Monkey See, Doggy Two/Transcript
Ash Ketchum: Did you turn all the citizens into dogs again?!
Mojo Jojo: Yes, I did, Ash.
Pooh Bear: You tried this plan before.
Tigger: And the girls stopped you last time.
Mojo Jojo: Aha! This I know! But there is one small difference. (turns on a television) I have studied the footage of my caper very carefully, (takes out a video tape of the first attempt of the plan) and have discovered a fatal flaw in my plan which you will now see. (puts the tape in the VCR and pressed the play button and before the footage started a test pattern appeared on the screen)
Misty: Oh boy.
Mojo Jojo: (takes a pointer out and points it at the TV and starts to explain) Now if you will recall, using the magical power of the Anubis head, I was turning the people of Townsville into dogs. (The sleeping police officer and other people get hit) See just like that. Watch this one. (Truck driver gets turned into a dog) Boom! Ha ha ha! Run, little people! Run! (Laughs again and then clears his throat) And then as you will see, I commanded the people- er, the dogs of Townsville to obey my every command! Now look at that, obeying. Now pay attention! I then commanded the dogs to steal! Which they did. Very well, I might add. This plan rocked! (footage of the curse of the Anubis head affecting the world starts to play) Check it out. This plans was so big, it was affecting the whole world! Paris! Eskimo-land! Japan!
Blossom: Hey who filmed this anyway?
Misty: Do you have cameras all over the world?
Mojo Jojo: Yes! Now shut up! So BOOM! "No so fast... Mojo Jojo." Now, here's where I made my first mistake. (The girls are turned into dogs) I shouldn't have turned you into dogs! But how was I to know? I thought you were harmless. Look I kick you. I didn't care. Okay here I said some cool stuff. And then I walked over there and you guys barked or something. Now here's where you make me mad. There's the Anubis head then Wham! Hey what's going on?! Oh no. It's all shaky. Hey stop it! You stupid mutts. Oh on. It's falling. Ah, but I catch it! At that point I was pretty confident that I beat you. I felt... Oh wait, I remember this...this part is stupid we don't have to watch it.
Blossom: No wait! This is when you sicked your dumb, Dobermans on us!
Buttercup: And we kicked their butts!
Bubbles: Yeah!
Mojo: Jojo: No no. It's stupid (fast forwards the tape)
Powerpuff Girls: Hey!
Brock: What's the big idea?!
Mojo Jojo: You see? Stupid. Stupid. Ooh, that's good. Stupid...stupid...stupid...stupid... (stops fast forwarding) Okay. Here is where you mini-mutts really made me mad!
Mojo Jojo: (rewinds the tape) So now, you see the fatal flaw in my plan? The dogs, the biting, the dropping! Once more. The dogs, the biting, the dropping! Again. The dogs...
Misty: We get it Mojo! Stop it!
Mojo Jojo: Yes! And now you will get this. As previously stated, I have studied this footage very carefully. And I have taken special precautions.
- Ash Ketchum: (silently as he mimics Mojo) Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...
Mojo Jojo: (to the girls) First I will not that means will not turn you into dogs. And if you are not dogs you will not be able to bite me and therefore I will not drop the Anubis head. But there is more. In the unlikely event of future butt-biting I have throughly prepared myself!
- (He pulls his pants down; cut to the girls, who react in disgust, then to Mojo’s feet. His underwear is around his ankles; the camera tilts up to his rear, which has a thick piece of sheet metal buckled onto it.)
- Misty: Seriously?!
- Mojo: (tapping metal) With the construction of a special protective steel plate— (Pull back.) —with which to protect my hiney! Therefore, you see— (pointing at TV; the girls are seen in dog form) —no dogs— (tapping metal) —no biting— (holding up repaired statue) —no dropping.
- (Cut to the girls, who have truly had enough.)
- Mojo: Once again—
- Buttercup: Oh, brother! (Back to Mojo.)
- Rabbit, Tigger, and Brock: Good grief....
- Mojo: (pointing at TV, tapping metal, holding statue) No dogs, no biting, no dropping. And with the help of these special precautions, the Anubis head will not be broken, and I will rule the world! (He laughs maniacally.) So, Powerpuffs, now that you have seen these special precautions, what do you plan to do?
- Blossom: (shrugging) We're gonna kick your butt!
- Mojo: (surprised) Wha—?
- (The girls let Mojo have it; the statue once again goes flying into the air. It shatters on the ground in slow motion, and again the world is enveloped in a beam. The French lovers, the Eskimo, and the Japanese man change back to human form, this last again left naked and hunched over his dinner plate, licking from it. The street-corner cop is next—he has again slept through the whole thing—and the beam disappears into Mojo, turning him into a dog. He looks at himself in surprise and starts to bark; he sounds as if he is crying.)
- (Around him, the scene dissolves into a jail cell, and the sound of a slamming cell door is heard. Pull back to show him sharing the cell with a large dog who is eyeing him with possible romantic intentions. Above the cell is a sign: “CITY POUND.”)
- Cellmate dog: (male voice, seductively) Woof!