The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon (franchise)
The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon (franchise) is the 1st YIFM/Pokémon crossover made by Connor Lacey. It is a quintuple feature with The Irelanders' Adventures of Transformers (TV Series franchise), The Irelanders' Adventures of Transformers: Prime Wars Trilogy, The Irelanders' Adventures of Green Lantern: The Animated Series and The Irelanders' Adventures of Bionicle (franchise). It will appear on YouTube in the near future.
Plot[edit | edit source]
The Irelanders arrived at Pallat Town to join Ash Ketchum and his buddy Pikachu as he journeys to become the Pokémon world's greatest Pokémon Master.
Episodes[edit | edit source]
- Pokémon: Indigo League: Episode 1 - 52
- Pokémon: Adventures on the Orange Islands: Episode 1 - 36
- Pokémon: The Johto Journeys: Episode 1 - 41
- Pokémon: Johto League Champions: Episodes 1 - 52
- Pokémon: Master Quest: Episodes 1 - 65
- Pokémon: Advanced: Episodes 1 - 40
- Pokémon: Advanced Challenge: Episodes 1 - 52
- Pokémon: Advanced Battle: Episodes 1 - 51
- Pokémon: Battle Frontier: Episodes 1 - 47
- Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl: Episodes 1 - 52
- Pokémon: DP Battle Dimension: Episodes 1 - 52
- Pokémon: DP Galactic Battles: Episodes 1 - 53
- Pokémon: Sinnoh League Victors: Episodes 1 - 36
- Pokémon: Black & White: Episodes 1 - 50
- Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies: Episodes 1 - 49
- Pokémon: BW Adventures in Unova: Episodes 1 - 47
- Pokémon: XY: Episodes 1 - 48
- Pokémon: XY Kalos Quest: Episodes 1 - 45
- Pokémon: XYZ: Episodes 1 - 49
- Pokémon: Sun & Moon: Episodes 1 - 43
- Pokémon: Sun & Moon Ultra Adventures: Episodes 1 - ??
Movies[edit | edit source]
- Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You!
- Pokémon the First Movie: MewTwo Strikes Back
- Pokémon The Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution
- Pokémon: MewTwo Returns
- Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of One
- Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us
- Pokémon 3 the Movie: Spell of the Unown
- Pokémon 4Ever - Celebi: Voice of the Forest
- Pokémon Heroes: Latios and Latias
- Pokémon: Jirachi - Wish Maker
- Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys
- Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew
- Pokémon: Pokémon Ranger Manaphy and the Temple of the Sea
- Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai
- Pokémon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior
- Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life
- Pokémon: Zoroark—Master of Illusions
- Pokémon: Black—Victini and Reshiram/Pokémon: White—Victini and Zekrom
- Pokémon: Kyurem vs. the Sword of Justice
- Pokémon: Genesect and the Legend Awakened
- Pokémon: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction
- Pokémon: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages
- Pokémon: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel
Pikachu Shorts[edit | edit source]
- Pikachu's Vacation
- Pikachu's Rescue Adventure
- Pikachu & Pichu
- Pikachu's PikaBoo
- Camp Pikachu
- Gotta Dance!
- Meloetta's Moonlight Serenade
- Eevee & Friends
- Pikachu, What's this Key?
- Pikachu and the Pokémon Music Squad
TV Specials[edit | edit source]
- Pokémon: Mewtwo Returns
- Pokémon: Mastermind of the Mirage Pokémon
Trivia[edit | edit source]
- Linda Ryan/The Shredderette will guest star in this franchise.
- In this film, Connor Lacey has scanned the DNA of the Pokémon on all of the regions.
- In the end of the franchise, Verity, Verity's Piplup, Sorrel, Sorrel's Lucario, Ritchie, Sparky, Mewtwo, Celebi, Darkrai, Shaymin, Zoroark, Zorua, N (Pokemon), Anthea and Concordia, Red Genesect, Hoopa, Volcanion, Magearna, Gladion, Kiawe, Lana (Pokemon), Lillie, Mallow and Sophocles will join the Irelanders for more adventures.
Episode Transcripts[edit | edit source]
- Pokémon - I Choose You!/Transcript
- Pokémon Emergency!/Transcript
- Ash Catches a Pokémon/Transcript
- Challenge of the Samurai/Transcript
- Showdown in Pewter City/Transcript
- Clefairy and the Moon Stone/Transcript
- The Water Flowers of Cerulean City/Transcript
- The Path to the Pokémon League/Transcript
- The School of Hard Knocks/Transcript
- Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village/Transcript
- Charmander – The Stray Pokémon/Transcript
- Here Comes the Squirtle Squad/Transcript
- Mystery at the Lighthouse/Transcript
- Electric Shock Showdown/Transcript
- Battle Aboard the St. Anne/Transcript
- Pokémon Shipwreck/Transcript
- Island of the Giant Pokémon/Transcript
- Tentacool & Tentacruel/Transcript
- The Ghost of Maiden's Peak/Transcript
- Bye Bye Butterfree/Transcript
- Abra and the Psychic Showdown/Transcript
- The Tower of Terror/Transcript
- Haunter versus Kadabra/Transcript
- Primeape Goes Bananas/Transcript
- Pokémon Scent-sation!/Transcript
- Hypno's Naptime/Transcript
- Pokémon Fashion Flash/Transcript
- The Punchy Pokémon/Transcript
- Sparks Fly for Magnemite/Transcript
- Dig Those Diglett!/Transcript
- The Ninja Poké-Showdown/Transcript
- The Flame Pokémon-athon!/Transcript
- The Kangaskhan Kid/Transcript
- The Bridge Bike Gang/Transcript
- Ditto's Mysterious Mansion/Transcript
- Pikachu's Goodbye/Transcript
- The Battling Eevee Brothers/Transcript
- Wake Up Snorlax!/Transcript
- Showdown at Dark City/Transcript
- The March of the Exeggutor Squad/Transcript
- The Problem with Paras/Transcript
- The Song of Jigglypuff/Transcript
- Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon/Transcript
- A Chansey Operation/Transcript
- Holy Matrimony!/Transcript
- So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd/Transcript
- Who Gets to Keep Togepi?/Transcript
- Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden/Transcript
- The Case of the K-9 Caper!/Transcript
- Pokémon Paparazzi/Transcript
- The Ultimate Test/Transcript
- The Breeding Center Secret/Transcript
- Princess vs. Princess/Transcript
- The Purr-fect Hero/Transcript
- The Case of the K-9 Caper!/Transcript
- Pokémon Paparazzi/Transcript
- The Ultimate Test/Transcript
- The Breeding Center Secret/Transcript
- Riddle Me This/Transcript
- Volcanic Panic/Transcript
- Beach Blank-Out Blastoise/Transcript
- The Misty Mermaid/Transcript
- Clefairy Tales/Transcript
- The Battle of the Badge/Transcript
- It's Mr. Mime Time/Transcript
- Holiday Hi-Jynx/Transcript
- Snow Way Out!/Transcript
- Showdown at the Po-ké Corral/Transcript
- The Evolution Solution/Transcript
- The Pi-Kahuna/Transcript
- Make Room for Gloom/Transcript
- Lights, Camera, Quack-tion!/Transcript
- Go West Young Meowth/Transcript
- To Master the Onixpected!/Transcript
- The Ancient Puzzle of Pokémopolis/Transcript
- Bad to the Bone/Transcript
- All Fired Up!/Transcript
- Round One - Begin!/Transcript
- Fire and Ice/Transcript
- The Fourth Round Rumble/Transcript
- A Friend In Deed/Transcript
- Friend and Foe Alike/Transcript
- Friends to the End/Transcript
- Pallet Party Panic/Transcript
- A Scare in the Air/Transcript
- Poké Ball Peril/Transcript
- The Lost Lapras/Transcript
- Fit to be Tide/Transcript
- Pikachu Re-Volts/Transcript
- The Crystal Onix/Transcript
- In the Pink/Transcript
- Shell Shock!/Transcript
- Stage Fight!/Transcript
- Bye Bye Psyduck/Transcript
- The Joy of Pokémon/Transcript
- Navel Maneuvers/Transcript
- Snack Attack/Transcript
- A Shipful of Shivers/Transcript
- Meowth Rules!/Transcript
- Tracey Gets Bugged/Transcript
- A Way Off Day Off/Transcript
- The Mandarin Island Mismatch/Transcript
- Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon?/Transcript
- Get Along, Little Pokémon/Transcript
- The Mystery Menace/Transcript
- Misty Meets Her Match/Transcript
- Bound For Trouble/Transcript
- Charizard Chills/Transcript
- The Pokémon Water War/Transcript
- Pokémon Food Fight!/Transcript
- Pokémon Double Trouble/Transcript
- The Wacky Watcher!/Transcript
- The Stun Spore Detour/Transcript
- Hello, Pummelo!/Transcript
- Enter The Dragonite/Transcript
- Viva Las Lapras/Transcript
- The Underground Round Up/Transcript
- A Tent Situation/Transcript
- The Rivalry Revival/Transcript
- Don't Touch That 'dile/Transcript
- The Double Trouble Header/Transcript
- A Sappy Ending/Transcript
- Roll On, Pokémon!/Transcript
- Illusion Confusion!/Transcript
- Flower Power/Transcript
- Spinarak Attack/Transcript
- Snubbull Snobbery/Transcript
- The Little Big Horn/Transcript
- The Chikorita Rescue/Transcript
- Once in a Blue Moon/Transcript
- The Whistle Stop/Transcript
- Ignorance is Blissey/Transcript
- A Bout With Sprout/Transcript
- Fighting Flyer with Fire/Transcript
- For Crying Out Loud/Transcript
- Tanks a Lot!/Transcript
- Charizard's Burning Ambitions/Transcript
- Grin to Win!/Transcript
- Chikorita's Big Upset/Transcript
- Foul Weather Friends/Transcript
- The Superhero Secret/Transcript
- Mild 'n Wooly/Transcript
- Wired for Battle!/Transcript
- Good 'Quil Hunting/Transcript
- A Shadow of a Drought/Transcript
- Going Apricorn!/Transcript
- Gettin' The Bugs Out/Transcript
- A Farfetch'd Tale/Transcript
- Tricks of the Trade/Transcript
- The Fire-ing Squad!/Transcript
- No Big Woop!/Transcript
- Tunnel Vision/Transcript
- Hour of the Houndour/Transcript
- The Totodile Duel/Transcript
- Hot Matches!/Transcript
- Love, Totodile Style/Transcript
- Fowl Play!/Transcript
- Forest Grumps/Transcript
- The Psychic Sidekicks!/Transcript
- The Fortune Hunters/Transcript
- A Goldenrod Opportunity/Transcript
- A Dairy Tale Ending/Transcript
- Air Time!/Transcript
- The Bug Stops Here/Transcript
- Type Casting/Transcript
- Fossil Fools/Transcript
- Carrying On!/Transcript
- Hassle in the Castle/Transcript
- Two Hits and a Miss/Transcript
- A Hot Water Battle/Transcript
- Hook, Line, and Stinker/Transcript
- Beauty and the Breeder/Transcript
- A Better Pill to Swallow/Transcript
- Power Play!/Transcript
- Mountain Time/Transcript
- Wobbu-Palooza!/Transcript
- Imitation Confrontation/Transcript
- The Trouble With Snubbull/Transcript
- Ariados, Amigos/Transcript
- Wings 'N' Things/Transcript
- The Grass Route/Transcript
- The Apple Corp!/Transcript
- Houndoom's Special Delivery/Transcript
- A Ghost of a Chance/Transcript
- From Ghost to Ghost/Transcript
- Trouble's Brewing/Transcript
- All That Glitters!/Transcript
- The Light Fantastic/Transcript
- UnBEARable/Transcript
- Moving Pictures/Transcript
- Spring Fever/Transcript
- Freeze Frame/Transcript
- The Stolen Stones!/Transcript
- The Dunsparce Deception/Transcript
- The Wayward Wobbuffet/Transcript
- Sick Daze/Transcript
- Ring Masters/Transcript
- The Poké Spokesman/Transcript
- Control Freak!/Transcript
- The Art of Pokémon/Transcript
- The Heartbreak of Brock/Transcript
- Current Events/Transcript
- Turning Over A New Bayleef/Transcript
- Doin' What Comes Natu-rally/Transcript
- The Big Balloon Blow-Up/Transcript
- The Screen Actor's Guilt/Transcript
- Right On, Rhydon!/Transcript
- The Kecleon Caper/Transcript
- The Joy of Water Pokémon/Transcript
- Got Miltank?/Transcript
- Fight for the Light!/Transcript
- Machoke, Machoke Man!/Transcript
- Around the Whirlpool/Transcript
- Fly Me to the Moon/Transcript
- Takin' It on the Chinchou/Transcript
- A Corsola Caper/Transcript
- Mantine Overboard!/Transcript
- Octillery the Outcast/Transcript
- Dueling Heroes/Transcript
- The Perfect Match!/Transcript
- Plant It Now... Diglett Later/Transcript
- Hi Ho Silver... Away!/Transcript
- The Mystery is History/Transcript
- A Parent Trapped!/Transcript
- A Promise is a Promise/Transcript
- Throwing in the Noctowl/Transcript
- Nerves of Steelix/Transcript
- Bulbasaur... the Ambassador!/Transcript
- Espeon, Not Included/Transcript
- For Ho-Oh the Bell Tolls!/Transcript
- Extreme Pokémon!/Transcript
- An EGG-sighting Adventure!/Transcript
- Hatching a Plan/Transcript
- Dues and Don'ts/Transcript
- Just Waiting On a Friend/Transcript
- A Tyrogue Full of Trouble/Transcript
- Xatu the Future/Transcript
- Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution/Transcript
- Rage Of Innocence/Transcript
- As Cold as Pryce/Transcript
- Nice Pryce, Baby!/Transcript
- Whichever Way the Wind Blows/Transcript
- Some Like it Hot/Transcript
- Hocus Pokémon/Transcript
- As Clear as Crystal/Transcript
- Same Old Song and Dance/Transcript
- Enlighten Up!/Transcript
- Will the Real Oak Please Stand Up?/Transcript
- Wish Upon a Star Shape/Transcript
- Outrageous Fortunes/Transcript
- One Trick Phony!/Transcript
- I Politoed Ya So!/Transcript
- Beauty is Skin Deep/Transcript
- Fangs For Nothin'/Transcript
- Great Bowls of Fire!/Transcript
- Better Eight Than Never/Transcript
- Why? Wynaut!/Transcript
- Just Add Water/Transcript
- Lapras of Luxury/Transcript
- Hatch Me If You Can/Transcript
- Entei At Your Own Risk/Transcript
- A Crowning Achievement/Transcript
- Here's Lookin' at You, Elekid/Transcript
- You're a Star, Larvitar!/Transcript
- Address Unown!/Transcript
- Mother of All Battles/Transcript
- Pop Goes the Sneasel/Transcript
- A Claim to Flame!/Transcript
- Love, Pokémon Style/Transcript
- Tie One On!/Transcript
- The Ties That Bind/Transcript
- Can't Beat the Heat/Transcript
- Playing with Fire!/Transcript
- Johto Photo Finish/Transcript
- Gotta Catch Ya Later!/Transcript
- Hoenn Alone!/Transcript
- Get the Show On the Road!/Transcript
- A Ruin With a View/Transcript
- There's No Place Like Hoenn/Transcript
- You Never Can Taillow/Transcript
- In the Knicker of Time!/Transcript
- A Poached Ego!/Transcript
- Tree's a Crowd/Transcript
- A Tail With a Twist/Transcript
- Taming of the Shroomish/Transcript
- You Said a Mouthful/Transcript
- A Bite to Remember/Transcript
- The Lotad Lowdown/Transcript
- All Things Bright and Beautifly!/Transcript
- All in a Day's Wurmple/Transcript
- Gonna Rule the School!/Transcript
- The Winner By a Nosepass!/Transcript
- Stairway to Devon/Transcript
- On a Wingull and a Prayer!/Transcript
- Sharpedo Attack!/Transcript
- Brave the Wave/Transcript
- Which Wurmple's Which?/Transcript
- A Hole Lotta Trouble/Transcript
- Gone Corphishin'/Transcript
- A Corphish Out of Water/Transcript
- A Mudkip Mission/Transcript
- Turning Over a Nuzleaf/Transcript
- A Three Team Scheme!/Transcript
- Seeing is Believing!/Transcript
- Ready, Willing, and Sableye/Transcript
- A Meditite Fight!/Transcript
- Just One of the Geysers/Transcript
- Abandon Ship!/Transcript
- Now That's Flower Power!/Transcript
- Having a Wailord of a Time/Transcript
- Win, Lose or Drew!/Transcript
- The Spheal of Approval/Transcript
- Jump for Joy!/Transcript
- A Different Kind of Misty!/Transcript
- A Poké-BLOCK Party!/Transcript
- Watt's With Wattson?/Transcript
- What You Seed is What You Get/Transcript
- Let Bagons Be Bagons/Transcript
- The Princess and the Togepi/Transcript
- A Togepi Mirage!/Transcript
- Candid Camerupt!/Transcript
- Love at First Flight/Transcript
- I Feel Skitty!/Transcript
- ZigZag Zangoose!/Transcript
- Maxxed Out!/Transcript
- Pros and Con Artists/Transcript
- Come What May!/Transcript
- Cheer Pressure/Transcript
- Game Winning Assist/Transcript
- Fight for the Meteorite!/Transcript
- Poetry Commotion!/Transcript
- Going, Going, Yawn/Transcript
- Going for a Spinda/Transcript
- All Torkoal, No Play/Transcript
- Manectric Charge/Transcript
- Delcatty Got Your Tongue/Transcript
- Disaster of Disguise/Transcript
- Disguise Da Limit/Transcript
- Take the Lombre Home/Transcript
- True Blue Swablu/Transcript
- Gulpin it Down/Transcript
- Exploud and Clear!/Transcript
- Go Go Ludicolo!/Transcript
- A Double Dilemma/Transcript
- Love, Petalburg Style!/Transcript
- Balance of Power/Transcript
- A Six Pack Attack!/Transcript
- The Bicker the Better/Transcript
- Grass Hysteria!/Transcript
- Hokey Poké Balls!/Transcript
- Whiscash and Ash/Transcript
- Lights, Camerupt, Action!/Transcript
- Crazy as a Lunatone/Transcript
- The Garden of Eatin'/Transcript
- A Scare to Remember!/Transcript
- Pokéblock, Stock, and Berry/Transcript
- Lessons in Lilycove/Transcript
- Judgment Day!/Transcript
- Clamperl of Wisdom/Transcript
- The Relicanth Really Can/Transcript
- The Evolutionary War/Transcript
- Training Wrecks/Transcript
- Gaining Groudon/Transcript
- The Scuffle of Legends/Transcript
- It's Still Rocket Roll to Me!/Transcript
- Solid as a Solrock/Transcript
- Vanity Affair/Transcript
- Where's Armaldo?/Transcript
- A Cacturne for the Worse/Transcript
- Claydol Big and Tall/Transcript
- Once in a Mawile/Transcript
- Beg, Burrow and Steal/Transcript
- Absol-ute Disaster/Transcript
- Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt/Transcript
- Do I Hear a Ralts?/Transcript
- The Great Eight Fate!/Transcript
- Eight Ain't Enough/Transcript
- Showdown at Linoone/Transcript
- Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut?/Transcript
- Date Expectations!/Transcript
- Mean With Envy/Transcript
- Pacifidlog Jam/Transcript
- Berry, Berry Interesting/Transcript
- Less is Morrison/Transcript
- The Ribbon Cup Caper!/Transcript
- Hi Ho Silver Wind!/Transcript
- Deceit and Assist/Transcript
- Rhapsody in Drew/Transcript
- Island Time/Transcript
- Like a Meowth to a Flame/Transcript
- Saved by the Beldum/Transcript
- From Brags to Riches/Transcript
- Shocks and Bonds/Transcript
- A Judgment Brawl/Transcript
- Choose It or Lose It!/Transcript
- At the End of the Fray/Transcript
- The Scheme Team/Transcript
- The Right Place and the Right Mime/Transcript
- A Real Cleffa-Hanger/Transcript
- Numero Uno Articuno/Transcript
- The Symbol Life/Transcript
- Hooked on Onix/Transcript
- Rough, Tough Jigglypuff/Transcript
- On Cloud Arcanine/Transcript
- Sitting Psyduck/Transcript
- Hail to the Chef/Transcript
- Caterpie's Big Dilemma/Transcript
- The Saffron Con/Transcript
- A Hurdle for Squirtle/Transcript
- Pasta La Vista/Transcript
- Fear Factor Phony/Transcript
- Sweet Baby James/Transcript
- A Chip Off the Old Brock/Transcript
- Wheel of Frontier/Transcript
- May's Egg-Cellent Adventure/Transcript
- Weekend Warrior/Transcript
- On Olden Pond/Transcript
- Tactics Theatrics!!/Transcript
- Reversing the Charges/Transcript
- The Green Guardian/Transcript
- From Cradle to Save/Transcript
- Time Warp Heals All Wounds/Transcript
- Queen of the Serpentine!/Transcript
- Off the Unbeaten Path/Transcript
- Harley Rides Again/Transcript
- Odd Pokémon Out!/Transcript
- Spontaneous Combusken!/Transcript
- Cutting the Ties that Bind!/Transcript
- Ka Boom with a View!/Transcript
- King and Queen for a Day!/Transcript
- Curbing the Crimson Tide!/Transcript
- What I Did for Love!/Transcript
- Three Jynx and a Baby!/Transcript
- Talking a Good Game!/Transcript
- Second Time's the Charm!/Transcript
- Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis! (Part 1)/Transcript
- Pokémon Ranger - Deoxys' Crisis! (Part 2)/Transcript
- All That Glitters is Not Golden!/Transcript
- New Plot, Odd Lot!/Transcript
- Going for Choke!/Transcript
- The Ole' Berate and Switch!/Transcript
- Grating Spaces!/Transcript
- Battling the Enemy Within!/Transcript
- Slaking Kong!/Transcript
- May, We Harley Drew'd Ya!/Transcript
- Thinning the Hoard!/Transcript
- Channeling the Battle Zone!/Transcript
- Aipom and Circumstance!/Transcript
- Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight!/Transcript
- Duels of the Jungle!/Transcript
- Overjoyed!/Transcript
- The Unbeatable Lightness of Seeing!/Transcript
- Pinch Healing!/Transcript
- Gathering the Gang of Four!/Transcript
- Pace - The Final Frontier!/Transcript
- Once More With Reeling!/Transcript
- Home is Where the Start Is!/Transcript
- Following A Maiden's Voyage!/Transcript
- Two Degrees of Separation!/Transcript
- When Pokémon Worlds Collide!/Transcript
- Dawn Of A New Era!/Transcript
- Gettin' Twiggy With It!/Transcript
- Different Strokes for Different Blokes!/Transcript
- Like It or Lup It!/Transcript
- Gymbaliar!/Transcript
- Setting the World on its Buneary!/Transcript
- Not on MY Watch Ya Don't!/Transcript
- Mounting a Coordinator Assault!/Transcript
- Arrival of a Rival!/Transcript
- A Staravia Is Born!/Transcript
- Leave It To Brocko!/Transcript
- Shapes of Things to Come!/Transcript
- A Gruff Act to Follow!/Transcript
- Wild in the Streets!/Transcript
- O'er the Rampardos We Watched!/Transcript
- Twice Smitten, Once Shy!/Transcript
- Mutiny in the Bounty!/Transcript
- Ya See We Want An Evolution!/Transcript
- Borrowing on Bad Faith!/Transcript
- Faced With Steelix Determination!/Transcript
- Cooking up a Sweet Story!/Transcript
- Oh Do You Know the Poffin Plan!/Transcript
- Getting the Pre-Contest Titters!/Transcript
- Settling a Not-So-Old Score!/Transcript
- Drifloon on the Wind!/Transcript
- The Champ Twins!/Transcript
- Some Enchanted Sweetening!/Transcript
- The Grass-Type Is Always Greener!/Transcript
- An Angry Combeenation!/Transcript
- All Dressed Up With Somewhere To Go!/Transcript
- Buizel Your Way Out Of This!/Transcript
- An Elite Meet and Greet!/Transcript
- A Secret Sphere of Influence!/Transcript
- The Grass Menagerie!/Transcript
- One Big Happiny Family!/Transcript
- Steamboat Willies!/Transcript
- Top-Down Training!/Transcript
- A Stand-Up Sit-Down!/Transcript
- The Electrike Company!/Transcript
- Malice In Wonderland!/Transcript
- Mass Hip-Po-Sis!/Transcript
- Ill-Will Hunting!/Transcript
- A Maze-ing Race!/Transcript
- Sandshrew's Locker!/Transcript
- Dawn's Early Night!/Transcript
- Tag! We're It...!/Transcript
- Glory Blaze!/Transcript
- Smells Like Team Spirit!/Transcript
- Tears For Fears!/Transcript
- Once There Were Greenfields/Transcript
- Throwing the Track Switch/Transcript
- The Keystone Pops!/Transcript
- Bibarel Gnaws Best!/Transcript
- Nosing 'Round the Mountain!/Transcript
- Luxray Vision!/Transcript
- Journey to the Unown!/Transcript
- Team Shocker!/Transcript
- Tanks for the Memories!/Transcript
- Hot Springing a Leak!/Transcript
- Riding the Winds of Change!/Transcript
- Sleight of Sand!/Transcript
- Lost Leader Strategy!/Transcript
- Crossing the Battle Line!/Transcript
- A Triple Fighting Chance!/Transcript
- Enter Galactic!/Transcript
- The Bells Are Singing!/Transcript
- Crossing Paths/Transcript
- Pika and Goliath!/Transcript
- Our Cup Runneth Over!/Transcript
- A Full Course Tag Battle!/Transcript
- Staging A Heroes' Welcome!/Transcript
- Pruning a Passel of Pals!/Transcript
- Strategy With a Smile!/Transcript
- The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!/Transcript
- Chim - Charred!/Transcript
- Cream of the Croagunk Crop!/Transcript
- Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (Part 1)/Transcript
- Pokémon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! (Part 2)/Transcript
- A Crasher Course in Power!/Transcript
- Hungry For the Good Life!/Transcript
- Fighting Fear with Fear!/Transcript
- Arriving in Style!/Transcript
- The Psyduck Stops Here!/Transcript
- Camping It Up!/Transcript
- Up Close and Personable!/Transcript
- Ghoul Daze!/Transcript
- One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team!/Transcript
- A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine!/Transcript
- Playing The Leveling Field!/Transcript
- Doc Brock!/Transcript
- Battling The Generation Gap!/Transcript
- Losing Its Lustrous!/Transcript
- Double Team Turnover!/Transcript
- If the Scarf Fits, Wear It!/Transcript
- A Trainer and Child Reunion!/Transcript
- Aiding the Enemy!/Transcript
- Barry's Busting Out All Over!/Transcript
- Shield with a Twist!/Transcript
- Jumping Rocket Ship!/Transcript
- Sleepless In Pre-Battle!/Transcript
- Get Your Rotom Running!/Transcript
- A Breed Stampede!/Transcript
- Ancient Family Matters!/Transcript
- Dealing with Defensive Types!/Transcript
- Leading a Stray!/Transcript
- Steeling Peace of Mind!/Transcript
- Saving the World from Ruins!/Transcript
- Cheers on Castaways Isle!/Transcript
- Hold the Phione!/Transcript
- Another One Gabites the Dust!/Transcript
- Stealing the Conversation!/Transcript
- The Drifting Snorunt!/Transcript
- Noodles! Roamin' Off!/Transcript
- Pursuing a Lofty Goal!/Transcript
- Trials and Adulations!/Transcript
- The Lonely Snover!/Transcript
- Stopped in the Name of Love!/Transcript
- Old Rivals, New Tricks!/Transcript
- To Thine Own Pokémon Be True!/Transcript
- Battling a Cute Drama!/Transcript
- Classroom Training!/Transcript
- Sliding Into Seventh!/Transcript
- A Pyramiding Rage!/Transcript
- Pillars of Friendship!/Transcript
- Frozen on Their Tracks!/Transcript
- Pedal to the Mettle!/Transcript
- Evolving Strategies!/Transcript
- Uncrushing Defeat!/Transcript
- Promoting Healthy Tangrowth!/Transcript
- Beating the Bustle and Hustle!/Transcript
- Gateway to Ruin!/Transcript
- Three Sides to Every Story!/Transcript
- Strategy Begins at Home!/Transcript
- A Faux Oak Finish!/Transcript
- Historical Mystery Tour!/Transcript
- Challenging a Towering Figure!/Transcript
- Where No Togepi Has Gone Before!/Transcript
- An Egg Scramble!/Transcript
- Gone With the Windworks!/Transcript
- A Rivalry to Gible On!/Transcript
- Dressed for Jess Success!/Transcript
- Bagged Then Tagged!/Transcript
- Try for the Family Stone!/Transcript
- Sticking With Who You Know!/Transcript
- Unlocking the Red Chain of Events!/Transcript
- The Needs of the Three!/Transcript
- The Battle Finale of Legend!/Transcript
- The Treasure Is All Mine!/Transcript
- Mastering Current Events!/Transcript
- Double-Time Battle Training!/Transcript
- A Meteoric Rise to Excellence!/Transcript
- Gotta Get a Gible!/Transcript
- Regaining the Home Advantage!/Transcript
- Short and To the Punch!/Transcript
- A Marathon Rivalry!/Transcript
- Yes in Dee Dee, It's Dawn!/Transcript
- Playing the Performance Encore!/Transcript
- Fighting Ire with Fire!/Transcript
- Piplup, Up and Away!/Transcript
- Flint Sparks the Fire!/Transcript
- The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore!/Transcript
- Teaching the Student Teacher!/Transcript
- Pokémon Ranger: Heatran Rescue!/Transcript
- Keeping In Top Forme!/Transcript
- An Elite Coverup!/Transcript
- Dawn of a Royal Day!/Transcript
- With the Easiest of Grace!/Transcript
- Dealing With a Fierce Double Ditto Drama!/Transcript
- Last Call — First Round!/Transcript
- Opposites Interact!/Transcript
- Coming Full Festival Circle!/Transcript
- A Grand Fight for Winning!/Transcript
- For The Love Of Meowth!/Transcript
- The Eighth Wonder of the Sinnoh World!/Transcript
- Four Roads Diverged in a Pokémon Port!/Transcript
- Bucking the Treasure Trend!/Transcript
- An Old Family Blend!/Transcript
- League Unleashed!/Transcript
- Casting a Paul on Barry!/Transcript
- Working on a Right Move!/Transcript
- Familiarity Breeds Strategy!/Transcript
- A Real Rival Rouser!/Transcript
- Battling a Thaw in Relations!/Transcript
- The Semi-Final Frontier!/Transcript
- The Brockster Is In!/Transcript
- Memories are Made of Bliss!/Transcript
- In The Shadow of Zekrom!/Transcript
- Enter Iris and Axew!/Transcript
- A Sandile Gusher of Change!/Transcript
- The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice!/Transcript
- Triple Leaders, Team Threats!/Transcript
- Dreams by the Yard Full!/Transcript
- Snivy Plays Hard to Catch!/Transcript
- Saving Darmanitan From the Bell!/Transcript
- The Bloom Is on Axew!/Transcript
- A Rival Battle for Club Champ!/Transcript
- A Home for Dwebble!/Transcript
- Here Comes the Trubbish Squad!/Transcript
- Minccino—Neat and Tidy!/Transcript
- A Night in the Nacrene City Museum!/Transcript
- The Battle According to Lenora!/Transcript
- Rematch at the Nacrene Gym!/Transcript
- Scraggy—Hatched to Be Wild!/Transcript
- Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest!/Transcript
- A Connoisseur's Revenge!/Transcript
- Dancing With the Ducklett Trio!/Transcript
- The Lost World of Gothitelle!/Transcript
- A Venipede Stampede!/Transcript
- Battling For The Love of Bug-Types!/Transcript
- Emolga the Irresistible!/Transcript
- Emolga and the New Volt Switch!/Transcript
- Scare at the Litwick Mansion!/Transcript
- The Dragon Master's Path!/Transcript
- Oshawott's Lost Scalchop!/Transcript
- Cottonee in Love!/Transcript
- A UFO for Elgyem!/Transcript
- Ash and Trip's Third Battle!/Transcript
- Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open!/Transcript
- Iris and Excadrill Against the Dragon Buster!/Transcript
- Gotta Catch A Roggenrola!/Transcript
- Where Did You Go, Audino?/Transcript
- Archeops In The Modern World!/Transcript
- A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition!/Transcript
- Movie Time! Zorua in "The Legend of the Pokémon Knight"!/Transcript
- Reunion Battles In Nimbasa!/Transcript
- Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia!/Transcript
- The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk!/Transcript
- Club Battle Finale: A Hero's Outcome!/Transcript
- Meowth's Scrafty Tactics!/Transcript
- Purrloin: Sweet or Sneaky?/Transcript
- Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief!/Transcript
- The Beartic Mountain Feud!/Transcript
- Crisis From the Underground Up!/Transcript
- Battle for the Underground!/Transcript
- Enter Elesa, Electrifying Gym Leader!/Transcript
- Dazzling the Nimbasa Gym!/Transcript
- Lost at the Stamp Rally!/Transcript
- Ash Versus the Champion!/Transcript
- A Maractus Musical!/Transcript
- The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck!/Transcript
- Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita!/Transcript
- The Lonely Deino!/Transcript
- The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue!/Transcript
- A Call for Brotherly Love!/Transcript
- Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 1/Transcript
- Stopping the Rage of Legends! Part 2/Transcript
- Battling the King of the Mines!/Transcript
- Crisis at Chargestone Cave!/Transcript
- Evolution Exchange Excitement!/Transcript
- Explorers of the Hero's Ruin!/Transcript
- Battling the Bully!/Transcript
- Baffling the Bouffalant!/Transcript
- Cilan Takes Flight!/Transcript
- An Amazing Aerial Battle!/Transcript
- Climbing the Tower of Success!/Transcript
- The Clubsplosion Begins!/Transcript
- Search for the Clubultimate!/Transcript
- A Clubsplosion of Excitement!/Transcript
- Commanding the Clubsplosion Crown!/Transcript
- Battling the Leaf Thieves!/Transcript
- A Restoration Confrontation! Part 1/Transcript
- A Restoration Confrontation! Part 2/Transcript
- Evolution by Fire!/Transcript
- Guarding the Guardian of the Mountain!/Transcript
- Caution: Icy Battle Conditions!/Transcript
- Clash of the Connoisseurs!/Transcript
- Crisis at Ferroseed Research!/Transcript
- An Epic Defense Force!/Transcript
- Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 1/Transcript
- Rocking the Virbank Gym! Part 2/Transcript
- All for the Love of Meloetta!/Transcript
- Piplup, Pansage, and a Meeting of the Times!/Transcript
- Expedition to Onix Island!/Transcript
- The Mystery of the Missing Cubchoo!/Transcript
- Iris and the Rogue Dragonite!/Transcript
- Jostling for the Junior Cup!/Transcript
- Battling Authority Once Again!/Transcript
- Ash, Iris and Trip: Then There Were Three!/Transcript
- Goodbye, Junior Cup - Hello Adventure!/Transcript
- The Road to Humilau!/Transcript
- Unrest at the Nursery!/Transcript
- Meloetta and the Undersea Temple!/Transcript
- Unova's Survival Crisis!/Transcript
- Beauties Battling for Pride and Prestige!/Transcript
- A Surface to Air Tag Battle Team!/Transcript
- A Village Homecoming!/Transcript
- Drayden Versus Iris: Past, Present, and Future!/Transcript
- Team Eevee and the Pokémon Rescue Squad!/Transcript
- Curtain Up, Unova League!/Transcript
- Mission: Defeat Your Rival!/Transcript
- Lost at the League!/Transcript
- Strong Strategy Steals the Show!/Transcript
- Cameron's Secret Weapon!/Transcript
- A Unova League Evolution!/Transcript
- New Places... Familiar Faces!/Transcript
- The Name's N!/Transcript
- There's a New Gym Leader in Town!/Transcript
- Team Plasma's Pokémon Power Plot!/Transcript
- The Light of Floccesy Ranch!/Transcript
- Saving Braviary!/Transcript
- The Pokémon Harbor Patrol!/Transcript
- The Fires of a Red-Hot Reunion!/Transcript
- Team Plasma's Pokémon Manipulation!/Transcript
- Secrets From Out of the Fog!/Transcript
- Meowth, Colress and Team Rivalry!/Transcript
- Ash and N: A Clash of Ideals!/Transcript
- Team Plasma and the Awakening Ceremony!/Transcript
- What Lies Beyond Truth and Ideals!/Transcript
- Farewell, Unova! Setting Sail for New Adventures!/Transcript
- Danger, Sweet as Honey!/Transcript
- Cilan and the Case of the Purrloin Witness!/Transcript
- Crowning the Scalchop King!/Transcript
- The Island of Illusions!/Transcript
- To Catch a Rotom!/Transcript
- The Pirates of Decolore!/Transcript
- Butterfree and Me!/Transcript
- The Path That Leads to Goodbye!/Transcript
- Searching for a Wish!/Transcript
- Capacia Island UFO!/Transcript
- The Journalist from Another Region!/Transcript
- Mystery on a Deserted Island!/Transcript
- A Pokémon of a Different Color!/Transcript
- Celebrating the Hero's Comet!/Transcript
- Go, Go Gogoat!/Transcript
- Team Rocket's Shocking Recruit!/Transcript
- Survival of the Striaton Gym!/Transcript
- Best Wishes Until We Meet Again!/Transcript
- The Dream Continues!/Transcript
- Kalos, Where Dreams and Adventures Begin! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Lumiose City Pursuit! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Battle of Aerial Mobility! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Shockingly Cheeky Friendship! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Blustery Santalune Gym Battle! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Battling on Thin Ice! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Giving Chase at the Rhyhorn Race! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Grooming Furfrou! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Clemont's Got a Secret! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Mega-Mega Meowth Madness! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Bamboozling Forest! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- To Catch a Pokémon Smuggler! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Kindergarten Chaos! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Seeking Shelter from the Storm! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- An Appetite for Battle! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Jolting Switcheroo! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Rush of Ninja Wisdom! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Awakening the Sleeping Giant! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Conspiracy to Conquer! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Breaking Titles at the Chateau! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A PokéVision of Things to Come! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Going for the Gold! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Coming Back into the Cold! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- An Undersea Place to Call Home! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Climbing the Walls! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Irelanders in Pokemon XY Special: Mega Evolution Special 1/Transcript
- A Battle by Any Other Name! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- To Find a Fairy Flower! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Bonds of Evolution! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Heroes - Friends and Faux Alike! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Mega Revelations! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Cave of Trials! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Aura Storm! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Calling from Beyond the Aura! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Bonds of Mega Evolution! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Forest Champion! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Battles in the Sky! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Cave of Mirrors! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Forging Forest Friendships! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Summer of Discovery! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Day Three Blockbusters! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Foggy Pokémon Orienteering! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Battling Into the Hall of Fame! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Origins of Mega Evolution! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Showdown at the Shalour Gym! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Splitting Heirs! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Clumsy Crier Quiets the Chaos! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Dreaming a Performer's Dream! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Campus Reunion! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Bonnie for the Defense! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Irelanders in Pokemon XY Special: Mega Evolution Special 2/Transcript
- Pathways to Performance Partnering! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- When Light and Dark Collide! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Stealthy Challenge! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Race for Home! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Facing the Grand Design! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Slippery Encounter! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- One for the Goomy! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Thawing an Icy Panic! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Green, Green Grass Types of Home! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Under the Pledging Tree! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Showcase Debut! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- An Oasis of Hope! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Future Is Now, Thanks to Determination! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Fork in the Road! A Parting of the Ways! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Battling with Elegance and a Big Smile! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Good Friends, Great Training! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Confronting the Darkness! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Moment of Lumiose Truth! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Garchomp's Mega Bond! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Defending the Homeland! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Beyond the Rainbow! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- So You're Having a Bad Day! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Scary Hospitality! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Fashionable Battle! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Fairy-Type Trickery! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Rivals: Today and Tomorrow! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Irelanders in Pokemon XY Special: Mega Evolution Special 3/Transcript
- A Not-So-Flying-Start! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Relay in the Sky! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Lights! Camera! Pika! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Frenzied Factory Fiasco! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Performing with Fiery Charm! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Rotom's Wish! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Festival Trade! A Festival Farewell? (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Over the Mountain of Snow! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Adventures in Running Errands! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Mending a Broken Spirit! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Legendary Photo Op! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Tiny Caretaker! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Trip Down Memory Train! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Frocking Find in the Flowers! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Tag Team Inspiration! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Performance Pop Quiz! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Cloudy Fate, Bright Future! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- All Eyes on the Future! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Irelanders in Pokemon XY Special: Mega Evolution Special 4/Transcript
- From A to Z! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Love Strikes! Eevee, Yikes! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Giga Battle with Mega Results! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Fiery Rite of Passage! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Dream a Little Dream from Me! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Legend of the Ninja Hero! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Festival of Decisions! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Dancing Debut! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Meeting at Terminus Cave! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Cellular Connection! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Windswept Encounter! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Party Dancecapades! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Meeting of Two Journeys! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- An Explosive Operation! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Watershed Moment! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Master Class Choices! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- An Electrifying Rage! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Unlocking Some Respect! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Master Class is in Session! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Performing a Pathway to the Future! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Keeper for Keeps? (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Battling at Full Volume! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Synchronicity Test! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Making Friends and Influencing Villains! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Championing a Research Battle! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Full-Strength Battle Surprise! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- All Hail the Ice Battlefield! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Seeing the Forest for the Trees! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Real Icebreaker! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Diamond in the Rough! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Gaggle of Gadget Greatness! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A League of His Own! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Valuable Experience for All! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Analysis Versus Passion! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Riveting Rivalry! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Kalos League Passion with a Certain Flare! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Finals Not for the Faint-Hearted! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Down to the Fiery Finish! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Towering Takeover! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Coming Apart at the Dreams! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Right Hero for the Right Job! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Rocking Kalos Defenses! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Forming a More Perfect Union! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Battling with a Clean Slate! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The First Day of the Rest of Your Life! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Facing the Needs of the Many! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Till We Compete Again! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Legend of X, Y, and Z! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Alola to New Adventure! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Guardian's Challenge! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Loading the Dex! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- First Catch in Alola, Ketchum-style! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Yo, Ho, Ho! Go, Popplio! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Shocking Grocery Run! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- That's Why the Litten is a Scamp! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Lillie's Egg-xhilarating Challenge! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- To Top a Totem! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Trial and Tribulation! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Young Kiawe Had a Farm! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Sun, the Scare, the Secret Lair! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Racing to a Big Event! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Getting to Know You! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Rocking Clawmark Hill! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- They Might Not Be Giants! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Crystal-Clear Sleuthing! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Seasoned Search! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Guardian Rematch! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Partner Promises! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- One Journey Ends, Another Begins... (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Shivering Shovel Search! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Getting the Band Back Together! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Alolan Open House! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Team-on-Team Tussle! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- So Long, Sophocles! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Glaring Rivalry! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Pulling out the Pokémon Base Pepper! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Lulled to La-La Land! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Ol' Raise and Switch! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Island Whisperer! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Treasure Hunt, Akala Style! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Big Sky, Small Fry! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Crowning Moment of Truth! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Currying Favor and Flavor! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Trials and Determinations! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Rising from the Ruins! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Mimikyu Unmasked! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Mallow and the Forest Teacher! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Balloons, Brionne, and Belligerence! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Mounting an Electrifying Charge! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Alola, Kanto! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- When Regions Collide! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Dream Encounter! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Now You See Them, Now You Don't! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Deceiving Appearances! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Masked Warning! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Night of a Thousand Poses! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Mission: Total Recall! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Faba's Revenge! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Family Determination! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Revealing the Stuff of Legend! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Rescuing the Unwilling! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- 10,000,000 Reasons to Fight! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Professors' New Adventure! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Let Sleeping Pokémon Lie! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Dex Can't Help It! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Fighting Back the Tears! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Tasting the Bitter with the Sweet! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Getting a Jump on the Competition! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Mission of Ultra Urgency! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Acting True to Form! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Pushing the Fiery Envelope! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Turning Heads and Training Hard! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Smashing with Sketch! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Love at First Twirl! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Real Life...Inquire Within! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Rise and Shine, Starship! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Young Flame Strikes Back! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Dewpider Ascending! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Sours for the Sweet! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Why Not Give Me a Z-Ring Sometime? (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Tough Guy Trials! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Some Kind of Laziness! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- A Battle Hand-Off! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Guiding an Awakening! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Twirling with a Bang! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Showering the World with Love! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Sandshrew's Storm! Ice Cave Double Battle!! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Alola's Young Fire! Masked Ash's Birth!! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Dance Dance in Evolution? (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Ash Becomes Small (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Shape of Family, Poipole's Feelings! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Leap and Climb, Stakataka! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- I've Decided Here! Pokémon Hot Spring Paradise!! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Alola's Crisis! The Darkness that Devours Radiance!! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Lunala VS UB:BLACK! A Full Moon Battle!! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Prism of Light and Darkness, Its Name is Necrozma!! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Connect to the Future! The Legend of the Radiant One!! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- An Infestation-chu! Pikachu Valley!! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Kukui's Desperate Situation! Another Royal Mask!! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- The Hero Liliel and the Alola Staff! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Great Gathering of Ghost Pokémon! Everyone's Haunted House!! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Wela Volcano, Golone, Golonya, and the Mountaineer! (TIAOPF)/Transcript
- Rocket-dan and Nuikoguma!/ (TIAOPF)/Transcript
Movie Transcripts[edit | edit source]
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon the Movie: I Choose You/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon the First Movie: MewTwo Strikes Back/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon The Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: MewTwo Returns/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon the Movie 2000: The Power of One/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon the Movie: The Power of Us/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon 3 the Movie/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon 4Ever/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon Heroes: Latios and Latias/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Jirachi - Wish Maker/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Mastermind of the Mirage Pokémon/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Pokémon Ranger Menaphy and the Temple of the Sea/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: The Rise of Darkrai/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Giratina and the Sky Warrior/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Arceus and the Jewel of Life/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Zoroark—Master of Illusions/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Black—Victini and Reshiram/Transcript/The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: White—Victini and Zekrom/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Kyurem vs. the Sword of Justice/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Genesect and the Legend Awakened/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages/Transcript
- The Irelanders' Adventures of Pokémon: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel/Transcript
Pikachu Shorts Transcripts[edit | edit source]
- Pikachu's Vacation/Transcript
- Pikachu's Rescue Adventure/Transcript
- Pikachu & Pichu/Transcript
- Pikachu's PikaBoo/Transcript
- Camp Pikachu/Transcript
- Gotta Dance!/Transcript
- Meloetta's Moonlight Serenade/Transcript
- Eevee & Friends/Transcript
- Pikachu, What's this Key?/Transcript
- Pikachu and the Pokémon Music Squad/Transcript