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Pooh's Adventures of Prehysteria

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

Pooh's Adventures of Prehysteria is another upcoming new Winnie the Pooh crossover by LegoKyle14. It will appear on Google Drive in the near future.

Plot[edit | edit source]

Rico Sarno, a museum curator, enters a forbidden temple in South America, and discovers a nest of five eggs. He steals them and brings them back to his museum. Frank Taylor, a farmer, sells fossils to Rico and in a mix-up, the Taylor's dog takes a cooler, which has the eggs. The kids, Monica and Jerry discover the dinosaurs when they hatch and try to keep it a secret, until their father finds out. When Vicki, a woman who works for Rico, sees the dinosaurs, she tells the Taylors not to give them back to Rico because he will expose them. Rico finds out the Taylors have them and hires two robbers to help him get the dinosaurs back.

Trivia[edit | edit source]