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Sonic's Adventures of The Angry Birds Movie

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Sonic's Adventures of the Angry Birds Movie is a new movie

Summary[edit | edit source]

The Angry Birds Movie takes us to an island populated entirely by happy, flightless birds – or almost entirely. In this paradise, Red, a bird with a temper problem, speedy Chuck, and the volatile Bomb have always been outsiders. When the island is visited by mysterious green piggies, it’s up to these unlikely outcasts to figure out what the pigs are up to.

Plot[edit | edit source]

The movie starts focusing on Bird Island and then it enters it entirely, showing Red running in a jungle with a wooden egg container, which he gets injured several times by hitting branches, even having a snake tied to him, a spider almost bite him in a fallen log and then try to swim, which a fish gets stuck on his tail. He reaches to the door of house and Timothy attends it, Red dresses himself as a clown and scares him and then Edward comes blaming him that he was late even though he was almost on time. He offers him cake, but they refuse because there was a squirrel in it. After getting extremely furious with Edward complaining, especially after he touches him, Red loses his temper and throws the cake on his face and dresses him as a clown.

Eva, Edward's wife, gets disgusted with this and demands him to go away, Red insists on staying and asks them to get a bit of the cake on Edward's face and almost leaves, but slips on the squirrel and the family tries to keep him from falling on an egg, but Timothy stops to eat a piece of cake and makes Red break the egg, revealing that the hatchling was a boy.

The movie then starts with the credits, showing about Red's anger, which shows part of his life when he gets angry. He first gets angry with Alex was bumping his stomach on him. Then, the Mime interrupts his comic book reading, which he punches the Mime on the stomach. Then it shows birds mocking him with eyebrows in kindergarten which he tries to get angry but cries. Then a kid bird is playing soccer on his house which he kicks him away to the sea. Then Cyrus is sneezing on his popcorn during a show, which he dumps the popcorn bag on him.

Dr. Wingstein was testing his reflexes with a hammer but he slaps him. Then, three female birds are flirting which he thinks that it's for him but it's actually for Brad, which steps on him and he gets angry, kicking his lunchbox but slipping. Then it shows an egg in a lost and found section, which Red punches off it, revealing him as a hatchling.

Afterwards, it shows Bird Village, which the birds are going to Bird Court. Eva is telling about how Red destroyed the egg hatching moment, but Red disagrees, and the green hatchling accidentally thinks Red is his father, calling him "Daddy", much to Edward, feeling disappointed and disgusted by Red. Then Red says they didn't accept the job he was doing, Judge Peckinpah then starts talking about how the birds are happy and tells a joke, which Red thinks it isn't funny. Then Judge Peckinpah then starts to talk about his anger being a problem in society and tells him that birds may say hello to him when walking by, but that doesn't mean they actually like him sometimes.

Hurt at first, Red then gets annoyed and reveals his secret to everyone; that he uses Cyrus to fake his height under a robe. Annoyed with his judgmental, Judge Peckinpah gives a punishment for Red as to attend the Anger Management at the Infinity Acceptance Center, and Red is left shocked. Red then goes to the Infinity Acceptance Center, and doesn't give other birds a warm welcome walking by after what Peckinpah revealed. Early Bird asks how he was a doing and he responds that he was doing horrible, while Stella says that it's nice to meet him but Red says that he can't say the same.

Red reaches a part where there are a bunch of hatchlings passing with their mothers and Monica is preventing him from walking, Red waits until they finish but Shirley, an old bird, walks very slowly to the finish, making it harder for Red to reach the center. It finishes and Red passes by a salon where feathers get on his face by a bird cleaning it, Mime mocks him and then he passes by Hug Trader, that wanted to give him a hug, but Red refused, as he was weirded out. He then reaches the center, which he finds Billy, a sign, that was making annoying sounds. At first, he brushes it aside but after being hit by it, he fights it and destroys it. When he enters the center, he finds Matilda, that is a quite annoying and attempting upbeat teacher and she shows him his classmates: Chuck, that was filed for mocking the police bird Bill Beakins, stealing his wallet and using the money to drink with his friends. Bomb, that was filed for blowing up at wrong hours Terence, that was filed for an unknown serious crime.

They start making yoga, Chuck did it really well, Red couldn't do it easily and required the help of Matilda, Terence was doing it well despite his size and Bomb exploded due to the pose. Red, Chuck and Bomb walked back to their houses, Chuck invited his friends to go to the Museum of Happiness with a new happiness exhibit, but Red didn't feel like hanging out and walked to his house. When he was passing, Hug Trader tried to give him a hug but Red again refused, some birds invited to drink with him and Red seemed to enjoy but it was actually for Brad again, he then passes by the blue birds' house which he sees the blue bird Olive with an egg and her husband Greg was hugging it, expecting children.

Red then went to his house and saw the Mighty Eagle poster, which he remembered about a day at school that his teacher took his students to teach them about the statue of Mighty Eagle, Red asked him if Mighty Eagle was ever going to come back and a female kid bird asks him if his parents ever told him that Mighty Eagle wasn't real, while another female kid bird tells her that Red doesn't have parents, or even friends at that matter, causing him to cry. Red then builds a model of his house and tries to see how it would look like in the village and then looks at the sky, sad.

A ship then comes and someone says Ha, ha! Eureka! while aiming a telescope at Bird Island. The birds are then going to work and school, Red is going back to the anger management class, which was about reading their poems. Bomb's poem was deep and touching, Red didn't write one and Chuck was reading about a crime committed to his creation Billy by a bird with red feathers, Red tries to ignore it and says Terence did it but the birds knew Red did it, so Terence punches him to a wall for giving them a false lead. Stella warns everyone that something is coming and they quit the lesson, while the other birds were stepping on Billy and destroying him even more, causing Red to think of them as hypocrites. All the birds go to the beach.

At the beach, the birds watch a ship come, the ship tries to deck on the beach and Red tries to prevent it from destroying his house and it barley touches it, but a stone anchor destroys the upper left part, Red gets shocked seeing the pieces of his house, that took 5 years to build. The doors of the ship opens, revealing two colorful green pigs Leonard, and his assistant Ross. The pigs greet the birds, Leonard gives the birds snacks and presents and Ross hugs them, despite Terence objecting. Red asks if they are going to cause more destruction and Judge Peckinpah gets embarrassed with him, or even worried that he could be right, while Leonard thinks he needs a basket. Judge Peckinpah greets the pigs and shakes hands with Leonard.

At night, Stella and her friends are making a presentation to the pigs. Red, Chuck and Bomb are seen sitting by the same table, while watching the show. Red has suspicions that the pigs are up to no good. Leonard starts his show and explodes the show stage, making Red more sure of his conclusion that they want to destroy the village.

Leonard then presents the trampoline with Oinky and John Hamm and then presents the slingshot, which he slings fruits to the birds, Hal tries to get some by using Bubbles as a platform, but he tackles them away, while Chuck and Bomb get fruit, Red says to them that they already had these fruits on the plate next to them. Leonard then starts to ask for a volunteer to launch off the slingshot, all birds wave their wings up but Leonard chooses Red, who was annoyed by him, and fires him to the beach.

Red hits a rock and sees the ship, the Porkchop Express and thinks it's good to explore it. Chuck comes and helps Red, Bomb soon comes later. They find a lot of stuff in the ship, like dynamite and TNT, trampolines, clothes, cars and then Bomb breaks the floor of the trampoline room, revealing a lot of other pigs. Red comes back to the presentation and reveals to everyone the pigs' secret that they had more units and soldiers when Leonard previously stated that there was only two of them and that they taking advantage of the birds' trust, all the birds begin to grow suspicious of him, but Leonard starts to tell a false emotional story. Every bird (except Chuck and Bomb) refuses to believe Red's accusations and tells him to stop troubling their guests as they resume the show.

It then shows how Red's life is now boring, with the show's lights trying to blind him, the pigs eating all the food and ruling the village with their vehicles, meanwhile, Earl and the country pigs were singing the song about friends. Stella is showing the pigs about the points of interest on Bird Island. Matilda is teaching the birds to paint their pain, Chuck paints him as a superhero, Bomb paints the canvas by painting him and bumping into it, Terence paints the Creation of Adam but with him on the ground and Matilda as the holy figure visiting him, Matilda gets scared with Terence's interests of her. Leonard sees an egg and imagines himself with it, making a picnic and seeing clouds.

He sees Red's painting and Red shows it, which was a bunch of torture towards Leonard such as shocking him, throwing him to a waterfall, cutting him with an octopus, toasting him as barbecue and slinging him off of Earth, all being revenge for his torments. Leonard says that the paintings are good and makes a joke about him always being angry by storing his nuts for winter.

Red then asks if they are going to keep or to stay because other ships of pigs were coming and that they may be criminals escaping, questioning if they really were explorers. Judge Peckinpah grows annoyed as he doesn't know how to greet visitors and that he is making them uncomfortable, Red then says that he's not questioning the pigs' motives. Red begins to talk to the Mighty Eagle statue that he could help at this time and gets an idea, he invites Chuck and Bomb to search about Mighty Eagle and see if he can help about the pigs. Meanwhile, the pigs are testing a zip-line which Foreman Pig says that it's flawless. Red says that the only one who can help is Mighty Eagle and Bomb imagines him as a strong comic book character that destroys everything and can make a volcano out of his mountain, while Chuck imagines him as a rockstar that the female birds love, so they agree.

They climb the mountains, dive into the rivers, enter the forests, somehow end up in the ocean, while Chuck and Bomb are making Mighty Eagle noises. They climb up the mountain but it's revealed that Mighty Eagle's den is at the another mountain. So they make the process again for days, with Chuck and Red having to go back to get a complaining Bomb, who almost walks off the mountain. They find Mighty Eagle's den and Chuck and Bomb start to drink and dive in the lake of it, thinking it was water of wisdom, until Mighty Eagle comes and they hide behind a rock. Mighty Eagle starts urinating at the lake, disgusting the three birds, Bomb and Chuck specifically. Mighty Eagle then asks them if they came to see him or they have something to say. They get into the cave and Mighty Eagle starts to show them his trophies and products.

Meanwhile, Leonard is giving the birds more presents. Mighty Eagle starts to sing with the birds his song. After they sing it, Red tries to asks him about the pigs but he goes away. Red goes to see him and he was watching Shirley take a mud bath, Red says that he's disgusting and views the pigs pouring explosives into the buildings and stealing eggs, making him realize that his suspicions were right. Red demands Mighty Eagle to fly them down to the village but Mighty Eagle doesn't do that anymore, Red says that he believed in him and on his protection and goes away with his friends, saying that Mighty Eagle is no hero. While Mighty Eagle is hiding his real reasons for laziness.

At the disco, the Daft Piggies stop their job and quit the tent, while the birds are having fun. Red, Chuck and Bomb arrive back at the village and see the Acrobat Pigs stealing the eggs, they go more further and see Leonard escaping with an egg and saying that it was on time, most of the village is demolished and many cars almost run over them, Red demands Chuck to warn the birds and he and Bomb rescue the eggs. Chuck tries to alert all the birds, but they don't listen to him. Red and Bomb get on the net of eggs and Red demands Bomb to explode the chains while the pigs were throwing objects, he tries to do it but that backfires when the pigs spray Bomb with water especially because Bomb's power doesn't work well when he's wet). They fall into the water, yet they still continue their rescue. Leonard demands a pig to fire a fire plunger with a crossbow, which launches the Mighty Eagle statue at them, but they successfully avoid it.

The next morning, the birds of the village see the destruction of their homes and that the eggs were gone. Judge Peckinpah and the other birds apologize to Red for not listening to him and Red forgives them. Under his leadership, Red convinces every bird to use their anger if they want to get their eggs back. They build a boat and set sail for Piggy Island. Meanwhile, Leonard is decelerated King Mudbeard and announces the eggs to the pigs. The birds pass by fog and destroyed ships and reach the Piggy Island beach. The birds put the slingshot and Red asks who wants to be slung first, Bomb wants to but Matilda is launched. She flies above Earl and a group of country pigs seating on TNT, she drops an egg-shaped fireball at them and she is launched to a building. They then launch Hal but he only defeats a Fancy Pig and boomerangs back to a tree.

Then they launch Cyrus, who sneezes at Red, destroys some houses but bumps into a Calvin Swine billboard and they then launch Mime. Leonard sees Red and his flock attacking and demands all the pigs to search for birds and that they are going to eat eggs for lunch, much to the birds' horror. Red and his friends then launch Bubbles and he inflates a bunch of pigs away, Stella goes next and she does parkour on houses and takes down some pigs, but then falls on the street. Judge Peckinpah is launched after this. He was aimed at boulders, but unknowingly ended up in a house. He blew out the windows of a building before colliding with the ground and causing an explosion.

Meanwhile, Mighty Eagle tries to fly but falls down. Red goes next and he demands Terrence to pull him at a far distance and to be fired at boulders, he is launched and successfully enters the castle. Leonard notices and demands Soldier Pigs to capture Red, but Red hides on a painting and fools the pigs. Other Soldier Pigs come with eggs and hides them in a room, writing on the door that there are no eggs there. Chuck then follows and gets launched into the castle and through a kitchen with cakes, a room with cactuses, a room with swords and then fire arcs, he then gets injured and Red finds him. Bomb is launched next and also infiltrates the castle but gets stuck in a wall. Leonard, noticing that three birds have made it into his castle, demands the pilot pigs to fly the planes and prevent the birds from destroying the city.

Terence sees this and tries to destroy the planes himself, but he accidentally destroys the slingshot. Red and Chuck start to search for the room with eggs. The planes continue to fly. Red and Chuck find Bomb, taking him off the wall, they go to a balcony where they find the pigs guarding the eggs, Red devises a plan, only for Chuck to make paint fall on a pig, a pig's lips be pulled and a pig be punched, which he takes a picture in not even a second. Everything happens all at once, making the pigs think that it was one of them that did everything and chase him.

The birds infiltrate the room with the net of eggs but it's pulled up to the kitchen. Red grabs the net and Chuck and Bomb try to infiltrate to the dining room. Chuck runs into a pipe in means of saving Red. Meanwhile, Foreman Pig presses the button on a control to make the net fall but Red headbutts him through the window of the castle and grabs the control, pushing the button and pulling the eggs up. Bomb pushes Chuck to the pipe and blows the pipe, launching Chuck through the vents. Mighty Eagle comes and Red demands him to come, Mighty Eagle breaks into the kitchen but slips on the table, bumping into the cauldron and fainting. Red wakes him up and Bomb and Chuck come. Red demands Mighty Eagle to grab the eggs and he does so, Chuck opens the door while Bomb takes the table away. Just as they are about to escape, Leonard grabs Red's leg, which makes an egg pop out of the net from the pressure and back into the castle. Red decides to risk his life and go back into the castle, much to the horror of Chuck and Bomb.

Mighty Eagle, Bomb and Chuck are flying with the eggs but there are planes following them, the other birds are running to escape. Leonard tries to take the egg that rolled back inside, but Red takes it. Leonard demands him to give it but Red refuses, despite him being surrounded by many pigs. Suddenly, the cauldron falls with boiling water, making them escape. Red and Leonard are catapulted by the table and grab into the chandelier, while the other pigs run out of the room. Meanwhile, a lot of plungers are being throw to Mighty Eagle, Bomb jumps off the net and tries to blow up the ram. Matilda and the other birds get into the center of the city, which there a pigs trying to prevent them, Matilda launches fireballs at them and defeats the pigs. Bomb tries to think of things to explode, he thinks of surprise parties, yoga poses and then pigs in airplanes, which causes a huge explosion and he is launched flying, being happy that he blew up on purpose as he flies by Chuck and Mighty Eagle.

Leonard tries to take the egg away from Red but he makes the chandelier fall with them with it, crashing through a lot of floors, while destroying a pig's sandwich and helping a pig from get many strikes in bowling. Matilda and the birds continue running and a truck strikes by and analyses them, showing that the driver is Terence and he demands them to get in it, helping them escape. Red wakes up in a room full of dynamite and finds the egg, he tries to get it but Leonard gets it first.

Leonard gets a candle and tries to boil it. Red looks at the ceiling and sees that the cauldron is falling, Leonard mocks him and he thinks of his sad past of being left out, abandoned, and teased. However, he remembers what Peckinpah told him, anger isn't the answer to everything. Red sighs and says that the plan was good and that he was defeated. Leonard gets cocky from the compliment and steps forward, but Red takes a TNT crate off the stack of dynamite and makes Leonard slip. The candle falls near dynamite and sets it off.

Red sees this and makes off with the egg. Leonard arrives from the TNT, enraged, and tries to catch him but the cauldron falls on Red and leaves Leonard alone in the middle of the explosion. Pig City explodes and Mighty Eagle, Bomb, Chuck and the other birds as well as several pigs escape from the explosion. Mighty Eagle drops the eggs and faints. Greg and Olive see the eggs and the birds go to get them. All the birds get their eggs but the blue birds parents can't find theirs, leaving them distraught.

Bomb and Chuck notice that Red is gone and turn back to the demolished city with everyone else, causing them to think he did not survive. Timothy's brother calls for him once seeing him emerge from the rubble and the birds are glad to see that he is alive. Red shows the now hatched egg, and The Blue Birds come out and Chuck and Bomb run to see him. Red and his friends come with the egg and he gives with to Olive and Greg and they thank them. Mighty Eagle greets Red, Chuck and Bomb and say that he was making them lose faith on him so they could see faith on themselves and hugs them.

The birds return home and repair the village. Red, Chuck and Bomb are seeing the brand new Mighty Eagle Statue and then the bird show Red his new house, with Judge Peckinpah greeting him back to the village and all birds cheering for him. The Blues come with the other hatchlings and sing the Mighty Eagle song to him but replacing the word Eagle with Red, with Terence singing the last part of the song and Matilda loving it. The three main birds start to talk and Red says that he is going to miss the beach view, but Chuck says that he will see him and Bomb every time he wakes up but Red shuts the door on them. Bomb and Chuck get disappointed and go to their houses, but Red says that he was just kidding and invites them in, finally accepting them as his best friends. Chuck and Bomb get excited as they start to live together.

After this, Mighty Eagle puts a disc on his record player, and everyone starts to dance including the pigs and Leonard says that he can't dance because he is hatching a new plan but dances later. In a mid-credits scene, The Blues leave their houses and find the slingshot, slinging them far away.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The Skylanders, Jenny Wakeman, Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Luigi, Rabbid Peach, Edge, Rabbid Rosalina, Rabbid Yoshi, Venom, Darkwing Duck and The Nexo Knights will be guests in this film.
  • Dr. Robotnik, Cubot, Orbot, Surge, Kit, Dr. Starline, Dropkick, Shatter, The Fearsome Five, Vexus, Jestro, Monstrox, Roberto, Kaos and Glumshanks will work for Leonard.

Cast[edit | edit source]

  • Roger Craig Smith, Ben Schwartz and Deven Mack as Sonic
  • Colleen O'Shuaghnessey and Ashleigh Ball as Tails
  • Dan Green, Idris Elba, Adam Nurada and Vincent Tong as Knuckles
  • Cindy Robertson and Shannon Chan-Kent as Amy Rose
  • Amy Birnbaum as Cosmo and Charmy
  • Aaron Landon as Unit
  • Nika Futterman as Sticks
  • Ian Hanlin as Shadow and Big the Cat
  • Mae Whitman as Tangle
  • Sumalee Montano as Whisper the Wolf
  • Quinton Flynn and Bryce Papenbrook as Silver
  • Erica Schroeder as Blaze
  • Karen Strassman as Rouge
  • Aaron LePlante as Omega
  • Rebecca Hoing as Cream
  • Jimmy Zoppi as Vector
  • David Wills as Espio
  • Justin Long as Spyro
  • Ashley Tisdale as Stealth Elf
  • Jonathan Banks as Eruptor
  • Bobcat Goldthwait as Pop Fizz
  • Jonny Rees as Jet-Vac
  • Felicia Day as Cynder
  • David Gassman as Rabbid Mario
  • Bruce Sherfield as Rabbid Luigi
  • Laurie Winkel as Rabbid Rosalina
  • Kaycie Chase as Rabbid Peach
  • Lexie Kendrick as Edge
  • Johnny Yong Bosch and Griffin Burns as Nate
  • Erika Harlacher as Hailey
  • Joey D'Auria and Michael Sorich as Whisper (Yo-Kai Watch)
  • Alicyn Packard and Kira Buckland as Jibanyan
  • Katie Leigh as Usapyon
  • Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock/Venom
  • Jason Sudeikis as Red
  • Josh Gad as Chuck
  • Danny McBride as Bomb
  • Peter Dinklage as Mighty Eagle
  • Bill Hader as Leonard
  • Tony Hale as Ross and Mime
  • Maya Rudolph as Matilda
  • Sean Penn as Terence
  • Kate McKinnon as Stella
  • Anthony Padilla as Hal
  • Ian Hecox as Bubbles

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Sonic's Adventures of The Angry Birds Movie/Transcript

Links[edit | edit source]