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Something's a Ms./Transcript

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki
  • (Opening shot: Townsville's skyline in the afternoon.)
  • Narrator: The City of Townsville!
  • (Cut to the exterior of Townsville Hall.)
  • Narrator: The setting of Townsville!
  • (Next cut to a couch in the Mayor’s office.)
  • Narrator: The settee of Townsville!
  • (On that cue, The Mayor walks into view, hops onto the couch, and pulls out a compact disc.)
  • Narrator: The CD of Townsville!
  • (Close-up of a record player turntable. The disc is set on this, and the needle is lowered. Pull back to show the player as an old Victrola, the needle screeching and squeaking against the plastic since this was not one of the old phonograph records it is used to normally playing. Pull back across the office. The Mayor snaps his fingers to the “beat”, completely oblivious to how the CD is not a perfect match for the Victrola's design as a phonograph record player and is probably ruining the disc in the process with all the scratches and grooves the needle is carving on it trying to read it and play the music on it.)
  • Narrator: The pity of Townsville!
  • (Ms. Bellum steps into view, her back to the camera. She puts both her hands on her hips as she looks on at the Mayor. Cut to in front of her, at the office door, and turn up from her feet. She has one hand on her hip.)
  • Narrator: The pretty of Townsville!
  • (Back to the couch. She walks into view next to the Mayor, who is still snapping away, oblivious to her presence in the room at this point or the continued damage the CD is taking on the Victrola.)
  • Mayor: Ooh, mama! (She sits down.) This techno music is dope.
  • (Ms. Bellum produces a makeup case, takes out a tube of lipstick, and touches herself up a bit. Of course, we do not see the end result. She puts the case aside, then crosses her legs and clears her throat—softly at first, then louder, leaning toward him. He pays no attention, still snapping away to the "beat".)
  • Mayor: A glass of water'll clear that right up.
  • (She reaches past him o.c.)
  • Ms. Bellum: (When she speaks, her voice takes on a low, seductive tone—an urbane Mae West, perhaps.) Let’s shut this off, shall we? (She turns off the Victrola and the squeaking CD finally stops. She sighs in relief.) Ahh! (pulling him toward herself) Much better. Don’t you think?
  • Mayor: Uh, sure. (Pause.) Ms. Bellum?
  • Ms. Bellum: Yes? (He tugs at his collar.)
  • Mayor: Is there something on your mind?
  • Ms. Bellum: Oh, I’m so glad you asked. Could I take the rest of the afternoon off?
  • (This request startles him considerably. Close-up of him.)
  • Mayor: The rest of the afternoon?! I don’t know, Ms. Bellum! There’s so much to do, and so little time!
  • (She leans into view facing him, her hair blocking him from sight.)
  • Ms. Bellum: (She kisses him.) Mmmmwah!
  • (She leans back o.c., and he now has the print of her lips on the end of his nose.)
  • Mayor: Okay. (Pull back.)
  • Ms. Bellum: (walking o.c.) Thank you, Mayor. I’ll see you later. (The door slams o.c.)
  • (He stays on the couch. Pull back across the office. The only sound is the ticking of a clock. Through the window, afternoon fades to night and the room darkens. After some moments, the door bursts open o.c. and Ms. Bellum runs into view. Her come-hither air is replaced by total panic.)
  • Ms. Bellum: Mayor!
  • Mayor: (slyly) Back for seconds, Ms. Bellum?
  • Ms. Bellum: No, Mayor! I’ve got to call the girls! (Quick pan to the hotline. She picks it up and speaks into it, as the Mayor stares at her.) Girls, Townsville Bank has just been robbed!
  • (On the end of this, the scene dissolves around her to the bank lobby. In front of her, the vault stands open and empty. The girls fly in, one by one, in time with the next three lines.)
  • Blossom : No clues here.
  • Buttercup : Nothing over there.
  • Bubbles : I couldn’t find anything either.
  • Blossom: Who could it be? Who could be clever enough to not leave any trace of the crime?
  • Buttercup: Maybe it was Mojo Jojo.
  • Blossom: No. It was too well planned out.
  • Buttercup: True. How about Him?
  • Blossom: No, too trivial.
  • Buttercup: Gangreen Gang
  • Blossom: Juvie.
  • Bubble: (blurting out) Fuzzy Lumpkins!
  • (Knocking was heard on the door.)
  • Girls: Come in.
  • Pooh Bear: Good evening, girls.
  • Girls: Good evening, Pooh Bear.
  • Rabbit: Any luck on the culprit?
  • Blossom: No, Rabbit, there weren't any clues to find.
  • Tigger: Hmm, maybe those villains might be on their breaks since they're not doing anything evil.
  • Girls: Maybe.

  • Blossom: (reading the fax) "I have Bellum. Bring one million in unmarked, non-consecutive bills to Ms. Bellum's house. No funny stuff. Love, Sedusa"
  • Bubbles: (gasps) Sedusa?!
  • Buttercup: That's a bummer, man.
  • Misty: (gasps) That no-good lady who tricked the professor into grounding you girls.
  • Rabbit: The mistress of disguise?!
  • Pikachu: Pikachu?!
  • Blossom: Yep, that's her. Don't worry, Mayor. We'll get your Bellum back. Let's roll!



  • Ms. Bellum: Ughhh… girls...have you gone out of your heads?!
  • Blossom: Don’t “girls” us, you imposter!
  • Buttercup: You expect us to believe that you happened to witness every crime?!
  • Blossom: And that you happened to be kidnapped?!
  • Buttercup: And singlehandedly subdued Sedusa?!
  • Bubbles: Well, think again, Sedusa!
  • (The heroes gasp in horror upon seeing her.)
  • Sedusa: Hello, everyone, surprised to see me?
  • Rabbit: We're deeply shocked I must say.
  • Bubbles: (grunts) Help, I'm stuck!
  • Sedusa: How do you like my new hair gel?
  • Misty: It looks slimy.
  • Sedusa: Why, thank you, Misty. How kind of you to say that.
  • Buttercup: I almost got you, Bubbles.
  • Bubbles: Buttercup, look out! Buttercup!
  • Buttercup: Sorry, Bubbles.
  • Sedusa: Two down one to go. You girls stick around while I finish your sister.
  • Blossom: (trying to untie the real Ms. Bellum forced to dress as Sedusa)
  • Sedusa: You stay away from her!
  • Blossom: Make me!
  • Sedusa: I'm glad you asked . (Pulls out two objects from her jacket and throws them at Blossom who deflects them easily)
  • Sedusa: Merely a diversionary tactic. Look behind you! (Blossom and and one by one four locks of Sedusa's hair grabs Blossom by her wrists and ankles) Try picking those locks!
  • Blossom: Sorry guys.
  • Bubbles and Buttercup: That's okay, Blossom.
  • Sedusa: (sighing) Ah, this was too easy. (pacing) Now, my only dilemma is whether to finish you off quickly, or do it painfully slow. But that would be splitting hairs! Ah, ha, ha, ha!
  • (She laughs madly, the fireplace casting a deranged glow over her as it momentarily flares up as she cackles, before the next line brings her out of her celebration and the fireplace calms down with it. She suddenly stops and stands still, looking to the right as she hears a voice.)
  • Ms. Bellum: (from o.c.) Not so fast, Sedusa!
  • (Pull back. She stands across from Sedusa. She still wears Sedusa's face and outfit. Like Sedusa, Ms. Bellum's hair from the mask is slithering about, but only for the moment and when it is seen again, it stops moving. Sedusa glares at her.)
  • Ms. Bellum: (as she speaks, the mask moves with her lips, as if she's talking as Sedusa) You haven't won yet!
  • Ash Ketchum: (appears behind Ms. Bellum in her Sedusa outfit and holds up the severed tape in his hands) Surprise, surprise, Sedusa. (drops the severed tape to the floor, indicating that he freed Ms. Bellum while she was busy with the Powerpuff Girls)
  • Sedusa: (growls) I should've known! I've completely forgotten about you! Oh, well, no matter. I'll still defeat you no matter what!
  • Ash Ketchum: I don't think so! Because you don't know who you're messing with.
  • Sedusa: You and your friends think you can beat me when your superheroes could not? (pointing at the girls stuck on the window. Cut to in front of Sedusa as she aggressively leans in on the next line.) Never!
  • (Cut to in front of Ms. Bellum, still speaking through Sedusa's face.)
  • Ms. Bellum: Oh, yeah?!
  • (She reaches towards the bottom of her face and pulls the mask off from the chin. Just before it gives way, cut to behind her, as her mass of curly red-orange hair erupts into view. Her hair covers her actual face for the remainder of the encounter. Still wearing Sedusa's leotard, Ms. Bellum holds the torn off mask in her right hand.)
  • Ms. Bellum: Try us!
  • Ash Ketchum: (grabs a fireplace pick) Bring it, Sedusa!
  • (She throws the mask aside as the two women standoff for a second. Sedusa immediately lashes at Ms. Bellum with a lock of hair, catching her around her waist tight. Sedusa smiles as Ms. Bellum has her arms sticking out.)
  • Ms. Bellum: Ugh!
  • (Sedusa lifts her off the ground and into the air. Cut to the girls trapped on the window. Ms. Bellum comes into view with her arms down and her hair draped over her face and chest. Sedusa's pink hair gel can be seen stuck to her waist where Sedusa's hair is grabbing her.)
  • Girls: (distressed.) Ms. Bellum!
  • Ash Ketchum: Look out!
  • (Cut to behind Ms. Bellum, off the ground looking at Sedusa. Sedusa angrily stares at her, as she readies another lock of hair. Sedusa lashes at her face as Ms. Bellum clenches her fists in pain and a tuft of red-orange hair shoots out. Just as the hit connects, cut to the girls.)
  • Girls: (turning their heads to look away) Ooh!
  • (Ms. Bellum is then seen flying through the air with sheer velocity, her arms and legs sticking up. She lands o.c. to a loud thud. Sedusa looks down on her, chuckling maliciously, as she leans into attack. Ms. Bellum catches her off-guard by reaching up to grab her by the hair and pull her down. She lies on top of Sedusa, punching her in the face twice. Sedusa kicks her in the gut that propels her down the length of the room and into a spiral staircase. Ms. Bellum leans on top of it as Sedusa rushes in and grabs her by her hair. Ms. Bellum is immediately seen rushing through the air to the right until she finally slams into a shelf of knickknacks, landing and sitting in its rubble. Cut quickly to a glass table and small rug, immediately followed by Ms. Bellum being thrown onto the table from the right, shattering it and lying on top of the rug with her arms and legs spread out. Cut to the girls stuck on the window, their faces worried. Suddenly, Ms. Bellum is tossed from the left, and impacts up against the window next to the girls. She slides slowly down o.c. to a thud as the girls stare down at her, mouths agape.)
  • Ash Ketchum: (screams as he charges at Sedusa with the fireplace pick) Come and get me, you witch!!!
  • (Ash attacks Sedusa with the pick, swinging left and right and up and down as he attempts to strike her with it.)
  • Sedusa: Is that the best you could do?
  • Ash Ketchum: I've only begun to fight.
  • (Sedusa uses her hair to grab a fireplace shovel.)
  • Sedusa: En garde!
  • Ash: Pikachu, go!!!





Sedusa: This isn't over! (tries to attack with her hair, but it keeps flopping due to it being wet) M-M-My hair! What happened to my hair?! YOU BROKE MY HAIR!!! (cries) My poor hair! (cries)

Ash Ketchum: (laughs) I almost don't feel sorry for her! (laughs)

Ms. Bellum: Wait a minute. Hair! That's it!

  • (Inside, a vase is grabbed from a shelf and its flowers are tossed to the floor. Cut to the girls and heroes. A splash of water is thrown onto them from o.c.—the water in the vase—and they break loose after a short effort. Blossom is first, then Bubbles and Buttercup at the same time. They float in front of Ms. Bellum, her back to the camera and her hands at her hips.)
  • Blossom: Thanks for getting us out of this hairy situation.
  • Ash Ketchum: You're welcome. Time for unfinished business, Pikachu!
  • Pikachu: Pikachu!
  • (Ash and Pikachu race back to the pool while Sedusa is still in the water)
  • Sedusa: What do you think you're doing?!
  • Ash Ketchum: Water and electricity don't mix. Pikachu!
  • Pikachu: Pika! (He dips his lightning-shaped tail into the water-filled swimming pool)
  • Sedusa: (gasps in horror)
  • Ash Ketchum: Okay, Pikachu! Let her have it! Thunderbolt attack!
  • Pikachu: Pika-chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!
  • (Sedusa screams in agony as she is electrocuted)
  • Ash: Now that is what I call a shock treatment.
  • Sedusa: I don't need my hair to beat you! Blossom? Buttercup? Bubbles? Bellum? Pooh Bear? Piglet? Rabbit? Tigger? Ash? Brock? Misty? Pikachu?
  • Ms. Bellum: Let's finish this, shall we, guys?
  • Girls and Heroes: Let's!
  • Ash Ketchum: Time for your haircut, Sedusa! Chikorita, use Razor Leaf!
  • Sedusa: No! Not that, please, anything but that!
  • (Close-up of the scissors snapping in Ms. Bellum’s hand, then cut to the side of the pool perpendicular to the windows. Silhouettes of the five are seen inside. As Sedusa cries out, pan across the pool away from the windows, putting the group out of view.)
  • Sedusa: No! no! Please! No, stop! (We hear hair being snipped.) No, don’t! Don’t!... NOOOOOOOOO!!!
  • (Stop at the other end of the pool, the city skyline visible in the background. Cut to the exterior of Townsville Hall in the afternoon.)
  • Narrator: And finally…