Big Trouble/Transcript
< Pooh's Adventures of Biker Mice from Mars
Greasepit: Huh? Uh-oh, them fighting ferrets and their friends has found sulfer drill in sight. Boy, life stinks. Attention, all used goons, attack!
Pooh Bear: Oh, dear, it's those goons again!
Tigger: Aww, shucks. There goes our fun golf day.
Modo: Okay, who forgot to pay the green fees?
Goon: There's a party favor for you, motor rat!
(Modo leaps out of the way as the goon throws the grenade at him.)
Goons: Huh? (both of them get grabbed by Modo)
Modo: Rat, huh?!
Goon: He said it.
Goon 2: Exact of it, baby. (punches Modo's ribs which hurts his knuckles)
Modo: (chuckles) Ouch! (throws punches at the goons and comes out) Man, that felt good.