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Octi Evil/Transcript

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki
Revision as of 01:47, 3 February 2025 by Seabiscuit2020 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* Narrator: The city of Townsville is under attack! * (A three-headed monster attacks the city then the Powerpuff girls and the heroes arrive at the city.) * Narrator: The Powerpuff girls and their friends! * (The girls beat up the monster then it all three necks are tied in a neck. Blossom and Buttercup swings the three-headed monster as Bubbles jumps up and down while her sisters skip the monster's neck like a jump rope.) * Bubbles: Whee! Whee! * Pooh Bear: (giggles) T...")
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  • Narrator: The city of Townsville is under attack!
  • (A three-headed monster attacks the city then the Powerpuff girls and the heroes arrive at the city.)
  • Narrator: The Powerpuff girls and their friends!
  • (The girls beat up the monster then it all three necks are tied in a neck. Blossom and Buttercup swings the three-headed monster as Bubbles jumps up and down while her sisters skip the monster's neck like a jump rope.)
  • Bubbles: Whee! Whee!
  • Pooh Bear: (giggles) This is too cute.
  • (The heroes laugh in amusement as the girls play around with the monster.)
  • Narrator: It seems once again the day is saved.
  • (But then we see a demon named Him who is monitoring the girls and the heroes while spying on them.)
  • Narrator: But, what's this? It appears our girls and friends are secretly being monitored. But by who? Oh, no! Not! (gasps) I-I can't say it! This is a villain so evil, so sinister, so horribly vile that even the utterance of his name strikes fear into the hearts of men! The only safe way to refer to this king of darkness is simply...Him!
  • Him: Oh, snake beast, you didn't destroy them at all, did you? How can you let the Powerpuff girls humilate you?! So, completely, hmm? (sees the heroes) What's this. I see? Ah, the Powerpuff girls got friends too, five stuffed animals, three children and strange looking creatures.
  • Buttercup: Yo, Blossom, catch!
  • Pooh Bear: Careful, Buttercup!
  • Blossom: Buttercup, not so hard!
  • Mayor: Well, Ms. Bellum, you can get back to work, now.
  • Blossom: Sorry about that, Mayor.
  • Mayor: Oh, that's ok.
  • Blossom: It wouldn't have happened if Buttercup would've thrown so hard!
  • Buttercup: Well, if you could only catch--
  • (Bubbles felt uneasy upon seeing her older sisters fight each other while the heroes roll their eyes upon listening to the argument,)
  • Blossom: You threw it too hard!
  • Buttercup: Did not!
  • Blossom: Did too!
  • Buttercup: Did not!
  • Blossom: Did too!
  • Misty: Quit it, girls!
  • Bubbles: Yeah, stop it! (Him felt shocked upon seeing this) I hate when you guys fight.
  • (Him rewinds the part twice then he felt delighted upon seeing Bubbles cry.)
  • Him: Yes, yes. Well I love it when you girls fight I think you should fight more often. (mocking sympathy) Oh, Bubbles don't cry little one, I'm here for you.
  • Narrator: So after saving the day, the girls return home for some peace and quiet.
  • Blossom: (from inside the house) SHUT UP, BUTTERCUP!
  • Narrator: Well, maybe not.
  • (Blossom and Buttercup continued arguing full volume as the professor fruitlessly attempts to settle the argument but to avail.)
  • Bubbles: I don't like arguing.
  • (As Buttercup and Blossom continued fighting Pooh Bear and his friends comfort a crying Bubbles. The heroes are dismayed over Blossom and Buttercup's fighting.)
  • Pooh Bear: (sighs in dismay) Oh, bother.
  • Brock: This is ridiculous.
  • Tigger: I've never seen Blossom and Buttercup fight before.
  • Bubbles: I have.
  • Rabbit: (sighs) When will they stop fighting? (facepalms) All this shouting is giving me a headache.
  • Ash Ketchum: (groans) My aching head.
  • Misty: Yeah, it's driving us crazy.
  • (Pikachu tries to quell the fighting)
  • Pikachu: Pika Pika!
  • Bubbles: Why can't we all just get along, instead of fighting and arguing? (crying)
  • Piglet: Oh, there, there, Bubbles.
  • Him: (as Octi) Bubbles... Bubbles.
  • Heroes: Huh?
  • Bubbles: Huh? Who said that?
  • Him/Octi: Bubbles.
  • Heroes: (with Bubbles) Octi?
  • Piglet: Did you just say something?
  • Him/Octi: Yes, Piglet, I can talk.
  • Tigger: Say, that's weird.


Buttercup: Don't tell me what to do!

Blossom: Just listen to me next time!

Brock: (groans) I'm not hearing this anymore.

(Brock closes the door not wanting to hear anymore arguing from Blossom and Buttercup.)

  • Octi/HIM: That's right, Brock, let's not listen to that anymore. Listen, in my opinion, Blossom is being far too bossy for her own good. In fact, I think that Buttercup should be in charge. (the screen pans out and reveals that HIM is speaking through a small microphone, providing the voice for Octi) Yeah, that's it. Bubbles, you should talk to Buttercup and tell her that she should be running the show.
  • (The screen turns red.)
  • Narrator: (shudders in fear) Oh, what did I tell you about HIM? Evil. EVIL, pure and simple!


  • Blossom: (looking over her shoulder) Bubbles, (Cut to Bubbles; she continues o.c.) put down that doll! You know better!
  • (Blossom and Buttercup zoom toward the monster, but Bubbles lands instead.)
  • Bubbles: Octi, I have to put you down.
  • Octi: Why? Just because Blossom told you to?
  • Bubbles: But—
  • Octi: Blossom’s not always right, you know.
  • Bubbles: Oh?
  • (Cut to Blossom and Buttercup, closing in to attack.)
  • Blossom: Go for the head!
  • (The monster turns to face them—now we see the turtle shell on its back—and fires a laser beam from its eyes, catching the two girls dead on. They slam into the ground not far from Bubbles.)
  • Bubbles: (gasping) Blossom! Buttercup!
  • Buttercup: Hey, let’s try my—
  • Blossom: Go for the arms! (She takes off.)
  • Buttercup: (calling after her) Your plans aren’t working!
  • Bubbles: Uh, Buttercup?
  • Buttercup: (impatiently) What, Bubbles?
  • Bubbles: Um, well, uh… Octi says you should do what you want to do. Don’t follow Blossom.
  • Buttercup: Octi, you’re speaking my language. (She takes off. Blossom has engaged the turtle, but is looking around nervously for backup.)
  • Blossom: Buttercup, where are you? Whoa!
  • (She dodges a swing of the beast’s arm. Buttercup, meanwhile, flies across the city to the water tank. Tearing it loose—and spilling all the water over several blocks as she does so—she hauls it along as Blossom watches with great anxiety from the ground.)
  • Blossom: Buttercup, don’t!
  • (Buttercup lets fly with the tank in slow motion and scores a direct hit; the turtle is knocked flying and sails over Blossom’s head.)
  • Blossom: Oh, no!
  • (Cut to an old woman, making her way along the sidewalk on a motorized scooter. She suddenly finds herself in a growing shadow.)
  • Narrator: It’s headed right for that senior citizen!
  • (She tools along as the turtle and water tank descend on her. Just before impact, cut to Blossom.)
  • Blossom: (small voice, covering her eyes) Oh, no!
  • (A crash shakes the camera. The turtle is now out cold on the ground. One of the scooter's tires rolls away from it and stops in front of Buttercup.)
  • Buttercup: Oops.
  • Ash Ketchum: Oh, Buttercup, you really done it this time.
  • Pikachu: Pika.
  • Pooh Bear: Blossom is not going to like this.
  • Piglet: Oh, dear.
  • Tigger: Uh-oh.
  • (The old woman pops her head out of the tire after a moment. Dissolve to the exterior of the house at night—no sound but the crickets chirping. Inside, Blossom and Buttercup are once again arguing in the hall, with the Professor between them.)
  • Blossom: You recklessly endangered people's lives!
  • Buttercup: Did not!
  • Blossom: And failed to follow orders!
  • Buttercup: Well, I should be the leader, anyway!
  • Professor: Girls, calm down!
  • Blossom and Buttercup: No!
  • Brock: (groans) Here they go again!
  • Rabbit; Good grief.
  • Blossom: I've had it with your insuborination!
  • (She nails Buttercup with a blast from her eye lasers, leaving her smoking.)
  • Buttercup: Well, I've had it with your leadership!
  • (She points her hands toward Blossom and fires a green laser beam from her, knocking her into the wall. Cut to Bubbles, hiding out of sight around a corner and holding Octi with its tentacles wrapped around her like a shawl. The fight continues at the other end of the hall.)
  • Octi: Well, I suppose it was inevitable. I always knew they wouldn’t last.
  • (We see Bubbles on the TV again. “Him,” in silhouette, is holding the microphone.)
  • “Him”: (effeminate voice) on the same team! Ha, ha, ha! With Blossom and Buttercup busy fighting, Bubbles doesn’t stand a chance! Hee, hee, hee!
  • (He begins to fly around the room, his eyes glowing.)
  • “Him”: (evil voice) I’m winning, I’m winning! More, more, more, more, more, more!
  • (He now flies in a tight circle, creating a small whirlwind in the room. Cut back to the argument; the Professor has his arms outstretched to keep the girls from tearing each other apart. Blossom and Buttercup argue.)
  • [Pikachu runs between Buttercup and Blossom and tries to get them to stop arguing, but to no avail]
  • Pikachu: Pika Pika! Pikachu!
  • (Pikachu is left with no other choice)
  • Pikachu: Pikaaaa...CHUUUUUU!!!!
  • (Pikachu shocks both girls)
  • Blossom and Buttercup: Ouch.
  • Professor Utonium: That’s enough! I’m gonna separate you two! Go have a time out!
  • (Inside the bedroom, Bubbles is sitting on the floor in the dark and crying, with Octi by her side.)
  • Bubbles: Oh, Octi, now they’re fighting more than ever. I’m so confused. (Close-up of Octi; she continues o.c.) Octi, tell me what to do. (Silence.) Octi?
  • (She kneels by the doll.)
  • Bubbles: Why don’t you say something?
  • (Long pause. When Octi finally speaks, it begins to sound like the effeminate voice of “Him.”)
  • Him/Octi: Stupid little girl!
  • Bubbles: Huh?
  • Tigger: Say, what's going on here?
  • Pooh Bear: Look!
  • (Him possessed Octi and becomes big as the heroes become scared. Angry sparks sputter from Pikachu's cheeks.)
  • Him: They're fighting because of you. Because you believe your toys can really talk and you actually do what they tell you to do.
  • Piglet: (shudders) What is that, Pooh?
  • Pooh Bear: I think it's a ghost, Piglet.
  • Him: (giggles) Not quite, little ones.
  • Pooh Bear and Piglet: Huh?
  • Him: In fact I'm a demon.
  • Tigger: (gulps in fear) I don't like the sound of his voice.
  • Rabbit: Bubbles, do you know that voice?
  • Bubbles: Yeah, I know that voice. You're Him!
  • Him: Very good, I'm flattered.
  • Ash Ketchum: Whoa, you're scary.
  • Him: Why, thank you, Ash. How kind of you to say that.
  • Ash Ketchum: How did you know my name?
  • Him: I've seen everything and heard everything too.
  • Pikachu: (angrily) Pika Pika!!!
  • Him: Oh, and it's your little Pikachu.
  • Ash Ketchum: My Pikachu may be little but he has 100,000 volts of powerful electricity stored in his cheeks.
  • Him: Is that so?
  • Ash Ketchum: That's right, Him! I'll have my Pikachu shock you with his electric attacks, so you better watch it!
  • Him: (mockingly) Ooh, I'm so scared! You have other friends too to back you up, I see. Is it Pooh Bear, Tigger, Piglet, Rabbit, Brock and Misty?
  • Piglet: (nervous) Yes, it's us.
  • Pooh Bear: You also knew our names too?
  • Him: Yes, Pooh Bear, I've been watching you back up the Powerpuff Girls. (sees Misty's Azurill) And, Misty, isn't that your little Azurill? (Azurill whimpers in fright)
  • Misty: Don't you dare scare my Azurill!
  • (Head-on view of Octi, now big enough to fill the room.)
  • Him: My, my, Misty you are feisty, But thank you, Bubbles. Thank you for helping me break up the Powerpuff Girls once and for all. Now if you’ll excuse me, I must go…and destroy the world!
  • (A shower of debris flies past Bubbles. From behind her, we see Octi depart the scene through a very large and very new hole in the wall. Close-up of her.)
  • Bubbles: Oh, no! He’s headed straight for Townsville! I’ve got to stop him myself. (becoming timid) I just hope I don’t mess this up, too.
  • (In the city proper, Octi’s head can be seen bobbing among the buildings. It has now grown large enough to tower over them. Townspeople scream as the gargantuan doll approaches, and several cars are slammed against one another. One tentacle takes out a group of cars; others go to work demolishing bits of the skyline. Bubbles flies in with the heroes and rises to face Octi.)
  • Rabbit: Hold it right there, you fiend!
  • Bubbles: STOP! You used me!
  • Ash Ketchum: Yeah, you gotta stop right now!
  • Pikachu: (sparks sputter) Pika!
  • Him”: (effeminate voice) Oh, is that what I did? (Tentacles curl around behind Bubbles.) And, Ash, I'm stopping from all the fun I'm having, my boy?
  • (Him holds out his tentacle and picks up Ash he struggles to get out his grip.)
  • Ash Ketchum: Hey, let go of me!
  • Him: Can't do, my boy.
  • Pooh Bear: I don't suppose you'd be satisfied with a hug instead?
  • Him: No can do, Pooh Bear.
  • Bubbles: That’s not fair!
  • Him”: No, it isn’t. Neither is (evil voice) this!
  • (Bubbles is seized by a tentacle and begins to scream. Her cries echo through the night. Quick cut to the exterior of the house, then to a split-screen view: Blossom sitting by the nightstand in the bedroom—how she could possibly not have noticed that hole in the wall is a mystery—and Buttercup on the living room floor. Both are sulking, but their heads bob up at the same time upon hearing Bubbles. Double close-up.)
  • Blossom, Buttercup: Bubbles and the others are in trouble!
  • (Cut to the exterior of the house; they exit through the bedroom windows. We see them in flight, approaching from opposite directions, then a close-up of Octi. Pull back slowly over the city as the two girls fly into view and stare each other down. The camera shifts back and forth between Blossom and Buttercup three times, zooming in each time. On the third shot—an extreme close-up—we see each girl reflected in the other’s eyes. Side view of them; pull back as Bubbles is lifted into view, still screaming. The same sequence of close-up shots is repeated, but the hostility begins to melt away. In extreme close-up, each girl finally smiles. Cut to Octi, towering over the city, as they charge toward it. On the next line, the two fly across and pull Bubbles free; the camera follows, putting Octi out of view.)
  • Him: What? Blossom and Buttercup?! But you're supposed to be fighting each other!
  • Brock: Not this time, because this time Blossom and Buttercup compromised with each other. Right, girls?
  • Blossom and Buttercup: Right.
  • Pooh Bear: Let's head for home.
  • (They fly high overhead, with Bubbles between them.)
  • Blossom: Some things are just more important. Right, Buttercup?
  • Buttercup: Right!
  • (Bubbles giggles as they fly o.c. Octi catches fire, snarling and shaking its tentacles in rage.)
  • Him”: (evil voice) NO! NO! NO! (effeminate voice) No!
  • (It disappears in a huge explosion. When the smoke clears, all that is left is “Him,” floating slumped over in a cloud of flame. He evaporates with a weary, resigned sigh as his plan has literally gone up in flames.)
  • Buttercup: (voice-over) Phew!
  • (Dissolve to the exterior of the house and zoom in slowly.)
  • Buttercup: (from inside house) I’m glad that’s over. (stammering slightly) Uh, hey, Blossom, I’m sorry about fighting with you.
  • (Inside, the girls are crashed out in beanbag chairs.)
  • Ash Ketchum: Blossom, Buttercup?
  • Blossom and Buttercup: Hmm?
  • Ash Ketchum: I'm sorry that Pikachu had to shock you.
  • Blossom: Aww. that's okay, Ash.
  • Pikachu: (nestles against Blossom and Buttercup) Pika, Pikachu.
  • Buttercup: (pets him) Don't sweat it, Pikachu.
  • Ash Ketchum: You see, he just doesn't like arguments and confrontations. That was his way of telling you girls to stop fighting.
  • Blossom: Me too. You know, we’re lucky to have a sister like Bubbles, who was only trying to remind us that we’re a team.
  • Buttercup: Yeah, and that any personal differences we’ve got shouldn’t stop us from saving the day and stuff.
  • Bubbles: (giggling) For all my hard work, I should be the leader!
  • (This catches her sisters flat-footed. After a moment, all three laugh.)
  • Narrator: Ha, ha, ha! You tell ’em, Bubbles.
  • (The standard end shot comes up.)
  • Narrator: So once again, the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!
  • [The End]