The Enemy Within/Transcript
The Psycho's Last Strike[edit | edit source]
(Scene: Virtual Realm)
- Psycho Red: Finally... I will have my chance to destroy the Red Rangers.
- Psycho Yellow: But Bowser ordered us not the act without his command.
- Psycho Black: Your obsession with Mewtwo and the Red Ranger could get us all vaporized.
- Psycho Red: I'm tired of being Bowser's puppet, it's because of him we lose to the Rebels.
- Psycho Black: It's not our choice.
- Psycho Red: I've had it. I will destroy the Red Ranger if it's the last thing I do!
- Psycho Black: You're out of control!
- Psycho Yellow: Listen to yourself!
- Psycho Red: Silence! Bowser has foiled my plans one too many times. If I wait for him, I might never get this opportunity again. Now is my turn to call the shots.
Megazord Battle[edit | edit source]
- Andros: Are they gone? I can't believe it.
- Cassie Chan: I guess they couldn't handle A taste of their own medicine.
- Aisling (OS): by the Wings of Animaria!, About Time.
- Andros: They're gone! The Psycho Rangers are history.
- Aisling: Excellent work, Guys. Excellent teamwork.
- Mewtwo: I couldn't have said it better, Daughter.
(They begin to Cheer)
Ending[edit | edit source]
(Scene: Command Center / Hangar Bay)
- Andros: Well, that's the end of the psycho rangers.
- Ashley: And I won't miss them a bit.
- TJ: Me neither.
- Aisling: Not if we know Bowser, I know that sooner or later he, Robotnik and Deviot will find a way to bring them back.
- TJ: You've got a Point, Ais. The Zords are already at Cranstontech, I'm going to see Donnie, Tails and the Marios to repair them.
- Mewtwo: Good. I'll reprogram the computers to scan for the Technodrome.
- Andros: Zhane. It's you.
- Zhane: I was just kidding. Can't you take a joke?
- Andros: Oh, it's just a joke.
- Zhane: Yeah.
- Andros: Good one.
[Andros flips him while Rini and Aisling Giggles]
- Aisling and Rini: (Giggles), Boys.
Executive Producers