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Octi Gone/Transcript

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki
  • (Opening shot: the city skyline during the day)
  • Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Turn down to the street and follow a minibus down the block.) Where all the who's-who of the city's most frou-frou are preparing for the big to-do at the home of Townsville's very own Professor U.
  • (During this line, the minibus rolls into the suburbs and pulls up in front of the girls' house. Close-up of a sandal-clad foot, with flies circling it, and lifted to ring the doorbell with its big toe. Pull back to show said foot as belonging to a rather scraggly young fellow with a large covered tray hoisted over his head and a dirty apron over his clothes - a caterer delivering food for this big event. More flies buzz around him. The door opens to reveal the Professor on its other side; he wears a bow tie and a dinner jacket, complete with a flower for the buttonhole.)
  • Ash Ketchum: Hey, guys. How do I look?
  • Blossom: Ash, you look handsome.
  • Buttercup: Yeah, Ash, you look awesome.
  • Professor: Oh boy, oh boy, oh, boy! I sure do love parties. Don't you, girls?
  • Buttercup: (indignant) No! 'Cause I have to wear this stupid girly party dress and I look like a dork!
  • Professor: Oh, honey, you both look adora- hey! Where's Bubbles?
  • Misty: Yeah, where is your little sister?
  • Rabbit: I don't know, but Bubbles musn't miss the party.
  • Buttercup: (very snarky) She's probably upstairs combing her hair so she'll be the "prettiest girl in the party".
  • (She crosses her eyes and imitates Bubbles on the last five words. Cut to said girl, who is brushing her hair at the bedroom vanity. She too wears a party dress, and each pigtail is tied with a small blue bow. The camera is near the head of the bed, pointing along it toward her back.)
  • Bubbles: I'm gonna be the prettiest girl at the party.
  • (Cut to just behind her; she sings.) La-la-la-la-la, la... (She stops short and looks at the counter.) ...huh? (Zoom in quickly on a patch of the countertop nearby; her reflection is still in view.)
  • Bubbles: Octi?
  • (The doll is not there. Cut to her side of the bed as she kneels beside it, spotting one of Octi's tentacles poking out from underneath the blanket. Close-up of this; she pulls it out, revealing it as having been ripped off the body.)
  • Bubbles: (from o.c.) What are you doing under the bed? (Pull back. Now standing up, she regards the severed limb with great shock; zoom in on it briefly, then pull back. Having thrown it to the floor in front of herself, she lets loose with a shrill scream of pure horror. Snap to black, which resolves into the view from beneath the bed as Bubbles lifts the blanket and peers in.)
  • Bubbles: Where's the rest of you? (Close-up; she has pulled her head out.) Oh, no. This can only mean...(Pull back.) ...you've been mutilated! (She moans weakly and collapses to the floor, clutching Octi's tentacle. Around her, the light fades in the bedroom, marking nightfall; after a moment, the door creaks o.c. and a shaft of light falls over her from the hallway. Head-on view of the open door, with the Professor peeking in.)
  • Professor: Oh! Um... all set for the party?
  • Bubbles: (small voice) Yes.
  • Professor: Everything okay?
  • Bubbles: (voice breaking) Yes.
  • Professor: Okay, uh, um... see you downstairs. (He closes the door, but she does not budge from her spot for a few seconds. Suddenly her eyes snap open and she sits up. She looks down at the tentacle, her mouth wobbling, and starts to cry.)
  • Bubbles: Oh, Octi! (Zoom in slowly; her tears give way to rage.) ...I'm going to find whoever did this to you, and they will pay!
  • (Dissolve to the exterior of the house. The minibus is gone, but several cars - the party guests' - have pulled up to take its place. Light music and the murmur of conversation are heard from inside; cut to the living room, packed with guests. One of them is Ms. Bellum, who has traded her red suit for a slinky lavender dress slit high up her hip. Turn up from this group to the second-floor balcony. Bubbles slowly peeks out from behind the fireplace chimney that runs in front of it. Close-up of her; she regards them with contempt.)
  • Bubbles: (thinking) Go ahead and laugh! But I know one of you is guilty! (rubbing chin) But who? Who would want to kill poor Octi?



Bubbles: Why, I could understand Buttercup "cause she's so mean.

Buttercup: (offended) Hey!

Bubbles: And Blossom "cause she's so bossy.

Blossom: (offended) Hey!

Bubbles: And Ms. Keane because she wants me to pay attention.

Ms. Keane: Hey! Oh, no, that's right.

Bubbles: And the Mayor "cause he's a big baby.

Mayor: I am not a baby! (blows a raspberry)




Bubbles: Hey, guys, I'm really sorry I ruined the party. I was just so desperate to know who wrecked up my toy.

Pooh Bear: Oh, that's all right, Bubbles.





(The very next day the heroes prepare to go home. While the professor, the mayor, Ms. Bellum and Ms. Keane among with the girls knew how much they're gonna miss them.)

Pooh Bear: Well, it's been great fun saving Townsville and helping you fight Mojo Jojo, Fuzzy Lumpkins, Him, Princess, the Gangreen Gang and all of the other villains.

Blossom: (sighs) It sure is, Pooh Bear.

Bubbles: It's also been so much fun flying with you guys.

Buttercup: Yeah, and hanging out with you guys too.

Pooh Bear: I think it's time for us to go home.

Bubbles: I wish you guys could stay here forever.

Piglet: I wish we could, Bubbles.

(Bubbles hugs Piglet.)

Rabbit: You see, girls. We could be in each other's hearts no matter how far apart we are.

Buttercup: Ash, we're really gonna miss you and Pikachu.

(Buttercup hugs Ash and Pikachu.)

Ash Ketchum: We're gonna miss you too, Buttercup.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Professor: You guys are a really big help to me and my girls.

Misty: We sure are, Professor.

(The professor hugs the heroes.)

Mayor: (sighs) What will the girls do without you?

Ash Ketchum: You never know, Mayor.

Brock: Goodbye Ms. Bellum.

Ms. Bellum: Goodbye, everyone.

Ms. Keane: Take care, children.

Blossom: You guys can come back anytime if you need us.

Pooh Bear: We most certainly will and thank you, Blossom.

Tigger: TTFN! Ta-ta, for now.

(The heroes wave goodbye to the girls, Mayor, Ms. Bellum, Ms. Keane and the professor as they leave to go home.)

Pooh Bear: We had so much with the girls.

Ash Ketchum: Yep, wasn't that fun fighting Mojo Jojo, Fuzzy Lumpkins, Him, Princess, the Gangreen Gang and the other villains, Pikachu?

Pikachu: (agreeing) Pikachu.

Piglet: (sighs) I love Townsville.

Tigger: Me too! It's been really friendly.

Eeyore: Me three.

Misty: We'll come back and visit sometime.

Brock: We sure will.

(As our heroes leave Mojo, Fuzzy, Him, Princess, the Gangreen Gang, the Amoeba Boys and Sedusa spy on the heroes leave Townsville.)

Amoeba Boys: Bye-bye, heroes.

Sedusa: (scoffs) Good riddance to those snot-nosed brats and stuffed animals.

Ace: Are you boys seeing this?

Big Billy: Uh, yep.

Grubber: (blows raspberry)

Little Arturo: Yeah, they're going home.

Snake: Ah, I hate those little squirts, anyway.

Fuzzy Lumpkins: Hey, would ya'll look at that!

Mojo Jojo: Oh, yes, there they go. They're leaving Townsville.

Him: Hmmm, if we never see Pooh Bear, Ash Ketchum and their friends again it'll be too soon.

Princess Morbucks: Who cares? They're a bunch of annoying peasants.

Mojo Jojo: Well, no matter. If they ever come back we will get them.

Princess Morbucks: Maybe we'll see them again.

Fuzzy Lumpkins: Maybe we won't

Him: Only time will tell, my friends.

(The villains laugh evilly)

Narrator: And so, once again the day is saved thanks to the Powerpuff Girls, and a contaminated cream pie.