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The Irelanders' Adventures of Fireman Sam: Alien Alert/Transcript

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

This is the script for The Irelanders' Adventures of Fireman Sam: Alien Alert.

[We view a starry night sky with a full moon before panning down to a road where Dilys and Norman Price drive along in their car with Spud. Norman looks cross]

Norman Price: I am not going to put that bowtie on when we get to Auntie Phylis's party!

Dilys Price: Yes, you are, Norman Price! And you will look like a prince!

Spud The Scarecrow: Yeah, Norman. I wear fancy clothes sometimes and I don't mind them.

Norman Price: That's easy for you to say, Spud. I'll look like a...

[Suddenly, the car judders, slows down and stops on a bridge. Dilys tries to start it again but to no avail]

Norman Price: Oh, now we can't get to Auntie Phylis's. We'll have to go home.

Dilys Price: We'll see about that. [getting out] If I can find my torch, we can walk to Auntie Phylis's from here.

Spud The Scarecrow: Besides, it's too foggy to go back. We'd get lost easily.

Norman Price: (grumbles angrily)

[Dilys walks to the back of the car and opens the boot. As she searches for her torch, a light suddenly shines about the car, catching Norman and Spud's attention. They peek out and see a flying saucer hovering right above them. They unstrap themselves and get out, staring up at it]

Norman: [stammering]

Spud: What is that?

Dilys: Well, that's not it.

Norman: Mam!

Dilys: Just a minute, Norman! Oh, I wondered where that had gone!

Norman: Mam! It's a flying saucer!

Dilys: No it's not, it's an old picnic basket! Oh, still got a cheese sandwich in it. [chuckles]

Spud: We're not kidding! Honest!

Norman: Hello, little flying saucer!

Spud: Welcome to Earth!

[But the flying saucer flies away, seemingly scared]

Norman: No! No, don't go! Come ba.... [screams]

[Norman and Spud falls over the edge of the bridge they're on into the water. Dilys finds her torch but doesn't notice]

Dilys: Found it you two! Norman? Spud? Where are you?

Norman: Mam!

Spud: We're down here, Mrs. Price!

[Dilys shines her torch at the river and sees Norman and Spud being swept upstream]

Dilys: Norman! Spud!

Spud: Help!

Norman: Call Fireman Sam!

[The screen goes black with Norman and Spud's sillhouettes in a blue circle and the opening titles begin and end with the title "The Irelanders' Adventures of Fireman Sam: Alien Alert". The scene changes to the Pontypandy Fire Station where the control panel is beeping having received the emergency. Station Officer Steele gets up from his chair and runs over to it. He presses a button and the map comes up showing the emergency]

Map Screen 700: Norman Price and Spud have fallen into the river and are being swept downstream.

[Steele presses the alarm button and the alarm goes off. He picks up the microphone]

Steele: Norman Price and Spud have fallen into the river and are being swept downstream.

[Sam, Elvis, Penny and the Irelanders slide down poles and put on their helmets and uniforms]

Fireman Sam: Uh! The Rescue Bot Recruits, Beshte and I will take Hydrus. Penny, Elvis, you and the rest of the Irelanders follow in Venus. Harold, you try and search for Norman and Spud from the sky.

Harold: You've got it, Sam, old chap.

Elvis, Penny and Irelanders: Roger that, Sam.

[They get in said vehicles and Harold takes off into the sky and they set off. Back at the river, Norman and Spud are still being swept along by the current out of sight with Dilys watching]

Norman: Mam!

Dilys: Hold on, you two! Fireman Sam and the Irelanders are on their way!

Spud: I hope so! I still can't swim!

[The heroes pass under a bridge and continue along the road]

Simba: So what's the plan, Sam?

Fireman Sam: You lot head up to the bridge and launch Saturn, Simba. The Rescue Bot Recruits, Harold, Beshte and I will head down stream. [over the radio] We can use Saturn's heat seeking cameras to look for their body heat.

[They split up and Penny, Elvis and the Irelanders head over to Dilys]

Twilight Sparkle: Which way did they go, Dilys?

Dilys: They went that way, Twilight!

Ash Ketchum: Okay, stay calm. We'll do everything we can to rescue them.

Pikachu: Pika.

[Sam, Beshte and the Rescue Bot Recruits drive Hydrus downstream and Harold follows from the sky]

Penny: Launching Saturn now, Sam.

[Elvis sends Saturn downstream ahead of Sam. Norman and Spud continue to flail around as the current carries them along]

Norman and Spud: HELP!

[Elvis watches them on screen of the remote]

Elvis: Got them!

Penny: We can see them, guys. They're just upstream and headed towards you.

[Sam turns Hydrus around and Harold turns too but there's no sign of Norman and Spud]

Fireman Sam: We still can't see them!

Harold: No sign of them from my birds-eye view!

Beshte: Even I can't see them.

Elvis: They've grabbed a branch, guys, just ahead of you.

[Sam, the Rescue Bot Recruits, Beshte and Harold continue downstream and soon spot Norman and Spud clinging to a branch nearby]

Blaze: There they are!

Fireman Sam: We see them. We're coming, Norman and Spud!

Norman: We can't hold on! Our hands are slipping!

[Norman and Spud are forced to let go as the current pushes them further downstream. Sam, Beshte, Harold, Blaze and the Rescue Bot Recruits get ahead of them and Sam pulls them both out of the water to safety]

Fireman Sam: We've got them! Norman and Spud are safe and sound.

Dilys: Ooh. [faints]

Marty: Oh, boy. Looks like Dilys fainted again.

Aviva Corcovado: That's just the way she is, unfortunately, Marty.

Kion: For now, let's wait for Sam and the others to get back.

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah. Let's give Dilys time to recover.

[As Sam and the others head back upstream, something mysterious watches them from the bushes. They arrive back at the bridge and the scene changes to Norman's bedroom the next morning]

Norman Price: And then, it went zooming off into the distance. It was definitely a flying saucer.

Spud The Scarecrow: Yeah, we saw it with our own eyes! It even tried to beam us up but I suspect the car must've been too heavy.

Mandy Flood: Haven't you heard, Norman and Spud? People have been seeing things like that all around Pontypandy. Even Buck Douglas and scientist Catherine Ling are on their way.

Norman Price: Who's Buck Douglas and Catherine Ling?

Mandy Flood: They're only the stars of Alien Quest.

[Norman and Spud shrug]

Mandy: The show where they look for the proof of real aliens? Oh. [brings up a clip on her laptop] Here.

[Buck Douglas is on screen with Catherine, who is actually Chrysalis in disguise]

Buck Douglas: Hi there, Space Spotters. Now, as you might have heard, there's been a lot of alien sightings in a little town called Pontypandy, courtesy of intel from my scientist friend Catherine here.

Catherine: Yep. Most recent sighting was last night. Near the mill.

Norman Price: That's us.

Spud The Scarecrow: They're talking about us.

Buck Douglas: So, that's where we'll be next week as we go on Alien Quest. So if you live in Pontypandy, and you want to be one of our Spacetastic space spotters, get out there and send us some pictures or videos and you could be on our show.

[He salutes the camera]

Norman: We have to get on that show! I want to be an official Buck Douglas space spotter.

Spud: Me too!

Buck Douglas: But remember, you're not a real space spotter unless you have an official Buck Douglas scarf.

Norman: Ooh.

Catherine: And torch.

Spud: Cor!

Buck Douglas: And coat.

Norman: Oh.

Catherine: And most important of all...

Norman: What?

Buck Douglas: The official Buck Douglas Alien Quest book. Available in all good retailers. So, until next time, this is Buck Douglas and Catherine Ling signing off.

Norman: We have got to get all of those things! Hmm. Mandy, call James, Sarah and some of the Irelanders. We're going on an Alien Quest.

[The scene changes to the Pontypandy Fire Service and the Irelanders heading up to the new Mountain Rescue Center]

Ellie Philips: What sort of surprise do you think Sam's got for us, Elvis?

Elvis: I don't know.

Ellie: [gasps] Do you think we're going to have to do a new Mountain Rescue Drill?

Elvis: Um, I don't know.

Ellie: (giggles)

Aisling: Well, whatever it is, I know it'll be exciting.

[The group carries on until Penny sees something up ahead]

Penny: Wow!

[The Mountain Rescue Center comes into view]

Penny: It's the all new Mountain Rescue Center!

Irelanders: Whoa!

[The group stops outside the center as Tom Thomas and Station Officer Steele stand outside]

Tom Thomas: G'day! And welcome to my new headquarters!

Fireman Sam: Well, it's a big improvement on your old one, Tom.

Shaggy Rogers: Yeah, man. Like, it's totally groovy.

Scooby-Doo: Reah. Rrovey.

Connor Lacey: Just like the fire station back in Pontypandy a year ago.

Tracey Sketchit: That fire station was very impressive when Ash brings me and the others back to Pontypandy.

Ash Ketchum: It's our pleasure, Tracey.

Pikachu: Pika-pika.

Tom Thomas: Yeah, I know. But this isn't the only improvement. Follow me.

[He leads them inside and up to Tom's new helicopter, Wallaby Two]

Tom Thomas: Meet and greet my big new beauty, Wallaby Two.

Irelanders: Wow!

Marty: This helicopter is crack-a-lacking!

Ellie: She's amazing!

Elvis: And really shiny.

Harold: Oh, my. Look at that.

Arnold: And she has a comprehensive avionix suite, a multivan homing system and a high capacity water vessel.

[Elvis looks confused as again he has no idea what Arnold means]

Fireman Sam: Arnold means it's got a really good computer and a big bucket, Elvis.

Elvis: Then why didn't he just say that?

Timon: Yeah. His terminology is too confusing to understand.

Pumbaa: Well, he must be very good with those kind of words.

Kowalski: Something tells me he took up technology lessons in high school hence why he knows so much.

Skipper: Excellent deduction there, Kowalski.

Tom Thomas: So, who wants to get on with the rest of the tour?

Discord: I do!

Fuli: I guess the rest of us do as well.

Quasimodo: Let's go.

[They follow Tom into the control room]

Tom Thomas: The control panel has been programmed with a map of the area.

Arnold: Oh, it's got a fully intergrated satellite navigation system.

Elvis: He's doing it again.

Bambi: He's really gotta learn to be more specific.

Varian: Perhaps but that must be a new version of The Map Screen 700. Impressive.

King Julien: I wonder if I can pinpoint a location here with this location seeker.

Chris Kratt: Julien, it only shows where there's an emergency.

Martin Kratt: Yeah, and don't even think about touching it!

King Julien: Aww.

Heidi: Well, The Mountain Rescue Centre looks more impressive than it was once when I came here.

Violet Parr: Yeah. Lots of improvements have been made.

Ellie: I can't wait to see how it all works.

[Suddenly, the control panel beeps, indicating an emergency]

Fireman Sam: Looks like you're about to, Ellie. We've got an emergency.

[Steele runs up to the control panel and turns it on]

Map Screen 700: Forest fire reported near the mill bridge.

Steele: Forest fire reported near the mill bridge!

Blaze: We'd better get over there with Blazing Speed!

Kim Possible: You heard the monster truck. Let's go!

[The team hurries outside and set off to the rescue. They soon arrive at the scene of the fire and set to work putting it out. Elvis and Ellie beat the flames with beaters while Sam and Penny use hoses]

Fireman Sam: The wind is pushing to the east! It's spreading fast!

Belle: Not good! Sure hope Tom brings that water soon!

[Tom flies Wallaby Two over the river under the railway bridge]

Tom: Picking up a bucket full of water and we'll be right with you, Sam.

[Tom scoops up water in the bucket and flies back to the fire]

Ellie: It's spreading too quickly.

Clemont: We can't give up now!

[They keep going but the water is starting to run out]

Arnold: Not much water left in the tank.

Flynn: Hurry up, Tom!

Li' Dipper: There he is!

[Tom flies into view]

Fireman Sam: Stand clear, everyone!

[Everyone runs clear as Tom dumps the water on the flames, finally extinguishing them]

Penny: I wouldn't have liked to have been under that.

Nala: Me neither.

Ellie: That is one big bucket.

[Tom flies away]

Fireman Sam: Nice work, Tom! And welcome to the team, Wallaby Two.

Blade Ranger: That is one amazing aircraft.

Dusty Crophopper: Yep. Can't argue with that.

[The scene changes to Sam, Penny, Elvis and the Irelanders checking the area later on]

Penny: I wonder what caused the fire?

Elvis: It doesn't look like there's been any campfires.

Tracey Sketchit: This is rather unusual. (draw in his sketchpad)

Fireman Sam: Hmm. Very strange.

Fred Jones: Well, gang, looks like we've got another mystery on our hands.

Kion: Yeah. What could've caused that fire?

Ash Ketchum: I don't know, Kion but we'II figure it out sooner or later.

Pikachu: Pika.

Lightning McQueen: Come on, let's investigate further.

[They carry on, unaware that they're being watching by a mysterious green figure hiding in the bushes. The scene changes to Buck Douglas switching on a camera]

Buck Douglas: Hi there, Space Spotters. I'm Buck Douglas, this is Catherine Ling, stars of Alien Quest, and we're here today in Pontypandy.

Pontypandy people: [cheering]

Buck Douglas: Where there have been some spacetastic alien spottings.

Pontypandy people: [cheering]

Buck Douglas: So, we here at Alien Quest are going to take a little look around. Remember, the aliens are out there, we just have to find them.

[Bella gets in front of the camera, interrupting him]

Bella: Ciao. Pontypandy welcomes-a little green men from all over the galaxy. I do the best pizza in the universe.

Buck Douglas: Cut, cut, cut!

Cameraman: Thank you. Thank you very much.

Bella: Ooh, I'm gonna make some beautiful outer space pizzas.

Buck: Okay, everyone. Get your Buck Douglas Alien Quest books here.

Pontypandy people: [chattering]

Buck: [chuckles] One at a time. Plenty for everyone. No need to push. One at a time. Watch the hair.

[The scene changes to Bella, Joe, Varian, Aviva and Clemont at the garage]

Joe: Behold, [unveils a slingshot] The Pizza Delivery Master 2000.

[Bella studies it]

Bella: How does it work?

Joe: All you need is a flying disc and a small pizza. You pull back the elastic and you can deliver the pizza to anywhere in Pontypandy.

[He pulls back the slingshot and lets go, sending the pizza into the air]

Bella: Mamma Mia!

[They duck to avoid getting hit as the pizza bounces off the gas pump and slams into the car jack's struts before sliding to the ground and breaking apart]

Varian: Maybe you should test it before actually using it.

Aviva: Joe, you're gonna need something much more high-tech than that.

Bella: Aviva is right. I think we're going to need something a bit more space age.

Joe: Hmmm. Space age. [gets an idea] Ah-ha. [picks up his sketch pad and pen] We'll need a power buck, some thrusters and Bob's your uncle. [gives it to Bella] What about something like this?

Bella: Bellisimo.

Clemont: That is much better than a slingshot. Let's get started.

[The scene changes back to the Mountain Rescue Center]

Fireman Sam: Hello, and a big warm welcome to our new volunteer Mountain Rescue Team. Helen, you will helping out when there's a medical emergency.

Helen Flood: Roger that, Sam.

Fireman Sam: Lizzie, you will be helping out with the animal rescues.

Lizzie Sparkes: Roger that, Sam.

Fireman Sam: And Moose... eh... Moose? Where-where's Moose?

Fuli: Uh, he's over there, talking to Elvis.

Elvis: And... and... and then, Buck Douglas and Catherine Ling went right up to the flying saucer and went beep, beepity-beep-beep.

Moose Roberts: No way. I love Alien Quest. I can't believe they're in Pontypandy, eh? [does the salute]

Elvis: [chuckles as he does the salute] Oh, I can't either. I'm going to write a special song all about aliens. [laughs]

Fireman Sam: Ahem. Uh, Moose, if you wouldn't mind joining the rest of the team?

Moose: Oh, yeah. Sorry, Sam.

Fireman Sam: As I was saying, Moose, you will be our backup when there's a difficult mountain rescue.

Moose: Roger that, Sam.

Fireman Sam: Now, you will all have new mountain rescue uniforms, as modeled and designed by our very own Arnold and Rarity!

[Arnold steps out of the center in a mountain rescue uniform followed by Rarity]

Rarity: What do you think?

Helen Flood: Wow, that's very fancy.

Moose: Brilliant, eh?

Lizzie: Work it, Arnold!

Dawn: I've gotta hand it to you, Rarity. You really outdid yourself. Very stylish for my liking.

Rarity: Well, you know what they say, practice makes perfect.

[Arnold finishes his dance]

Fireman Sam: [chuckles] And Helen, as part of your new role, you're going to need an ambulance.

[Ellie drives up in a fancy new ambulance. She gets out and hands Helen the keys]

Helen Flood: Oh, my.

Ellie: Nice wheels, Helen.

[Everyone claps]

Alex: Whoo! Who knew the people of this town could be so considerate.

Will Vandom: Yeah, Alex. Everyone has a sense of style.

[Sam turns to everyone]

Fireman Sam: Now, it has come to my attention that the [sighs] Buck Douglas Alien Quest show has come to Pontypandy.

Elvis: [through excited chuckles] It has, Sam! It has!

Amy: It's all anyone's been rallying around all morning.

Iris: Yeah. You're such a kid, Elvis.

Ono: Iris, don't call people kids because they don't know things, make mistakes or get excited.

Iris: Yeah, yeah. I get it.

Fireman Sam: [sighs] Anyway, I think we need to be on our guard and do our best to keep Pontypandy calm.

Helen Flood: Why? Do you think there might be real aliens here, Sam?

Fireman Sam: No. I just know the people of Pontypandy. They can get very excited.

Lizzie: Surely they can't be that bad.

Heidi: Yeah. There's nothing wrong with getting excited about things.

Phoebus: I think what Sam meant is that when if they get too excited, they'II ended up on dangerous places and get themselves in trouble.

Esmeralda: Yeah. And then we have to come to their rescue.

Heidi: Oh. That makes sense when you put it that way.

Kion: As The Lion Guard, we'II help out in anyway we can.

Skipper: Well, boys, looks like we're going to help our friends to rescue people. Rico, checklist.

[Rico barves up the checklist]

Fuli: Ugh! Does he really have to store everyday items in his belly?

Skipper: Yep. It's how we're always prepared for any situation that comes our way.

Princess Peach: You'll get used to it, Fuli.

Fireman Sam: I appreciate it, guys. Thank you very much for volunteering.

Timon: Don't worry, Sam. We're on it like stink on a warthog.

Pumbaa: Hey!

Timon: It's a hard truth, Pumbaa. Live with it.

Simba: Guys, Sam's counting on us. We need to make sure no one gets into trouble by too much excitement.

Connor Lacey: You heard the king. Let's hope the people are being careful while looking for real aliens.

Shaggy: I was afraid you'd say that.

Scooby-Doo: Reah.

Fred Jones: Don't worry. It'II be just like our last alien mystery in the desert. People in costumes, nothing else.

Razer: Yeah. Besides Crystal and Amber, of course. But we'II see as we go along.

Lance Strongbow: Yeah. What can possibly go wrong?

[The scene changes to Mike Flood leaving the Flood house wearing a light on his head and carrying binoculars and a camera]

Mike Flood: If I don't become an official Buck Douglas space spotter with this lot, then no one will.

[He gets in his van which is painted with a space theme paintjob]

Mike: Right, come on, you little green scallywags.

[Mike sets off. Meanwhile, Moose is alone in the woods when a small flying saucer swoops past him]

Moose: Oh. What the grizzlies! Lights in the sky! It's a flying saucer, eh? Ah! A flying saucer! Oh!

[Moose follows it but trips over a rock. The song Lights in the Sky starts playing as Elvis plays his guitar]

Elvis: Strange things are happening all over the place~

Flying saucers coming down from outer space~

If we can see a spaceship, then we'll be on TV~

There's a Buck Douglas Alien Quest in Pontypandy!~

My oh my, there's lights in the sky!~

I've seen a UFO so let's go go go!~

Do the moon rock and the alien roll!~

Find some little green men, that is our goal~

[We see Charlie driving his boat when he spots a flying saucer on a cliff nearby. He gets out his camera but accidentally drops it in the water]

We're all looking up we're all looking down, there are space spotters things all over town~

If we can find a mother ship or a landing sight, those rock and rolling rockets will light up our night~

My oh my there's lights in the sky~

I've seen a UFO so let's go go go!~

Do the moon rock and the alien roll!~

Find some little green men, that is our goal~

[Shots of all things alien related pop up one after another as Elvis does a countdown]

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1~

[Mike is looking at a map and falls fast asleep, hardly noticing the flying saucer next to him]

Will they come from Pluto? Will they come from Mars?~

Zooming through the milkyway and shooting through the stars~

[Lily shows a drawing of an alien to Mrs Chen and Hannah and points. They look up to see an alien running off as Lily waves goodbye]

They might have fifteen noses and they might have one big ear~

But Pontypandy is calling and they're coming right here~

My oh my there's lights in the sky~

I've seen a UFO so let's go go go!~

Do the moon rock and the alien roll!~

Find some little green men, that is our...~

[Lizzie is tending to a horse when a flying saucer flies by scaring it off. She calls the fire department and they help bring the horse back with Phoenix]

My oh my there's lights in the sky~

I've seen a UFO so let's go go go!~

Do the moon rock and the alien roll!~

Find some little green men, that is our goal!~

[The flying saucer passes again. Bronwyn uses rods to find circles in the dirt as the song comes to a close]

(chuckles) Ground control to Station Officer Steele~

Come in, sir?~

[Elvis finishes the song]

Elvis: There. Did you like it, guys?

Radar: [barks]

Thorn: That was incredible, Elvis.

Sunset Shimmer: You really are a good guitar player. Like me.

Bunga: That was un-Bungalievable.

Connor Lacey: You did really well.

[Sam comes in]

Fireman Sam: Elvis, there's time for that later. We have to go and put out some safety notices.

[Elvis puts his guitar down and he and the Irelanders follow Sam]

Fireman Sam: With all this alien spotting going on, we don't want anyone wandering off on dangerous paths.

Mewtwo: Sam's right. Better safe than sorry.

Vitaly: Let's get to work then.

[The scene changes to Buck Douglas and Chrysalis in her Catherine Ling disguise on camera]

Buck Douglas: Hi there, Space Spotters. This week, we're in Pontypandy.

[We view Buck interviewing Charlie]

Charlie: I saw lights in the sky.

[We view Buck interviewing Bronwyn]

Bronwyn: I heard strange sounds coming from the forest at night.

[We view Buck interviewing Trevor]

Trevor: My underpants went missing from the washing line.

[Silence falls. Buck, his cameraman and the Foot Empire are seen watching the footage on a laptop]

Buck: Yeah, it's all looking good but we're still gonna need some more sightings for this week's show.

Chrysalis: Yes, and those idiots don't have a clue that we've got them fooled.

Makunga: Yeah. I can't wait to get my revenge on Alakay and his friends for beating me up with that old lady and took the role of alpha lion from me.

DuBois: Indeed. I want revenge on him too for locking me up in the Central Park Zoo and foiling my attempts to get his head for my wall. Plus, I didn't know animals can talk.

Reirei: Well, where we come from, DuBois, all animals can talk.

Goigoi: Yeah. At least you know that Alex and his friends are smart to know what's going on.

DuBois: Yes, I get it, monsieur jackal.

Zach Varmitech: Well, no matter, once we get lots more sightings for this alien show, we'II be rich.

Donita Donata: Yeah. I bet those Pontypandy people will be laughingstocks once they discovered that the alien sightings are fake but it will be too late with people watching the show.

Gourmand: Yes. That will serve them right for helping the Irelanders and Wild Kratts foil our plans many times before.

Ronno: Yeah. They will regret intervening with our plans the first time around. So, what shall we do now?

Paisley Paver: For now, we get more footage.

Queen Chrysalis: And during that, you three clowns better make sure the heroes don't intervene and no one suspects a thing.

Jessie: Team Rocket is on the job.

James: We won't mess things up this time.

Meowth: Yeah. We'II see to it that no one, not even the so-called "Hero Next Door", suspects anything.

Queen Chrysalis: Good. Soon, the Irelanders will not know what hit them.

[The villains cackle evilly. The scene changes to Norman's room]

Norman: Okay. So, you going to be my Space Spotting Team.

James: What are we supposed to do?

Norman: Well, I've been reading Buck Douglas' book and he tells you all the places you're most likely to find aliens and see flying saucers.

Sarah: Great. We can all be official Buck Douglas Space Spotters.

Spud: Yeah. We'II be on Alien Quest on TV in no time.

Norman: Exactly. Mandy, you bring the camera.

Mandy: Check.

Norman: Sarah, you bring the map.

Sarah: Check.

Norman: James, you bring the Buck Douglas book.

Kiera: And what do Catalina, Melody, Maisie, Zephyr, Bonnie and I have to bring for your alien quest plans?

Norman: Oh, well, anything useful really.

Spud: And now Spud The Scarecrow becomes (spins around, changing into a extraterrestrial company member) Spud the Space Alien Spotter!

Maisie Lockwood: Nice name, Spud.

Bonnie: And that's a very good costume on you too. (giggles)

Dedenne: Dedenne.

Zephyr: Wow. Cool.

Catalina: So, are we ready?

Norman: Hold on. I need to get my gear on.

[Norman switches on the radio which plays spacey music as he puts on a green jacket, a white scarf and puts a torch in his pocket. Sarah turns the radio off]

Sarah: Um, what are you wearing, Norman?

Norman: It's my official Buck Douglas Alien Quest outfit.

Mandy: The coat looks like the one your mum wore to Auntie Phylis's wedding.

Norman: No, it doesn't, Mandy.

Mandy: Okay, Norman. Keep your pants on.

[Norman glares and opens the door]

Mandy: (whispers to James) It so is.

Melody: We can see that.

Norman: So, Space Spotters, let's go!

Spud: You heard him, move out! Spud's on the job!

[They head off. Meanwhile, Sam, Elvis and the Irelanders are still putting up safety notices]

Elvis: (panting) There. That should keep Buck Douglas' space spotters off the dangerous trail, Sam.

Fireman Sam: Yep, just two more to go.

Lance Strongbow: And after that, our work here will be all done for the day.

Madeline: Yep. And everyone'll be sure to stay safe.

Brock: Yeah. Let's put up the last two signs.

[They head off]

Elvis: I hope I see some little green men and get to be on Alien Quest, Sam.

Fireman Sam: You never know, Elvis. Maybe you will.

May: It would be nice to be on TV after our Pokemon championships.

Max: And find proof of real alien activity.

Melman: Well, as long as they're not infected by germs or anything.

Aya: Melman, most aliens are known to be germ free. So, I do not think you have anything to worry about.

Bunga: Yeah. Hakuna Matata.

Melman: Just be cautious, that's all.

[They carry on, unaware that they're being watched as they reach the next notice point]

Fireman Sam: Ah, here's the next one.

Elvis: Ah, it... Oh... [gasps] Wow! Look at that!

[Elvis runs off, much to the confusion of Sam and the Irelanders]

Fireman Sam: Elvis?

Rocky: Elvis, stop! The path is dangerous remember?

Aisling: We better go after him.

[They follow Elvis to a large burnt patch of grass]

Irelanders: Whoa.

Elvis: Oh, it's a flying saucer landing sight!

Fireman Sam: Are you sure, Elvis?

Elvis: Oh, yes, Sam. This is where the rocket thrusters burnt the ground on take off. I've seen things just like this on Alien Quest. The little green men have been here, Sam! Oh.

Iris: Only a kid would think that a campfire burn is a rocket thruster burn.

Twilight Sparkle: Iris, remember what we talked about. Elvis is just being himself that's all.

Chris Kratt: Yeah. So please stop calling our friends kid please.

Iris: OK, OK. Sheesh. Sometimes, you guys can't take a joke.

Martin Kratt: Well, I usually likes to joke around but this is serious.

Velma: Hmm. Iris is right about one thing. This is more like a campfire burn rather than a rocket thruster burn. Look.

[She holds up a burnt sausage and shows it to them]

Fireman Sam: Hmm, well, it looks like they left a sausage behind when they went.

Shaggy and Scooby: Huh? (whimpers)

Elvis: [gasps] An alien sausage.

[Something watches in the bushes nearby as Elvis goes back to retrieve the signs he dropped]

Fireman Sam: Come on, Elvis. One more sign to go.

[The thing in the bushes continues to watch. The scene changes to the kids and the others walking through the forest. Norman stops them and carefully moves on followed by the others]

Sarah: Norman, we've been searching for hours.

Mandy: And the aliens could be anywhere.

[Norman turns to them, grabs the book from James and looks through the pages]

Norman: Buck Douglas says you need patience and determination to find aliens.

James: What about finding some lunch? I'm starving.

Sarah: Me too.

Spud: So do I.

Bonnie: If Clemont is here, he can whip up some food for us to eat.

Dedenne: Dedenne.

Melody: Sorry, Bonnie, but Clemont is busy with Bella, Joe, Varian and Aviva at the moment.

[Just then, the bushes rustle nearby. They look at them as they continue to move]

Norman: Sssh. Listen.

[He makes hand gestures to the others. James, Mandy, Sarah and the others shrug at each other]

Maisie Lockwood: We... don't... know... what... that... means.

Norman: Aw. Mandy, get your camera ready.

[Mandy does so. Norman gives a thumbs up before tip-toeing over to the bushes]

James: Are you sure we should be doing this?

Norman: Remember, like it says in the book, aliens are more scared of us than we are of them.

[James backs behind Sarah nervously]

James: I don't think they are.

Kiera: Oh, quit being a wimp and suck in your gut for once, James.

[Norman pushes the bushes apart and finds a fox inside which startles him and Mandy, who drops her camera. The fox runs off]

Sarah: Since when has a fox been an alien, Norman?

Norman: I didn't know it was a fox! Come on, let's keep searching.

Catalina: OK, Norman, if you say so.

Zephyr: Let's carry on. Hopefully, we find something to eat while we're out here.

Djali: (bleats)

[They head on, unaware that they've left Mandy's camera behind. Back at the garage, Bella, Joe, Clemont, Varian and Aviva have attached a pizza box to a drone]

Joe: Behold, the Pizza Delivery Master 2001. And all ready for her maiden flight.

[Bella's phone beeps, having gotten a message]

Bella: And we have our first order from Station Officer Steele.

Aviva: Well, then, we better get ready.

Joe: Right. You cook the pizza, we'll programme in the coordinates.

Clemont: Everyone in Pontypandy is going to love this.

Varian: Well, let's hope it works this time.

[They get to work. At the fire station, everyone is getting ready for a drill scheduled for that evening. Station Officer Steele sees Elvis with a tin-foil hat on his head]

Steele: Wha-wha-what the blazes have you got on your head, Cridlington?

Elvis: It's my tin-foil hat, sir. Buck Douglas says it stops aliens reading your mind.

Steele: Ugh, the only reason aliens would read your mind, Cridlington, is if they wanted a recipe for sheperd's pie. [chuckles]

[Buck, Chrysalis in her Catherine Ling disguise and the cameraman show up]

Buck Douglas: Fireman Sam! Irelanders!

[Everyone turns to look as they approach]

Elvis: Buck Douglas and Catherine Ling? Stars of Alien Quest. [laughs] Can I have your autographs?

Buck Douglas: Sure you can, Space Spotter.

[Buck and Chrysalis write names on posters of themselves and give them to Elvis who walks off carrying them]

Elvis: [gasps] Wow.

Ash Ketchum: I can't believe we're actually meeting them in person!

Pikachu: Pika.

Serena: Could this get any better on our adventure and date here?

Violet Parr: Perhaps so, you two.

Buck Douglas: Fireman Sam! Irelanders! I've come to interview you for our show.

Connor Lacey: Us?

Fireman Sam: What? Me? I, uh, ah, ah-he, really don' think I...

Buck Douglas: The fans of Alien Quest would love to hear what the local hero has to say. It'll be spacetastic. [to the cameraman] Rolling?

[The cameraman turns the camera on and Buck turns to Sam and the Irelanders]

Buck Douglas: So, Fireman Sam, Irelanders, what do you think about the fact that men from Mars have landed here, in Pontypandy?

Connor Lacey: Well, we still haven't seen them up close so we don't exactly know for sure. But we're excited for it.

Fuli: You know, to be honest, I don't think they are real.

Kion: Yeah. Neither do I.

Twilight Sparkle: Well, we did find a burn patch of grass earlier.

King Julien: I would like to thank the sky spirits for showing us aliens here on Earth.

Fireman Sam: I'm, uh, not sure men from Mars have actually landed in Pontypandy.

Buck Douglas: Well, you heard it here first, Space Spotters. Fireman Sam and the Irelanders say the aliens in Pontypandy are not from Mars. They're from a much more distant planet.

Fireman Sam: But we... we... we didn't say that.

Catherine Ling: Cut!

[The cameraman turns off the camera]

Buck Douglas: [shake Sam's hand] Thanks, guys, that was great.

Fireman Sam: But, I... hmmm.

[Buck, Chrysalis and the Cameraman head off]

Elvis: Bye, Mr. Douglas and Mrs. Ling. I've got a tin-foil hat.

Buck Douglas: Lovely, bye.

Ellie: Well, that seemed to go well.

Penny: Hmm. A star is born.

Ono: Hmm, there's something about those two that I don't trust.

Paxton: What do you mean, Ono?

Ono: I mean, they didn't listen to Sam when he said that he didn't say that the aliens in Pontypandy weren't from Mars and cut him off.

Koki: Come to think of it, they did ignore Elvis telling them about his tin-foil hat as they were leaving.

Fred Jones: Yeah, those two are kinda suspicious.

Velma Dinkley: I'II say.

Stefano: Maybe-a we should-a keep an-a eye out-a for clues-a while we-a do the-a drill, just-a in case-a.

Rocky: The sea-lion's got a point.

Connor Lacey: You two are right. Perhaps we should keep an eye out for anything else suspicious.

Butch: Hey, guys, look up there!

[They see the pizza drone fly into view]

Elvis: Oh, look! A flying saucer!

Delia Ketchum: Don't be silly, Elvis. That's a drone. With a pizza box on it?

Fireman Sam: I think that might be the Martian Margerita Station Officer Steele ordered from Bella, Joe, Clemont, Aviva and Varian.

Heidi: Well, that looks wonderful. Very intergalactic.

Diego: Yep. It does look very good.

[Suddenly, the drone goes haywire and they duck to avoid getting hit then it flies up to Station Officer Steele's room]

Steele: Oh, what a beauty! [as the drone crashed into him and coming out covered in piece] Agh, oh, Great Tangled Hoses!

Irelanders: [laughs]

Fireman Sam: Hmm, Bella, Joe, Clemont, Aviva and Varian haven't quite got the delivery system right, have they, sir?

Steele: No, Sam. Not quite. [licks his finger] It is very tasty though.

Chris Kratt: Well, Joe, Varian and Clemont's inventions do tend to backfire sometimes.

Martin Kratt: Yeah, but Aviva's inventions never backfires on us on our creature adventures.

Jimmy Z: Hopefully they'II get their system right when I order a pizza from them.

Shaggy: Yeah. Like, we'II order some space themed pizza on the dot later on, eh, Scoob?

Scooby-Doo: Yeah. (licks his lips and giggles)

Kim Possible: You three can think about food later, right now, we need to get on with the drill.

Fireman Sam: [chuckles] Right, team. Let's get going. Time for that drill.

Skipper: Private, keep check on our fire fighting supplies during this drill.

Private: Roger that, Skipper.

[They head off. Meanwhile, the kids and the others are still searching for aliens near the mill]

Mandy: Norman, we've been following the instructions in that book all day and we haven't found anything.

James: [shivers] I'm cold.

Norman: Well, you should've worn an Alien Quest coat like I did.

Mandy: But our mums didn't go to your Auntie Phylis's wedding.

Norman: I heard that, Mandy.

Spud: Yeah. There's no need for that.

Kiera: Spud, we've been at this for hours. No aliens have shown up.

James: We've been out here for ages. Oh, we should go back before we get into trouble.

Sarah: And it's gonna be dark soon. Why are we even still here?

Norman: Cause we're looking for aliens. And aliens mostly come out at night. Mostly.

Mandy: That's it! There are no aliens here! I'm going home! James is right! We're going to get into trouble if we're not back soon.

Melody: Yeah! So, let's go!

[They head off. Norman looks in the book again when he suddenly sees a flying saucer hover into view]

Norman: Huh? Lights.

Sarah: What?

Norman: Look! Buck Douglas' book was right! We have found aliens!

Spud: Wow! We've finally found them!

Norman: Quick, Mandy, get a photo!

[Mandy feels for her camera but it's nowhere to be seen]

Mandy: I don't have my camera!

Norman: What?! But, you had it before!

Mandy: Oh, I must have dropped it when you made that fox jump out at me!

Spud: What? You've got to be kidding us!

Norman: But... but... but... What kind of a Space Spotter are you?!

Mandy: One that's looking right at a flying saucer.

[The flying saucer hovers right in front of them. James darts behind Sarah as Norman looks in the book again then back at the flying saucer]

Norman: It's an alien probe from the mother ship. I read all about these in the book.

[The probe beeps as if talking]

Catalina: Why is that probe making noises?

Mandy: I think it's speaking to us.

Spud: Then let's talk back to it.

[Norman approaches the probe cautiously]

Norman: Take us to your leader.

[The probe beeps and flies off]

Norman: It's taking us to it's leader.

James: I don't want to meet it's leader.

Bonnie: Oh, quit being such a wimp, James. We've got Dedeene to protect us in case they aren't friendly.

Dedeene: Dedeene.

Maisie Lockwood: It's leader must be the mother ship itself.

Norman: If we see that, we'll definitely be official Space Spotters! [running off] Quick! Follow that alien!

Spud: You heard Norman, guys. Let's go find that mother ship!

[He zooms off after Norman. The others soon follow, including a reluctant and nervous James. That night, the drill is ready to begin]

Steele: Okay, team. I hope you're ready for our search and rescue drill.

[Tom sees up Wallaby Two. Sam, Elvis and the Irelanders are in the passenger hold at the back]

Fireman Sam: Roger that, sir.

Connor Lacey: Everyone's ready to go.

Arnold: Roger that, sir.

[The team sets off to start the drill]

Steele: Now, Penny is going to hide and we have to find her and get her to safety. [to Penny via radio] Are you ready, Penny?

Penny: Ready, sir.

[Penny absails down a cliff onto a ledge]

Fireman Sam: Right, team. Let's find Penny.

Misty: You heard him, everyone. Keep your eyes peeled.

Tom: Activating heat-seeking scanner.

Fireman Sam: We'll check the forests, you check the mountains.

Arnold: We're on it, Sam.

[The scene changes to Norman and the others running but the probe is nowhere to be seen]

Norman: (panting) Where did that alien probe go?

James: Over there!

[The probe is not too far ahead]

Norman: [gasps] Quick!

[They follow the probe and stop by one of the signs the heroes put up earlier as the probe flies away]

Sarah: Stop! We can't go any further!

Norman: Yes, we can. [climbs under the tape] We have to. Buck Douglas says that nothing stops a Space Spotter. Come on!

James: Oh, I'm not sure, Norman!

Zephyr: Yeah, this could be dangerous. I can't disobey my parents.

Spud: You do want to see the mother ship, don't you?

Norman: This is our one big chance to get on Alien Quest. We can't let it get away.

Mandy: They're right, you know. How many times does a big star like Buck Douglas come to Pontypandy?

Sarah: Almost never.

Kiera: Yeah. Come to think of it, no big stars ever come to Pontypandy over the years.

Catalina: Still, it's not a good idea to go on dangerous paths.

Maisie Lockwood: We could get into trouble or even danger if we go over there.

Spud: But if we don't get after that thing, we'll never find the mother ship and be on Alien Quest!

[Mandy passes under the tape. Sarah and the others follow but James stays put for a few seconds before following]

Bonnie: Clemont's not going to like this.

Melody: And neither would Connor and the others.

Norman: Follow that alien probe!

[They follow the probe. The scene changes to Mike in his van when he sees something in the sky. He stops the van and gets out, going through the gate]

Mike: Oh, this is it. Here they come.

[Wallaby Two flies into view shining it's light on Mike, who takes out a megaphone]

Mike: Welcome to our planet!

Tom: G'day, Mike.

Mike: Wow. You aliens sound just like Tom Thomas!

Tom: It is Tom, mate.

Mike: Tom? You're an alien?

Tom: No, mate. I'm in a helicopter.

Mike: Uh... uh...

[Tom flies Wallaby Two away. The search for Penny continues and Tom sees something on the scanner]

Tom: There's someone in the woods.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng: Who do you think it is?

Jack Skellington: It could be Penny.

Zero: (barks)

Ellie: Venus to Wallaby Two.

Fireman Sam: Come in, Venus.

Ellie: We've located someone hiding up in the mountains.

Fireman Sam: Hmm. Looks like two people are hiding out this evening.

Adrian/Cat Noir: We'd better check the woods first.

Arnold: Keep going north.

[Ellie and Arnold drive on. Tom lowers Wallaby Two above the trees. As Sam straps himself into the harness, Elvis extends the winch arm out]

Fred: OK, gang, looks like we've got some investigating to do.

Shaggy: Eh, Scooby and I will just stay in here and help Elvis and Tom here.

Scooby: Yeah.

Buzzie: Oh, stop being such wimps and act brave for once guys. We know you can't help it but please just try.

Aviva Corcovado: Besides, you're not chicken out of this one.

Shaggy: Aw, alright.

Scooby: Oh boy.

Fireman Sam: Take us down, Elvis.

[Elvis lowers Sam and the Irelanders down into the woods and they get out torches and look around. Suddenly, they hear a twig snap]

Gia: What was that?

Fireman Sam: Penny?

[Everyone looks to see and alien nearby with a drone remote. It looks at them and bleeps something]

Fireman Sam: What?

Aisling: I don't believe it!

Shaggy and Scooby: Aaaah!

[The alien runs off. Sam and the Irelanders give chase]

May: Hold on, little guy. Stop. We're not gonna hurt you!

Fireman Sam: Come back!

Twilight Sparkle: Quick! After him!

[As they chase after the alien, Sam accidentally steps on the remote, crushing it. Meanwhile the kids and the others are still following the probe when it suddenly goes haywire and crashes into the ravine]

Norman: [gasps] It's crashed.

Spud: I hope it's alright.

[They run over to the edge and look down into the ravine]

Norman: Look.

[The broken probe is on a ledge lower down]

Mandy: There are pieces all over the ravine.

Zephyr: Yeah and they're sparking like fire sparklers.

Norman: If we get one of those pieces, we're bound to get on Alien Quest!

James: It looks really dangerous.

[Norman and Spud are about to climb down when they suddenly lose their grip. Sarah grabs them both by the hand]

Sarah: Norman! Spud! No, stop! It's dark and it's too slippery!

Kiera: Yeah, Sarah's right! Forget the probe and let's get outta here!

Norman: Not for a Space Spotter. We'll be down in no time....

[Suddenly, Sarah, Norman and Spud fall into the ravine to the bottom]

James: Sarah!

[At the bottom, Norman and Spud pick themselves up. Norman has a piece of the probe in his hand]

Norman: Got it!

Spud: Whoa, what a fall but at least we got a piece of the probe to take back with us.

Melody: Are you guys okay?

Norman: It's alright. We're fine but my mam's... I mean my Buck Douglas raincoat isn't.

Spud: My clothes are a bit filthy but at least my nose didn't get bent.

James: What about Sarah?

[Norman and Spud look at Sarah who cringes in pain as she touches her arm]

Sarah: Ah. I think I've broken my arm.

Spud: (gulps) Oh, no.

James and Mandy: (gasps)

Bonnie: (gasps)

Kiera and Catalina: (gasps)

Melody: (gasps)

Zephyr: (gasps)

Djali: (bleats)

Maisie Lockwood: Oh, dear.

[Meanwhile Sam and the Irelanders continue to chase the alien. They stop when they see it climbing onto the other side of a river]

Maurice: There he goes!

Violet Parr: We gotta catch up to him!

[They jump into the river and follow the alien further as it climbs over the wall. Meanwhile, Norman and Spud are tending to Sarah]

Maisie Lockwood: Oh, what are we going to do?!

Mandy: Maybe we should try and get her up.

James: When I did my first aid badge, Trevor said that you must never move a casualty in case you make their injury worse.

Catalina: Um, how are we're going to get your sister out of there without making her injury worse?

James: We can't. The ravine walls are too slippery.

[They looks down into the ravine]

Norman: We need to call Fireman Sam!

Spud: Yeah. He'II get us out of here with the Irelanders!

James: But we don't have any phones.

Mandy: [gets an idea] Well, there's only one thing we can do!

Mandy, James, Kiera, Catalina, Bonnie, Zephyr, Maisie and Melody: HEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!! HEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!!

[They wait but nothing happens]

James: In the woods, no one can hear you scream.

Bonnie: Oh, I wish my big brother was here.

Dedeene: Dedeene.

Zephyr: If help doesn't come soon, our friends will never get out of there!

[Meanwhile, Sam and the Irelanders continue chasing the alien as it jumps over a gate. Back with the kids and the others]

James: We don't know where we are. And no one can hear us.

Mandy: Maybe Fireman Sam and the others won't get to us in time.

Melody: This is not good. We told Spud and Norman to stay off the dangerous paths but did they listen? No!

Kiera: Now poor Sarah's hurt her arm and we're miles from Pontypandy.

James: We can't give up. That's my sister down there.

Norman: Spud and I are down here too!

Spud: Yeah! Don't forget us!

Maisie Lockwood: We're not forgetting you guys!

James: Let's try one more time as loud as we can!

Bonnie: Okay, everyone! After three! Ready? 1... 2... 3...

Mandy, James, Kiera, Catalina, Bonnie, Zephyr, Maisie and Melody: HEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!!

[Meanwhile, Sam and the Irelanders have almost caught up to the alien when they hear Mandy, James, Kiera, Catalina, Bonnie, Zephyr, Maisie and Melody yelling for help]

Mandy, James, Kiera, Catalina, Bonnie, Zephyr, Maisie and Melody: HEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!!

Fireman Sam: That sounds like the kids!

Connor Lacey: But what are they doing out at this time of night?

Good Fairy: Probably looking for aliens like the one we found.

Kion: Yeah, but it sounds like they're in trouble. We've gotta help them.

Bunga: But what about the alien?

Twilight Sparkle: We can worry about that later, Bunga. Right now, our friends are more important.

Chris Kratt: We better go and find them.

Martin Kratt: Yeah, come on. We just gotta follow their cries for help.

[They head in the direction of the yelling. Back with Norman, Spud and Sarah]

Norman, Spud and Sarah: HEEEEEELLLLLP!!!!!

Sarah: (shivers) I'm cold, you two.

[Norman has an idea and puts his coat on Sarah to keep her warm]

Spud: Nice thinking, Norman.

[They sit down next to Sarah. Up above]

Mandy, James, Kiera, Catalina, Bonnie, Zephyr, Maisie and Melody: HEEEEEELLLLLPPPPP!!!!!!

James: Uncle Sam! Guys!

Mandy and James: Yeah! You came!

Zephyr: Thank goodness you're all here.

Djali: (bleats)

James: Uncle Sam and the Irelanders are here to save us!

Fireman Sam: What's happened here, kids?

Mandy: Norman, Spud and Sarah have fallen down the ravine and Sarah thinks that she might have broken her arm!

Irelanders: [gasps]

Heidi: Oh, no!

Fireman Sam: Okay, now everybody stay calm. James, you, Mandy and the others keep back from the edge and we'll radio for help. Sarah Jones has fallen down a ravine and might have broken her arm!

Steele: Sarah Jones has fallen down a ravine and might have broke her arm? Uh, roger that, Sam! I'll get Wallaby Two and Nurse Flood to you and the Irelanders as soon as possible.

[Helen exits her house carrying her mountain rescue uniform. She runs over to her ambulance, gets in and drives off. Sam attaches a rope to a tree and his harness. He and the Irelanders run over to the edge]

Fireman Sam: Keep calm, we're coming down!

[He throws the rope down into the ravine and he and the Irelanders absail down the ravine edge to the bottom. Helen and Wallaby Two fly and drive toward the ravine. Sam and the Irelanders reach the bottom]

Fireman Sam: You're going to be alright, Sarah. Wallaby Two is on it's way.

Blaze: Yeah, don't worry! We'll have that broken arm of yours fixed in no time.

[Wallaby Two arrives at the forest. Helen pulls up in her ambulance, gets out and runs over to it as it lands. Elvis helps Helen inside and Wallaby Two takes off. Sam and the Irelanders get a flare out of the backpack and fire it up into the sky. As Elvis gets out the stretcher, Tom spots the flare and flies toward it]

Tom Thomas: I see them. [hovers the helicopter over the ravine] We're in position.

Harold: Sending Helen down now.

[Helen gets out on the harness taking the stretcher with her]

Elvis: Ready?

Helen: Ready.

[Elvis lowers Helen down toward the ravine as Mandy, James and the others watch]

Mandy: Mum! You look like a superhero!

[Helen nods and reaches the bottom of the ravine and runs over to Sarah to check on her arm]

Helen: Oh, dear. It does look like you've broken it but don't worry, Sarah. We'll soon have you on the mend.

Fireman Sam: [putting Spud and Norman in the double harness] Come on, Norman and Spud. Let's get you to safety. Take us up, Tom.

[Tom raises Sam, the Irelanders, Norman and Spud out of the ravine and moves them onto the ledge beside Mandy, James and the others and to safety]

Fireman Sam: Okay, everyone, let's stay safely back while Nurse Flood takes care of Sarah.

Applejack: You heard him. We don't wanna be fallen in.

[The winch is lowered back down to Helen. Elvis stops it and Helen straps herself in]

Helen: Okay. We're ready.

[Wallaby Two lifts Sarah and Helen out of the ravine and flies away]

James: Will she be alright, Uncle Sam?

Fireman Sam: She'll be fine after a visit to Newton Hospital. Come in, Venus. It seems our nighttime drill turned into a real rescue. I hope Penny's okay.

Arnold: No worries, Sam. We've found her.

[Ellie absails down to Penny]

Ellie: Someone order a rescue?

[Penny gives a thumbs up. The scene changes back to Sam and the others]

Fireman Sam: You lot shouldn't be out in the woods at this time of night. Your parents must be worried sick.

Kids: [various apologies and complaints]

Mandy: It was Norman and Spud's faults.

Aviva Corcovado: Aha! We might have known you two had something to do with this.

Fuli: I agree with Aviva on this. You caused Sarah to break her arm, what were you two thinking?!

Fireman Sam: And you've gone through a No Entry sign. You could've been seriously hurt.

Norman, James, Zephyr, Kiera, Catalina, Melody, Maisie and Bonnie: We know! We're really sorry, Sam.

Mandy: Norman and Spud made us do it!

Kiera: Yeah, they wanted to go down just to get a stupid piece of that broken probe down there!

Spud: Well, night time is the best time to saw aliens which we all know that and we want to be on Alien Quest just like you grown ups did. Kids should get a chance as well you know.

Connor Lacey: That maybe so, Spud but that's no excuse to stay out too late and go past No Entry signs.

Jiminy Cricket: I agree. You two should listen to your conscience if you have one.

Simba: That's right. Do you have any idea the danger you put Sarah in just now?

Clemont: Bonnie, you should know better than to go past danger signs like that. I don't want my baby sister to get hurt.

Bonnie: It was Norman and Spud, Clemont. They made me do it. I didn't want to but I had no choice.

Dedeene: Dedeene! Ded!

Phoebus: Young man, we're disappointed in you. You never disobey us and know when not to go off on your own or wander off.

Zephyr: Yes. Sorry, Papa. Sorry, Mom. Djali doesn't want me to go over here but Norman and Spud made me not listen to him.

Djali: (bleats)

Esmeralda: Well, at least you're safe and that's what matters.

Catalina: Thanks a lot, Space Spotters. You've got us into trouble, thanks to your stupid naughty plans.

Maisie Lockwood: Yeah and thanks to you two, Sarah is injured!

Melody: I do hope she's alright. Sorry, everyone.

Twilight Sparkle: That's okay, Melody. But don't do it again.

Mort: Yeah. Though looks like you lot are in big trouble with the parents now.

Will Vandom: Yeah. Something tells me you're about to get a stern talking to.

Daphne Blake: And they won't be pleasant.

Spud: If Mandy hadn't dropped her camera and left it behind by that fox then we would have taken a picture of that probe and that would be enough to be on Alien Quest.

Mandy: Yeah. That would be it, Spud.

Razer: Guess Sam's right about people getting too excited about things like this.

Gloria: Yeah. It can get a little out of hand and make people wander into dangerous paths.

Blythe Baxter: Gloria's right. That is why we put up those signs in the first place.

Fireman Sam: Anyway, let's get you safely back.

Norman: But my Buck Douglas Alien Quest coat is still down there.

[They look down at the coat, which is lying on the ravine floor]

Dawn: It looks a bit tattered and torn for you to be wearing now, Norman.

Norman: Awwww.

Fireman Sam: But don't worry, we'll come back for it in the day time. [as they head off] Actually, isn't that the coat your mum wore to your Auntie Phylis's wedding?

Norman: Uh...

Mandy: Yes! Told you!

Sunset Shimmer: Why does Norman always take his mother's things for his plans anyway?

Skully: Cause he thinks they'll help him with things like using her best hat for James to wear as an knight, use her nightie as a sail and using her dressing gown as fur for his scary snow monster movie one winter ago.

Kion: Hmm, that does explain a lot.

Sunset Shimmer: I understand now.

Violet Parr: At least our rescue drill went well despite this rescue.

Tip: Yeah. Another plan perfectly executed.

Cream: It sure does, Mr Tip.

Dash: Yeah. Let's get Melody and the kids home.

[The screen fades to black before showing Moose's recording of his flying saucer spotting]

Moose: What the grizzlies! Lights in the sky. It's a flying saucer, eh? Oh. A flying saucer. Oh.

[Buck, his camera man and the Foot Empire are watching the footage on a laptop again]

Buck Douglas: Ah, the show's gonna be great but we still need the big shot for the grand finale. It has got to be fantastic.

Cameraman: Don't you mean spacetastic, Mr. Douglas?

Buck Douglas: Uh, only when I'm on camera.

Reirei: This is the perfect chance to spring our trap.

Gourmand: Yeah, the Irelanders won't know what hit them after we pull this last one off.

DuBois: And we know just the perfect location we can do it. Pontypandy Island.

Zach Varmitech: I've looked up information about that island and it says that people sometimes visit to explore there but they don't do it very much so we can use that place for the grand finale.

Ronno: What a good idea. We can set up our trap and the shot there.

Queen Chrysalis: When the time is is right, I will take off my disguise and send those heroes running in fear.

James (Pokemon): Yeah. Too bad that the kids never get to appear on Alien Quest.

Jessie: They've failed to get a single alien sighting to appear on the show.

Meowth: They're a bunch of stupid losers who always gets into danger. (chuckles)

Donita Donata: Yeah, I hear Sarah Jones broke her arm last night in a ravine.

Paisley Paver: All thanks to that naughty boy and that scarecrow's naughty plans. But who cares about that?

Makunga: None of us do apparently. And we're gotta use the show, yes. We're gotta use it to get rid of Alakay and the Irelanders once and for all.

Goigoi: You do know his name is Alex right?

Reirei: Alakay is his birth name and his parents refer to him as such along with Makunga.

Makunga: Yeah so just roll with it. You're such a lollygagger.

Goigoi: Oh, right. I get it.

Buck Douglas: [deep in thought] Yeah. And... everyone in Pontypandy does have one of my books don't they?

Cameraman: Yeah, they'll know everything there is to know about looking for aliens.

Meowth: Yeah but what if Scooby Doo and his friends finds anything suspicious?

DuBois: Simple. [brings out her tranquilizer dart gun] I put them to sleep.

Zach Varmitech: Yeah. That would be perfect to stop their mystery solving skills from exposing us.

Buck Douglas: [deep in thought] Then we should be fine.

Queen Chrysalis: Good. But for now we wait.

[Meanwhile, Sam is reading a Buck Douglas Alien Quest Book when Elvis comes over with the Irelanders]

Elvis: Oh. Getting interest in Buck Douglas, eh, Sam?

Fireman Sam: I wouldn't go that far, Elvis.

Marinette Dupain-Cheng: We know, but it's good to see you reading the book.

Max: Yeah. Believe me, I like reading books all the time along with Twilight that is.

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah. Is there a reason why you're reading Buck Douglas' book if you're not interested?

Fireman Sam: Um, I just wanted to have a look, that's all.

Hiro: Okay, Sam. If you say so.

Elvis: You know, one of the most brilliant things about him is wherever he goes, people always see lights in the sky and little green men.

[Elvis heads off as Sam and the Irelanders look curious]

Fireman Sam: Hmm. Do they now?

Velma Dinkley: [deep in thought] Why do I get the feeling that the answer'll soon find the question?

Marty: What are you talking about?

Velma: Well, Marty, what Elvis told us just now could well be leading us to the answer on why Buck and Catherine are acting so suspiciously.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, and that burnt area in the woods. It's too small for rocket thrusters.

Pikachu: Pika.

Quasimodo: Only someone like Buck Douglas would want people to think that.

Connor Lacey: Hmm. It looks like we better have some investigation to do.

Luigi: He's-a right. Who know's-a what clues-a we might-a find.

Nala: We can use the book to help.

Dora: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get Elvis and Penny and get looking.

[The scene changes to Norman and Spud getting scolded by Dilys]

Dilys: Norman Price and Spud the Scarecrow! You lost my best coat, stayed out too late and got the other children into lots of danger!

Spud: But nighttime is the best time to spot aliens which everyone knows that and we want to be on Alien Quest just like everyone else.

Norman: And we did find a piece of alien technology, mam, look!

Dilys: I don't care! You are to stay in your room till all this alien jesting nonsense is over!

Spud: What?

Norman: But Mam!

Dilys: Trevor and I are going to have a nice quiet lunch together with no Buck Douglas and no extratretestosterols!

[She slams the door behind her]

Norman: Awww.

Spud: How are we're going to appear on Alien Quest now?

Norman: I don't know.

[Norman kicks his teddy bear across the room and sits on his bed. He opens his laptop and the Buck Douglas ad comes up]

Buck Douglas: Hi. I'm Buck Douglas. Star of Alien Quest.

Norman: D'oh! [shuts the laptop]

Spud: Perhaps while we're stuck in here, we can look at our piece of alien tech to see what it is.

Norman: Hmm. You could be right.

[They look at the piece they picked up. At the river]

Penny: Uh, guys, what are we doing here?

Fireman Sam: We're looking for alien footprints, Penny.

Penny: Ah. Really? What do they look like?

Elvis: I saw some in Episode 72 of Alien Quest. They've got three toes but apparently they are really, really difficult to find.

Fireman Sam: Here's one.

Elvis: Oh.

[They stare down at a footprint in the mud though it doesn't look anything like what Elvis described]

Elvis: That's not an alien footprint, Sam.

Penny: Not unless aliens have started wearing trainers.

Kion: (sniffs the footprint) Certainly doesn't smell like an alien footprint either.

Fred Jones: Perhaps this alien is not a real one at all.

Aya: I have reason to believe that someone is trying to make Pontypandy a laughing stock.

Discord: Oh, really? How so?

Aya: Think about it, Discord. Little green men disappearing before they're spotted, UFO sightings and the fact that wherever Buck Douglas goes, they seem to follow.

Iago: You may have a point there, Aya. They didn't stick for us to take a good long look at them.

Bob Parr/Mr Incredible: This is getting more suspicious.

Cruz Ramirez: I agree with you, Bob.

Skipper Riley: Yeah. That is nothing like they say in Buck Douglas' book.

Izzy: I think we need to take a picture of that footprint and take it back to the station to study it and the sausage picture to see if they can provide any info.

Heidi: Good idea, Izzy.

[Sam snaps a photo of the footprint. With Trevor and Dilys]

Dilys: So, Trevor, what did you order from Bella, Joe, Clemont, Varian and Aviva's interplanetary pizzas?

Trevor: A Cosmic Cowsulee, Dilys.

Dilys: Oh, lovely. I hope it gets here soon.

[At the garage, Joe sends the drone down the street toward the shop. Trevor pours a drink]

Trevor: Would you like to try it first, Dilys?

[Dilys drinks some of the lemonade]

Dilys: Oh. Ho-ho-ho. The bubbles go right up my nose.

Varian: We're almost at the Cutprice store right about now.

[The drone flies straight up to the shop door. Trevor sees it]

Trevor: Oh, look. Here it is.

[He opens the door but suddenly, the drone goes haywire and starts flying crazy around the shop]

Trevor: Whoa!

[The drone flies in Dilys' direction and it chases her]

Dilys: Oh! Help, Trevor! It's running ramshuttle all around my shop!

[Trevor sees a broom and picks it up]

Dilys: Help! Oh, Trevor!

Trevor: Get away from her, you pizza!

[He swings the broom at the drone]

Joe: Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear.

Aviva: Just where did we go wrong?

Clemont: I don't know but this is not going to be good.

[The drone flies towards Trevor, causing him to stumble backwards and knock the table down. Upstairs, Norman and Spud hear the commotion]

Trevor: Get back!

Dilys: Oh!

Norman: What is going on down there?

Spud: We'd better get down there and take a look.

[They head downstairs and see Trevor using a chair to defend himself and Dilys from the drone]

Dilys: Oooh!

Trevor: Look out, Norman and Spud! Flying pizza on the loose!

Spud: Spud and Norman to the rescue! Get ready for a beating, pizza drone. (do some karate moves and yells)

[Norman picks up the broom and hits the drone with it, causing it to hit a wall and break into pieces]

Dilys: My Norman and his friend Spud. Mommy's little heroes.

Trevor: Oh. I don' think we'll be ordering from Bella's Interplanetary Pizzas again.

[Norman and Spud see the same piece of the drone they found the night before and compare it to the one they already have]

Norman: Wha...

Spud: That can't be right. That looks like the piece we picked up last night.

Norman: [gasps in realization] Mam, we need to go out.

Dilys: Well, you and Spud can't, Norman Price! You are both still grounded.

Norman: You just said we were your little heroes!

Dilys: But you're both still very naughty boys and you need to learn a lesson.

Norman: Awww, Mam!

Spud: Guess one good deed is not enough.

[They storm off]

Dilys: Come on, Trevor. Let's clear up this mess.

Trevor: Am I your hero, too, Dilys?

Dilys: Of course, Trevor. Now, help me pick up those flapjacks.

Spud: (whispers) Come on! This way!

[He and Norman exit the building through the fire exit and have to duck to avoid being spotted before running on. Meanwhile at the quayside, Mandy leads Sarah, who has her arm in a cast, James and the others with May, Max, Shaggy, Scooby, Heidi and Clara to the rails]

Sarah: Uh, Mandy? What are we doing here? Aliens are from space, not the sea!

Mandy: We're going to look for their landing site.

James: Are you sure you know what you're doing, Mandy?

Mandy: Yes. Well, I know more than Norman and Spud do anyway. Look, the last chapter in the book tells you exactly where the flying saucer will land. They like to land high up and they need a nice flat surface to land on.

James: But we looked all over the mountains and never found anywhere like that.

Kiera: Yeah. So how are we gonna find the landing sight if there's nothing like that here?

Mandy: That's because the best place for them to land isn't in the mountains.

Heidi: It's not?

Catalina: Then where is it?

Mandy: Somewhere high and flat. Pontypandy Island.

[She points to a peak on Pontypandy Island. Meanwhile, Sam and the Irelanders are looking at the clues they found when Steele arrives]

Fireman Sam: There's something not quite right about all these alien sightings, sir.

Steele: Really? In what way?

Connor Lacey: Well, for one thing, we don't think aliens wear trainers.

Fred Jones: And for another, this sausage looks like it was burnt on a campfire. Not by rocket boosters.

[Steele eyes the images]

Steele: [gasps] Great Tangled Hoses. You're right! I've dropped more than one porky beauty into a campfire in my time and that's exactly what they look like.

Fireman Sam: Just as we thought, sir. Just as we thought.

Shine: There is something very strange going on.

Sunset Shimmer: Yeah and whoever is behind it, we need to stop them before it's too late.

Brock: Sam, although we have to prove that our theory is right, can I call Officer Jenny so that she can come over and be ready once we find out more?

Fireman Sam: Sure, Brock. We could really use her help.

Daphne Blake: So looks like that's two clues we found on our alien mystery, a burnt sausage and a trainer footprint.

Kowalski: And in addition, the fact wherever Buck Douglas goes, aliens seem to follow.

Zoe Trent: That makes three clues.

King Julien: What? The sky spirits should never lie about aliens from space and beyond.

Fuli: (to Aviva) And he's your favourite lemur species besides Mort's?

Aviva Corcovado: Despite his delusions, Fuli, yes.

Fuli: (groans)

Ash Ketchum: Looks like we better have to wait for anything to happen so we can find out who's behind these fake alien sightings.

Pikachu: Pika.

Madeline: Let's also hope that no one else got into danger while spotting aliens.

Blade Ranger: Yeah. We've already have enough after another one of Norman and Spud's antics last night.

Simba: I wonder how Sarah was doing in hospital.

Bambi: Word on the street is she just got out.

Lance Strongbow: She got a cast on her arm to hold it in place.

Violet Parr: Yeah. Hopefully it gets better soon.

Boots: I'm sure it will, Violet.

[The scene changes to Joe's garage]

Joe: Yes, Dilys. I understand. I'm sorry to hear Trevor's still picking pepperoni out of your produce aisle. No, it won't happen again. [hangs up] Oh, dear, oh, dear, oh, dear.

Bella: We're getting an awful lot of complaints about the pizza deliveries, eh, Joe?

Varian: Where did we go wrong with this?

Clemont: I'm not sure, Varian but I suppose that it didn't work well after all.

[Norman and Spud arrive]

Joe: Ah, hello, Norman and Spud. Have you two come to complain too?

Spud: Ah, no, Joe. We didn't get any pizza. It would have be so scrupulous if we have any.

Norman: Yeah, we're trying to solve a mystery. Can you tell us what these are?

Joe: They're lithium based ultra high capacity power bucks.

Norman: Just as we thought. That flying saucer wasn't from outer space, it was remote controlled just like your Pizza Delivery Thingy 2000.

Clemont: 2001 actually.

Spud: It looks like we've solved this mystery. Someone must have tricked us with that fake flying saucer.

Varian: It looks like Clemont and I better tell Connor, Sam and the others about this clue you two have.

Norman: I think we know what's been going on. We just need to prove it.

[Meanwhile, Mandy and the others are heading for Pontypandy Island]

Mandy: Land ahoy! We're nearly there! Okay, when we get there, we're going to get the most spectacular alien pictures ever.

Max: You got it, Mandy.

Maisie Lockwood: It's a shame Norman and Spud aren't here.

James: Yeah, poor Norman and Spud.

Sarah: I know. When they hear what we've done, they're gonna so wish they'd been here.

Kiera: Well, their punishment will serve them right for getting us into trouble with their stupid naughty antics.

May: Yeah, at least we'll be able to get this one without their involvement.

Heidi: Perhaps later, I can drop by to cheer up them up. They didn't mean for anyone to get hurt.

Clara: Yeah, you're right there, Heidi.

Zephyr: Still, if they hadn't tried to get a piece of that probe in the ravine, Sarah wouldn't have been injured.

Djali: (bleats)

Shaggy: Like, I don't know why you kids talk us into this. We don't want to face any aliens, man.

Scooby: Yeah. (whimpers)

Bonnie: I told you, guys. We've got Dedeene to protect us in case they aren't friendly.

Dedeene: Dedeene.

Catalina: And in case they try to attack you, I'll just use my werewolf form.

Shaggy: (gulps) That's what I'm also afraid of.

Scooby: Me too.

Maisie Lockwood: Would you two do it for four Scooby Snacks?

[Shaggy and Scooby look at each other]

Shaggy: Like, we need to have something to eat anyway. What do you say, old buddy?

Scooby: (lick his lips) Yeah, yeah. Scooby Snacks.

[Maisie gives them two each]

Shaggy: (whispers) We'II be so quick to find something, we won't run into any aliens anyway.

Scooby: Yeah.

Maisie: Works every time. Better luck next time to appear on a show for Norman and Spud. I guess.

[They sail on. Meanwhile, Spud and Norman arrive at the quay while reading the book. Norman closes the book]

Norman: Oh.

Spud: That must be where that flying saucer will land next. Now, how do we get there?

[They spot a boat and head down to it. Meanwhile, on Pontypandy Island, the kids are already beginning the search]

James: Are we there yet, Mandy?

Mandy: Nearly, James. You alright, Sarah?

Sarah: [pants] Oh, I'm fine. I wouldn't miss this for anything.

Bonnie: Nor would Dedeene and me.

Dedeene: Dedeene.

Clara: Let's keep going.

[They head on. Meanwhile, Mike has set up a landing pad when one of the bulbs goes out]

Mike: Oh, no. One of me bulbs has blown again.

Mandy: And we'll be the only people in Pontypandy that have found... Dad?! What are you doing here?

Mike: I was reading me Buck Douglas book and trying to figure out where the aliens would land. And this seemed like the perfect place.

Zephyr: But we were here first.

Djali: (bleats)

Kiera: You grown ups get to appear on Alien Quest so you need to let kids like us get on it as well.

Mandy: Yeah, Dad. That is so not fair. We wanted to be the first ones to see the aliens so we could be on Alien Quest! You should just go!

Mike: But I've just made a landing pad. Right. I'm not going anywhere until I get meself a selfie with a little green man.

Sarah: Well, I think you might be in the wrong place. It looks like the aliens have already landed. Over there. Look.

[They look over the edge of the cliff to see an alien tending to his flying saucer on a ledge lower down. Using a remote, he sends a red beam into the sky]

Mike: Oh-ah.

Mandy: [gasps] It's an alien!

Sarah: And it's seems to be sending signals into outer space.

Shaggy: Like, telling it's fellow aliens that it's landed and planning an alien invasion here on Earth.

Scooby: Reah. Alien invasion.

Max: Oh, don't just assume that because the beam's red means an invasion will happen.

May: Yeah. You chickens are just being scared too much.

Catalina: Well, at least one will be enough to get us on Alien Quest.

Heidi: Yes. This is perfect.

Maisie Lockwood: Indeed, Heidi. Everyone else will be very pleased with this.

Mike: I'm going to get my camera.

[Back in Pontypandy, everyone is arriving at the quayside when Bronwyn spots something in the distance]

Bronwyn: What's that?

[Everyone looks to see the red beam off in the distance]

Charlie: Looks like a laser beam.

[Unbeknownst to anyone, the cameraman is filming the whole thing]

Dilys: What's that beam of light?

Hannah: Maybe the aliens have landed.

[Hannah gets out her phone. Lizzie points]

Lizzie: Look! There's someone heading out there!

[The cameraman turns his camera to see Norman and Spud on their boat at sea. Charlie gets out his binoculars and sees them too]

Charlie: It's Norman Price and Spud the Scarecrow!

Dilys: Oh, my Norman and his friend!

[Norman and Spud continue their journey toward Pontypandy Island. On the cliff]

Mike: I saw him first.

Sarah: No, you didn't. It was me, actually.

Clara: He just have to take credit for finding them.

Mandy: James, take a photo.

James: Uh...

[He struggles to do so, not noticing Norman and Spud arriving. They get out and pull their boat onto the shore and take their life jackets off. Norman picks up the book]

Spud: We made it. Now, let's get up there and find that alien to see what he's up to.

[They hurry off. Meanwhile, Mike and the kids are heading down to the landing sight when the electricity box starts to spark. It fizzes out and the alien runs over]

Donita Donata: Don't tell us that thing's stopped working already.

Makunga: We better fix it up quickly before anyone finds out what we're up to.

Zach Varmitech: Now that I can do. Zachbots, fix that saucer up.

[The Zachbots obey as the alien pours in fuel. Norman and Spud watch from the bushes and creep over slowly. Just as the alien and the Zachbots finish they jump out]

Norman: Gotcha!

Spud: Baah!

Alien: Waah!

Villains: Gaah!

[The alien falls over. The fuel can falls on the electricity box setting it alight]

Alien: Aaah!

Gourmand: You'II both pay for that, you brats.

Paisley Paver: After we get out of here!

Reirei: She's right! The trees are catching fire!

Meowth: You know when the going gets tough, Team Rocket gets going.

James: Yeah, on the double.

Jessie: Go, Team Rocket.

DuBois: Let's get going!

Catherine Ling: Good idea.

Ronno: Mommy!

[The alien and the villains run off. Norman and Spud follow. With Mike and the kids]

Mike: This is gonna be the greatest alien find ever!

Mandy: We'll be the stars of Alien Quest!

Mike: Father and daughter!

Sarah: And brother and sister.

Kiera: And a whole bunch of friends.

Max: Not to mention a dog.

Scooby: Dog? Where?

Zephyr: He's talking about you, Scooby.

Catalina: Yeah, since you're a dog.

Scooby: Oh, yeah. (giggles)

Shaggy: Like, now that we got some snaps of the alien, let's get off this island before he finds us.

Heidi: Oh, don't worry, Shaggy. We won't let the alien saw us.

May: Yeah. And in case he's not friendly, we'll just use our Pokemon.

Djali: (bleats)

Maisie Lockwood: We know you and Scooby can't help being scared but you need to learn to act brave for once in your wimpy lives!

Bonnie: Maisie does have a point.

Dedeene: Dedeene.

Shaggy: If we can find any courage in us that is.

Scooby: Yeah.

[As they carry on, smoke starts form around them]

Clara: Where's all this smoke coming from?

James: Fire!

Mike: Oh, no.

Sarah: I think Alien Quest, it might actually be quite dangerous.

Catherine Ling: Oh, it's about to get more dangerous with you fools.

[Catherine Ling step from the shadows]

Catalina: Catherine? What are you doing here?

Catherine: Why I came here to see how you guys are getting along with your search.

Mandy: It was going fine until this fire started!

Catherine: That's too bad. Well, I've endured hiding myself from you fools until now to ensure nothing goes wrong.

[Chrysalis' green eyes flash in Catherine's eyes for a sec before disappearing]

Max: Wait! You're not Catherine Ling!

[Catherine transforms into Chrysalis]

Chrysalis: (cackles) It's been quite sometime since our last encounter, fools.

James: [screams] Queen Chrysalis!

Chrysalis: That's right, you little scaredy child. I have fooled you all with my disguise for weeks and I can almost taste the love that I want to suck out of you. (lick her lips)

May: What are you doing here?

Chrysalis: Well, May, I'm here to ensure that everything goes according to plan during my revenge against you for foiling my plans. I have fun, fooling you all just like back in Canterlot during the wedding. So gullible to fool.

Maisie Lockwood: We remember that all too well, Chrysalis! But we'II try not to get fooled by your disguises anymore!

Chrysalis: No matter. There are other allies that I have with me for a plan here on this island.

Mike: Yeah? Like who?

[Team Rocket's laughter is heard]

Zephyr: Who was that?

Meowth: Surprise!

Shaggy: Zoinks! It's Team Rocket! Bad guys!

Scooby: Uh-oh. Trouble.

Jessie: Prepare for trouble.

James: Make it double.

Jessie: To protect the world from devastation.

James: To united our peoples within our nation.

Jessie: To renounce the evils of truth and love.

James: To extend our reach to the stars above.

Jessie: Jessie.

James: James.

Jessie: Team Rocket blasting off at the speed of light.

James: Surrender now or prepare to fight.

Meowth: Meowth. That's right.

Bonnie: You won't get away with whatever you're planning, Team Rocket, cause we're gonna stop you!

Jessie: Oh, great. We're gonna have to deal with some of the twerps.

James: Too bad that the twerp with Pikachu isn't here.

Meowth: Yeah. They might come here so that way, we'II get him.

Clara: You bet he will and when he does, you're gonna find yourselves blasting off like you always do!

Jessie: Not if we trap him. Let us show you more baddies who are with us.

May: Let me guess...

[Reirei and her pack skalks out of the trees, snarling]

Reirei: Well, well, what have we here?

Goigoi: Uh, it's our enemies, honey.

Reirei: I know that, Goigoi.

May: Figured.

Max: Reirei and Goigoi.

Zephyr: Who are those dogs?

Heidi: They're jackals, Zephyr. Reirei and Goigoi tried to trick us into being accepted into the Pride Lands so that they can eat other animals during the Kupatana celebration. They later tried to eat aardwolves but we help The Lion Guard to stop them.

Reirei: And they would have worked if you fools and The Lion Guard haven't intervened with our plans to eat animals as much as we want, jackal style.

Goigoi: Yeah. You all look tasty for us to eat too. (chuckles)

Sarah: Well, somehow I don't think that's going to happen.

[Then a vrooming noise echoes and through the smoke came DuBois on her motorcycle]

Maisie Lockwood: DuBois.

Zephyr: Who?

Catalina: DuBois. She's a ruthless animal control officer who capture many animals and hang their heads on her wall during her career and once plans to have Alex's head on her wall by killing him while we're with the circus.

DuBois: And I would have succeeded with my plan to have the king of the beasts on my wall if you fools haven't intervened. Since you can turn into wolf, mademoiselle, I'm also gonna put a stop to your presence to society so that I can put you where you belongs. On my wall. (evil chuckles)

Kiera: That won't happen, DuBois! You're not getting Catalina's head or any other animals heads for that matter!

Makunga: Except that we're helping each other out now, kid.

Mandy: Makunga!

Djali: (bleats)

Zephyr: Who's that lion?

Mike: Makunga is Zuba's rival who wants to be alpha lion by using Alex to get rid of him and thanks to not knowing that the Rite of Passage is a fight not a dance off, he got beaten by Teetsi a muscular lion and his sidekick. Zuba resigns his role due to not want to banish his son so Makunga does it himself and took over.

Makunga: And I would have remained so if you fools haven't help Zuba and Alakay use that old lady to beat me up.

Maisie Lockwood: You're just like Scar and Tublat, Makunga. That old lady did us a favour! You had no right to become alpha lion! You deserve such beating for being such a pompous jerk!

Bonnie: And why do you want to be alpha lion anyway?

Makunga: Well, I'm better looking, have bigger hair, I'm deceiving smart and I want anyone else to do what I say.

James Jones: Well, those things don't make a leader.

May: And why are you teaming up with DuBois? You know she kills animals right?

Makunga: That may be true but when Linda brought us together, she told us that despite DuBois wants to hang a lion's head on her wall, we both have a common enemy, Alakay and you Irelanders so we decided to team up for revenge and DuBois agrees to spare my head so that he can have Alakay's.

DuBois: And that's how it is, monsieurs and mademoiselles. Villains do team up sometimes you know.

Max: OK. We got it. Just surprised, that's all.

Ronno: Hello, losers.

Clara: Ronno.

Zephyr: Not him again.

Ronno: Yes, me. It seems that Norman and Spud can't be with you guys. Well, too bad because their plans never work is which why they are pathetic losers with Dilys Price very disappointed in them.

Shaggy: Hey! Like, they may be troublemakers but they're our friends and that's what matters!

Scooby: Yeah. No one insults our friends.

Ronno: Say the ones who are nothing more than chickens due to your cowardly nature. There are a few more friends that you need to see.

Maisie Lockwood: Oh, don't tell me...

[Zach, Donita, Gourmand, Paisley, Dabio and Rex appears]

Zach Varmitech: Hello, stupid heroes.

Bonnie: The environment and animal haters!

Donita Donata: That's right, little girl but please don't forget our names.

Gourmand: You've got to this island right on time which is perfect.

Paisley Paver: And after our plans are done, I'II pave this disgusting island and have buildings in it's place.

Heidi: That's not gonna happen, Paisley! Pontypandy Island is fine just the way it is. Sam and Charlie likes coming here when they were kids and they would not be happy if it gets paved so just leave it alone!

Queen Chrysalis: Stow it, you pathetic happy girl. We've gathered here because we're using Buck Douglas' TV show to help us set a trap here on Pontypandy Island so that we can capture some of you fools here for revenge and when the rest of your friends come here, they'II get trapped too. (cackles)

Kiera: We doubt it, Chrysalis!

Zephyr: You won't get away with this! My dad's captain of the guard!

Makunga: (in Sarousch's voice) Captain of the guard, eh? Oh, really?

Gourmand: Looks like we'II have to hold you hostage again with your friends and your goat like we did with Sarousch if you remember.

May: If you want us, you'll have to catch us first!

[A branch falls from a tree onto the ground]

Mike: Run!

Shaggy and Scooby: Aaaah!

[The heroes run off in different directions]

Queen Chrysalis: You can run but you can't hide! Get them!

[The villains give chase. Meanwhile, Ben sees the smoke through his binoculars]

Ben Hooper: Oh, no! Looks like there's a forest fire on Pontypandy Island. I better call Fireman Sam!

[At the fire station]

Map Screen 700: There's a forest fire on Pontypandy Island.

Steele: There's a forest fire on Pontypandy Island.

[Sam and the others slide down polls and get in Venus and Mercury and set off. Tom gets into Wallaby Two and takes off. Sam and the others arrive at the pier and Tom fills the bucket with water before heading to Pontypandy Island]

Fireman Sam: Can you see the fire yet, Tom?

Tom Thomas: It looks quite big, Sam. But shouldn't be too much of a problem for Wallaby Two.

[He then spots the kids and the others through the trees and the villains tracking them down]

Tom: Sam, we've got a problem. There are people on the island and it'd be too dangerous to drop the water. Also, the Foot Empire are here too. They're probably up to another one of their schemes.

Penny: People?

Connor Lacey: Who is causing trouble this time, Tom?

Tom: Well, Connor, there appears to be our old foes Reirei and her pack, also Chrysalis, Ronno, Team Rocket, Zach Varmitech, Donita Donata, Dabio, Gourmand, Paisley Paver and Rex, Makunga and DuBois.

Alex: [sighs] This is a disaster! Makunga and DuBois are back again.

Kion: Looks like Reirei and her pack are back too, from the Outlands that is.

Daphne Blake: So are Chrysalis, Ronno, Team Rocket, Zach, Donita, Dabio, Gourmand, Paisley and Rex.

Twilight Sparkle: What were they doing here?

Mewtwo: Probably up to another one of their schemes to get rid of us, I'd say.

Ash Ketchum: And they're going after our friends too while the fire is spreading.

Pikachu: Pika!

Kiara: They'II get themselves and our friends in danger!

Penny: What are we gonna do?!

Elvis: What about Titan's water cannons?

Fireman Sam: They won't be able to spray the water far enough onto the island. [thinks then has an idea] Tom, fly back to the quay! I've got an idea!

[Mike is running, Makunga chasing him]

Mike: (coughs) Oh, dear. [coughs]

Makunga: Get back here!

[Mandy, Sarah and Maisie run side by side with Reirei and Goigoi on their tails]

Sarah: I hope Fireman Sam and the Irelanders get here soon!

Maisie Lockwood: You and me both Sarah!

[James runs into view with Shaggy and Scooby having just lost Zach and his Zachbots. He looks around and turns to see the alien behind him]

James: Oh!

Shaggy and Scooby: Aaaah!

[Norman and Spud appears]

Norman and Spud: Boo!

Alien: Whaa!

[The alien runs off]

Shaggy: Like, that's unexpected. The alien got scared by Norman and Spud and ran off.

Scooby: Reah. (giggles)

Spud: Guess he saw that scarecrows can be scary too. (laughs)

James: Wow. You were right, Norman. They really are more scared of us than we are of them.

[Suddenly a burning branch lands on the ground and Team Rocket appears]

Meowth: Gotcha now, you little screwups!

Norman: Come on, guys! Run!

James (Team Rocket): They're getting away!

Jessie: Well, don't just stand there! Let's get after them!

[They give chase. The song The Aliens are Here starts playing as Mike, Mandy, Sarah, James, Norman, Spud, Maisie, Heidi, Clara, Shaggy, Scooby, Zephyr, Bonnie, Dedeene, Djali, May, Max, Kiera and Catalina runs through the woods with the villains in hot pursuit]

They're here from outer space~

They're knocking at the door~

Are they here for a party, or do they want more?~

Watch out! We're not alone~

I wish they'd just phone home~

The aliens are here~

To get the human race~

The aliens are here~

We've gotta get out of this place

The aliens are here

They're icky, bug-eyed beings from outer space

Ugly, green and slimy all over the place

Who knows just what they'll do?

If they grab you, say toodle-oo, dude

The aliens are here

They're out in force tonight

The aliens are here

We better keep out of their sight

The aliens are here

If they catch you on their ship, they'll experiment on you

And turn you into something for their interstellar zoo, dude!

Beware, you better hide!

They're closing in on every side!

Oh, no!

The aliens are here

They're dropping in our face

The aliens are here

We gotta get outta this place

The aliens are here

The aliens are here

[The song ends. Meanwhile, Sam straps himself into Venus]

Iago: Are you crazy? Venus can't possibly be carried across water. She's too heavy.

Penny: Iago's right. Are you sure about this, Sam?

[Sam nods]

Fireman Sam: Ready, Tom and Harold.

[Tom and Harold lift Venus off the ground. They fly off, Venus skidding along the surface of the water for a moment before both Tom and Harold pull it back up]

Fireman Sam: How's Wallaby Two handling us, Tom?

Tom: You're a bit heavier than a full water bucket, Sam, but we'll get you there.

Harold: I've carried heavy loads before but this... [strains] this is quite a challenge.

[Back at the ocean rescue centre, Neptune rolls down the ramp into the water and heads for Pontypandy Island. Elvis and Ben follow on Titan. Wallaby Two, Harold and Venus soon approach Pontypandy Island and Venus is soon unloaded on the shore. The Irelanders arrived by Discord snapping his eagle claw to teleport them there. Sam and the Irelanders set off into the woods and put out a majority of the fire with help from Titan. Sarah and Mandy are still running when they see Sam and the Irelanders arrive]

Fireman Sam: Get to the beach while we put out the rest of the fire and take care of the villains.

Sarah: Okay, Uncle Sam. But, but we've lost the others.

Belle: Don't worry, Sarah. We'll find them. Now get going!

[Sarah and Mandy run off. Sam and the Irelanders carry on. They reach the burning flying saucer and start to put the fire out. Mandy, Sarah and the others join Shaggy, Scooby, Spud, Norman and James on the beach]

James: Yay!

[Soon enough, the remaining flames on the flying saucer have been put out. Mike runs over to Sam and the Irelanders]

Mike: That alien caused quite a fire, didn't he, guys?

Fireman Sam: (taps the flying saucer) Hmm. This flying saucer seems to be made of fibre glass.

Connor Lacey: Fibre glass?

Daphne Blake: And that's not all. Why would an alien be using a petrol power generator?

Mike: Oh, it's a real puzzle, Daphne.

Fireman Sam: I'm not sure it is, Mike.

Mike: Eh?

Aya: He's right. Most alien spacecrafts such as these are not made with this kind of material.

Fred Jones: It looks like this petrol power generator is a clue too.

Nala: I think we may now have our answer on who's behind this alien spotting nonsense.

Velma Dinkley: While we put two and two together, we better find Shaggy, Scooby and the others.

Ash Ketchum: Just got word from Penny. They're all on the beach safe and sound.

Pikachu: Pika-pika!

Kion: That's a relief. Let's get back to the beach.

[The scene goes black for a moment before cutting back to the beach at night]

James: We're really sorry, Sam.

Mandy: But we didn't start the fire.

Mike: That's true. The little green man did.

Catalina: And the villains chased us and revealed their plans to use the flying saucer sighting to their advantage to trap us here on the island to get revenge on us.

Zephyr: But we manages to escape.

Djali: (bleats)

Phil: (does sign language)

Aviva Corcovado: What's he saying, Mason?

Mason: He's asking where they now?

Heidi: Sorry. We don't know where they went.

Fred Jones: That's OK. We'II catch them.

Vitaly: If we locate them before they get away.

[Officer Jenny arrives on her jet ski]

Brock: It's Officer Jenny. From the Unova region.

Officer Jenny: Hello, everyone. I came as soon as I got your call.

Hiro: That's good. We've been investigating recent so-called alien sightings but we don't think they are real.

Captain Jake: Yeah. And our enemies tried to trap our friends here on the island as revenge for foiling their plans but now we don't know where they are.

Officer Jenny: I see. And have you found out who is responsible for all this?

Simba: Not yet but I have a feeling that we're about to.

Quasimodo: We have to find the alien first to find out who they really are.

Violet Parr: Yes, but there is something else we need to know. Why are you two here? Dilys grounded you two!

Norman Price: We know but we need to tell you something.

Spud: Yeah, we figured out what's been going on! We....

Fireman Sam: Don't think there is an alien?

[Norman and Spud sit down surprised]

Norman: You know too?

Fireman Sam: Of course.

Spud: Wow, Looks like we're not the only ones who found out what's been happening.

James Jones: Yes there is! There he is now and the villains are with him.

[Everyone looks to see the villains and the alien getting away on a jetski of their own]

Aisling: They're getting away!

Buzzie: We've got to stop them before it's too late!

Fireman Sam: Tom, Harold, we're going to need Wallaby Two back here now!

[The alien and the villains continue their get away until Makunga sees Sam and the Irelanders coming]

Makunga: Uh, guys? We've got company!

[The alien speeds the jetski up but Wallaby Two and Harold speed up as well. Sam gives a signal for Tom to lower him and the Irelanders. Tom nods and does so. They approach a bell buoy shortly losing their targets but eventually Sam and the Irelanders lasso the alien and their enemies in the harness]

Fireman Sam: Gotcha!

Donita Donata: Hey! Let us go!

Twilight Sparkle: Not likely! You and your friend here have caused enough trouble! We know what's been going on!

[Tom and Harold lift Sam and the Irelanders with the alien and their enemies back into the sky. They arrive back on the island as Elvis films the whole thing]

Mike: The aliens have landed.

Elvis: Buck Douglas is going to love this.

[Tom flies Wallaby Two away as Harold lands]

James: We'll definitely be official Buck Douglas Space Spotters now!

Norman: I don't think we will.

Spud: Yeah, cause you're about to feast your eyes on the true identity of this little green man!

Fred Jones: Now let's see who this little green man really is.

[Sam walks over to the alien and pulls off it's head, revealing Buck Douglas' head underneath much to the shock of everyone present]

Everyone: Buck Douglas?!

Mike Flood: Him off the telly?!

Bunga: Wait. It was him all along?!

Applejack: Didn't see that one coming.

Elvis: But if Buck Douglas is the little green man, who is... I mean... what if he... but he... if he's on the... with the... Right, I don't understand.

Fireman Sam: Buck Douglas has been camping out in the woods and faking all the alien sightings in Pontypandy, Elvis.

Connor Lacey: A TV show host that creates his own alien sightings?!

Norman Price: Yes, Connor! He and the villains have been flying drones around to look like spaceships, just like Joe and Bella's pizza delivery ones! [to Mandy, Sarah and James and the others] They used the same batteries, that's how Spud and I worked it out. [angry] He's just a big liar!!!!

Elvis: (gasps)

Daphne: But why?

Heidi: I don't understand. Why would he do that?

Penny: [realizing] He must have been doing that all over the country!

Clemont: That's right, Penny. Come to think about it, I've been examining the broken drone and by my calculations, it's made from the same fibre glass as the flying saucer here on the island. That can only mean one thing. All these alien sightings are indeed fake as we suspected!

Spud: Norman and I knew something fishy was happening when we found that battery from the drone in the ravine last night. When we found out that that and the one from the drone that attacked Dilys and Trevor looked the same, that's when it became clear.

Ash Ketchum: So if they were exactly the same and the drone and the flying saucer are fibre glass, then that means....

Violet Parr: Yes, Ash. Buck Douglas lied to us! He lied to everyone in Pontypandy! There are no real aliens after all!

Pikachu: Pika-pika!

Norman: And he's been getting us to buy his stupid books so we'd look in all the right places!

Fireman Sam: Which is why he always gets sightings of aliens for his show!

Penny: And more people watching it.

Kion: And when the alien sightings in Pontypandy were soon discovered to be fake, all of Pontypandy would become laughing-stocks! Including us!

Irelanders: (gasps)

Timon: Why I oughtta... let me at 'im! Let me at 'im! {to Pumbaa} Here; hold me back.

Pumbaa: Okay!

Timon: {held back by the tail} Let me at 'im! Let me at 'im!

Pumbaa: Okay! {he lets go of Timon's tail}

Timon: {lurching forward; turning back to Pumbaa} I think you're missing the basic point here.

Pumbaa: Uh.

Razer: Luckily we stopped him there and then before that happened.

Sunset Shimmer: What's worse during his plans he put the lives of our friends in danger!

Catalina: That is so cruel! How could you do that just to become popular?!

Kiera: Sarah got her arm injured in a ravine last night because of you!

Zach Varmitech: Ha. Who cares? What matters is that we help Buck with his show to ensure no one get suspicious about the alien sightings so that we can be rich.

Queen Chrysalis: And perhaps you becoming laughingstocks and trapping you all here on this island will serve you right for foiling our plans and learn to never interfered with us again.

Blythe Baxter: Doubt it, Chrysalis. Cause as you can currently see, we've already caught you.

Gia: (to Makunga) Alex told us about what you did to his family!

Makunga: And I heard about you are Alakay's new friends. I would have remained alpha lion forever if he, Zuba and those foolish Irelanders haven't use that old lady to beat me up.

Vitaly: [pounding his fist into his paw] You call the Irelanders foolish?! You deserves to be beat up for all the trouble you caused!

Alex: Yeah. Whatever plans of revenge you and DuBois have in mind have been foiled, Makunga! So if you wanna avoid getting a beating from Vitaly, I'd say it's time you got lost!

Delia Ketchum: Yeah! (to Team Rocket) You three just never learn to leave my son and his friends alone!

Meowth: At least you didn't get involved in our attempts to capture the twerps' Pikachu.

James: At least we didn't get blast off this time.

Jessie: It's too bad another one of our plans failed again.

Professor Oak: And they always will fail so long as we're around!

DuBois: I've been waiting sometime to exact vengeance on you Irelanders and animals for foiling my plans to have the lion's head on my wall as well as you ponies too and our assistance with Buck's show would have gone well.

Fluttershy: It's wrong to hurt and kill animals! You should be ashamed of yourself, DuBois!

Kion: We've defended The Circle of Life from far worse than you.

DuBois: Such silly thoughts from animals. As for you, flying horse, you can't change human jobs which includes animal control.

Chris Kratt: We know that animal control is supposed to catch animals that are loose in human areas but killing them to put their heads on walls? That's just cruel!

Martin Kratt: Yeah. You're just as bad as our enemies who wants to use animals for their evil purposes like inventions, fashion and meals.

Paisley Paver: Except me since animals are always a nuisance during my attempts to pave their nature homes to put buildings in their places.

Ronno: What we didn't except is that those two naughty losers show up here. They're supposed to be grounded for always getting into trouble.

Maisie Lockwood: Uh, excuse me?! It was them who helped us figure out what was going on!

Phoebus: Sam also found out that that burnt patch of grass was a campfire burn and a regular shoe footprint. Which Buck Douglas here left behind! He suspected them from the very beginning.

Gourmand: Says the captain who betrays us by disobeying Frollo's orders to burn the mill down with a family instead.

Queen Chrysalis: Indeed, since we have to use your son as hostage to make sure Sarousch gets away with the bell as payback, along with that hideous monster bell ringer.

Esmeralda: Nobody calls my husband a traitor! He did the right thing not helping Frollo after seeing how cruel he is!

Madeline: Yeah and I saw that there's more to Quasimodo than I see before. I don't want anymore to do with Sarousch's thefts and it doesn't matter about Quasi's looks, it's what he's like inside that matters!

Donita Donata: And we would have gotten away with our plans of revenge and helping Buck with his show if it weren't for you Wild Kratts, meddling Irelanders, meddling Fireman Sam, Norman and Spud and you meddling kids with your dog too.

Scooby: Dog? Where?

Fuli: She means you, Scooby. And they're teenagers!

Velma Dinkley: It's OK, Fuli. We live with it.

Fireman Sam: Well done, Norman and Spud! You found the truth!

Norman Price: Well, we knew it was out there somewhere, Sam.

Spud: Yeah, besides, I think the three of us can make great partners of finding out suspicious things, (laughs)

Fireman Sam: [to Buck] Is there anything you want to say to the people of Pontypandy, Mr. Douglas?

[Buck looks around at Mandy, Sarah, James and the Irelanders who angrily glare at him, then to Elvis and Heidi gazing apologetically, and then to Mike and Ben who get out their phones]

Buck Douglas: This is so.... not spacetastic.

Elvis: You can say that again.

Heidi: We're really sorry, Buck, but we can't forgive you for what you've done.

Officer Jenny: Consider yourself under arrest for fraud and endangering lives of people.

Simba: (to the villains) Leave. Now.

Reirei: Oh. Simba. I think there's been a misunderstanding.

Simba: (roaring)

Reirei: You know what they say, there's no place like home! Let's go, kids!

Goigoi: Whatever you say, dear!

[The jackals run off]

Zach Varmitech: We'II get you next time, Wild Rats!

Donita Donata: Me too!

Gourmand: I'II sniff you down!

Paisley Paver: Stay outta my way.

Ronno: One of these days, we'II meet again and when we do.....Whoa.

[He slips and fell on the water and ended up with a turtle on his head who bites his nose]

Ronno: Aaah, aaah! Get it off, get it off! Mommy, get it off! Mommy!

[He runs off]

Skipper: Incoming!

[He and the penguins knock out Makunga, hit DuBois with a sack, tie them up and put her in the cannon. Rico struck a match from Private's butt and lit the fuse]

Skipper: Outgoing!

DuBois: Wait!

[The cannon shot DuBois and Makunga far away]

Kion: And as for the rest of you, I'II send you back to where you came from.

[He used the Roar on Team Rocket and Queen Chrysalis, sending them flying]

Team Rocket: Team Rocket's blasting off again!

Queen Chrysalis: Nooooo!

[Team Rocket and Chrysalis vanish in a flash of light]

Skipper: Up high! Down low. Too slow. Well done, Private.

Private: Did l do good?

Skipper: Nah, not really.

Stefano: That was incredible.

Fred Jones: Well, gang, looks like that's another mystery solved.

Nala: And our enemies got what they deserved once again.

Shaggy: How about we celebrate with having some non flying pizza?

Scooby: Yeah.

Discord: I'm up for that.

Zoe Trent: Yes. We need to get Joe to call off that project.

Clemont: Don't worry. Aviva, Varian and I will see to that.

Norman Price: We don't need to be official Buck Douglas Space Spotters. Spud and I are going to start our own show. Norman Price and Spud the Scarecrow: Alien Finders!

Spud: And it will be the better greatest show in the world!

Kiera: (facepalms)

Violet Parr: Here we go again.

Bunga: Oh, oh, can I be on your show?

Fireman Sam: [chuckles] Come on, everyone. Let's get back to Pontypandy.

Sheriff: Yeah and I'll provide a police escort in case this guy has any ideas of escaping and call the local police to come collect him.

Connor Lacey: Good idea, Sheriff. Hopefully that'll teach him a lesson on putting people's lives at risk and being a fraud just to get his show popular.

Twilight Sparkle: Couldn't agree more, Connor.

Norman Price: We'll have our own coats, our own hats, a special alien scanner and our own book about how you really find aliens not made up ones. Real aliens and, and, uh... sort of go from the scale of five...

[The camera pans up to the sky as a shooting star passes by before the screen fades to black. The credits play then end as Norman and Spud activate a camera]

Norman: Hello and welcome to Norman Price and Spud the Scarecrow: Alien Finders!

[Norman and Spud do the salute when they hear Dilys]

Dilys: Norman! Spud! Have you two seen that fancy hat I wore to Auntie Phylis's wedding?

Spud: Dilys, be quiet!

Norman: Yeah, Mam! We're filming our new show!

Dilys: Sorry, my little treasure and friend.

Catalina: [whispering] Don't blame me if she finds out.

Maisie Lockwood: I don't know why we even bother attending this show.

Norman: Just be quiet and keep the camera steady! Now, if you want to find flying saucers and be an official Norman Price and Spud the Scarecrow Alien Finder, you'll need one of our books. [pulls out a hand drawn poster]

[Mandy comes over]

Mandy: This book you and Spud sold me is just three pieces of paper stapled together! This'll never help me see a flying saucer!

Kiera: Yeah! How can anyone find anything with only three pieces of paper?

Norman: Shush, you two! And besides, I can see one now! Look!

[Mandy and Kiera look and it turns out to be another pizza drone from Bella]

Mandy: Ah!

Spud: What? Look out!

Norman and Spud: Aah!

[The drone crashes into Norman and Spud knocking them down as Bella comes over]

Catalina: Bella! We told you and Joe to call the pizza delivery drone project off!

Bella: Sorry, Cata, but I couldn't resist. Norman Price and Spud the Scarecrow: Alien Finders is brought to you by Bella and Joe's Interplanetary pizzas! Delivered right to your door.

Maisie Lockwood: Okay, thank you, Bella. And that's a wrap.

[The screen fades to black. We then view Fireman Sam and Connor outside the fire station]

Connor Lacey: Well, that's all for now, folks, but stay tuned as we traveled to the time of dinosaurs in "The Irelanders' Adventures of Dinosaur" which is coming up next.

Fireman Sam: See you there.

[They wave as the screen fades to black]