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Ending (Pooh's Adventures of Avengers: Infinity War)

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

This is the ending scene in Pooh's Adventures of Avengers: Infinity War.

[Now out of the Soul World, Thanos is snapped back to normal reality, and notices the damage inflicted on the gauntlet -- the metal scorched and distorted from heat, the stones no longer glowing.]

  • Thor: What'd you do? [Angrily] WHAT'D YOU DO?!
  • Bowser Jr.: You'll find out soon enough!
  • Bowser: So long fools!

(Thanos and the villains teleport to escape)

(Steve and Ash come to see Thor)

  • Captain America: Where'd they go?
  • Ash: Thor, where did Thanos and Bowser go?
  • Captain America: Thor... where'd they go?
  • Bucky: Steve?

[Bucky suddenly stumbles over, and collapses into ashes, much to Steve's shock]

  • Ash Ketchum: Bucky!
  • Pikachu: Pika!

[Steve walks over and touches the ground where Bucky's ashes evaporated disbelievingly.]

  • Pooh: What's happening?

(Suddenly Petrie begins to turn into ashes)

  • Ducky: Petrie!
  • Dweeb: This is farewell.

(Dweeb turns into ashes)

  • Ducky: Uncle Dweeb!

(Rex, Roog and Elsa appear to search for Dweeb)

  • Faline: (looking for Bambi) Bambi. Bambi, where are you?

[She disintegrated into ashes before Bambi appears to look for Faline]

  • Bambi: Faline? Faline! Faline!
  • Crawford: [disintegrates to ashes slowly] So long, my friend.
  • Fauntleroy: No!

[On the battlefield, Wakandan soldiers disintegrate to ashes, much to M'Baku's horror.]

  • Maui: (looking at his hand) What's happening to me?

(He turns into ashes)

  • Daisy: Maui!

(Then she looks at her arm turning into ashes)

  • Donald: Daisy!

(Daisy disintegrate to ashes)

(Pluto whimpers and disintegrate into ashes)

  • Mickey: Oh, Pluto, not you too.
  • Hello Kitty: We must find the way to restore the army!
  • Nussa: So sorry, guys. It's too late for that now.
  • Simba: No. It can't be...

[Simba disintegrates into ashes]

  • Nala: Simba!
  • Timon: Nala? (runs towards Nala) Have you seen Simba?
  • Simba: Simba is gone. [turning into ashes] Something is happening to me.
  • [Nala disintegrates into ashes]]

[Nussa disintegrates into ashes]

  • T'Challa: [While reaching for a fallen Okoye] Up, General. Up! This is no place to die. [ T'Challa holds out his hand for Okoye. He suddenly disintegrates into ashes and, in anguish, Okoye falls back on the ground.]
  • Okoye: Kumkani?!
  • Groot: [Slowly corrodes into ashes as well by Rocket] I am Groot...
  • Rocket: No... no. No. No. No! Groot, no...
  • Daffy: Bugsby, I feel strange.
  • Bugs: [seeing Daffy turning into ashes] Daffy!
  • Boo-Boo: [Corrodes into ashes]] Uh, Yogi?
  • Cindy: [sitting on the log and corrodes into ashes in Snow White's voice] Oh. I feel strange.
  • Yogi: Cindy! Boo-Boo!
  • Mrs. Jumbo: [turning into ashes] Dumbo? Benjamin?
  • Benjamin: No, Mrs. Jumbo.

[Dumbo feels sad]

  • Benjamin: There, there, Dumbo. We must think of something.
  • Wally Bear: I'm so sorry, Benjamin. It is too late now.

[Wally turns into ashes]

[Wanda is mourning over Vision. She then turns into ashes.]

(Falcon crawls away as he gets disintegrated with War Machine looking for him)

  • War Machine: Sam! Sam, where are you?

(Bud Bear and Fifi Fox get disintegrated together)

  • Rebecca Cunningham: Baloo. I'm not going to make it.
  • Molly: (running towards her mom turning into ashes) Mommy! No! Mommy!
  • Kit Cloudkicker: Mrs. Cunningham!
  • Baloo: What shall we do?
  • Ord: If we leave, we will die! The ashes are killing us all.
  • Cassie: I still can't believe I am not feeling like myself.

(Cassie turns into ashes)

  • Ord: Cassie!
  • Zak: (sees Rudolph turning into ashes) Look! Rudolph is turning into the ashes already!
  • Zoey: Rudolph!

(Wheezie sees Vic turning into ashes)

  • Wheezie: Oh, no!
  • Zak: No, no! Not Vic. (turning to Barney Bear turning into the ashes) Oh, dear. Not him.
  • Sunni: (looking at her hands turning into ashes) Guys, what's happening to me?

(Sunni turns into ashes)

  • Terra: Guys. There is nothing else we can do.

(Terra disintegrates into ashes)

  • Ventus: Sorry, Aqua. This is farewell.

(Ventus disintegrates into ashes)

  • Aqua: Ven!
  • Lola Bunny: What is going on with us?!
  • Petunia: I have no idea. Why is it happening to us?

[Lola and Petunia disintegrate into ashes]

  • Bugs: Lola!
  • Porky: Petunia!

[Cleo the dog disintegrate into ashes]

  • Clifford and T-Bone: Cleo!

(Shag the sheepdog whimpers and disintegrate into ashes)

  • Hunter: Shag!

(The Danger Rangers disintegrate)

  • Gandy Goose: Am I dying, too?
  • Sour Puss: Not yet!
  • Gandy Goose: What do you mean "Not yet"?! Do you think it will happen now?
  • Sour Puss: I don't know. But I'm scared. (looks at his feet disintegrate into ashes and gasps) What happening? What happening? What's happening? Oh, Gandy!
  • Gandy Goose: [looks at Sour Puss disintegrating into ashes] No, no no. You can't go now! (looks at his hands turning into ashes) Oh, no. I am dying! I am dying now!

(He disintegrates into ashes)

  • Bonkers: No. (terrified) No! This can't be happening!

(Sylvester Jr. vanishes)

  • Sylvester: No, no! Don't go, my son!
  • Bumble: I have no choice.

(Bumble vanishes)

(Barnyard Dawg vanishes)

(Cut to Titan)

  • Mantis: Something's happening.

(Mantis gets disintegrate)

  • Drax: Quill?

(Drax gets disintegrate)

  • Tony: Steady, Quill
  • Peter: Oh, man.

(Peter Quill turns into ashes)

(Buzz and his Lightyear team disintegrate)

(Dragon Jake Long disintegrates)

(Mei Lee disintegrates)

  • Ron Stoppable: (looking at Rufus turning into dust) No! Rufus!
  • Augie Doggie: Dear old dad, I don't want to die.

(Augie disintegrates)

  • Doggie Daddy: Augie, my son!!
  • Doctor Strange: Tony. Doggie Daddy. (Tony turns to him) There was no other way.

(Doctor Strange disintegrates)

  • Spider-Man: Mr. Stark? (Tony turns to Spider-Man) I don't feel so good.
  • Tony: You're all right.
  • Spider-Man: I don't... I don't know what's happening. I don't know...(grabs Tony and groans) I don't want to go. I don't want to go, sir. Please. Please, I don't want to go. I don't want to go. (falls down and holds Tony) (softly) I'm sorry.

(Spider-Man s

  • Nebula: He did it.


(Cut back to the remaining heroes in Wakanda)

  • War Machine: What is this? What the heck is happening?

(Cut to Titan as the 100 Acre Wood Rebel Alliance watches in horror as Iron Man's team disintegrates)

  • Kari: Tai, I don’t feel so good.
  • Tai: Kari, what’s wrong?
  • Kari: I-I don’t know what’s happening?

(Kari stumbles and hugs Tai tightly).

  • Kari: (while crying) please Tai, I don’t wanna go, I don't wanna go. I’m sorry.

(Kari vanishes into dust in her brother’s arms and Tai looks heartbroken)

  • Sora Takenouchi: We failed.
  • Aisling: Wait! Look!

(the Crest of Light glows as Kari miraculously returns to normal)

  • Kari: Tai!
  • Tai: Kari! (lifts her in happiness)
  • Kari: Tai! (laughs)
  • Izzy: She made it.
  • Sora Takenouchi: But how?
  • Matt: Look! Our crests!

(everyone sees their crests glowing)

  • Mewtwo: Your crests must have protected you from disintegration.
  • Izzy: Prodigious!
  • TK: (looks) Did they also do that?

(everyone sees time holding still)

  • Good Fairy: I think we're in a time warp.
  • Darth Vader: How is that possible?
  • Ahsoka Tano: Master, look!

(a light and a familiar ship appears, a hatch opens revealing two familiar faces)

  • Boba Fett: Fennec!
  • The Good Fairy: Professor Honeycutt!
  • Fugitoid: We got Pooh Bear, his friends, Ash Ketchum, his friends, Zordon and the Alpha 5, get in!
  • Fennec Shand: And hurry before the time warp ends.
  • Applejack: Wait, do we trust them?
  • Mewtwo: No time to explain. Get in!
  • Tai: You heard Mewtwo, get in fast!

(The 100 Acre Wood Rebel Alliance, Hugo, Rita, Elphie, Ted, Max, Peter-No-Tail, Nudnik, Merli, Bumble, Blinky Bill, Louis, Masha, Bear, Light, Renart, Miffy, Musti, Elliot Mouse, Smokey Bear, Peg, Mary Poppins, Mat, Marshal Moo Montana, the Dakota Dude, Cowlorado Kid, the Street Sharks, the Extreme Dinosaur, the Mane 6, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the Digidestend and their Digimon, and the PAW Patrol head inside the Fugitoid's ship and escape as time warp fades)

  • Rainbow Dash: Whoa, that was close!
  • Fennec Shand: Once we get to the edge of the galaxy, we'll be safe from the Blip. Hold on.

(The Fugitoid's ship races toward the edge of the galaxy)