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Sonic and Red's Adventures of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls/Transcript

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

This is the transcript for Sonic and Red's Adventures of My Little Pony: Equestria Girls.

Opening/Arriving at the Crystal Empire[edit | edit source]

Shadow: (VO) Black. All important movies begin with a black screen. And logos. Really long and dramatic logos. Sega. Yeah, the house that Sonic built. Original. Oy. Too original. Rovio. Does that even make sense? Is Rovio even a word? And finally, Walt Disney. And of course, like movies... They start with a scene. Kind of like...

Demon Sunset: (evil laugh)

Shadow: (VO) Yeah, that. But I know what the big question is: How did it all come to this? Well, to be honest. It all started like it was yesterday. (???) It all began when we were about to have a day off at the Crystal Empire.

That Night/Sunset Shimmer[edit | edit source]

Shadow: (VO) So, Twilight may have a 'little' struggle with her life as an alicorn and being the princess and all. Little did we all know that on that night... Everything was about to get weird.

Sonic and Friends Go with Twilight to Another Dimension[edit | edit source]

Spike and Twilight are Human and Dog!?[edit | edit source]


Sonic: OH, my aching back!

Shadow: That was quite a ride.

Cosmo: (groans)

Tails: Wait, how come I got so tall?

Amy: And why do I feel so different?







Human Version of Twilight's Friends[edit | edit source]

???[edit | edit source]

???[edit | edit source]

Final Battle/Shadow Gets Sunset's Heart[edit | edit source]


Shadow: You, uh... Wanna hang out sometime?

Sunset: Sure. That'll be great.

Ending[edit | edit source]