Shut the Pup Up/Transcript
- (Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)
- Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Cut to an alley, in which a dog is nosing through a trash can.) Where even the most curious canine isn't safe from the dog-eat-dog world of crime.
- (During the second part of the previous line, the dog pulls its head out, a bone clamped in its jaws, and we see that it is the Talking Dog. He cocks an ear to listen; cut to a shadowy corner of the alley. He slowly advances out of the darkness as a male Italian voice speaks up.)
- Italian 1: (from o.c.) Hey, hurry up already before someone catches us!
- (Cut to just behind the pooch. He is looking down the alley at the waterfront, where two silhouettes - one fat, one thin - are dragging a large sack toward the edge. The man who spoke is one of them; now the other speaks.)
- Italian 2: I can't! It's just so darn heavy!
- (On the end of this, cut to the Talking Dog again. Back to the two men after he finishes; now, in close-up, we can see them clearly. The fat one was the first to talk.)
- Italian 1: Well, maybe if there weren't so many pieces! (The Talking Dog again.)
- Italian 2: (from o.c.) Just throw it in the water before it starts to stink up the joint!
- (He sniffs on the end of this and grimaces in terror. There is a loud splash from o.c. - the load has been jettisoned - and he fearfully backs into the shadows. However, he runs into the trash can and makes a clatter, and the two Italians turn to look.)
- Italian 1: Who's there?
- (The canine just sits there and looks up for a moment. Cut to a quick pan along a street, with him pulling into view and running for all he is worth, then shift to point along his path - he is heading for the police station. Turn up to the roof as a helicopter lands on it. Fade to black.)
- (Snap to the exterior of the girls' house. It is now the next day.)
- Bubbles: (from inside) It's my turn, Buttercup!
- (In the kitchen, they are seated around the table, with bowls of cereal before them - breakfast time. Bubbles and Buttercup are pulling the box back and forth, while the Professor watches from a counter at the other end of the room.)
- Bubbles: You had the last prize!
Talking Dog: Hey, is this me? Or does this food taste like cow pie? Oh, boy! Pancakes!
Eeyore: Mr. Dog seems to like pancakes.
Blossom: You can open your eyes now.
Pooh Bear: You're safe now, Mr. Dog.
Piglet: Yes, nobody will ever hurt you again.
Rabbit: They're right. It's all over.
Talking Dog: Does this mean I'm free to go?
Girls and Heroes: Yes!
Talking Dog: Pee-yew! Somebody definitely stepped in my poop.