: Okay.
[Percy sets off. The scene changes to Thomas and the Irelanders leaving the Blue Mountain Quarry]
Thomas: (narrating) As soon as the Irelanders and I had delivered the trucks to the Blue Mountain Quarry, we raced back to collect Annie and Clarabel. I want to show The Fat Controller how useful we engines are and prove that we could never be replaced. But then the Irelanders and I came across Nia.
[Thomas and the Irelanders see Nia has come off the tracks]
Irelanders: (gasps)
Thomas: Oh, no. What happened? This could cause a big delay.
Nia: Sorry, Thomas. But what am I going to do?
Kion: Just wait here, Nia. We'll get help.
Thomas: Yeah. We'll get Harvey for you.
Nia: Thank you, guys.
Melody: Don't mention it.
Leo: Oh dear. There's going to be trouble not far behind. I just know it.
Helen Parr/Elastigirl: This is gonna be harder than we thought.
Thomas: Don't worry, guys. If we're quick, we get Harvey for Nia and still get the workmen to the castle on time.
Twilight Sparkle: As long as it doesn't take too long....
[They hurry off. At Ffarquhar station, passengers look up at the road plane as it tows a banner for the technology fair through the sky. Percy sees it]
Percy: Oh, hello! [gasps seeing he's about to crash into Edward] Oh, no!
[Percy slams on his brakes but smacks into the back of Edward's train, causing himself and some of Edward's trucks to come off the tracks]
Edward: Oof! Ouch!
Percy: Sorry, Edward. [whimpers]
[The camera pans out to view the mess as Thomas and the Irelanders arrive]
Thomas: Oh, no. Not more delays. [sighs] Don't worry, Percy. I can get Rocky to help you. I just hope we can fix all this before the Fat Controller finds out.
Aisling: [sighs] The more delays there are, the more Thomas will worry about getting replaced.
Wilson: Oh, bumpers.
[They head on. At Ulfstead Castle, The Fat Controller and Ruth are waiting for the engines to arrive]
The Fat Controller: Oh, dear, oh, dear. I wonder where all my engines have got to.
Ruth: I know. I was hoping they would be here by now.
[Then they hear whistling and James puffs into view]
The Fat Controller: Ah, here comes James.
James: I have got all the tables and chairs for you, sir.
The Fat Controller: Well done, James. But where are all the other engines?
James: Uh... I don't know? But I've got my deliveries.
Ruth: I hope they get here soon. Or we'll never have the fair ready on time. We've got people coming from all over the world.
[The scene changes to the Vicarstown Bridge where a well tank engine named Sonny is waiting for it to land]
Sonny: (chuckles darkly)
[He looks around to make sure no one is watching then puffs across the bridge into Vicarstown station. He puff up alongside Rosie]
Rosie: Oh, hello.
Sonny: (growls)
Rosie: Humph.
[She puffs off angrily. Two crooks named Baz and Bernie peek out from Sonny's cab and struggles to get past each other]
Baz and Bernie: (snickers then grunts)
Baz: Thank you. Right, Bernie, we need to find that castle.
Stationmaster: Oh, are you looking for Ulfstead Castle?
Bernie: Yeah. We're not gotta do any stealing there or nothing.
[Baz chuckles and steps on his foot]
Baz: What my friend here is trying to say is which way is the, uh, castle?
[The scene changes to the Sodor Search and Rescue Center where Harold is sitting on his helipad when Thomas and the Irelanders arrive]
Thomas: Rocky? Rocky? Rocky? Rocky?
Harold: Oh, hello, Thomas, Irelanders.
Sunset Shimmer: Harold, have you seen Rocky? It's urgent.
Harold: No. No I haven't, I'm afraid, Sunset.
Thomas: Oh, no. All the engines are getting later and later. This is what happens when we don't work together.
Hay Lin: Calm down, Thomas. You're starting to act like Twilight when she used to do Twilight-ling.
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, Thomas. I too have been known to overreact at times but you, heh, you're taking it to a whole new level. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're Thomas-ing.
Thomas: Thomas-ing? Well, excuse me. This isn't the first time I've encountered new machinery.
Connor Lacey: I'm sure we'II find Rocky and get the engines back on track soon enough.
Kim Possible: Yeah. We might as well keep looking for him. Come on.
[Thomas and the Irelanders head on]
Harold: Well, [seeing they've gone] oh. I was gonna say that he was at the docks.
[The scene changes to Knapford where Annie and Clarabel are waiting as Thomas and the Irelanders arrive]
Thomas: (whistling)
Annie: Oh, there you are, guys.
Clarabel: We should've picked up the workmen hours ago.
Thorn: Sorry, girls but we need to find Rocky. Have you two seen him?
Clarabel: No, Thorn. He's not here.
The Mask: Well, we'll be back to do Thomas' job before you know it. We just need to find Rocky and Harvey too.
Thomas: Mask is right. We'II be back soon.
Annie: But, Thomas...
Harvey: [arriving] Uh, did somebody mention my name?
[The scene changes to Thomas and the Irelanders puffing along]
Thomas: Okay, first Rocky then Harvey and then back to get Annie and Clarabel. Oh, I hope we're not too late. We'd better get a move on. Hold on, guys!
Irelanders: Whoa!
[Thomas speeds up. The scene changes to Brendam Docks where Salty is shunting flatbeds]
Salty: [chuckles] More trucks for the castle. [chuckles] Oh, I hope those engines get a move on.
Cranky: Ah, here come Thomas and the Irelanders now. And they're going quite fast. Thomas! Guys! Slow down!
Thomas and Irelanders: [gasps and screaming]
[They crash into the trucks spilling cargo everywhere]
Cranky: Ooh. A little too fast.
Blaze: Hubcaps. What a mess we've made.
Fuli: Tell me about it. Even I know when to slow down when something's in my way.
Iago: Now we're gonna have to clear it up.
Thomas: [sees Rocky] Ah, there you are, Rocky.
[Rocky smiles. The scene changes to Nia, Winston, James, Percy, Thomas and the Irelanders at the docks later on]
The Fat Controller: It's just a good thing Harvey found Nia and Percy!
Thomas: I'm sorry, sir. I just wanted us all to do the best job ever.
Wilson: But of course his worrying of getting replaced is the reason why.
The Fat Controller: Well, I can see he tried, Wilson.
Connor Lacey: We'II try to get things back on track, sir.
The Fat Controller: Thank you, Connor. But now, we've got a bit of a mess on our hands.
[He hears Emily's whistle as she arrives]
The Fat Controller: Okay, everyone. Listen up. There's been quite a bit of confusion and delay, but what's happened has happened. We're all going to have to work extra hard now if the technology fair is going to be ready on time. You know what you have to do.
Thomas: The Irelanders and I'll go and get Annie and Clarabel.
[The engines hurry to their respective jobs and get to work. Percy backs up to an extra load of tents while Cranky lowers crates onto a flatbed. Emily and James pull trucks filled with supplies, passing Thomas and the Irelanders with Annie and Clarabel. Thomas and the Irelanders arrive at Farquhar Station to pick up the workmen as they get on and they set off. The Fat Controller look at his clipboard at the docks when Gordon and Rebecca puff into view]
Gordon: We're here to collect the surprise guest.
Rebecca: Ooh, I can't wait to find out who it is. I hear it's someone that Koko knows. A relative of hers.
The Fat Controller: Well, you're just in time. The ship is about to be unloaded.
[The two engines puff over to a rail ferry and stop as the ramp lowers. They gasp in awe as they see what they came for]
Gordon: Oh, I say.
Rebecca: Wowzers.
[Meanwhile, Thomas and the Irelanders arrive at Ulfstead Castle]
Thomas: We've got the workmen.
[Percy arrives]
Percy: And I've got more tents for you.
Thomas: Great! Come on, Percy! We've got lots more to do.
[Percy is uncouples from his flatbeds and follows Thomas and the Irelanders. Later, the workmen start work on the fair ground]
Ruth: That's it everybody. If we keep this up, we'll be ready for the grand opening.
[Sonny arrives, unbeknownst to anyone. Baz and Bernie peek out of his cab again]
Baz: You took your time, you useless engine.
[They get out of Sonny and walk over to the site only to be stopped by Sir Robert]
Sir Robert: Excuse me.
Baz and Bernie: Ah!
Sir Robert: Uh, what are you chaps here for?
[Baz takes his hat off and replaces it with a chef's hat. Bernie does the same]
Baz: Baz and Bernie, sir. Cooks for all occasions.
Bernie: Uh, and we definitely don't steal nothing. (as Baz elbows him) Ow! [chuckles]
Sir Robert: What did you just say?
Baz: Uh, he says we don't eat anything, your lordship. I mean, eat, of course we eat but we don't eat your kitchen supplies, (stammers) yes. (chuckles)
Sir Robert: Hmm.
[Baz and Bernie smile as they wrapped arms around one another]
Ruth: Sir Robert! I need to know where we can hook up the power supply.
Sir Robert: Coming!
Baz and Bernie: Phew.
Baz: Right, Bernie. Let's case the joint.
Bernie: Do what?
Baz: Ugh! Let's work out what we're going to steal!
[He shoves Bernie forward. Meanwhile, the Irelanders and the engines are continuing their work to deliver the preparations to the castle]
Thomas: (narrating) At last, the Steam Team and the Irelanders were working together and being really useful.
[The scene changes to the castle at late afternoon]
Thomas: (narrating) But I was still worried that we might be replaced with a new invention.
[Work continues on the fair ground under Ruth's supervision. Thomas and the Irelanders arrive with flatbeds]
Thomas: Hey, Ruth! I've got some more beams for the giant wheel!
Ruth: Great. Come on, let's get to it. Thanks, guys. I can see why they gave Thomas the number one. He's really useful.
Connor Lacey: Yes, he can shunt trucks and pull passengers.
Twilight Sparkle: And he's also leader of the Steam Team.
Ruth: I love steam engines, Twilight. When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a railway engineer. I've always thought the railway was one of the best inventions ever.
Thomas: [gasps] You mean I'm an invention?
Ruth: Yes, Thomas. You're one of the best.
Wilson: Are diesels and chuggers inventions too, Ruth?
Ruth: Yes, Wilson. Cranes, planes, automobiles, you name it.
Dusty Crophopper: Wow. I never knew planes were inventions until now.
Lightning McQueen: Yeah. Not as good as race cars though.
Aviva Corcovado: I'm a inventor myself, Ruth. I have made quite some interesting inventions over time during out creature adventures around the world.
Ruth: That's nice, Aviva.
[Thomas hears electricity crackling and sees some electric poles on the track next to him]
Thomas: What are those electricity things for, Ruth?
Ruth: [giggles] You just wait and see. [sees Gordon and Rebecca arrive with the guest on a flatbed] Cool. The surprise guest has arrived.
Koko: [in deep thought] That shape looks kind of familiar.
Bunga: I wonder who is it under that.
Rarity: Guess we'll just have to wait and see, darling.
[Thomas looks even more worried. That night, Sonny, Baz and Bernie are sat next to a campfire with The Foot Empire]
Linda Ryan/The Shredderette: Well, we managed to sneak onto Sodor again without been seen so far.
Hawk Moth: Yes, so far, so good.
Janja: Yeah. We're going to have so much fun, stealing any new inventions at the tech fair when it gets underway.
Reirei: Yeah, those unsuspecting inventors won't know what hit em.
Mzingo: Indeed. Too bad Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow are unable to help us with Baz and Bernie's plan since they're busy figuring out how to use The Bewitching Bell for their own plans for Equestria.
Kiburi: Still, it's a bad idea to use a magical object against it's own user. When Grogar finds out, he's gonna be so mad at them.
Azula: Not before they get his magic first. We'II tell them about our plan here when we get back.
Zach Varmitech: Well, since this is a technology fair, I can enter my inventions and show them to everyone so that they'II see that I'm a better inventor than Aviva.
Linda Ryan/The Shredderette: (pondering) It could be perfect to distract the crowd, my stepson and his team while we help Baz and Bernie steal an invention that is most likely to make them rich. Good idea, Zach.
Donita Donata: I agree. We need to make sure no one suspects a thing.
Gourmand: We have to be so sneaky to ensure that we won't be caught by Connor, his team and everyone else.
Paisley Paver: Yeah and hopefully no one wastes our time again. Not appreciated.
Atrocitus: I agree. No matter, we'II still get what Baz and Bernie came for nonetheless.
Cheezi: Yeah. Uh, why does Baz and Bernie have that tank engine?
Chungu: Yeah, should they have a diesel or something?
Azula: It's because, nitwits, they rescued him when he was withdrawn from working at those coal mines on the mainland ages ago.
Goigoi: Oh, that explains it.
Bernie: So, uh, tell me the plan again.
Baz: (groans in frustration) Simple. New inventions can make people lots of money. So, the Foot Empire help us find the invention that is most likely to make us rich, then we steal it. [chuckles evilly] What do you think about that?
Linda Ryan/The Shredderette: The first one is said to be arriving at the docks tomorrow. Shupavu, tomorrow you and your skinks go there to see what it is and report back to us once it arrives at the castle.
Shupavu: Understood, your ladyship.
Bernie: Brilliant, yeah. Steal the invention. [chuckles as Baz blows out his marshmellow flames making the screen go black] Uh, Baz?
Baz: Yes, Bernie.
Bernie: What's an invention?
Villains: (sighing in frustration)
[The scene changes to the next morning. Emily and Edward are seen puffing past Thomas and the Irelanders with their trains]
Thomas: (narrating) At last, it was the day of the technology fair. And the Irelanders and I had one more thing to pick up from the docks.
[The scene changes to the docks as seagulls fly by. Thomas and the Irelanders arrive]
Thomas: Hi, Salty. We've come to pick up our delivery.
Salty: Arr, yes. That be it over there, fellas. The truck with the strange shaped thingamabob on the back.
[Thomas and the Irelanders look over to the track next to them and see a modified jet engine on a flatbed]
Thomas: Wow. That is strange.
June: It's got two extra boosters. That must make it go extra fast!
Elsa: That is amazing.
Professor Freidrich: I really hope my Blast Booster 7 didn't get damaged while it was being unloaded.
Cranky: I'll have you know that I take the upmost care!
Zazu: You always say that.
Starlight Glimmer: But I have gotta say this is impressive.
Professor Freidrich: Let me just run a few checks.
[He fiddles with buttons and switches when they suddenly start to go haywire]
Professor Freidrich: [stammers] Wrong button!
[The Blast Booster 7 starts to power up as he tries to turn it off to no avail]
Thomas: What's happening?
Professor Freidrich: [stammers] No need to panic, everyone! Uh, just a bit hot...
Aviva Corcovado: [realizing what's going on and gasping] Professor, get outta here!
[But it's too late. The Blast Booster 7 speeds off with the Professor clinging to it]
Professor Freidrich: [screaming]
Connor Lacey: The Blast Booster 7 is on the move and Professor Freidrich is still on board!
Thomas: Oh, no! Hold on, professor! We'll save you!
[Thomas and the Irelanders give chase as the Blast Booster 7 races along with Professor Freidrich clinging on for dear life]
Professor Freidrich: Help!
[The Blast Booster 7 speeds through Wellsworth station as passengers on the platform watch it whizz by. A signal changes to red as Toby is switched onto another track to allow it to pass]
Toby: Ooooh!
[Thomas and the Irelanders chase the machine into a tunnel. They come out and see a signal box ahead]
Thomas: Points!
[The points are switched, sending Thomas and the Irelanders into a siding. They manage to get ahead of the Blast Booster 7 and switch back onto the same track]
Professor Freidrich: Help! Somebody help!
[Hoist the Rescue Bot Recruit jumps onto the Blast Booster 7 and fiddles with the controls]
Hoist: If I can turn this off, we might be able to slow it down. Buffer up, Thomas!
[Thomas buffers up to the machine]
Thomas: (straining as he slams on his brakes)
Professor Freidrich: That's it, guys. Now, Hoist, give the control a good thump!
Hoist: You got it! [thumps the control panel with his fist] There!
[The machine turns off and Thomas stops just in time to avoid hitting a cow which moos at him before moving on]
Chris Kratt: Man, talk about too close for comfort.
Martin Kratt: Tell me about it, bro. Any faster and we'd have run that cow over.
Professor Freidrich: Oh. Phew. Thank you, Mr. Number One Engine and friends. [pants in relief] I thought I was going to end up back in Germany.
Thomas: So did we.
The Mask: Well, crisis averted and all is well.
Leo: Let's take this machine to the castle before it starts up again.
[Later, Thomas and the Irelanders arrive at the castle with the Blast Booster 7]
Ruth: Hi, Thomas, Irelanders. Really useful, as always.
Professor Freidrich: Oh, they were more than useful. [chuckles] This one brave group of characters. They saved the day.
Ruth: You see, Thomas? Like I said, one of the best inventions ever.
Brewster: See? We told you there was nothing to worry about.
Miles: You've been worrying over nothing. You're still useful despite new inventions coming in.
Thomas: Yeah, you're right, Miles. Ah, maybe we won't be replaced after all.
Ruth: Come on, guys. Let's get this finished. We're opening tonight!
[The scene changes to the fair ground that night where all the guests are enjoying themselves. Thomas, Percy, James, Emily and the Irelanders watch and wait excitedly when Thomas looks up and sees something]
Thomas: [gasps] Look!
[A light comes on at the stage as the people gather round. Ruth and Sir Robert walk out onto the stage]
Ruth: Hi, everybody. And welcome to the World of Tomorrow.
Crowd: [cheering]
Sir Robert: I now declare the fair open!
[He spins a giant globe. It lights up followed by various other locations in the fairground. The crowd watches in awe as fireworks explode into the sky. The crowd goes wild]
Crowd: [cheering]
Thomas: [gasps] Look at the colours!
Mushu: Yep, quite the light show.
Cri-Kee: (chitters)
Good Fairy: Hush, I think the special guest is about to be revealed.
Sir Robert: And now, to introduce our surprise guest. One of the greatest inventions of all time and a close relative of Koko's. He's big.
Ruth: He's strong.
Sir Robert: And he's the fastest engine in the world, very much like Koko.
Sir Robert and Ruth: Let's hear it for, Kenji!
[The curtains open revealing Kenji, a silver and blue electric bullet train]
Crowd: (cheering)
Everyone: (gasps)
Percy: Wow! He's amazing!
Irelanders: Whoa!
[Baz, Bernie and the Foot Empire watch from nearby and smirk evilly at Kenji]
Baz, Bernie and Foot Empire: (chuckling evilly)
Ruth: Kenji is an electric engine all the way from Japan. Plus, he and Koko share the same shape. That makes him her cousin.
Thomas: Oh, so that's what all the electric things were for.
Mewtwo: Indeed.
Koko: Well, I'm gonna go and say hi. Kenji and I haven't seen each other in a long time.
Wilson: Really, Koko? We didn't know he's your cousin.
Koko: Well, that's because you never asked, Wilson.
Brewster: Honking horns. I hope he likes us and come to Chuggington sometime.
Korra: I'm sure he will, Brewster.
Emily: Wow, I've never seen anything like him.
James: And he's so shiny.
Iago: You can say that again.
Connor Lacey: I never thought I would see another Japanese bullet train again besides Koko.
Aya: None of us did, Connor Lacey. This was completely unexpected.
Thomas: Oh, with an electric engine like that on Sodor, we might be replaced after all.
[Kenji smiles as the fireworks continue to go off. The scene changes to Thomas, Emily, Gordon and the Irelanders at the castle platforms as Kenji comes over]
Thomas: He looks so sleek and fast. Just like his cousin Koko.
[Koko and Kenji roll past them side by side]
Gordon: And that engine purrs like a kitten.
Capper: Yep, can't argue with that.
Kion: I'm sure Koko's telling him about her adventures in Chuggington.
Thomas: The Fat Controller said he was the fastest engine in the world alongside his cousin.
[Koko and Kenji puff across the drawbridge together before making their way back to Thomas, Emily, Gordon and the Irelanders]
Emily: Which would also make them the fastest engines on Sodor.
[Emily puffs away. Gordon is looking concerned]
Gordon: I think I'll just, um... [whistles and puffs away] go over there.
[Gordon sadly rolls backwards as Kenji and Koko arrive at the platform]
Kenji: Isn't that Thomas and the Irelanders you were telling me about, Koko chan?
Koko: Yes, Kenji san. They are.
Thomas: Uh, I, uh, yes, heh.
Kenji: The famous engine and characters that went around the world?
Connor Lacey: Um, yes.
Kenji: Kon'nichiwa, Thomas and Irelanders!
Thomas: Um, ha-ha, yes. What does that mean?
Kenji: It means hello, Thomas. Koko has told me so much about you. I'd love to go around the world myself. But I've only ever lived in Japan.
Twilight Sparkle: We've been to Japan a few times on our adventures before.
Francesco Bernoulli: Like-a during the-a World Grand-a Prix with Shu Todoroki.
Wilson: Our friend Hanzo is from Japan too.
Brewster: He teaches Koko how to be a member of Chuggington Speed Fleet.
Annie: Yeah. He is so wise.
Thomas: Wow. I've never been to Japan. But I've heard all about it from my friend Hiro.
Kenji: You have Japanese friends called Hiro and Hanzo?
[As they're talking, Sir Robert is talking to Ruth and the Fat Controller nearby]
Sir Robert: So, every day, there will be new inventions with lots of special demonstrations on the stage.
The Fat Controller: I say. This is very exciting. Oh, will you be demonstrating anything, Ruth?
Ruth: Well, I have thought of something. It's all bit hush-hush for now.
Sir Robert All these new inventions are going to make lots of people very happy.
[The scene changes back to Tidmouth Sheds that night]
Thomas: (narrating): That night at Tidmouth Sheds, the engines weren't happy. They were worried.
Gordon: Electric engine my funnel! I suppose he thinks he'll pulling the Express now.
Koko: Don't be silly, Gordon! Kenji might be new but that doesn't mean he'll be taking over any of your jobs.
Quincy: Yeah. You're all worrying over nothing.
Percy: And with all this, techno-ology around, I might end up sitting in a siding while the mail delivers itself.
Gordon: O' the indignity.
Thomas: We don't need to worry. Ruth told us that steam engines were one of the best inventions ever.
Aviva Corcovado: Yeah. You all worry too much, like Henry.
Thomas: Aviva's right. We're sure everything will be fine.
Gordon: Ha. Well, you've changed your tune.
Razer: There's no need to be rude. I have a ring here and I will use it.
Pinkie Pie: But he's right, Razer. Two days ago, Thomas worries about being replaced by newer and better inventions but the other engines are sure that nothing will replace them but now after seeing Kenji, the tables have turned with Thomas now thinks inventions are cool and them now worried about being replaced, thus our tune changed. (giggles)
Kion: Even so, Pinkie, it's still rude what Gordon said.
Connor Lacey: But at least Thomas is trying to reassure them that nothing will replace them.
Violet Parr: Yeah. (to the other engines) We just don't think that Kenji nor any other invention for that matter will be taking your places any time soon.
Thomas: (narrating): I tried to make the other engines feel better but they were all sure they were going to be replaced.
Connor Lacey: Oh, well, guess we'd better save this for the morning.
Lightning McQueen: Yeah, Connor's right. Big day tomorrow.
Dusty Crophopper: We better get some shut-eye. Don't wanna be too tired for the invention demonstrations tomorrow.
Blythe Baxter: Yep. Come on, pets. Bedtime.
Littlest Pets: Okay, Blythe.
Twilight Sparkle: Goodnight, Spike. (giggles) Sweet dreams, number one assistant.
[The engines and the Irelanders fall asleep. The scene changes to the next day as Thomas and the Irelanders arrived at the castle]
Sir Robert: Morning, Thomas, Irelanders.
Thomas: Morning, Sir Robert. We've brought the food supplies.
Sir Robert: Thank you, Thomas. We'II get you unloaded soon. Right, let's get the last of these tents up.
[Sonny puffs into the platform. Baz and Bernie peek out from his cab, put their chef hats on and walk onto the platform and look at the inventions, much to Thomas and the Irelanders' puzzlement]
Baz: Oh, look at all these inventions, eh? Ooh. What about that one?
Bernie: Oh, yeah, very shiny.
Thomas: Excuse me. Shouldn't you two be unloading my food trucks?
Bernie: Yes, but it's hard to unload trucks when you're looking for something to ste....(Baz elbow him on the shoulder) Oh!
Baz: (chuckles) What my colleague here is trying to say is yes of course. Let's get unloading.
Connor Lacey: There's something about these two chefs that I don't trust.
Will Vandom: Yeah. They're acting very strange indeed.
Brewster: The stout one almost said a word which began with S, T, E before that thin one cut him off.
Fuli: Looks like we better keep an eye on them to see what they're up to.
Diego: Yeah, just in case.
[The scene changes to Gordon dropping off passengers from his express coaches as they make their way to the stage where the presentation is being hold]
Thomas: (narrating) It was soon time for everyone to see some of the wonderful inventions.
Dr. Hetty: Good morning, everyone. Today, I will be demonstrating my own invention. Behold, the most powerful magnet the world has ever seen. (pulls a cover to reveal a magnet which turn out to be small) The Mighty Magnet.
Crowd: (groan in disappointment)
Woman: Oh, it's a bit tiddly.
Dr. Hetty: Ah. It may be small but just wait til you see it's mighty power.
[She push a button, turning it on and a bucket immediately sticks to the magnet. Suddenly, Gordon find himself being pulled]
Gordon: Oh, my. That magnet is stronger than it looks.
Rainbow Dash: Duh, that's cause you're metal!
[The magnet and the bucket suddenly flung over to Gordon and stick to his smokebox, making him shake]
The Mask: Oh, boy. Looks like we're having another Magnetic Wilson incident.
Wilson: Yeah, only now it's Magnetic Gordon. [laughs]
Gordon: I feel a bit strange. I think I might be....(a spanner stick to his footplate) magnetic!
[Two workman have a ladder, a tool box and a shovel pulled from them, cutley and plates are moved from the table and seats are moved from the ground and they all stick to Gordon, covering him]
Gordon: (yelps)
Dr. Hetty: Oh! Uh, um, watch in awe at the magnetic force.
Crowd: (murmuring)
Aisling: Oh, boy. This doesn't look good.
Spike: Uh, guys, the milk churns are being pulled!
[And indeed, two milk churns are pulled off Thomas' truck and flew over to Gordon's smokebox and milk spilled all over his face]
Gordon: Oooh.
Connor Lacey: (laughing)
Fuli: Looks like you got covered in milk, Gordon.
Ron Stoppable: Yeah. Hopefully the milk didn't go sour on you.
Rufus: (giggles)
Dr. Holyfield: (gasps) Oh, no! I needed that milk for my demonstration.
Marnieete/Ladybug: We're very sorry.
Gordon: I would say O the indignity but it seems a bit of a understatement. (a bin flung to his nose)
Crowd: (laughs)
Gordon: (groans)
Wilson: At least you know how I felt when that happened to me once. (giggles)
Connor Lacey: Yeah. That is so funny. (laughs)
Hay Lin: Yeah. We didn't see that coming.
Thomas: (narrating) Poor Gordon did not look happy but The Irelanders and I couldn't help him. We have lots more work to do.
[Thomas and the Irelanders head off as Dr. Holyfield run up to Sir Robert]
Dr. Holyfield: Sir Robert, do you have anyone who can go to the diary for me. I'm afraid Gordon's taken all my milk.
Gordon: I didn't take it! I got splattered by it!
Sir Robert: Oh, don't worry. I'm sure we have.
[He look at Gordon then to Sonny. He nodded to Holyfield and walk over to Sonny who look around frantically]
Sir Robert: Excuse me? Would you mind going to the diary for me?
Sonny: Um, uh...
Baz: Of course, he wouldn't mind, your good lordship. (chuckles as Sir Robert walks off) But make sure you get back here sharp you useless pile of metal.
[Sonny whistles and puffs off. The scene changes to Thomas and the Irelanders puffing along with Annie and Clarabel]
Thomas: (narrating) The Irelanders and I were on our way to collect my passengers when we came across that new engine. The one who brought those two peculiar cooks.
[Thomas and the Irelanders see Sonny on the track ahead of them wondering which track to take to get to his destination]
Sonny: Okay. Do I go left or do I go right?
Thomas: Um, hello. Are you alright?
Sonny: Uh, yeah. Yeah. I'm fine and dandy, thanks.
Elsa: I don't think you are. I know a lie when I see one.
Thomas: Whether he's shifty or not, Elsa, we have to respect what he's said. [to Sonny] Oh, okay then. [whistles]
Sonny: Actually, no. No, I'm not. I'm completely lost. I was supposed to go to the dairy but I've got no idea where it is.
Jackie Chan: You could've said that seconds ago.
Thomas: Jackie, be nice! [to Sonny] Don't worry. We can show you the way. There's always time to help another engine. Follow us.
[They set off. At the dairy, Sonny's truck is loaded with milk churns]
Sonny: Thanks for helping me, mates. Oh, my name is Sonny by the way.
Thomas: That's OK, Sonny.
Connor Lacey: This is Thomas. I'm Connor Lacey.
Wilson: I'm Wilson. This is Brewster and Koko.
Brewster: Hi.
Koko: Nice to meet you.
Irelanders: We're the Irelanders.
Sonny: Good to meet ya.
Thomas: On the Fat Controller's railway, all of the engines try to be really useful.
Sonny: Really useful? Hmm. I like the sound of that.
Blythe Baxter: Well, we're glad you do.
Thomas: Come on, we can show you the way back. Those two cooks are probably wondering where you are.
Sonny: What? I.. What do you mean crooks?
Thomas: No. I said cooks.
Luna: Wait a minute. Crooks?
Sonny: Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Cooks. I mean, that's what I meant. Not crooks. [whistles] I've gotta go. See ya later.
[Sonny heads off leaving Thomas and the Irelanders confused]
Thomas: Oh. Okay, bye. Ha-ha. How strange.
Violet Parr: Yeah. There's something strange going on and we need to find out what.
Captain Jake: If we're lucky, we might be able to get some info from him too on his owners.
Connor Lacey: Yeah. Right now, we'd better get back to work.
[The scene changes to Sir Robert walking along when Sonny arrives with the milk churns. He walks over to him]
Sir Robert: Thank you. You are a really useful engine.
[Sonny smiles as Thomas and the Irelanders arrive with the passengers]
Thomas: (narrating) We made it back just in time to see the next invention.
Ruth: And now, it's time for Dr. Holyfield and his Magnificent Milkshake Machine.
Crowd: (chattering in awe)
The Fat Controller: Ooh! Milkshake!
Dr. Holyfield: I'm gonna need a volunteer to come up and taste one! It makes the frostiest, tastiest milkshakes in the world!
The Fat Controller: Ah, yes. [chuckles] I don't mind if I do.
[He walks onto the stage and starts to moving the levers]
The Fat Controller: Now, let's see...
Dr Holyfield: No, wait! I haven't set....
The Fat Controller: Does it make blue flavour?
[He continues to fiddle with the levers and pink milkshake splatters on his face]
Dr Holyfield: Oh. Oh, no. Oh, dear.
Crowd: [laughing]
Irelanders: [laughing]
Connor Lacey: That is so funny. (laughs)
The Mask: Yeah. Hilarious! (laughs)
Izzy: Yeah, covered in all that pink milkshake! (giggles)
Ruth: (giggles) I don't think that was the milkshake Sir Topham had in mind.
Sir Robert: So, uh, what's next, Ruth? I think we might to get them straight on.
Ruth: Good idea, Sir Robert. [runs onto the stage] And now, for our next inventor and her amazing machine.
[A female inventor named Dr. Kim walks onto the stage]
Dr. Kim: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the amazing Metal Man!
[She presses a button on the remote she's holding. Baz and Bernie are taking notes in the crowd. Suddenly the ground shakes]
Crowd: Whoa!
Thomas: (gasps)
Dr Kim: The amazing Metal Man is the robot of the future!
[Everyone stares up at a red, yellow, orange and black robot standing tall and proud]
Crowd: (cheering)
Thomas: Wow!
Irelanders: Whoa!
Baz: [chuckles evilly]
[The villains saw the robot from some tents]
Chungu: Whoa. Look at the size of that robot.
Cheezi: Yeah. It's so huge!
Linda Ryan/The Shredderette: That would make a fine invention for Baz and Bernie. Galvatron, you and the Decepticons know what to do.
Galvatron: Of course, your ladyship. [to Starscream] Take your seekers, Starscream and retrieve the package.
Starscream: As you command, Galvatron.
[Starscream and the seekers head off. Dr. Kim presses a few buttons and the Metal Man starts dancing]
Crowd: [cheering]
Baz: Ready. [heads off]
Bernie: What for? [as Baz pulls him away] Oh!
[The Metal Man continues to dance as Dr. Kim puts the remote down on the table and picks up a stick]
Dr. Kim: He is fully programmable. He can either be controlled by the remote device or there is a seat for a passenger to control him manually.
Crowd: Oooh.
[Baz grabs the remote from the table unnoticed and sneaks behind one of the tents]
Dr Kim: There is no end to the things that he can do.
[Baz peeks out from behind the tent. Bernie comes over]
Bernie: Uh, what are you doing, Baz?
Baz: Sssh! Stealing the amazing Metal Man!
Reirei: So unless you want to get us caught, keep your voice to a whisper!
Bernie: Oh, okay. [chuckles] Um, Baz? What does this bit do?
[Bernie touches the antenna on the remote, causing it to break off. Baz fiddles with the remote and it sparks]
Bernie: Oh, that's not good.
Kiburi: You bet it isn't because of you, furbrain!
Robbie Rotten: That antenna help controls the robot and thank to your stupidity, there's sure to be a malfunction!
[And sure enough, the Metal Man sparks and spins before leaning forward then going haywire. Dr. Kim sees the remote is not there]
Dr Kim: (gasps) Oh, no! The remote! It's gone!
Crowd: (screaming)
[The Metal Man runs off, rounding a tent. Baz tries to stop it but to no avail]
Baz: Whoa! Whoa!
Bernie: I could be wrong, Baz, but I don't think it's working.
Baz: Oh, really, Bernie? You don't?
Zach Varmitech: It's your fault that our plan backfired, you imbecile!
[They cringe as the Metal Man hits something but continues it's rampage regardless]
Baz: Ooh! Come on, guys! Let's get out of here! [drops the remote and runs off]
Bernie: Right behind you, Baz! [runs after him and the Villains]
[The remote lands in front of Ruth, Dr. Kim and Sir Robert and Ruth picks it up]
Sir Robert: You have to stop it!
Dr. Kim: I cannot. The circuits are fried!
Ruth: [having an idea] Wait!
[She watches the Metal Man disappear into the trees then looks at the Mighty Magnet from before which gives her an idea]
Ruth: I've got an idea.
[Later, Ruth, Thomas and the Irelanders chase the Metal Man through the tunnel to the Dinosaur Park, pulling a tanker with the magnet attached to it. The Metal Man bumps into the Patesaurus model knocking it's head into a pool of water before carrying on]
Bumblebee: So, does everyone remember the plan? Drive the Metal Man towards the magnet! It'll attract his metal and stick him to the tanker long enough for him to shut down!
Autobots: Got it!
Ruth: There he is! He's heading towards the T-Rex!
Thomas: [speeding up] Hang on, guys!
[Thomas passes the T-Rex and stops just inches away]
Thomas: Okay, Donnie! Switch it on!
Donatello: You got it!
[Donnie switches the magnet on as the Metal Man arrives. Mikey looks up and sees Starscream and the Seekers approaching]
Michelangelo: Uh, dudes, dudettes? We got company!
[Everyone looks to see the Seekers coming]
Chris Kratt: The Seekers? What are they doing here?
Martin Kratt: They're going for the Metal Man!
Kim Possible: Well, they'll have to go through us if they want him!
Strongarm: We'll split into teams, some of us will hold off the Seekers while everyone else drives the Metal Man to the magnet.
Aya: An excellent strategy.
Connor Lacey: Let's do it!
[The teams split up. Bumblebee and the Autobots get in front of the Metal Man and drive him towards the magnet while the other team holds off the Seekers]
Starscream: Fools! You think you take us all at once?
Sideswipe: Why don't we try and find out?
[Bumblebee knocks the Metal Man off his feet and the magnet pulls him onto the tanker, causing it and Thomas to jerk forward]
Thomas: Oof!
Ruth: Yay! Nice catch, Thomas!
Leo: We did it!
Thomas: [chuckles as the Metal Man shuts down]
Starscream: You idiots! [flies off with the Seekers] You haven't seen the last of us!
Marionette/Ladybug: We hope not!
Cat Noir: Let's get this robot back to it's owner.
Lloyd: You heard him.
[Later, they take the Metal Man back to the stage where a cheering crowd is waiting for them]
Sir Robert: Oh, well done, Thomas and Irelanders.
The Fat Controller: Oh, yes. Really useful indeed.
Twilight Sparkle: Oh, it was nothing really. All it took was teamwork and a brilliant plan from Ruth.
The Mask: I can't wait to see her invention tonight.
Dusk: Whatever it is, I know it'll be rad.
[The scene changes to the crowd gathering at the stage that night]
Thomas: (narrating) That night, it was Ruth's turn to show her invention. And no one was more excited to see it then the Irelanders and me.
Connor Lacey: What do you think it'll be?
Aviva Corcovado: Beats me. But I can't wait to see it.
Iago: Well, this should be good.
Korra: It will, Iago. Believe me.
Beshte: It's time, guys. Look.
[Smoke covers the stage. Sir Robert and the Fat Controller watch in amazement and so do Thomas and the Irelanders. Spotlights shine onto the stage and Ruth drives a red car onto the stage]
Old Man: I've already got one of those.
Crowd: (groaning)
Ruth: Introducing my incredible... Hover Car!
Crowd: [cheering]
Thomas: Wow! Whoo-hoo-hoo!
Irelanders: Whoa! Cool! Nice one, Ruth! You go, girl!
Wilson: Wowzer!
Brewster: Honking Horns!
Koko: Traintastic!
[Ruth fiddles with the joysticks and the Hover Car soars high above the crowd performing tricks and disappearing behind a tent]
Man: Where it's gone?
Man 2: Look!
[The Hover Car soars over the crowd again around the giant wheel then back onto the stage]
Thomas: Wow! Floating Fireboxes!
Holley Shiftwell: I've got to admit, she's smart for a person who likes flying cars.
Violet Parr: Yep, can't argue with that.
[Ruth lands the Hover Car on the stage]
Crowd: (cheering)
Ruth: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Sir Robert: Oh, that was truly spectacular. I tell you, that will be the next big thing.
Ruth: (giggles) Oh, you think so?
Sir Robert: I know so. You'd better keep the plans safe. I know exactly where we can keep them. Follow me.
[As the duo head off, Baz and Bernie have been listening unnoticed hidding behind giant green jellies]
Baz: Bernie, you look after this. I'm gonna follow them. [runs off]
[Baz hands his jelly to Bernie who struggles to hold both at the same time]
Bernie: Oh! Whoa! Ooh! Whoa! Oof!
[He falls over. Later, at the campsite, the villains have drawn a picture of the castle in the dirt, formulating a plan]
Baz: So, if we go in here, climb up there, get in here, that's where we'll find the plans. [chuckles evilly]
Bernie: Then we get on Sonny, and bish-bosh, off we go.
Mzingo: And if those pesky Irelanders and those engines do so much as catch one whiff of the plan, we villains will hold them off while you three make your escape.
Gourmand: Yeah and hopefully no screw ups from you again.
Paisley Paver: Yeah, we don't want to risk getting caught or anyone wasting our time.
Sonny: I'm not gonna do it!
Baz: What did you say?!
Sonny: I don't wanna steal things no more! I want to be really useful!
Bernie: But stealing things is really useful.
Goigoi: Yeah. We don't care about this really useful nonsense.
Janja: If I didn't know any better, I'd say you're acting like a certain railboat we know.
[Baz walks up to Sonny angrily and puts a finger up in his face]
Baz: Listen here, you clanking clot. If you don't help us and the Foot Empire, there's a scrapyard with your name on it!
Linda Ryan/The Shredderette: (Her blades slide out) Or worse.
[Sonny stays silent as Baz looks at him smirking]
Bernie: Oh, is there really a scrapyard called Sonny?
Baz: Oh, Bernie!
Hawk Moth: Ugh! It's a figure of speech, you imbecile!
[Scar appears in the fire]
Scar: That's right, Hawk Moth.
Baz: Well, you took your time!
Scar: Well, I have to wait til you light a fire for me to appear. How's your plan going?
Baz: [glaring at Bernie] Not good so far! But we're in luck! Cause we're gonna steal the plans for that female American inventor's Hover Car!
Azula: Only down side is we've got a Skiff copycat on our hands.
Donita Donata: Sonny here doesn't want to help steal the plans. He says he wants to be really useful. Inspiration from Thomas the meddling blue tank engine no doubt.
Mwoga: Yes. He now start falling into the same path that claims Skiff when he refused to help us and Sailor John stole Captain Cales' long lost treasure so he can have it for himself and even stop us from getting away with it by capsizing due to a wave.
Scar: Yes, you did told me about that. It looks like we'll have to think another escape vehicle.
Ushari: Yeah. It's what can we use to escape is the question.
Galvatron: Hmm. Why not use that bullet train from Japan? He moves rather fast.
Linda Ryan/The Shredderette: Excellent idea, Galvatron. We can use Sonny as a distraction then while no one is looking we slip aboard Kenji and skidaddle.
Scar: Excellent. We'II proceed in the morning.
[The scene changes to the next morning as Baz, Bernie and the Foot Empire, with the stolen plans, watch from behind a tent]
Kiburi: Okay, now's our chance.
Baz: Come on! Let's get out of here!
[They slip away. Sonny starts to move by himself much to his surprise as Thomas and the Irelanders arrive with some trucks]
Sir Robert: Good morning, Thomas, Irelanders.
Thomas: Morning, Sir Robert! We've got the food supplies!
Will Vandom: Wait, is it just me or is anyone else getting the feeling that something isn't right?
Finn McMissile: You're not the only one. Those two cooks are no where in sight.
Connor Lacey: Where could they be?
Ruth: Sir Robert! The plans for the Hover Car! They've been stolen!
Thomas: (gasps) Oh, no!
Irelanders: What?!
Sir Robert: But who would do such a thing?
Ruth: (gasps) Look!
[Everyone looks to see Sonny rolling away]
Penny Ling: Sonny's puffing away!
Violet Parr: I knew there was something off about him and his owners!
Thomas: [gasps] Sonny! [whistles and sets off with the Irelanders, giving chase] Don't worry, Ruth! We'll stop him!
Wilson: Let's ride the rails!
[Thomas and the Irelanders speed off after Sonny down the hill at lightning speed]
Thomas: I knew there was something strange about him!
Dash Parr: We've gotta catch him and stop him or those plans are gone for good!
Koko: Why do I get the feeling that this is a distraction?
[The chase continues as Thomas and the Irelanders quickly catch up and switch onto the track next to Sonny]
Thomas: Points!
[They switch tracks]
Sonny: I'm sorry, guys!
Iago: OK, Applejack, rope him!
[Applejack throws her lasso and it wraps around Sonny's buffer on his front]
Thomas: Got you! (straining)
[Thomas slam on his brakes slowing Sonny down a bit. His driver, Bob, jumps into Sonny's cab to find the brake lever tied in place. He removes the rope and pulls on it, making Sonny slam on his brakes. Sonny's steam gauge goes down and both he and Thomas skid to a stop]
Bob: His regulator was tied on.
[Raphael slaps Sonny in the face right on his cheek]
Sonny: Ow!
Raphael: What were you thinking?! After everything we helped you with, you go and stab us in the back?! Thanks a lot, Sonny! We thought you were our friend! We trusted you!
Sonny: I'm so sorry! Baz, Bernie and the Foot Empire made me do it!
Violet Parr: Give us one good reason why we shouldn't just scrap you right here and now!
Sonny: It's because I won't help them steal the plans!
[Sunset put her hand on Sonny's forehead and her eyes turn white for a moment as she views his memories before turning back to normal]
Sunset Shimmer: He's telling the truth, guys. He's just like Skiff with refusing to steal the treasure for Sailor John.
Leonardo: But if they're not here then...
Koko: [gasps] Oh, no! I knew this was a distraction! They wanted us to think it was Sonny so they could use...
[As if on cue, Kenji can be seen racing along at full speed. He comes loose from his rods with Baz, Bernie and the Foot Empire operating in his cab. He speeds passed the Fat Controller on board Winston]
Kenji: [screaming]
The Fat Controller: What's going on?
Sir Robert: Those two cooks and the Foot Empire have stolen Ruth's plans!
Kenji: [screaming] Help me, Koko chan!
Koko: Kenji san!
Sonny: [gasps] Baz, Bernie and the Foot Empire are escaping on Kenji!
Luigi: Well-a, they-a won't get-a away with-a it!
Thomas: We'll stop them!
Sonny: But he's the fastest engine in the world next to Koko!
Dash Parr: I have super speed! I can catch up to any speedy vehicle!
Aviva Corcovado: And we know the Foot Empire better than anyone, they are way more than dangerous.
Buzzie: How are we gonna catch up to our enemies in a Japanese bullet train?
Thomas: Don't worry, Buzzie. I've got an idea.
[Kenji continues racing along, passing Gordon and Rebecca on the way]
Kenji: Whoa!
Rebecca: [chuckles] There's no need to go that fast!
Gordon: Hah! That's just showing off!
[Back at Ulfstead Castle, Thomas is hooked up to the Blast Booster 7]
Thomas: Fire all burners, Professor! You too, Blaze!
Professor Freidrich: I give you Maximum Boost!
Blaze: Let's Blaze!
[Blaze and the Blast Booster 7 push Thomas along at lightning speed, passing Gordon and Rebecca in a cloud of smoke]
Thomas: Whoa!
Rebecca: Wow, even Thomas is going faster than us today!
Gordon: O, the Indignity!
Rainbow Dash: This... is.... AWESOME!!!!
Thomas: Quick, you two! They're getting away with Ruth's plans!
Connor Lacey: And they're using Kenji as an escape vehicle! We have to stop them now!
Rebecca: Oh, no! Come on, Gordon! Let's go!
Gordon: Uncouple my coaches!
[Kenji continues to race along as Thomas and the Irelanders catch up to him]
Kenji: [screaming]
Bernie: Guys, we're running out of steam!
Azula: It's because we're not connected to anymore electric rods! And we've got company!
[Baz sees Bernie is right as the gauge starts to flip to the other side slowly]
Baz: We need to get rid of the passenger coach! It's slowing us down! Climb over there, Bernie!
[Bernie heads to do so and reaches the coupling]
Baz: Now, pull off the hook!
Bernie: (straining)
[Bernie finally manages to pull the hook off but the passenger coach starts to roll off with him on it]
Bernie: Guys!
Baz: [sarcastically] Oh, dear. He's gone off on his own. One less to share with. [chuckles evilly]
Reirei: Yeah. He is quite annoying and dimwitted. Still, better him than us.
Zach Varmitech: Yeah. The coach will halt those Irelanders, Wild Rats and that meddling blue tank engine. (cackles)
Thomas: [straining] Oh, no!
Brewster: Emergency stop!
[Thomas and the Chuggers slam on their brakes as the passenger coach closes in, colliding with Thomas' buffers but slowing them down a bit as Gordon and Rebecca come into view]
Gordon: Don't worry, guys! We'll catch him!
[Gordon and Rebecca catch up to Kenji]
Kenji: Help me!
Rebecca: He's heading for the airport!
[The airport is starting to come into view]
Gordon: Not if I can help it!
[Kenji's coach rolls in front of Gordon]
Gordon: Points!
[Gordon switches tracks to get in front of Kenji, only to get bumped off the tracks in the process]
Gordon: Oh, no! He's getting away!
Mzingo: You'll never stop us, you big blue tin can!
Mwoga: (chuckles) Good one, Mzingo.
[The gauge continues to go down]
Baz: Huh? What's happening? Can't you go any faster?
Kenji: Not without electricity!
Atrocious: Stand aside, Baz! I'll take it from here!
[He charges his ring and punches the control panel, causing Kenji to speed up as Ruth flies in on her Hover Car]
Baz: Oh, no. Not another one.
Donita Donata: Oh, how predictable.
Linda Ryan/The Shredderette: That's it! You guys stay and help Baz! I'm going onto the roof!
[She uses her blades to open the hatch to the roof and climbs up onto it]
Linda Ryan/The Shredderette: (to Ruth) You're not getting your plans back, inventor! Not by a long shot! Prepare to know why they call me the Shredderette!
[She jumps onto the Hover Car and stabs at Ruth with her blades though she ducks and dodges out of the way to avoid them. Linda jumps back onto Kenji]
Zach Varmitech: Zachbots, take out that flying car!
[The Zachbots obey and grab the Hover Car from all sides. Seeing a tunnel coming up, Ruth steers it out of the way just in time but the Zachbots collide with the tunnel walls]
Linda Ryan/The Shredderette: (lay low on the roof) Phew. That was close but at least she's gone now.
Baz: [laughs evilly] She won't stop us. We're the master criminals! The big cheese! The... Oh, no!
[The Earl flies into view in the Road Plane, dragging the Technology Fair banner behind him. The banner sticks to Kenji, blocking both his and the villains' view]
Kenji: I can't see!
Robbie Rotten: Who turn out the lights?
Janja: It was that stupid Earl, furbrain! He's trying to slow us down!
Paisley Paver: Too many holdups today! We gotta have to push it off.
Kiburi: But Linda's already on the roof! She'II get it off.
Kenji: [blows at the banner to try and get it off] Get off!
Linda Ryan/The Shredderette: Oh, quit whining! Here, let me do it! [strains]
[She yanks the banner up a bit allowing Kenji to see but he looks scared at what he sees up ahead]
Kenji: Oh, no!
[Linda eventually gets the banner off and the villains and Baz look to see the Metal Man appear from the trees ahead piloted by the Fat Controller]
The Fat Controller: (chuckles)
Baz: I don't believe this.
Gourmand: But that thing was broken!
Tamka: Yeah. How's that possible?
Galvatron: Watch out!
[The Metal Man tries to stop Kenji only to get spun around as he passes]
The Fat Controller: Go right! Right!
[Baz and the villains watch as the Metal Man walks up a hill with the Fat Controller still on board]
The Fat Controller: Stop!
Nduli: Well, panic over! Let's get out of here while there's still time.
Baz: [chuckles evilly] So much for modern technology. Nothing can stop us now!
[But just then, Thomas and the Irelanders come into view]
Thomas: How about one of the best inventions ever?!
Connor Lacey: And a bunch of multiversal heroes?!
[They catch up with Kenji and the villains]
Baz: What? Booster rockets?
Thomas: No! The number one engine!
Twilight Sparkle: And the Irelanders!
Wilson: And trainee chuggers!
Koko: Yeah. And your escape vehicle's cousin! You're not getting away with those plans or using Kenji as your escape vehicle! Give them back!
[Thomas uncouples from the Blast Booster 7 which speeds ahead as he switches onto Kenji's track with the chuggers]
Kenji: Thomas! Irelanders! Koko Chan! You've come to rescue me!
Brewster: That's right! We won't let them take you or the plans!
[Thomas and the chuggers buffer up to Kenji and slam on their brakes, slowing Kenji down until they eventually come to a stop as Rebecca arrives]
Kenji: Phew. Thank you, Thomas, Irelanders, Koko Chan!
Koko: You're welcome, Kenji san!
[Baz and the villains try to get away on foot only to be blocked by the Fat Controller and the Metal Man]
The Fat Controller: Oh, no, you don't!
Hawk Moth: Other way!
Baz: Whoa!
Ruth: Going somewhere?
Sir Robert: Stop right there!
Baz: [screaming] Ah.
[Two cops have cut him and the villains off with Officer Jenny]
Police Officer: Hello, hello, hello.
Goigoi: Uh-oh.
[The heroes surround the villains]
Baz: Uh-oh. [stammers] I don't know what you lot are after me. I haven't done nothing. It was Bernie that stole the plans. My friends and I tried to stop him but...
Bernie: (pants running up to them) Guys! Guys! Have you still got the stolen plans?
[The villains facepalm as Ruth grabs the plans from Baz]
Ruth: I'll take those!
Atroicus: Ugh! Bernie, you should learn to keep your mouth, you idiot!
Officer Jenny: Well, you guys aren't going anywhere but jail! You're under arrest!
Janja: Except that you police humans can't arrest us hyenas and other animals.
Officer Jenny: Oh, yeah? Well, I contacted Animal Control to take you all back to Africa where you belong.
[Everyone glares at the villains as the police officers arrest them]
Bernie: What's everyone looking at?
Growlithe and Herdier: (growls)
Thomas: I think you all are in a lot of trouble.
Linda Ryan/The Shredderette: You may have won this time but we'll be back and you will be defeated!
Connor Lacey: We'II see about that, stepmother.
Violet Parr: (to Baz and Bernie) You two are gonna enjoy prison, cause you'll meet someone there who is just as cunning as you two.
Mewtwo: Yes. It will serve you two right for trying to take what's not yours.
[The scene changes to the fair ground that night where the Metal Man dances on the stage]
Thomas: I can't believe it's the last night of the fair. We'll miss you when you're gone, Ruth.
Korra: Yeah, it was great having you here while it lasted.
Ruth: Don't worry, guys. I've talked to the Earl and Sir Topham and I'm gonna stay right here on Sodor and continue my work.
Thomas: (gasps) Oh, that's great!
Connor Lacey: Sodor could use an inventor like you, Ruth.
Wilson: Yeah. You are a perfecto friend.
Percy: So, are you going to be making more things out of technology, Ruth?
Ruth: Yes, Percy, I am!
Twilight Sparkle: That's amazing. You're gonna love it here on Sodor, Ruth.
Ruth: Thanks, Twilight.
[Gordon arrives and looks at Sonny]
Gordon: What are you doing here? You're the engine who helped steal Ruth's plans.
Sonny: But, I didn't... I mean, I...
Lightning McQueen: He didn't mean to do anything wrong, Gordon. He refused to help the villains take the plans.
Dusty Crophopper: He's just like Skiff when he used to work for Sailor John and stopped him from getting away with Captain Cales' treasure.
Razer: He even said that he likes the sound of being Really Useful after we helped him find the way to the dairy so don't blame him for something he didn't mean to do.
Thomas: Dusty, McQueen and Razer are right. We should give him a second chance.
The Fat Controller: You are absolutely right, Thomas. [goes over to Sonny] Sonny, I think you could be a very useful engine on my railway.
Kion: Yeah. We'II help you settle here and being friends with everyone so that they can trust you.
Rarity: Plus you can make up for all your past, ahem. booboos.
Gordon: So, you're going to keep him on Sodor but replace us with all these infernal inventions?
The Fat Controller: What are you talking about, Gordon? I'd never replace my engines. Steam engines are one of the most impressive inventions of all time. And you have proven that once again, that you are all really useful.
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, you'll never be replaced, not even by engines like Kenji or Diesel. Today's friendship lesson is that you should never assume that just because something is newer and better than you, doesn't mean the age of steam is coming to an end.
Connor Lacey: Yeah. It never has and it never will.
[Everyone cheers as fireworks erupt into the sky and the screen fades to black. We then view Grogar's lair where Chrysalis, Tirek and Cozy Glow are still trying to figure out how to activate Grogar's Bewitching Bell]
Chrysalis: So far we cause some damage, spread some rumors and whispers and destroy crops. Now what's left to turn those Earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasi against each other.
Tirek: Yes, it's time we do that.
Cozy: Yeah, of course but should Linda and her followers be back by now. They've been gone for a while.
[Galvatron step out from the shadows]
Galvatron: Still trying to get that thing working, I see?
Cozy: Oh, golly, yes, we're making good progress on spreading some damage to Equestria.
Chrysalis: Where's Linda and the others?
Tirek: What happen to them?
[Galvatron activate the crystal ball and it shows Linda and the others being arrested, along with Baz and Bernie]
Galvatron: Let's just say they gambled and lost.
Starscream: So it looks like us Decepticons along with some of our villain allies have to break Linda and the others out of jail and bring Janja and the Outlanders here.
Cozy: Count us in.
Chrysalis: Yeah, we might as well break them out. We need them to help us with our plans to conquer Equestria.
Tirek: And hopefully we'II finish turning each pony tribe against each other and master the bell before Grogar returns.
Galvatron: If he doesn't find out your plan to betray him first.
Chrysalis: Don't worry. He's been absent for a long while since The Summer Sun Celebration. Besides, we've managed to stay one step ahead of everypony so far.
Cozy: Besides, those heroes and that blue tank engine will pay for what they did to us.
Starscream: Yes, they will and Baz and Bernie will join us for revenge against them and that former well tank engine of theirs.
Galvatron: Yes. Shupavu and her skinks will keep an eye on them on Sodor and anywhere else. Once we bring Linda and the others back as well as gather our villain allies and proceed with turning the ponies against each other, Equestria and all the 16 realms will be ours to rule and no one, not even Connor Lacey, will stand in our way!
[The villains cackle evilly as the screen fades to black. We then view Connor, Thomas, Kenji, Sonny and Ruth outside of Ulfstead Castle]
Connor Lacey: Well, folks, that's all for now but stay tuned as we continue our adventures on Sodor.
Thomas: As we help Sonny and Ruth settle in on Sodor and Kenji returns to Japan with a old friend of ours.
Kenji, Sonny and Ruth: See you on Sodor!
[Kenji honks, Thomas and Sonny whistle and Connor and Ruth wave as the screen fades to black]