Sonic, Red and Dax Tell a Shark Tale/Transcript
This is the transcript of Sonic, Red and Dax Tell a Shark Tale
Opening/Lenny[edit | edit source]
Lenny: Hi, I'm Lenny.
Ruby meets Dax and Kim[edit | edit source]
Ruby Gillman:
Amy Rose:
???[edit | edit source]
???[edit | edit source]
Oscar's Backstory[edit | edit source]
Sea Horse Race[edit | edit source]
???[edit | edit source]
???[edit | edit source]
???[edit | edit source]
???[edit | edit source]
Oscar Quits Being Famous[edit | edit source]
He's Got the Gang[edit | edit source]
Final Battle[edit | edit source]
Dax: Sonic? How did you-
Sonic: Sorry.
Dax: Where's Bowser? (then he realizes) He's right behind me, isn't he?
Bowser: Surprised?
Bowser: Oh yeah, you and what army?
Kraken Ruby:
Bowser: (in Nerisa's voice)
Red: Don't forget about us.
Cosmo: (in Kimberly's voice)
Freedom Fighters we need megazord power now!!
Sonic: (in Tommy's voice)
(as the ninja falcon megazord is completed)
Amy: (in Kimberly's voice)
Freedom fighters: battle mode now!
Ending[edit | edit source]
Kim: Come on, everyone's waiting.
Dax: Hey, yo, I just got put the finishing touch on my new desk.
Sonic: Yo, dawg! All dressed up for the main event!