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Pooh's Adventures of Stuart Little/Transcript

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

Opening/Adoption Day[edit | edit source]

(The film begins with a little boy named George Little running out of his room)

George Little: It's today! It's today!

(He runs into his parents' bedroom)

George Little: It's today! It's today!

Fredrick Little: (yawning)

George Little: (jumps on his parents' bed) It's today! It's today! It's today!

(We cut to George's parents walking him to the bus stop)

Eleanor Little: It's always today, George.

George Little: I mean, this is the day.

Eleanor Little: That's right.

George Little: Can't I come?

Fredrick Little: You have to go to school, George.

George Little: Will he be here when I get home?

Eleanor Little: I think so.

George Little: I'm gonna play ball with him, I'm gonna wrestle with him, and then I'll teach him how to spit.

Eleanor Little: It's gonna be so much fun.

Fredrick Little: For all of us.

George Little: How will you know if you're picking the right one?

Fredrick Little: Um...

Eleanor Little: I don't know. We'll...

George Little: You'll just know.

Eleanor Little: Yeah. Bye, sweetie.

(George gets on the school bus)

George Little: Remember, I want a little brother, not a big brother.

(The bus drives off as the scene changes to the orphanage)

Mrs. Keeper: We've been through your paperwork, and everything seems to be in order. Adoption isn't for everyone... but you seem like the kind of people with plenty of love to share. So how are you feeling?

Eleanor Little: Goodness, we're...

Fredrick Little: Tingling...

Eleanor Little: ...with anticipation.

(The bell rings, meaning it's recess)

Mrs. Keeper: Oh. Recess. Time for you to meet them. Feel free to walk around. They're quite used to having strangers here.

Eleanor Little: Thank you. (chuckles)

Fredrick Little: Thank you.

(They exit the office)

Mrs. Keeper: Ah, lovely people.

(Eleanor and Fredrick enter a room and look at the vast variety in front of them)

Children: (chattering)

(A ball bounces over to Eleanor, who picks it up. A red-haired boy runs over to collect his ball, smiles at Eleanor and runs back to join the other children. Eleanor and Fredrick sit down, looking at the kids, wondering which one to pick for George)

Eleanor Little: Oh, Frederick, look at them. How could we possibly...?

Fredrick Little: Choose? I know. They all seem so...

Eleanor Little: Wonderful.

(Suddenly, they hear a male voice)

Stuart Little: You know what's wonderful?

(Eleanor and Fredrick look down and see a small white mouse sitting in between them with a book in his hands)

Stuart Little: What's wonderful is how you both know what the other one is gonna say before you even say it. (chuckles) N-Not that It's any of my business.

Fredrick Little: Yes, well, that happens when you've been together as long as we have.

Eleanor Little: From being a family.

Stuart Little: A family. Wow. Well, for a family, you have certainly come to the right place. I think we can find just what you're looking for. You know, if you want a girl, Susan can read French. And Edith over there can tap dance while blowing bubbles. Or-Or maybe you wanted a boy.

Fredrick Little: Actually, I think we were leaning towards a boy.

Stuart Little: Well, in that case... Benny can do handstands. And Andy can run 100 yards faster than you can say, "Ready, set, go."

Eleanor Little: You certainly know a lot about everyone, don't you?

Stuart Little: Well, that- that's what happens when you've been here as long as I have. I mean, let's face it. Not everyone wants to adopt someone like me. You shouldn't worry about choosing. It happens the same way every time. First, you won't know what to do. You'll be a little bit scared. Then you'll meet one of them. You'll talk to him. Somehow... you just know.

(Eleanor and Fredrick look at each other then back at Stuart who put his paw on the globe which spins, making him fall over but gets back up and smiles. Later in Mrs. Keeper's office)

Mrs. Keeper: Are you quite certain you're prepared to handle his uniqueness?

Fredrick Little: Oh, my, yes. Yes, his uniqueness is a perfect fit for the Little family.

Eleanor Little: Perfect.

Mrs. Keeper: Mr. and Mrs. Little, we try to discourage couples from adopting children outside their own... species. It rarely works out.

Eleanor Little: Well, it will in this case.

(The scene changes to a typewriter typing out Stuart Little on the adoption papers. The title "Pooh's Adventures of Stuart Little" comes up underneath it. Eleanor and Fredrick's names appear under father and mother and George's name appears under siblings as well, followed by the cast and Stuart's picture. The orphans pour out of the orphanage to bid their mouse friend farewell as he sits in the taxi, waving back to them)

Orphans: Bye, Stuart! We'II miss you!

Stuart Little: So, what do I call you?

Eleanor Little: Mom.

Fredrick Little: And Dad.

Eleanor Little: And we haven't told you the best news of all. You have a brother.

Fredrick Little: Named George.

Stuart Little: A brother! What do I call him?

Eleanor Little: George.

(The camera zooms up to the blue sky then lowers down to show two apartments with a small red house between them as the taxi rolls up to it)

Pooh Bear and friends meet the Little family[edit | edit source]

Fredrick Little: Well, Stuart, here we are, the family home.

Eleanor Little: They say every Little in the world can find this house.

Fredrick Little: Even if they've never been here before.

(They get out of the taxi and open the door)

Eleanor Little: It's just something inside them.

(They walk inside the house and Stuart put his suitcase down to look around)

Stuart Little: Something inside.

Fredrick Little: So, would you like a tour?

Stuart Little: I don't have any money.

(The scene changes to Stuart looking at pictures of the other Little family members)

Eleanor Little: That's Uncle Crenshaw, Cousin Edgar, Grandpa Spencer. That's Aunt Beatrice and that's George, your brother.

(Stuart looks at a picture of George)

Stuart Little: Look, he's already happy to see me.

Pooh Bear: Hello. (echoes) is anybody here?


Pooh Bear: Well, this is Piglet, Tigger, and Rabbit, and Eeyore.

Eeyore: Thanks for noticing.

Pooh Bear: And I'm Winnie the Pooh, but you can call me Pooh for short.

Brock: My name's Brock and I'm a Pokémon breeder.

Misty: And I'm Misty. My specialty is water Pokémon.

Togepi: Togi.

Ash Ketchum: My name's Ash Ketchum and I'm trying to be a Pokémon master.

Pikachu: Pika.

Ash Ketchum: Oh, yeah. And this is Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pikachu.





Fredrick Little: Well, that's just about everybody, except for...

(Suddenly, a white cat named Snowbell jumps up on the shelf and grabs Stuart in his mouth, much to the horror of the Littles and the heroes)

Snowbell: (meows)

Stuart Little: Aah!

Eleanor Little: Snowbell! Drop him right now!

Fredrick Little: You spit Stuart out this instant, Snowbell. Spit him right out.

(Snowbell spits Stuart out)

Stuart Little: Oh.

Eleanor Little: Stuart, are you all right?

Stuart Little: Wait! (checking for his tail and holds it) I'm fine.

Fredrick Little: You must never harm Stuart. You understand?

Eleanor Little: Never, or out you'll go, Mr. Snow.

Fredrick Little: Stuart is one of the family now. We do not eat family members.

Stuart's first night/Locked in the washer[edit | edit source]

(Stuart, Pooh Bear and friends settle down happily for some sleep when the door opened and Snowbell entered the room and jump onto the bed, prowling towards Stuart.)

Stuart: Nice kitty. Nice kitty. Pretty kitty.

Snowbell: Are you cozy?

Stuart: Yes, thanks. I'm quite comfortable.

Snowbell: Because all I've got to sleep on is a rag in the corner, you little rat!

Stuart: You seem tense.

Snowbell: Tense? Oh, I'm way past tense.

Stuart: Well, maybe I can help. What do you like? Can I scratch your ears? I could rub your tummy.

Snowbell: How would you like to rub it from the inside, mouse boy?

Stuart: Sorry, I'm only confused. I thought that's what you do with a pet.

Snowbell: A pet? I am not your pet! I'm a cat, you're a mouse! You should be living in a hole! This is my family.

Stuart: Can we share them?

Snowbell: Read my furry pink lips. NO. (gets off the bed exits the room) I can't believe this. I'm arguing with lunch. And stay away from the windows. The other cats find out about this, I'm ruined. I gotta relax. Where's my tinkle ball?


Stuart: Snowbell! Thank goodness you’re here. Can you believe it we are locked in the washer? Can you help us? Can you turn this thing off?

Shopping day[edit | edit source]

The Little relatives visit[edit | edit source]

Meeting Monty/Snowbell chases Stuart[edit | edit source]

Snowbell: Gee they’re really putting some wild prizes in there. Huh, Monty?

Stuart bonding with George[edit | edit source]

Asking Smokey a favor[edit | edit source]

The boat race[edit | edit source]

George: Oh, no! Anton!

Winnie the Pooh: Who's Anton?

Anton: I'm Anton, teddy boy. (to George) Gee, George, what did you do? Get that out of the cereal box? I'm glad you're here, George. Someone's finish gotta last.

Rabbit: Hmph! Such rude behavior.

Mr. Little: You're right, Rabbit. I don't like that child.

Scrooge McDuck: Neither do I this rude young man needs a lesson in manners.


Stuart Little: Look out, sir!

(A man accidentally steps on the remote)

Announcer: One minute to race, ladies and gentlemen.

Mrs. Little: Stuart, are you hurt?

Mr. Little: Stuart, what happened?

Stuart: It was completely my fault I couldn't grip it.

Anton: Nice going, Captain Loser.

(Anton and his friends laugh meanly at George which annoys the heroes.)

Brock: Knock it off, boys!

Misty: Why can’t you three clowns just leave George and Stuart alone?!

Huey: Yeah, what did he ever to do you?!

Anton: Ah, mind your business, peasants! (to Misty) And, why don't you go home and play with your dolls?

Pooh Bear: I don’t suppose you be satisfied with a hug instead.

Anton: No way, you little baby toy. (to his friends) Come on, guys.

Pooh Bear: Oh, bother.

(George gets really upset runs to the bench while Mr. and Mrs. Little and the heroes feel concerned about him.)

Mrs. Little: George, wait.

(A sympathetic Pooh Bear and Piglet walk up to George to comfort him.)

Pooh Bear: George, we're sorry about the remote. I'm sure it was just an accident.

Mrs. Little: Everything will be all right.

George: No, it won't.

Piglet: Is there anything you can do, Mrs. Little?

Mrs. Little: Of course, Piglet. (to George) Maybe we can fix it. Huh? A little glue.

George: Mom.

(Some of the other heroes stand by Mr. Little and Stuart.)

Stuart: Well, guys, this is off. First family outing. I've ruined everything.

Ash Ketchum: Aww, Stuart, we wouldn't say that.

Huey: That punk Anton and his friends got a lot of nerve picking on us and George!

Tigger: Yeah, the nerve of that kid. "A little baby toy." Hmph!

Dewey: And he called us peasants.

Misty: Well, Mr. Little, Anton thinks I play with dolls but I don't. Because I'm a gym leader and a water-type Pokemon trainer. (groans) That Anton is gonna eat his words.

Mr. Little: Misty, you really shouldn't let that rude child bother you.

Simba: He's right, Misty. He's just trying to get under our skins.

Stuart: But, what about George?

Nala: Well, he's upset that the remote was destroyed.

Mr. Little: Be right back.

George wins the race[edit | edit source]

Anton: (angrily) Look what that stupid mouse, did to my sail!

Ash Ketchum: Be quiet about Stuart!

George Little: Yeah, he's not a stupid mouse!

Anton: (tauntingly) You're right, guys. He's a stupid a rat and so is your freaky little yellow pet, loser.

Ash Ketchum: (growls in anger) That does it!

(Ash and George lunged at Anton and fought later Stuart climbs the flag pole)

(Ash tackles Anton and Simba pulls Ash off)

Simba: Ash, please calm down.

Frederick Little: George.

The Stouts pick up Stuart/Stuart saying goodbye to the Littles, Pooh Bear and friends[edit | edit source]

Mrs. Keeper reveals the truth[edit | edit source]

Mrs. Little: Stuart's parents came and took him away three days ago.

Mrs. Keeper: "Three days ago?" Stuart's parents died in a tragic cream mushroom soup incident years ago. I just told you.

Pooh Bear: Then it all make sense.

Nala: And it was all a deception!

Zazu: (gasps) My word!

Mrs. Little: Dear, we have to take this up with the police!

Simba: Good idea, Mrs. Little.

Snowbell: (shocked) Hmm?

Police Investigation/The Stouts told Stuart the truth[edit | edit source]

Misty: We got to get to Stuart and warn him.

Mr. Little: Are you kids sure you know you're doing?

Mrs. Little: It's awfully dark outside.

Huey: Yes, we're sure, Mr. and Mrs. Little.

Mr. Little: All right. But, be very careful it can be dangerous.

Heroes: We will.

Mrs. Little: Good luck finding Stuart, kids.

Snowbell: They know about the Stouts! They know about the Stouts! The jig is up! What are we gonna do?!

Monty: Hey, get a hold of yourself. What are talking about?

Snowbell: I'm in big- I'm in deep poopy doo!

Monty: Calm down, calm down and don't get your fur in a bunch, all right? All we need is a new plan.

Smokey: We do what we should've done in the first place. We scratch him out.

Monty: "Scratch him out?"

Snowbell: But, Smokey, the police are involved. I don't want to get kicked out of my house. I'm not a street cat. I'm a house cat. I don't wanna lose my furry basket or my tinkle ball that I push across the floor with my nose!

Monty: Snow, pull yourself together.

Smokey: It's settled. (menacingly) Stuart Little gets scratched tonight.

(Later at the little house the police did some investigations.)


(Later Camille noticed car headlights and it was the roadster and Reggie was in it.)

Camille: What do they want?

Reggie: Where’s the boy?

Camille: Oh, no.

Reggie: Stuart, wake up.

Stuart: Hmm?

Reggie: Get dressed.

Stuart: Why?

Reggie: Uh, we're taking you for a ride.

Stuart: Where we going?

Reggie: Some friends of ours have gathered just to meet you.

Stuart: A gathering? What should I wear?

Reggie: It doesn't matter. Wear anything.

Stuart: Is it formal?

Reggie: (frustrated) Just put something on?

(A remorseful Camille starts crying.)

Stuart: Why's Mom crying? Mom, I'm not angry at you for putting me up for adoption.

Camille: (crying)

Stuart: And now that I'm a Stout again, I'll-I'll always be here to take care of you. Because that's what families do. Mom, they...they take care of each other.

(Camile continues crying and then becomes angry taking the purse from Reggie and whacks him.)

Reggie: Ow!

Camille: (shouting) Tell him the truth!




Pooh Bear: Stuart!

Stuart: Pooh Bear? What are you guys doing here?

Littlefoot: We came here to warn you.

Reggie: You kids know about that?

Brock: Yes, Mrs. Keeper from the orphanage told Mr. and Mrs. Little the truth about Stuart's real parents.

Camille: She did?!

Reggie: Really?

Brock: That's right.

Stuart: (surprised) My real parents? What are you guys mean?

Nala: What we mean is that your actual parents died.

Stuart: They died? But, how?

Simba: Mrs. Keeper said that your parents died from a cream of mushroom soup can incident years ago when you were very small.

Stuart: Oh, dear.

Camille: Oh, my goodness.

Reggie: Nobody told us anything about it.

Rabbit: Who talked you into this deception, anyway?

Reggie: I'm glad you asked us that. You see, it was Smokey who talked us into taking Stuart away.

Tigger: Say, who's Smokey?

Reggie: He's the chief alley cat and if I were you kids I'd watch for him and the other alley cats because they could hurt you.


Stuart Little: I’m Stuart Little!

(Reggie runs to Stuart)


Stuart Little: My friends and I will go home.

Tigger: (sputters) What?

Piglet: What?!


Reginald: Home? No no. It’s miles from there. It’s dark out. And every cat in the city will be looking for you.

Stuart gets chased by Smokey and the alley cats[edit | edit source]

Lucky: Smokey, Smokey. Hey, Smokey!

Smokey: Keep it down!

Lucky: Hey, it's me, Lucky. I just heard from the Brooklyn cats. Bad news the Stouts squealed.

Smokey: I knew those mice are rats.

Lucky: The kid and his friends are on their way home. What do we do?

Smokey: No problem. He's gotta go through the park, right? Let's meet him and have ourselves a little picnic.

Lucky: Oh, great. I'll bring herring.

Smokey: Hey, hey, moron. The mouse is the picnic.

Lucky: Oh.

(Later Stuart and the heroes were driving in the Times Square and then they enter a gate that reads “Central Park”)

Stuart: Every little in the world can find the little house. I’m a little- I’m a little- I’m a little lost.

(A shadow passes them)

Misty: What was that?

Brock: I don't know. But something's coming right at us.

(Then branches rustled then another cat walks on the branch and the heroes become frightened)

Smokey: How are you doing? You must be Stuart.

Stuart: Actually, I must be going.

Smokey: (to heroes) And you all must be friends of Stuart.

Pooh Bear: Yes, we love to stay and chat. But, we better head for home.

Lucky: What's your hurry, Murray?

Red: Yeah, where you going, Murray? Uh, Stuart. (to Smokey) What's his name?

Piglet: Go Stuart!

(Stuart starts the car in reverse and Smokey and the alley cats give chase.)

Smokey: Hey, get back, you little rat!

Lucky: He's getting away!

Red: The kids are getting away too!

Smokey: Lucky, Red, get them!

Lucky: I'm moving!

Red: They’re going backwards the heck of a driver.

Smokey: Go, go, go, go!

Red: I got them, Smokey!

Lucky: Yeah we got them!

Smokey: The only thing you guys got a big mouth! So, shut up and run!

(Stuart car goes over the cliff.)

Alley Cats: Geronimo! Banzai! (jumping off)

(Stuart ignites his car again frantically)

Tigger: Hurry Stuart!

Smokey: We got them now! (laughs evilly)

(At last the car started and the chase resumed)

Lucky: I got them! I got them!


Lucky: I hope they run out of gas!

Red: I hope you do! Why don't you run in the back?!

Lucky: I can't help it! I have an empty stomach!

Smokey: And I have an empty stomach! Now get that mouse and his friends!

(Stuart screams)


Snowbell lies to Stuart[edit | edit source]

Stuart: Mom, Dad, George. It's me Stuart.

Pooh Bear: Where is everybody?

Snowbell: There's nobody else here.

Heroes: Huh?

Snowbell: It's just you and me, kid.

Stuart: Where'd they go?

Snowbell: Movies, I think.

Heroes: (with Stuart) Movies?

Snowbell: Oh, yeah. Ever since you left is just movies, parties, roller skating, amusement parks. They're having the time of their lives.

Stuart: They are?

Snowbell: Oh, sure. Stuart, I'd hate to have to tell you this. But they're celebrating.

Pooh Bear: Celebrating what?

Snowbell: Can't you guess, Pooh Bear?

Pooh Bear: I don't think so.

Snowbell: (to Stuart) They were just so happy to get rid of you

(The heroes are shocked and angry upon hearing this.)

Tigger: (sputters) What?!

Piglet: What?!

Pooh Bear: What?

Rabbit: What?

Eeyore: Huh?

Ash Ketchum: What?!

Louie: That can't be true, Snowbell!

Stuart: (angrily) That's a lie! I don't believe that!

Snowbell apologizes to Pooh Bear and friends[edit | edit source]

Pooh Bear: Uh, Snowbell, what are going to do now?

Piglet: You're not going to eat Stuart now, are you?

Snowbell: No, I'm not.

Heroes: Huh?

Snowbell: In fact, I owe you guys a big apology for my attitude towards Stuart.

Dodger: Really?

Snowbell: Yes, really.

Stuart: Snowbell, you saved me?

Snowbell: Yeah, yeah. Look let's get one thing straight I'm doing this for the Littles, alright? They love you. George loves you. They're all miserable without you.

Stuart: But Snowbell, you said-

Snowbell: I know what I said! I-I lied, okay? Welcome to Manhattan. I'm the one that hate you. (turns to the heroes, remorsefully) I've also wanted to say I'm terribly sorry for the way I treated Stuart. Will you guys ever forgive me? (smiles warmly)

(The heroes smile back.)

Pooh Bear: Why, of course, Snowbell.

Stuart: Oh, Snowbell, you do care.

(He hugs Snowbell.)

Snowbell: (groans) Yeah, yeah, okay, okay, that's enough.

Standing up to Smokey[edit | edit source]

Monty: Snow, what's he doing to your leg?

(The heroes glare furiously at Smokey and the alley cats.)

Rabbit: Look who's interrupting a happy moment!

Monty: I can't help to think this is wrong!

Smokey: What the heck's going on?

Brock: You mind your own business!

Ash Ketchum: I have my Pikachu and I'm not scared to have him shock you!

Pikachu: (angrily) Pika!

Lucky: That's a sparky little rodent.

Red: Yeah, and a tough little human boy.

Smokey: (mockingly) Ooh, we're so scared.

Misty: Yeah, why don't you bullies get out of here and leave us alone before I have my Staryu squirt you!

Lucky and Red: Ooh.

Monty: What a feisty human girl.

Smokey: Well, look who's talking a sassy human girl!

Misty: Yeah, you wish, you no-good feline!

Snowbell: Hey, hey, take it easy, Misty. I'll handle this. (to Smokey) Look, Smokey, uh, call me fickle. But, uh, I want to call this thing off, okay?

Smokey: Too late!

Snowbell: Come on, Smokey! Can't we talk it over?

Pooh Bear: Yes, if you all please let's not fight about it.

Piglet: It won't solve anything at all.

Monty: What are you guys talking about?

Lucky: Are you hearing this, Red?

Red: The teddy bear and pig are trying to pacify us!

Smokey: Your nonsense means nothing, teddy boy and piggy boy. Your pacifying ain't going to stop us!

Lucky: Yeah, it'll ruin our reputation!

Tigger: Stuart's not so bad once you alley cats get to know him.

Snowbell: Yeah, he's got his own car.

Scrooge: Well had.

Smokey: Careful house cat and tiger boy, you're asking for it.

Monty: Snow, what are you doing? Come on he's just a mouse.

Snowbell: He's not just a mouse! He's-He's family.

Smokey: Oh, yeah. (laughs) I can see resemblance!

(Smokey, Monty and the alley cats laugh in amusement which annoys Stuart and the heroes.)

Pooh Bear: I don’t suppose you be satisfied with a hug instead.

Smokey: We alley cats don't hug, teddy boy!


Monty: What the... the branch is gonna...

Snowbell: Well, what have we got here?

Monty: Snow, don't come out here. The branch is breaking.

Snowbell: Stuart, are you all right?

Stuart: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.

Pooh Bear: Uh, Snowbell, I seemed to be having small problems.

Smokey: Not bad for a dead house-cat.

(Snowbell whimpers in fear, Pooh Bear and friends gasp in horror.)

Smokey: (menacingly) Say, good night, tinkerbell.

(Snowbell gulps.)

Piglet: Oh, dear.

Tigger: Uh-oh!

Ash Ketchum: Hey, Smokey! Leave Snowbell alone!

Smokey: Stay back, kid! Or your friend Tinkerbell dies!

Ash Ketchum: I'm afraid you wouldn't do that, Smokey! It would upset Stuart and all of my friends!

Stuart Little: That's right, Smokey. His name is Snowbell!

Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, use thunderbolt!

(Smokey gasped in horror and Pikachu shocks him which caused to scream in pain and falls into the pond.)

Smokey: Oh this water's darn cold! I can’t believe it. Beaten by a mouse, his friends and his pet cat. What could be worse?

(Just then dogs are heard barking and they attack Smokey.)

Smokey: (scared) Nice doggies! No, no!

Rabbit: Hmph, goodbye and good riddance to Smokey.

Ash Ketchum: So long! (Misty sticks her tongue)

Pooh Bear: You've showed Smokey, Stuart.

Stuart: Uh-huh.

Ash Ketchum: Are you okay, Snowbell?

Snowbell: Yep, I am now, Ash and thank you.

Ash Ketchum: You're welcome.

Snowbell: And, thank you, Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Stuart Little: Little high, little low.

Snowbell: Little hey, little ho. Let's go home.

Ending[edit | edit source]