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Pooh's Adventures of The Fairly OddParents: Wishology (Full Movie)/Transcript (Remake)

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

Here's a remake version from Transcript of Pooh's Adventures of The Fairly OddParents: Wishology (Full Movie).

Script[edit | edit source]

The Prologue[edit | edit source]

(The film begins at Pooh's Adventures Studios in Burbank, California, where a security guard is standing by the gate)

  • The Narrator: Last week, a never-before-seen LegoKyle14's oldest Pooh's Adventure film was discovered under his desk at Pooh's Adventures Studios. [a large old-time crowd of excited people is shown] Now all the world is waiting in fevered anticipation to watch... [the title appears on screen] The remake of LegoKyle14's first ever Pooh's Adventure film! [an aerial shot of the town of Encino appears] Now, to present the LegoKyle14's first ever Pooh's Adventure film remake, from Encino, California, the host of all upcoming adventures films, Patchy the Pirate! [inside his house, Patchy is inside the shower, humming; Potty flies up]
  • Potty: Patchy, Patchy, the kids are here. [flushes the toilet]
  • Patchy the Pirate: WAH!!! [opens the curtain in panic] Hot! Hot! Hot! Potty, don't you know this is Patchy private time?[looks at the camera] Oh, hello! Dahh! [covers himself with the curtain] What are you all doing here?
  • Potty: They're here to see the remake of LegoKyle14's first ever Pooh's Adventure film. Brawk!
  • Patchy the Pirate: But I haven't got the remake of LegoKyle14's first ever Pooh's Adventure film, because I... well, I lost it! [starts to cry]
  • Children: [off-screen] No, Patchy! Please! Don't say that, Patchy! Please!
  • Patchy the Pirate: But it is! It's lost and I have no idea where it is, so it's best if you forget all about it.

(Cuts back to Patchy, who is sitting on the couch)

  • Patchy the Pirate: I don't believe I lost the remake of LegoKyle14's first ever Pooh's Adventure film. [screws in his peg leg] I never lose anything.
  • Potty: What about your leg?
  • Patchy the Pirate: Well, yeah, but...
  • Potty: And your eye.
  • Patchy the Pirate: Well, the eye, I...
  • Potty: And your hand.
  • Patchy the Pirate: And the h... oh, get out of here you blasted bird! [shoos Potty away] Hmm... if only I had a map to tell me where that film is. [a screeching car sounds and a brick flies through the window and hits Potty; he mutters gibberish and then falls over]
  • Potty: What is it? Brawk!
  • Patchy the Pirate: Hey... it's a map! It's a map to lost remake of LegoKyle14's first ever Pooh's Adventure film I lost!
  • Potty: It's a dream come true!
  • Patchy the Pirate: [giggles] We gotta go find it, Potty! [shouts excitedly and runs over to the door; snaps] Oh, first I'll need me treasure hunting leg. [grabs a black boot out of a bin of umbrellas and screws it on his wooden leg while limping out the door; it now functions as a normal leg] Come on, Potty! Ah! Times a-wastin'! [runs down the steps, along with Potty]
  • Potty: Brawk!
  • Patchy the Pirate: [an elderly woman sits on her porch, knitting] Ten paces past Mrs. Johnson's house. [walks past the woman's house]
  • Mrs. Johnson: Would you boys like some cookies?
  • Patchy: Put 'em in a doggie bag, Mrs. Johnson. Can't right now, we're on a treasure hunt. [continues walking]
  • Mrs. Johnson: Okay, don't catch a cold.
  • Patchy the Pirate: Walk five fathoms past Don's Import Store and Delicatessen. [looks up at a store by that name; walks next to a tree] Half a league to the forked tree. [looks up at a tree with plastic forks growing on it] Oh! [stands somewhere else, looking at the map] Now all that's left is... Huh?! The seven monkey lagoon?! [lowers the map and sees a playground full of children] Merciful Neptune. Only for Winnie the Pooh. Only for Winnie the Poooh!!![runs into the playground; rides back and forth on a small green horse] AHHHHH!!! Whoa!!! [goes up and down on a see-saw] Whoa!!! Whoa! [slides down a slide with his hands up] YAHHHHH!!! [hits the ground] Ow! [gets spun around on a merry-go-round] AHHHHH!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!! AHHHH!!! [slowly climbs on the monkey bars while a little kid punches him in the back] Ahh... Ahh... Ah! [inside a giant climbing thing while a group of kids laugh at him] AHHHHH!!! AHHHH!!! [gets pushed on the swing by a little girl] AHHHHH!!! DAHHH!!! [the swing he was on returns with only a hook attached to it; the little girl stares at it, confused; cuts to Patchy digging in the sand] We made it! We survived the trials! Oh, I'm really gonna dig this remake of LegoKyle14's first ever Pooh's Adventure film! [laughs] Dig it, get it?[laughs some more]
  • Potty: [covered in the sand] You stink!
  • Patchy the Pirate: And I just got out of the shower. [laughs again; sticks his shovel in the ground and hits something] Hey Potty, I think I hit something. [camera zooms out; a large treasure chest sits in the sand] Clever... bury your treasure above the surface.
  • Potty: Brawk!
  • Patchy the Pirate: [opens the chest; a golden glow shines from it] This is it! [a construction maio sits in the chest, holding a tape; Patchy takes it; the man cups his hands] I don't know what it means either. [slams the top of the chest on the man] But I got what I came for! Come on, Potty, time's a-wastin'. [runs off, jumping around and shouting excitedly again; runs into his house, still excited, and holds the tape up] Yeah!!! Popcorn. [slams a bag of popcorn down on the table] Soda. [puts a cup of soda on the table] Pickled garlic! [puts a jar of pickled garlic down on the table, next to the other things; runs and sits down] Potty, hit the remote!
  • Potty: [drops an egg that hits the remote] Brawk! [the VCR turns on]
  • Patchy the Pirate: [grabs the popcorn] This is gonna be great! [a countdown, starting at ten, appears on the screen] I can't believe it. More Pooh's Adventures. [starts eating the popcorn; the countdown makes it's way down to five] This so exciting! [laughs, shaking the popcorn, which flies everywhere; the countdown ends] Here it comes!
  • Potty: Brawk! Pipe down!

(They show some a small sic-con show as Tittle called "Cheeky Moron" as Stewie and Brain as roomates)

  • Stewie Griffin: [VO] Cheeky Moron is filmed in front of a live audience.
  • Brain Griffin: Oh my gosh. Where's my roast pheasant?
  • Stewie Griffin: Hmm. By now I think it's in my lower intestine. [Laugh track by Stewie]
  • Brain Griffin: You ate it? But I told you my boss was coming for dinner.
  • Stewie Griffin: Unless he likes pork rinds, he's going home hungry. [Laugh track by Stewie]
  • Brain Griffin: You cheeky moron.

(The Laugh track by Stewie was heard so hard, as it applause as it heard. And when that ends a beeping noise comes from the TV; Patchy stares blankly for a moment)

  • Patchy the Pirate: That's it? That's the remake of LegoKyle14's first ever Pooh's Adventure film? THAT WAS JUST SOME KINDA SITCOM STARING BRIAN AND STEWIE!!!
  • Potty: What a rip!
  • Patchy the Pirate: Grrrrr... [his face turns red and smoke steams out of his ears] POOH BETRAYED US! [cries] I'm sorry when I love his dumb adventures series in the first place?! I'm gonna get rid of all my Winnie the Pooh's stuff! All of it! All of it! [rips off his pants] All of it! [runs to the door] I'm gonna run away, that's what I'll do! Run away! [runs out the door crying]
  • Potty: Sheesh, what a hothead!
  • Announcer: [on TV, another countdown has started at twenty-three seconds with the words] And now, for the real remake of LegoKyle14's first ever Pooh's Adventure film!
  • Potty: Patchy, come back! There's more!
  • Patchy the Pirate: Really? [he reverses] Hooray! Let's watch.

(It fade it in to the 100 Acre Wood, where Pooh and his friends [Along with The Justice Acre Wood Brood (excluding Timmy Turner, Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof) and The 100 Acre Avatar League] are waiting for Tai and his friends)

  • Rabbit: What’s taking Tai and others so long? They should be here.
  • -Don't worry Rabbit, Olive ,and Zhane are getting them right now.
  • Zazu: Well good thing we have a Genius kid and a Power Ranger on our side. Besides, I couldn’t get these kids and their Digimon up myself.
  • Otis: Sure you would, Zazu.
  • Korra: That's what you said last time.
  • -And the time before that.
  • -And the time before that.
  • -And the time before--
  • Zazu: Ok guys, I get the picture.
  • Eeyore: So anyway, where’s Olive and the DigiDestined now?
  • -They should've been here by now.
  • Dizzy: Hold it, fellas. Look, look what's coming our way.

(Then, Olive, Zhane, Tai, and his friends had also arrived)

  • Zhane: Hey, over here!
  • Olive Doyle: Hi, everyone. We're back!
  • Rabbit: It’s about time, what took you all so long?
  • Tai Kamiya: (Laughs weirdly) Well, you know.
  • Piglet: Oh, Tai, you overslept again, didn't you?
  • Izzy Izumi: Well, how you ever guess?
  • Tigger: It's the thought that counts, Izzy-Boy.
  • Agumon: We tried to get him up.
  • Matt Ishida: Yeah, but he never listens to any of us until Olive and Zhane showed up.
  • Olive Doyle: And it’s a good thing that me and Zhane to help me to wake him up.
  • Zhane: It's the thought that counts.
  • Eeyore: If you ask me, that nobody is. Where are Sora, Mimi, and Joe?

(Sora comes in)

  • Sora Takenouchi: Hey, wait. Don't start without us, sorry we're late.
  • Winnie the Pooh: It's fine, Sora. But where’s Mimi?
  • Rabbit: She’s probably shopping in some mall or something.
  • Leni: The mall? I should have gone with her.
  • Lori: Maybe another time Leni.
  • Leni: Ok.
  • Lincoln: Wait, there's Mimi now.
  • Mimi Tachikawa: Oh, get out of their, Palmon. You're too heavy to push.
  • Palmon: Mimi, how's that gonna look? I suppose to look like a baby.
  • Mimi Tachikawa: You just grow up, now get out.
  • T.K Takaishi: Thanks for letting us coming along for another visit at Dimmsdale with you guys.
  • Tigger: (Laughs) No problems, T.K.!
  • Winnie the Pooh: It really nice that you all coming with us for this mission, ???.
  • Kari Kamiya: We really appreciate it.
  • Tai Kamiya: Well then, let’s get going.
  • Abby: Hold It! We can't just leave yet, Tai.
  • Tai Kamiya: Wow, man! What do you mean by "We can't just leave yet", Abby? We’re ready to go visit Timmy at Dimmsdale.
  • Abby: I know we are Tai but are we missing someone else?
  • Zazu: Ha! Apparently, Joe and Gomamon haven’t arrived yet.
  • Olive Doyle: I know, what's taking them so long? I mean it doesn't take them that long to get here.
  • -Maybe they took a wrong turn again.
  • -Yeah, they always show at the last minute.

(Then Ash and his friends arrived too)

  • Ash Ketchum: Hey! Hey you guys! Over here!
  • Winnie the Pooh: Hello, Ash.
  • Tai Kamiya: Nice of you, Misty and Brock, to drop in again.
  • Misty: Thanks, Tai.
  • Brock: So is everyone ready? Littlefoot, Simba, Sora, Spongebob, Bugs, Thomas, Alex, Tino, Twilight, Tommy and the others are waiting for us.
  • Tigger: Yeah, let’s get the show on the…
  • Familiar Voice (VO): STOP!
  • All: Huh?!

(Then it was Joe)

  • Joe Kido: I wanna come too! Don't start 'til I get there! I love Pooh's Adventures, hold on!
  • Tai Kamiya: Alright, we won't start without you.


  • -
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  • -

(Then they see Shaggy and Scooby scream and crash land on the ground)

  • Shaggy Rogers: (pop out of the leaves) I guess us chickens can fly after all.
  • Fred Jones: Yeah, they just don't know how to land.
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -


  • Timon: Timber!! (laughs) Sorry, Simba. But you know are you the wet look doesn't look so bad. Up, Pumba. The left, no the other left. (Pumba drag the log to the dam) You're a genius!
  • -

(Meanwhile, Bowser Koopa is east dropping on our heroes, and at the Castle Koopa)

  • Bowser Koopa: Attention my friends, it appears that Winnie the Pooh and his lackeys are heading to Dimmsdale.
  • Azula: Really?
  • Bowser Jr: Timmy Turner, huh?
  • Dr. Facilier: That's right.
  • Lord Zedd: Looks like the Pixies were telling the truth after all.
  • Scar: I see.
  • Negaduck: How interesting.
  • Joker: Interesting indeed.
  • Megan: Yeah, It was quite shocking.
  • Adagio Dazzle: I agree.
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • Red Psycho Ranger: Let me handle them, Lord Bowser! I will capture the turner myself!
  • Black Psycho Ranger: No! Lord Bowser, let me do it!
  • Red Psycho Ranger: No, I'm the strongest-
  • The Liquidator: Hold! I should be the one who will bring this kid here.
  • Quackerjack: No, I'll get him.
  • Megavolt: Get real, chuckles. I should be the one who--
  • Vicky: Get lost, twerps! I shall do this job because of I'm--
  • Lord Draganaus: Both of you shut up and stop fighting! Or my Salamence is gonna--
  • Adagio Dazzle: No, I always capture them, because I want Tino to be with me for--
  • Plankton: Oh enough with your love fantasy already.
  • Adagio Dazzle: What did you say?!?!
  • Badalf the Wicked Wizard: Still obsessed with that kid. Ha. That's pathetic. Even for you, Adagio.
  • -
  • -
  • Two-Face: Nobody's gonna catch those heroes, but me!
  • Dr. Faciler: No! Harvey, I'm the one who shall--
  • Bowser Koopa: SILENCE!!!! I believe I already have a plan in mind.
  • Mistress Nine: And so may I ask what is your plan, my dear husband?
  • Bowser Koopa: It's quite simple, ????????????????
  • Negaduck: Looks like you just read our minds, Bowser.
  • Kyoko Kudo: I like the sound of that.
  • -I agree.
  • Harley Quinn: Do tell!
  • -But it's no use. Every time we tried something new, we always get defeated by those heroes and their little pals.
  • -
  • -
  • Dr. Facilier: Very True. And besides, I almost took over the world for Bowser if it weren't for that meddling clown.
  • -And let's not forget that new baby that was born.
  • -Don't remind me.
  • Bushroot: They gotta a good point, though. Every time we capture or trap them, they always escape it.
  • Negaduck: Listen, I believe Bowser knows a way to how to capture them this time!
  • Bowser Koopa: Indeed Negaduck, and this time, it can't not and will not fail. I have discovered an ancient weapon of ultimate power that has been searching for that fool for a specific reason.
  • -Not to mention it's a vast army that was found with it.
  • -(In Chase Young's voice) That power could be dangerous in the wrong hands.
  • -(in Wuya's voice) Our hands
  • -Exactly my point.
  • Bowser Koopa: And that's not all, I have a special new person, who is my new partner is coming to join us later.
  • -But who is this person, my lord?
  • Bowser Koopa: Well, that me and my son to know, and you all gonna find out. Right, my son?
  • Bowser Jr.:
  • Adagio Dazzle: And once we encounter them, we'll capture Winnie the Pooh and his friends, and Tino will belong to the Dazzlings.
  • Sonata Dusk: Then we can get lunch, after though, right? It's Taco Tuesday!
  • Adagio Dazzle: Just follow his lead.
  • Aria Blaze: Or my lead.
  • Adagio Dazzle: His lead!
  • Bowser Koopa: So get ready everyone. For today, we will finally capture the bear and finally conquer this world!
  • Bowser Jr.: Papa means business this time.
  • Kurumi Tokisaki: Of course he is. He's your dad ,after all.
  • Lord Draganaus: Besides, they won't stand in our way for long. One day soon, I'll pick my teeth, with the wishbones of those worthless heroes. (chuckles evilly) Oooh. Watch me.
  • Bowser Koopa: And in the meantime, we'll let our new dark friend will do some fun for a while.

(The scene fades)

Timmy's Trilogy Wishes[edit | edit source]

(The movie start when Timmy is doing his trilogy wishes)

  • Timmy Turner: I'm the one.

(He does amazing stunts)

  • Denzel Crocker: He's the one.

(Crocker follow him, starting the shut Timmy)

  • Denzel Crocker: There's no escaping, Mr. Turner.
  • Denzel Crocker (1# clone): There's no escaping, Mr. Turner.
  • Denzel Crocker (2# clone): I already said that.
  • Denzel Crocker: No, I said.
  • Denzel Crocker (1# clone): Are we gorgeous or what?
  • Denzel Crockers: There's no escaping the world's most gorgeous army, Mr. Turner

(Timmy jumping in fin air, and going around three times)

  • Timmy Turner: Uh, we're still spinning. (And Timmy fell down and hit a car) Yes! Nobody defeats Teo, master of the martial arts. Ha Ha! Hoo Hoo!

(They start shouting Timmy, again)

  • Timmy Turner: Ooh.

(He start running, in slow motion, and cut with Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof)

  • Cosmo: All right, Timmy! You may always be chosen last at school for kickball or as a lab partner.
  • Wanda: But in your Trilogy wishes, you're always the chosen one.

(Back with Timmy, and they stopped at a restaurant, and Mr. crocker add more clones of him)

  • Timmy Turner: Hey, you guys look hungry. You want sweet-and-sour pork or... (he hit them with his power) Kapow!
  • Denzel Crockers: No, thanks. we're allergic to MSG.

(They get hit, and he clone more of him, Timmy runs away from them)

  • Wanda: Timmy, get the ring. Get the ring!

(Timmy say Telephone poll and answer it)

  • Timmy Turner: Get me a new Trilogy wish. This one's not fun anymore.
  • Denzel Crockers: What? We're totally fun. 'Cause fun starts with "F."

(They throw Fs at him and going into the next trilogy wish)

  • Timmy Turner: Cool. I'm in middle-earth.

(Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof comes in)

  • Wanda: Here you go, chosen one. One ring to rule them all.
  • Timmy Turner: that's a teething ring.
  • Wanda: Oh, sorry. Poof's teething.
  • Timmy Turner: Yeah, I know.

(Timmy give teething ring to Poof)

  • Wanda: Here you go, One ring to rule--
  • Timmy Turner: This is an onion ring!
  • Cosmo: Oh, that's mine. (He attacks Timmy and rubs the onion ring in his head) Precious... and delicious.
  • Wanda: Oh, I know I've got that freaky ring somewhere. (She found it, from her hand) Oh, here it is.

(She give the ring slowing, and they go into the volcano)

  • Wanda: Only the chosen one can take this ring and drop it into the fire of Dark Mount Gloom. (She toke a bit)
  • Timmy Turner: What? Are you telling me this mountain is chocolate?
  • Wanda: Dark Chocolate. What? Can't I have some fun on these wishes?

(They made it to the top, they go blow away from the wind)

  • Cosmo: Timmy, throw the ring in the lava!

(Timmy walks to the lava and throws the ring in it, and the wind the sun comes up)

  • Timmy Turner: That anti-climatic. Seriously, how about we have a little bit more action in my next chosen one mega action trilogy wish?
  • Wanda: You got it.

(They've going Timmy's third trilogy wish)

  • Timmy Turner: WHOO HOO! I'm chosen one magic wizard boy Timmy Totter, and I'm playing Pooferscoop.
  • Cosmo: Timmy Totter? I prefer tater totters. (He hit that building) Ah!

(Wanda toke a bit on her broomstick)

  • Wanda: Oh, you've got to try this pretzel broomstick.
  • Timmy Turner: That does it. I'm not making any more wishes before breakfast.

(Timmy got zapped)

  • Wanda: Oh, No! It's the ultimate bad, nasty wizard, Moldywart.
  • Vicky: It's not Moldy, but it is indeed a wart. (Laughing)

(She starts to zap him, again, Timmy running away, he hid in that building)

  • Cosmo: Timmy, before you get destroyed, can you wish me up some ketchup for the tots?

(Than Vicky zapped the building throw and her head pops out to throw that hole)

  • Vicky: Ha Ha! Here's Moldy.

(Timmy start running again, and Jorgen comes in)

  • Jorgen: TURNER!

(He did arid of Vicky)

  • Jorgen: STOP!
  • Timmy Turner: Cool, Jorgen got rid of Moldywart, and now We can scoop the poof.

(They start chasing Poof, again. Then Jorgen gives rid of Cosmo and Wanda. Then finally Timmy got it)

  • Timmy Turner: Yes! (The Jorgen give rid of Poof, too) Poof? Have, what gives? We're playing a game here!
  • Jorgen: The Fun times are over. This is not a game. Remain in the shadows. Do not speak your name!
  • Timmy Turner: Uh, you're freaking me out here, dude.

(And Jorgen send Timmy falling)

  • Timmy Turner: (Screaming)

(And he landed at his house)

  • Timmy Turner: Whoa, a trilogy wish with a twist ending. I'll wish up another sequel after school: The Chosen One 4: Jorgen's a Jerk. Cosmo? Wanda? Poof?
  • -
  • -
  • -

(Then someone's stomach growled)

  • -
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  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -
  • -

(They went inside Timmy's House and went to the kitchen)

  • Timmy Turner: Hay, dad, mom. Can I get some cereal? Something crunchy that's bad for me? Preferably with a toy with the box?
  • Mr. Turner: Eh, honey, why is a buck-tooth street urchin with a pink hat calling us mom and dad, and his friends doing here and asking for food?
  • Timmy Turner: Um, 'cause I'm your son?

???[edit | edit source]




  • Timmy Turner: Right! I am the Chosen One! Who's in the middle of his best day ever and defeated the mighty Darkness twice! And I'll do it again!
  • Eliminator: Timmy Turner, you did not defeat the Darkness!
  • Jorgen Von Strangle: (takes off his helmet, revealing it to be a disguise) You're in the Darkness!
  • Cosmo and Wanda: (take off their disguises) Hi, Timmy!
  • Poof: Poof, poof!
  • Timmy Turner: (freaks out by making silly sounds and goofy expressions on his face)
  • Misty: (takes off her disguise, groans in annoyance, and then slaps Timmy in the face) COULD YOU STOP THAT?!


  • Jorgen Von Strangle: Turner! This is all an illusion to keep you distracted so you won't fulfill your Chosen One destiny and destroy the Darkness forever!
  • Timmy Turner: No! It can't be! I've been in Dimmsdale having the best day ever! And I was about to kiss Trixie!
  • Bagheera: (facepalms in annoyance) Oh, good grief. That's not Trixie Tang, you little dolt! That's an Eliminator disguised as your so-called girlfriend!
  • (The Destructionator morphs back into his original form.)
  • Timmy Turner: Oh, I'm really glad I didn't kiss Trixie.
  • Heroes: (groans in annoyance)
  • Squidward: Moron...
  • The Destructionator: And I'm glad this foolishness is over. So, I can finally eliminate the Chosen One.
  • Timmy Turner: (screams)
  • Ash Ketchum: (grabs Timmy Turner) Come on, you idiot! Playtime's over!
  • Tigger: Yeah, let's go!
  • Rabbit: No time to waste! Get on!
  • Misty and Brock: Hurry! (they hop onto Jorgen's bike, and they escape as the Eliminators shoot at them)
  • Scooby-Doo: (nearly gets hit by the Eliminator's blasts) Yikes!
  • Shaggy Rogers: Zoinks! Don't shoot! I'm wearing studio property!
  • (As they escape, the whole scenery changes into a dark void.)
  • Timmy Turner: (screams) What's going on?! Where are we?!
  • Wanda: When you sacrificed yourself, you were taken to the heart of the Darkness, and now we're getting you out!
  • Cosmo: Ahh! The portal is closing!
  • Pooh Bear: Jorgen, we gotta get out of here or we'll be trapped inside this place forever!
  • Jorgen Von Strangle: Alright! Hold on, everyone! (pushes the warp speed button and everyone quickly gets out of the Darkness as fast as they could)
  • Darkness: Must...have...Timmy Turner...
  • (The Eliminators stop flying as the group escape from the heart of the Darkness.)
  • The Destructinator: Why? So, you can keep him close to your heart and expose your one weakness? The Chosen One is not to be played with. And if you won't destroy him, I will.
  • Darkness: Return to me now!
  • The Destructinator: I will not return! You cannot make me! (fires blaster rays into the heart of the Darkness)
  • Darkness: (screams in pain) But I can unmake you! (destroys the Destructinator; to the other Eliminators) Timmy Turner is not to be eliminated!
  • Eliminator 1: Right. Totally clear on that.
  • Eliminator 2: Timmy Turner: no eliminato.
  • Darkness: Find Timmy Turner and bring him to me! (sends more Eliminators to Earth)

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  • M.E.R.F. Agents: (now completely transformed into robots) We are at your command, O Great Streetsweeper of Doom!
  • The Destructinator: From now on, call me the Destructinator! (cackles evilly)

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  • The Destructinator: I cannot be stopped, Chosen One! Thanks to you, I have magic! I have destructo pits! And I have all the power in the universe!
  • Timmy Turner: Not all the power. What about all the weapons you've stuffed in the earth? You don't have those.
  • The Destructinator: (sucks up the weapons) But now, I do! (evil laughter) And now, at last, you will be eliminated! Any last words?
  • Timmy Turner: Yeah! When I crashed into you in space, I sorta grabbed your detonator.
  • The Destructinator: Huh?!
  • Timmy Turner: Don't mess with the Chosen One. (pushes the button)
  • The Destructinator: NOOOOO! (finally explodes into oblivion once and for all)

Heroes vs Villains/The Magic Smile[edit | edit source]

  • Timmy: Phew. One down. ??? to go.
  • Polar Bear: I have been waiting for you.
  • Timmy: A talking polar bear? You must be the guardian of the Ice Wand. What would I have to do to prove I'm the Chosen One?
  • Polar Bear: Are you The Chosen One?
  • Timmy: Yep.
  • Polar Bear: Eh, works for me, beaver boy. (clears his throat) "From outer moons to distant suns, the Ice Wand grows for the chosen one!"

(Then Ice Wand just appear and Others just comes in)

  • Wanda: Timmy, you're okay.
  • Jorgen: And you guys found the final wand, which is really big, like my ears. I just heard a fly break wind in Africa.

(Jorgen now had small ears)

  • Turbo Thunder: Quick, Timmy, clap twice so the Ice Wand can join the wands of fire and wind. and destroy the Darkness. And defeat the Villains.
  • Timmy: No.
  • -
  • -
  • Jorgen: "No!?" What do you mean by "no"? You heard Turbo Thunder, unite the wand,s and truly, it'll be fun.
  • Timmy Turner: But it's not attacking. In ancient times, did the Darkness attack Fairy World, or were fairies so scared, when they saw it, they panicked and attacked first?
  • Jorgen: Come on. That's crazy to talk about something that happened a long time ago. But, yes, that's pretty much how it went down.
  • Timmy: And Turbo Thunder, what did The darkness do to Wonder World when it Arrived?
  • Turbo Thunder: Well, It was really scary-- And big. Yeah, it waterrifyingry and big-- Real big-- Uh... Did I say it was scary?
  • Timmy: And?
  • Turbo Thunder: We panicked and blasted it with wonder rockets.
  • Wanda: But what about the prophecy? It says you suppose to unite the wands and blast the magic into the Darkness.
  • Timmy: We are gonna unite the wands and blast the magic into The Darkness. We just have to add some extra wands and a little Poof magic.
  • Everyone: Aw...
  • -
  • -
  • Dr. Facilier: (Rainbow Dash Grabs the talisman and take it away from him) [Gasp]

(Then, Star smashes his talisman in pieces)

  • Dr. Facilier: No! No! Gah!! How am I going to pay back my debt! [gasps as he sees the spirits] Friends!
  • Spirits: ARE YOU READY?!!
  • Dr. Facilier: No! I’m not ready at all! In fact, I’ve got lots more plans!
  • Spirits: ARE YOU READY?!!
  • Dr. Facilier: This is just a…minor setback and a major operation…AAA!!!… Once I look for another spell we’ll be back in business! I still got that bear and his friends locked away… I just need a little more time. [gasps] No! Don’t! Please! No! (get grabbed in the leg) GAH!!! Just a little more time! I’d promised I’d pay yawl back, I promise! [screams]

(The statue shuts its mouth as the gravestone of Dr. Facilier appears.)

Ending[edit | edit source]

Bonus Ending[edit | edit source]