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Team Galactic (Mars, Jupiter and Saturn)

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

Team Galactic (known as Mars, Saturn and Jupiter) are group of villains from the Sinnoh region. They serve as the commanders of Team Galactic and worked under Cyrus, till his demise.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Team Galactic make their first appearance in Brian and the Eeveelution Family play Jumanji.
  • In Liam's Adventures of Pokemon the Series, Agent Ben Rockefeller of the Pokémon Defense Unit has them on the list of the PDU's most wanted.
  • Team Galactic will make their appearance and will become Emerl and his friends' Enemy in Team Robot in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.
  • Team Galactic will return in Team Robot in Pokémon: The Arceus Chronicles. It is revealed Saturn, Mars and Jupiter were freed from Arkham Asylum by Mandarin, his clone, Sakko and the Bureau of Bad Behavior and they stole the flame plate belonging to the Mythical Pokémon Arceus to bring back Cyrus and the Skeleton King. They captured Heatran to power up the flame plate to open the dimensional gate, but it went horribly wrong and turned it into a Monster Heatran and rampages towards Spear Pillar. Then they encountered Ash, Emerl and the rest of the heroes again and have a fight with them. Arceus showed up and fired Judgement to take them down inside their helicopter, while Cynthia uses her Roserade to use Power Whip to secure them on the rock, while Arceus closes the dimensional gate. After they rescued Heatran, Team Galactic Commanders and their recruits tries to talk to Arceus where Cyrus and the Skeleton King are, but it refused to tell them as the Alpha Pokémon returns back to its dimension and the police arrive to rearrest them.

Gallery[edit | edit source]