Cop Out/Transcript
(Opening shot: the city skyline during the day.)
Narrator: The City of Townsville... loves its police force. (shows the Townsville Police Department) A group of hard-working men and women, doing their best to keep Townsville safe.
(A policeman takes one of his old fashion glazed from the box, the scene changes to a side view of a policeman who is wearing sunglasses and has a white mustache. He opens his mouth as he puts his doughnut in front of his face. He bites and chews it very loudly as the camera zooms out to reveal the policeman is very fat. Definitely not an officer who prefers to remain lean and well-exercised to do his job.)
Narrator: Except for this guy.
(Inside the doughnut shop, the same fat policeman points to each doughnut he wishes to purchase with a pleased look on his face, preferring the perks of his job with eating a cop's favorite food over doing his duty to defend Townsville from crime and lawlessness.)
Narrator: Officer Mike Brickowski, the worst cop on the force. (A woman screams as she points at a thief off-camera and two policemen chase after the unseen thief to catch and apprehend him and recover what he took from the woman, then she looks at Brickowski, and glares at him for just standing there and doing nothing but eating his doughnut instead of helping his fellow officers catch the bad guy, thus failing his duty to help the people of Townsville like he is supposed to do.) He makes no effort to fight crime or help the citizens of Townsville. (A boy wants Brickowski to help him to get his cat down from a tree, but Brickowski is still eating and ignoring the boy's pleas for assistance, still being lazy, selfish, and useless.)
(Three men try to lift a turned-over police car, and he is shown cheerfully watching while still holding his doughnut, enjoying their struggling with sadistic pleasure and not even lifting a finger to help his brothers of the badge, once again showing his outright refusal to commit himself to the police motto and duty of "To Protect And Serve" and just enjoying the perks of his job, such as his yummy doughnut.)
Narrator: He'd rather let his fellow officers do all the work. (Each of three scenes depicts him exiting a different doughnut shop at different times of the day while his partner waits in the squad car) He likes things easy. (Now while his partner, Miguel Perez, drives the police car, Brickowski silently moves his mouth, speaking to him as they patrol their beat) Enjoy your ride when it lasts, Officer Brickowski... (He takes a bite of his doughnut and the car passes O.C. Now, back in the car, Brickowski is napping and snoring, while Perez is reading the newspaper at the wheel, both having stopped their cruiser for a break before returning to patrol.) ...'cause you're in for a rude awakening.
(A ring is heard. It is revealed that they had been parked near a bank all along. The ring is the bank's security alarm as it is being robbed at that exact moment, and the two officers are right there, ready to respond instantly.)
Dispatcher: Car 11, come in.
(Perez looks in surprise out the window upon realizing there is a crime in progress and, realizing he and Brickowski are the first officers on scene and responding to the call with being in the right place at the right time, immediately runs toward the bank. He slams up, back first, against the wall with his service pistol drawn and at the ready for whatever he will encounter should he make entry into the building to stop the robber, especially with his partner.)
Perez: Ready, partner? (No answer) Mike?! (Brickowski is still napping and snoring in the car. Perez is on his own with handling this situation) Aw, man! (He lowers his gun and takes out his radio to notify the dispatcher of his situation) This is Perez! (While Brickowski is still shown napping in the car) I'm responding to a 211 here at Townsville National! Perpetrator is armed! (We see a gun aimed at two men in the bank ducking and covering with a third behind the teller window with his hands up in fear) Well armed! (The suspect notices Perez and fires at the window towards him, shattering the glass while Perez ducks back into cover to avoid being hit by a stray round, a ricochet, or a piece of the broken glass. The scene's too hot for him to go in alone without support) I need some backup, man!
Dispatcher: Roger that, Car 11, backup is on its way.
(No sooner does the dispatcher finish assuring Perez that help is coming to aid him, sirens fill the air as backup responds immediately to come to Perez's aid once word came over the radio that an officer needed assistance and shots had been fired at police, as any time a call comes in for "Officer Needs Assistance", every available unit responds in a heartbeat. The shot focuses on Brickowski sleeping in his car again, totally oblivious to what's happening all around him with the bank, his partner, and the entire force coming to aid Perez. Three police cars come screeching up and stopping close by Perez and Brickowski's cruiser. The camera shot shifts to an overhead view of the bank and six police cars are seen approaching and surrounding the bank, blocking any possible escape route. The area is quickly cordoned off with crime scene tape as officers take position behind their cruisers for protection, joined by several officers in SWAT gear with the heavier weapons. The Chief of Police then comes forward with a bullhorn to address the suspect. As he does, cut to and pan across a scene of several regular and SWAT officers aiming from cover behind their cruisers with their firearms as the reds-and-blues blaze from the cruisers' light bars.)
Chief of Police: (shouting) This is the Townsville Police Department! You are surrounded! Drop your weapon and come out with your hands up!
(The chief then hears Brickowski mumbling in his sleep and turns his attention to Mike and Perez's cruiser. The shot focuses on Mike Brickowski. The chief comes up next to the police car window, shouting with his bullhorn. Brickowski takes no notice as he continues to sleep, totally oblivious to the situation occurring around him with his partner in danger, and the rest of the force having come to help him bring the criminal to justice before he can cause any more trouble or threaten any more lives, civilian or law enforcement.)
Brickowski: (sleep talking/mumbling) Oh, you gotta beat that... I need more exercise.
Chief of Police: BRICKOWSKI! BRICKOWSKI! Get your fat butt up, man! We have a situation here, and you're just sitting around... (he is interrupted by the police radio)
Dispatcher: Stand by, stand by. We have word from the Mayor's Office. The Powerpuff Girls are on their way.
(The Powerpuff Girls come flashing by very fast, drawing the chief's attention away from shouting at Brickowski. They enter the broken bank window, and you hear the sounds of beating while Perez watches with relief from where he was in cover when the Girls arrive to take care of things in very short order before the crook could try anything else, such as threatening more lives like he had done with Perez.)
Chief of Police: Huh?
Perez: Yeah!
(There comes the sound of a short beatdown as the Girls deal with the criminal before the perpetrator comes flying out of the broken window, landing at Perez's feet with a pained grunt, disarmed of his weapon. The camera turns to put the window in full view as the girls come floating through, and Perez points his own gun at the criminal's head.)
Perez: Freeze, buster!
Pooh Bear: Good job, girls!
Chief: Don't "man" me, sit down. (He gestures to a seat)
Brickowski: So, what's up, Chief?
Chief: You're fired, Brickowski. I want you out of here immediately.
(Brickowski breaks out into a smile and laughs heartily, thinking it is all a joke and he's not being kicked off the force because of his lazy behavior.)
Brickowski: Chief, you crack me up!
(The Chief then suddenly snaps and loses his cool, slams his fists on the desk, and looms into Brickowski's face furiously. So much that the veins on his neck can be seen to indicate how upset he is with the worst member of his department. This shuts Brickowski up in a heartbeat once he sees how enraged his superior is at him.)
Chief: This is no joke, Brickowski! You are the worst, most incompetent officer I have ever known! Now hand over your badge.
Brickowski: You want my badge?
Chief: Did I stutter? Now hand it over? (Brickowski turns in his badge) Good, your sunglasses? (Brickowski hands his sunglasses and is about to give his gun but) No no, you can keep that. A little souvenir for you. That donut's looking good though. Oh yeah (Brickowski gives his donut to the Chief)
Pooh Bear: Let the girls go if you please, Mike.
Ash Ketchum: Mike Brickowski, who do you think you are blaming the girls for no good reason?!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Tigger: Yeah, brunos, this isn't the girls fault that you got fired!
Misty: Yeah. it's your own fault that you didn't help out your fellow officers!
Rabbit: Not to mention stuffing your face with doughnuts!
Brock: You're the worst cop ever!
(The police officers shout in agreement.)
Ash Ketchum: Let them go, you big donut hole!!! (He jumps and tackles the pathetic excuse for a cop)
Blossom: What do you know? I guess acid can't hurt us after all.
Brickowski: It looks like another story of a good cop gone bad.
Blossom: You're not a good cop gone bad; you're a bad cop gone worse!!
Narrator: (laughs) Bad cop gone worse! Sorry, Officer Brickowski, no donuts in jail! So once again, the day is saved, thanks to the Powerpuff Girls, and the fine upstanding men and women of the Townsville Police Department.
[The End]