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Just Desserts/Transcript

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki
  • (Opening shot: the city skyline at night.)
  • Narrator: Last week, in the city of Townsville…
  • (Fade to black, then in to the exterior of the Smith family home as seen in “Supper Villain.” The sun comes up, and the alarm clock goes off.)
  • Narrator: Average home.
  • (Fade to black, then in to Harold Smith inside, sitting up in bed and shutting off the alarm. Marianne, his wife, is still asleep, her head turned sideways so we only see the side facing the camera.)
  • Narrator: Average man— (Harold Smith puts on his glasses.) Harold Smith.
  • (Fade to black, then in to the breakfast table. Buddy and Julie, the two Smith children, sit to either side of Harold. Marianne sets down a stack of pancakes and ducks away.)
  • Narrator: Average family.
  • (Buddy crosses his arms in anger as he speaks.)
  • Buddy Smith: This family stinks.
  • (Fade to black, then in to Harold at his job filling mustard jars as simple as using one control to fill them and the other to screw the lid on afterwards.)
  • Narrator: Average job.
  • (Fade to black, then in to him ducking into his secret workroom at home with a sinister smile on his face.)
  • Narrator: Average little secret.
  • (Fade to black, then in to Marianne at the front door, about to let guests in.)
  • Narrator: Average visit… (She opens the door, revealing the Professor, our heroes, and the girls.) …from not-so-average neighbors—
  • (Fade to black, then in to a close-up of the girls at the door. This is the start of the dinner party.)
  • Narrator: the Powerpuff Girls.
  • (Fade to black, then in to Harold's sweating forehead.)
  • Narrator: Average tension.
  • (Fade to black, then in to Buttercup on the couch.)
  • Buttercup: Villains are stupid!
  • (Fade to black, then in to Harold's perspective as he runs toward the workroom door.)
  • Narrator: Average panic.
  • (Snap to black as the door slams, then fade in to everybody else around the coffee table.)
  • Blossom: Basically, there’s no villain around that could take us. (The edge of Harold's bath-mat cape moves into view.)
  • Harold Smith: Oh, really?
  • (Fade to black, then in to Harold's feet and turn up toward his head during the next line. He is now in his makeshift villain costume—red thermals, yellow rubber gloves, sparkler on head, holster strapped up, bath-mat cape, goggles.)
  • Narrator: Average villain…Harold Smith.
  • (Fade to black, then in to a close-up of a very proud Harold.)
  • Narrator: Average crime.
  • Harold Smith: (drawing hairdryer (fake weapon)) I’m going to take this raygun... (Pull back. He puts it to the Professor’s head.) ...and melt the Professor's head clear off his shoulders! Ha, ha, ha, ha!
  • (On the end of this line, he leans toward the Professor, so close that his nose folds down over his mouth, and laughs madly. Fade to black, then in to the dinner table where both families are seated. Harold still has his weapon trained on the Professor.)
  • Narrator: Average dinner…
  • (Fade to black, then in to Blossom with her dessert—a coconut cream pie—in hand.)
  • Blossom: Eat up, Harold!
  • (He is hit in the face, where when the gunk slides off, his face now looks outright furious. Now the entire group, with the exception of her, is seen in a full-scale food fight. The police kick down the door.)
  • Policeman: (Irish brogue) What's going on in here?
  • Girls, Heroes, Professor: (pointing at Harold) He's got a gun!
  • (Harold is driven off toward Townsville in the back of a police car. Marianne watches him go.)
  • Narrator: …ruined.
  • (Fade to black, then in to Marianne as she turns toward the camera, her face set in ice-cold fury.)
  • Narrator: Average wife.
  • Marianne Smith: Those Powerpuff Girls ruined my dinner!
  • Narrator: Average anger. Revenge.
  • (Fade to black.)
  • (Snap to the city skyline during the day.)
  • Narrator: The city of Townsville, (Cut to the park, panning across it.) a peaceful city, with peaceful folks having peaceful fun. Eating peaceful food. Shine, peaceful city, shine.
  • (During this pan, we see people jogging, playing chess, frolicking in a sprinkler, eating lunch. Stop on one man, behind whom the girls are playing.)
  • Narrator: But what keeps this city shining with peace? (The man shrugs.) Oh, come on. You know. (He shakes his head.) No? Well, just look behind you.
  • (He turns his head in the general direction of the girls and smiles—now he gets it. He points with his thumb.)
  • Narrator: That’s right. (Pan quickly past the girls to…) The Townsville Correctional Facility,
  • (The facility in question sits atop a high island of rock just off the coast. Inside, cut to a sequence of convicts in their cells on the next line.)
  • Narrator: a place to correct the peacefully challenged… (Overhead view of Harold on his bunk, zooming in.) …like Harold Smith.
  • (The bored, bleary expression he wore through most of “Supper Villain” is now gone, replaced by wide-eyed fear as he serves his sentence in the prison. A bell rings, and a guard shouts into a bullhorn. He uses this equipment for all his lines.)
  • Guard: WAKE UP, MAGGOTS!
  • (Harold's cell door opens. Now we see that his number is 253—the same as that worn by the leader of the impersonators in “Powerpuff Bluff.” He stands at the open door, and the scene dissolves around him to the shower room. On either side of him is a large, burly prisoner. The guard walks across the screen, now wearing a raincoat.)
  • Guard: You'll never guess what’s for breakfast.
  • (Now Harold sits between the two big fellows in the cafeteria. Each man has a bowl of food in front of him. The guard—back in uniform—walks back across the screen.)
  • Guard: Slop!
  • (One of the other men takes Harold's food away from him. Dissolve to him at his prison job—making license plates. Blank sheets of metal pass him on a conveyor. He presses one button to imprint the numbers and letters, another to apply paint. The routine is exactly the same as when he worked in the mustard factory. From here, dissolve to him spotting for a fellow prisoner lifting weights, then to him back in his cell. The door slams shut in front of him. One final dissolve sees him back on his bunk, under the covers. Fade to black as Harold closes his eyes and goes to sleep.)
  • (After a few seconds, the bell rings and the guard shouts again.)
  • Guard: WAKE UP, MAGGOTS!
  • (Snap to Harold on the bunk. Around him, the scene dissolves to the cell door. It opens, and the guard steps up to him.)
  • Guard: Today's the day, Harold.
  • (The unfortunate man is led down the corridor of the cell block, with the guard on one side of him and a priest on the other. No words are exchanged, though the other prisoners give him jeering looks as he passes them. The procession approaches a riveted steel door at the end of the hallway—this is the sort of thing you would associate with a death-row convict being led to the execution chamber. Harold’s fear is about to get the best of him. Now we see the guard by the door. He opens it, revealing blinding white light on the other side, and the camera zooms in on this until the screen is completely filled.)
  • (Fade in to a close-up of Harold, now standing outside under a clear sky. Birdsong echoes through the air, and butterflies flit around him. Pull back to show the guard looking out the steel door after him. An EXIT sign hangs above. Harold has just been released from serving his sentence. After a moment, the guard ducks back inside and slams the door. The newly freed man looks around himself and smiles for the first time as a white rabbit hops up to him. He leaps joyfully into the air, silhouetting himself against the sun. The light fills the screen, hiding him from view.)
  • (Fade in to the sun and turn down to the Smiths' house. A car door slams shut during this motion. It is that of a taxi parked by the curb. This rolls away, revealing Harold standing at the end of the front walk.)
  • (He approaches the front door and once again finds the Professor doing a little bit of gardening. When their eyes meet, however, the Professor does not smile or call out, but instead ducks down until his eyes are just barely visible above the hedge. He inches away, his eyes never leaving Harold as he goes, apparently still spooked from what happened previously. Harold seems puzzled by it at he turns his attention back to his front door to enter his house for the first time since being taken to prison.)
  • (Inside, the door creaks open and Harold pokes his head in to look around. All clear. He eases in and starts to tiptoe through the house. As he reaches the dining room doorway, though, Marianne’s voice freezes him in his tracks.)
  • Marianne Smith: (from o.c., icily) Harold?
  • Harold Smith: M— (stammering) M-Marianne?
  • (His wife is sitting in shadow at the far end of the table. Her eyes glow as two red slits.)
  • Marianne Smith: Sit down, Harold.
  • Harold Smith: You know, Marianne, I was—
  • Marianne Smith: (screams) Sit! (He does so. A brief silence.)
  • Harold Smith: Marianne, I'm sorry. I embarrassed our family. I embarrassed you. I couldn't control myself. (hanging his head) I'm so sorry, Marianne. I really… (raising head, crying) I really didn’t handle that situation too well. (clapping hands to face) I'm so sorry! Ohh…
  • (He trails off into sobbing. Marianne's response is a disgusted snort.)
  • Marianne Smith: (standing up) Ahh! You should be sorry. But, it is the Powerpuff Girls who will be sorry next time!
  • Harold Smith: Ne-Next time? (sits on the table) What are you saying, Marianne?
  • Marianne Smith: (sits on the table as well) I'm trying to say, Harold...
  • Harold Smith: Yes?
  • Marianne Smith: (gets on her knees) ...that together...
  • Harold Smith: (gets on his knees) Yes?
  • Marianne Smith: ...we will destroy the Powerpuff Girls! (takes her husband's hands during that line)
  • Harold Smith: Oh, Marianne! (hugs and kisses his wife like crazy) We haven't kissed like that since 1980!
  • Marianne Smith: (hugs her husband in an embrace and sighs) Oh! Ahh! Harold! Ahh! (hard tone) Now, listen closely, Harold. I have a plan.
  • Harold Smith: But what about the kids?
  • Julie Smith: (comes running in, crying) Mommy, Daddy, the Powerpuff Girls lost my jacks! (sobs) I hate the Powerpuff Girls!
  • Buddy Smith: (comes in) And you know what? I hate everything!
  • (These displays of seething hostility are music to Harold's ears.)
  • Harold Smith: (teary-eyed) Oh, family. (Marianne leans against him, happily) I'm so very proud of all of you. And united, we will destroy the Powerpuff Girls, as the supervillain family…(All four strike dramatic poses.) …the Smiths! (Dramatic pause.) Suit UP!

  • Ash Ketchum: Well, if it isn't those former no-good next door neighbors of Professor.
  • Marianne Smith: If it isn't the meddling little brat with his freaky little yellow rat and his friends!
  • Pikachu: Pikachu!
  • Blossom: Enough's enough! Time to get Powerpuff tough! (destroys the Smith's van, leaving them with nothing but their seats) What's wrong with you people?! Why are you doing this?!
  • Tigger: Yeah, Brunos! Have you completely lost it?!
  • Rabbit: Are you crazy?! They're your neighbors! What did they ever do to you?!
  • (Cut to Marianne. She calmly undoes her seat belt and stands up. Now some semblance of her original perkiness returns.)
  • Marianne: Why am I doing this? (She laughs, then leans into Blossom’s face, catching Blossom by surprise as she shakes in shock as Marianne snaps at her.) (screams) I’LL TELL YOU WHY I’M DOING THIS! (standing up, composing herself) We try and be good neighbors. We invite you into our home. We provide you with food and hospitality, and how do you repay us? You drove my husband insane, you sent him to prison, but on top of all that, (screams) YOU UNGRATEFUL LITTLE BRATS RUINED MY DINNER!
  • (The girls stare back at her in stunned silence for a moment as they take it all in.)
  • Bubbles: That's it?
  • Ash Ketchum: (stunned) You're joking?! That's what this is all about?! All because of a stupid family dinner?!
  • Pikachu: Pika?
  • Tigger: That's the most pathetic reason I've ever heard.
  • Blossom: I'm with you on this one, Tigger. That is not a good reason at all.
  • Marianne Smith: (dumbfounded) Really?
  • Buttercup: Really!
  • Pikachu: Pikachu!
  • Ash Ketchum: You guys mess with the Powerpuff Girls, and you're gonna lose!
  • Girls: Yeah!
  • Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, Thunderbolt them!
  • Smiths: (scared) Uh-oh!
  • (Pikachu shocks the Smiths with his Thunderbolt which caused them to scream in pain.)
  • (Buttercup punches out Marianne, Blossom decks Harold, and Bubbles knocks the kids’ heads together. Cut to these last two tottering on their feet, with their parents already down. After a moment, they keel over and collapse as well. Around the four, the scene fades to gray.)
  • Narrator: Well done, girls!
  • (Pull back. The Smiths are on the floor of a jail cell, whose door slams shut on them. Marianne has a look of utter defeat and sadness on her face at failing to get revenge and now she and her entire family are rotting in prison for their attempt on the lives of the Professor, the heroes and the Girls as they await for their trial in court.)
  • Narrator: What a fitting end to such an unfit family.
  • (The standard end shot comes up.)
  • Narrator: So once again, the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!
  • [The End]