The Boys Are Back in Town/Transcript
- Narrator: The City of Townsville!
- (Turn down quickly to the bank. After a second or two, the building explodes and the alarm screams out. Three silhouettes appear within the clouds of smoke and run toward the camera.)
- Narrator: Where boys will be boys.
- (The figures resolve into a trio of cash-carrying robbers. One is tall and thin, with black hair tied in a ponytail; another is very muscular; and the third is short. The arrival of Blossom freezes them in their tracks; she is very close to the camera, her back to us. Cut to her, with her sisters flanking.)
- Narrator: And girls will be girls!
- (They explode into action. Blossom dispatches the tall one, Buttercup the muscle man, Bubbles the shrimp. From here, cut to a paddy wagon whose back doors are held open by two cops.)
- Narrator: Besides manhandling the common criminal…
- (The robbers sail into view and land in the wagon; the cops close the doors, and the vehicle speeds off without them. Cut to a frightened, screaming crowd and pull back to show them gathered at the base of the volcano on which Mojo Jojo’s observatory stands. A large weapon, attached where the telescope would normally be, points down at them.)
- Narrator: …in just one day, three particular girls have managed to…
- (During the previous words, the following things happen. One, the weapon rotates to point straight out and is then crushed to scrap by the arriving girls. Two, Mojo is seen at a control panel inside; it flashes a warning and Blossom smashes in through it. Three, Bubbles socks him in midair and the camera cuts to outside to follow his trajectory. Four, Buttercup spikes him like a volleyball. Cut to a jail cell as he crashes into it.)
- Narrator: …massacre Mojo!
- Buttercup: (on TV) Yeah, it was rough in the beginning but I just paste myself and wore the monster down.
- (Him scowls upon hearing it.)
- Blossom: We were just glad to be of service. Good job, guys.
- Him: (mockingly) We were just glad to be of service. Good job, guys. (annoyed) Blah! Blast the Powerpuff brats and their meddling friends! They disgust me so effortless! They seem to be unbeatable.
- (Him sees the clips of the girls and the heroes from the past.)
- Him: All the years and all the villains produced nothing. So much time, such little results. (angrily) There must be a way! There must be someone who could knock those brats and their friends down to size! (groans in frustration and flops back onto the chair) Oh, boy! (but then he sees something on TV and has an idea) (softly, grins evilly) Oh, boy.
- Blossom: Good job, guys.
- Pooh Bear: (giggles) Why, thank you, Blossom.
- (Suddenly the rumbling is heard.)
- Piglet: What was that?
- Buttercup: What now?!
- Blossom: Get ready for anything, guys.
- Pikachu: (cheeks began to spark) Pikachu!
- Ash Ketchum: What's wrong, Pikachu!
- Pikachu: (points to the Rowdyruff boys) Pika!
- (The girls and the heroes gasp in shock upon seeing the Rowdyruff boys return and their hair is now spiky.)
- Blossom: The Rowdyruff Boys?!
- Ash Ketchum: Those no-good male counterparts who almost got you killed?!
- Blossom: Yep, that's them, Ash.
- Buttercup: But, that's impossible!
- Bubbles: We blew you guys up!
- Piglet: Oh d-d-d-dear, (in Merrick Baliton's voice) How did you return?
- Misty: We thought you boys are gone for good!
- Brick: (snickering) Yeah, well you can't stop a good thing, babe!
- (The girls started to laugh which annoys Brick.)
- Brick: Stop laughing! What are you laughing at?!
- Misty: Nice hair, boys!
- Blossom: Oh, no. Look who's back with mean hair?
- Bubbles: Oh, whatever shall we do?
- Buttercup: How can we defeat their scary new hair dos?
- Tigger: (jokingly) What happened to your hair? Did you all get shocked?
- Brock: (laughing) That's a good one, Tigger.
- (The heroes and the girls continue laughing as Brick gets really mad.)
- Brick: (shouting) Silence! (the heroes and the girls instantly stop laughing) You stupid, wimpy, lame-o girls talk too much! And, you guys talk too much too!
- Blossom: Stupid?!
- Buttercup: Wimpy?!
- Bubbles: Lame-o?!
- Ash Ketchum: You boys haven't changed at all! You're still picking on girls!
- Brick: (annoyed) Ah, shut it, trainer boy! We're already listening to one of your stupid lectures! Besides, you and your friends are not changing us!
- Pikachu: Pika Pika!
- Butch: Neither is your freaky little pet!
- Brick: You guys got lucky last time! But this time there's no way you're gonna beat my boys!
- Butch: Butch!
- Boomer: Boomer!
- Brick: And me Brick!
- (Boomer sees a fly and playfully swats it.)
- Brick: (annoyed) Pay attention!
- Bubbles: Are you guys sure you need another beating?
- Boomer: You girls are gonna eat your words, spit "em out and eat "em again!
- Pooh Bear: What does that mean?
- Misty: I seriously don't know what Boomer's talking about.
- Blossom: Yeah, that doesn't even make sense.
- Boomer: I know you are but what am I?!
- Buttercup: Enough! Talk is cheap! Let's do this!
- Rabbit: Yeah! The girls beat you boys once, they'll beat you again!
- Butch: (snickering) This is gonna be fun!
- Brick: You stupid lame-o girls will never learn! Now it's time to put those babies to bed!
- Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, use thunderbolt!
- (Pikachu attempts to shock three of the boys but they're unharmed.)
- Brick: (snickers, to Pikachu) Nice try, shrimp. (to Ash) Your weak little pet can't harm us this time, trainer boy!
- Ash Ketchum: (losing his temper) Don't you dare call my Pikachu weak! (charges at the boys attempting to punch them)
- Butch: Nice try, trainer boy.
- Brick: You're a weak little trainer boy!
- (Just then the sky turns to red. Pikachu's cheeks began to spark.)
- Ash Ketchum: What's wrong now, Pikachu?
- Pikachu: (points to Him as he appears) Pika!
- Him: Hello, girls and hello, heroes.
- Everyone: (gasps) Him.
- Him: So good to see you all again. How's things?
- Pikachu: Pikachu.
- Him: Not so good? Having a little boy trouble, hmm? Or should I say, big boy trouble?
- Ash Ketchum: You brought the Rowdyruff Boys back to life, didn't you?!
- Him: Yes, Ash, I did.
- Ash Ketchum: But, this is impossible!
- Pikachu: Pika!
- Him: (chuckles) Why, anything is possible, Ash.
- Blossom: So, you're behind this, Him!
- Rabbit: Now, what did you do to make the girls powerless!
- Tigger: Yeah, brunos, we demand an explanation from you!
- Him: An explanation, you say, gentlemen? Oh, that. That's my little secret. You see, I realize that the boys weakness was your pathetic little kisses. And since I knew you would resort to that I added a little something extra, a cootie vaccination
- Heroes: (shocked) A cootie vaccination.
- Him: (chuckles evilly) That's right, my friends. Circle, circle, dot , dot. Now, you have a cootie shot. (laughs) I got the spell off the internet.
- Ash Ketchum: Those boys can't feel damage from the girls' kisses nor my Pikachu's electric attacks?
- Him: Yes, Ash, but the girls' kisses and your little Pikachu's electric attacks are not totally useless, my boy.
- Ash Ketchum: Why not?!
- Him: Because they make my boys bigger and more powerful! (the girls and heroes gasp as Him laughs) At last I win!
- Brock: This can't be happening!
- Misty: You won't get away with this, you fiend!
- Him: Oh, it already has, Brock and Misty! (the boys laugh meanly as the heroes and girls get really scared) Have fun, my friends! Ta-ta! Ha-ha!
- (Him laughs insanely as he disappears. The boys continue staring at the heroes and girls while smiling evilly. Buttercup gulps nervously while Togepi whimpers in fear, Pooh Bear Piglet, Tigger and Rabbit hug each other while Ash, Pikachu, Brock and Misty stand their ground.)
- Piglet: What are they going to now, Blossom?
- Blossom: I don't know, Piglet.
- Ash Ketchum: (in Cole Evans' voice) It looks like the Rowdyruff Boys are back for revenge.
- (Butch cracked his knuckles which caused the girls and the heroes to cover their ears.)
- Brock: Man, his knuckle cracking is awfully loud.
- (Brick pulls his sleeve down and peels off the scab which disgusts the girls and the heroes. Boomer and Butch snicker upon seeing this, then Brick throws the scab and the girls and the heroes jump out of the way. Buttercup and Bubbles groan in disgust.)
- Tigger: Yuck!
- Blossom: Stand your ground, guys. They're trying psych us by grossing us out.
- (Butch hacks up and spits the mucus then the girls and the heroes duck quickly as they sigh in relief. But the mucus lands into Boomer's mouth and spits onto the ground which made Bubbles sick to her stomach her face turns green.)
- Ash Ketchum: Ugh! I think I lost my appetite.
- Tigger: Yeah, I'm gonna be sick.
- Buttercup: Hold your ground, guys! It's just a bunch of dumb boy tricks but we can take it, right?
- (Bubbles threw up into the trash can and she moaned.)
- Misty: You boys are so disgusting!
- Brick: (chuckles) Thanks, missy!
- Misty; (annoyed) The name's Misty!
- Brick: Whatever!
- Rabbit: You boys have such rude manners!
- Pikachu: Pika!
- Buttercup: Yeah, go ahead! Gross us out all you want! But we're still gonna kick your big boy butts!
- Tigger: Yeah, boys and we're gonna teach you some manners!
- Brick: Oh, you are? Are you? Well, then I guess it's... Rumble Time!
- Butch: (flipping out) Rumble time! Rumble time!
- Brick: Let the rumble begin!
- Pooh Bear: Oh. bother.
- Rabbit: Run, run, we gotta run!
- Blossom: Let's go, ladies!
- (The girls charge at the boys then the girls get punched and kicked landing on the ground.)
- Blossom: (gasps) Quick! Get up! Get up!
- (The boys fly up to them but then Brick has an idea.)
- Boomer: But, I thought we was-
- Brick: Shut it! We're playing a new game now! And the game is-
- (Butch happily pants.)
- (The boys see Pooh Bear and his friends hiding.)
- Brick: (laughs) Peek-a-boo! We see you!
- (Pooh Bear and his friends scream and run then Brick grabs and picks up Ash.)
- Brick: Gotcha! You can't get away from us, trainer boy! (spins Ash around in the air)
- Ash Ketchum: Make him stop, guys!
- (Boomer and Butch toss Pooh Bear, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Brock and Misty up and down. The girls recover from the roller brawl and they go to help him.)
- Pooh Bear: We can't, Ash!
- Piglet: They won't stop!
- Tigger: They're no match for us!
- Misty: They're too strong!
- Brock: They're overpowering us!
- Rabbit: Those boys are fighting dirty like last time!
- (Brick released Ash into the air.)
- Heroes and Girls: Ash!
- Pikachu: Pika, Pika!
- Buttercup: I'll get him! I'm coming, Ash!
- (Buttercup catches Ash in air and sets him down. Ash groans as he felt dizzy.)
- Buttercup: You okay, Ash?
- Ash Ketchum: Yeah, I felt dizzy!
- Pooh Bear: I say we skedaddle!
- Rabbit: I'd say you're right.
- (The girls and the heroes hide into the parking entrance.)
- (Boomer stands Bubbles up in front of himself, still holding on, and Butch grabs the back of her dress and stretches it out. The slug is stuffed in, and the dress is released. At this point, it is all she can do to keep her pitiful, painful moans from degenerating into a full-on crying fit. Cut to above the ring and pull back slowly as all three boys roar with laughter and point at the humiliation they have inflicted on her.) (Buttercup finally comes around and lifts her head. She sees it all: Bubbles’ torment and the boy’s pointing fingers, then Butch, laughing with his tongue hanging out. She snaps to full consciousness, and fierce, burning anger inscribes itself all over her face. Zoom in to an extreme close-up as she squeezes her eyes shut, then cut to Butch. Suddenly she rockets toward him and delivers a crushing uppercut that leaves his tongue badly swollen.)
- Butch: (moaning, tongue still hanging out) I…I bit my tongue! (Brick and Boomer laugh themselves stupid at the sight—and he shrinks somewhat. The girls, meanwhile, have all gotten to their feet and cleaned themselves up; they stare incredulously. The slug is no longer in Bubbles’ dress.)
- Blossom: Did you see that? Whenever their masculinity is threatened, they shrink in size.
- (A brainstorm hits her full force, and she beckons her sisters to lean in close.)
- Blossom: (whispering) Okay. So all we have to do is… (She trails off into mumbling.)
- (Cut to a man painting a billboard red. Bubbles flies to him and swipes his can and brush.)
- Bubbles: Sorry! (She flies o.c.)
- Painter: Hey!
- (She carries the supplies back to Boomer and buzzes past him as he keeps laughing. Lifting the brush determinedly, she flies in tight circles around his head; when she stops, he finds that she has given him a warp-speed makeover. His hair has been tied into two small pigtails, his mouth and cheeks have been painted red to simulate makeup, and his eyes show that Bubbles has also come up with a stand-in for mascara. He blinks stupidly.)
- (Cut to Blossom in flight, with the boys’ laughter echoing from below. On the roof, Brick and Butch are making fun of Boomer, who shrinks in size; the other two boys trade a high five. Blossom flies behind Brick (who's crack is visible) and grabs the waistband of his pants. A quick yank and she flies away—leaving her opposite number with his pants around his ankles and a full rear exposure for the camera, Brick is both shocked and stunned on what has happened. Boomer and Butch have a hearty laugh at the spectacle; the victim, meanwhile, covers himself with his hands and shrinks down to their size. As the gale of chortles continues, he becomes smaller still—now they are all the same size. Pull back to show the girls watching all this; from the camera’s point of view, the boys seem to be a bit smaller than they started out.)
- Bubbles: It’s working! It’s working!
- Blossom: Come on, girls. Let’s shrink ’em down to size!
- (They zip across the roof. Buttercup gets to Butch; he is actually now about half her height, and she pinches his cheek.)
- Buttercup: (baby talk) Aww, who’s almost wike a wittle man?
- (He shrinks again, so much that his head passes entirely out of view. Bubbles, meanwhile, cuddles Boomer like a baby. He too is considerably shorter than when he first showed up.)
- Bubbles: (baby talk) Aww, don’t cry, wittle baby. Mommy’s here.
- (He also shrinks. Now Blossom pats Brick’s head; the latter has pulled his pants up and is also much less than normal size.)
- Blossom: (baby talk) Oh, no. Who’s a itty bitty, teeny tiny, dinky wittle cutie pie?
- (Close-up of him during this line; under her patting and words, he also shrinks greatly.)
- Buttercup: (baby talk) Aaaww, poor wittwe doo-boo! (Butch shrinks down more again screaming with embarrassment)
- Bubbles: (baby talk) Aww hello little doopy dewbilee!
- (Down shrinks Boomer more.)
- Blossom: (baby talk) Aaaw, the baby poo-poo baby boo-boo ga-ga!
- (Brick is the loudest of the bunch of his screams Pull back to frame all three—now they are not even tall enough to reach the buckles of the girls’ shoes, and they are crying from embarrassment.)
- Brick: (to Boomer and Butch) Stop crying, you sissies!
- (The girls lean down over them in time with the next lines.)
- Blossom: Aww, aren’t they cute?
- Bubbles: They look like tiny little dollies.
- Buttercup: Yeah. Let’s squish ’em!
- (Just then the sky turns red again and Him comes back looking furious with the Rowdyruff Boys failure.)
- Him: (shouting) Can't you little brats do anything right?! I sent you to destroy them and what do you do?! You get all sissified.
- (Him uses a cloud to make the boys disappear while the heroes and the girls smirk with satisfaction.)
- Ash Ketchum: Ha! We showed them their new weakness!
- Misty: We sure did, Ash!
- Him: Oh, don't look so smug, girls. And Ash, don't get too cocky, my boy. Though you children may have won this time. It was a lucky victory and you know it!
- Pooh Bear: What do you mean?
- Him: What I mean is in time you all fall and we will defeat you. So, keep on your toes, stay alert and watch your back! Because the boys are back in town!