Ash's Adventures of The Tigger Movie/Transcript
Opening/"The Wonderful Thing About Tiggers"
Narrator: Now this might be the room of any small boys but it just happens to belong to a boy named Christopher Robin. Unlike small boys Christopher Robin had toys animals to play with and together they had many remarkable adventures in an enchanted place called the Hundred Acre Wood. But of all his animal friends Christopher Robin's very best friends was a bear called Winnie the Pooh.
Tigger: Winnie the Pooh? Wait half a darn a minute. It seems to me that most of these are about that silly old bear.
Narrator: (chuckles) Well, then, Tigger, who should this story be about?
Tigger: Well, I happen to know someone who's extremely fascinating. Not to mention handsome and debonair-y.
Narrator: But the title already says "Winnie the Pooh."
Tigger: Oh, that's easy to fix.
[ the book falls over with Tigger still in it, but he props it back up again and uses various parts of the title page and the tree to create the film's title, "The Tigger Movie". Tigger notices that "Tigger" in the title isn't colored, so he nudges the book and "Tigger" becomes orange. Then, the words "Ash’s Adventures of" appears in an Crash Bandicoot style, making the movie title "Ash’s Adventures of The Tigger Movie"]
Tigger: [about the title of the movie] There! Now, that's a wonderful title. And speaking of wonderful things- Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo! [does the Whoop-de-Dooper, Loop-de-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce into the book]
[We are inside the book and Tigger sings the song]
Tigger: The wonderful thing about Tiggers~
Is Tiggers are wonderful things~
Their tops are made out of rubber~
Their bottoms are made out of springs~
They're bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy~
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!~
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one~
Tiggers are cuddly fellas~
Tiggers are awfully sweet~
Ev'eryone el-us is jealous~
That's why I repeat and repeat~
The wonderful thing about Tiggers~
Is Tiggers are marvelous chaps!~
They're loaded with vim and with vigor~
They love to leap in your laps!~
They're jumpy, bumpy, clumpy, thumpy~
Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!~
But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is I'm the only one~
I-I-I'm the only...~
[He bumps into Pooh and rolls into his house with honey pots clattering]
Tigger: Hello! I'm Tigger. That's T-l-double-geh-er. And that's me. Hoo, hoo, hoo!
Pooh: I know. You've bounced me lots and lots of times.
Tigger: Yeah. Fun, ain't it? Say, you want to go bouncin' with me, on account of bouncin's what Tiggers do- eh, best. [sees that he got his foot stuck in a honey pot] Eww.
Pooh: Well, I would go bouncing with you, Tigger, except that I must count all these honey be sure I have enough for winter.
[He hears clatter and runs to Tigger]
Pooh: Oh let me get that please. [he pulls the honey pot off Tigger's foot and he got his head in one] Bother.
Tigger: Yuck! Why do these Pooh Bears like this icky sticky stuff anyways? Well no time for goofing off, I've got dolling to do. T.T.F.N Ta ta for now!
[Tigger closes Pooh’s door. Pooh sighs. Meanwhile, Ash and his friends arrived at the Hundred Arce Wood to have a little break from their travels and to see there old friends near by]
Ash Ketchum: Boy, sure is great to back Hundered Arce Wood!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Misty: You said Ash! I wonder how Pooh and the others are doing?
Brock: It’s been a while since we seen them. We probably go check it out and see everybody!
Ash Ketchum: I’ll tell you one person that I’m excited to see is -- OOOF!
[Tigger pounces on Ash]
Ash Ketchum: Tigger!
Tigger: Hiya, Ashy boy. Are you up for a little bouncing?
Ash Ketchum: Maybe later. We are so glad to see you Tigger!
Tigger: That’s what Tigger’s like best to see old friends. And how are you Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika!
Misty: What are you doing here anyway?
Tigger: I’m going over to Piglet’s house to see if he wants to bounce with me. What are you guys up too?
Brock: We are taking a break from traveling for a while and want to see Pooh and the others. They will be happy to see us!
Tigger: I’m sure my friends will happy to see you guys. Anyway, I have to go now. I got a lot of bouncing to do. T-T-F-N. Ta ta for now! Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
Ash Ketchum: Bye Tigger! We’ll see you later!
[Back at Piglet's house]
Piglet: Ooh, ooh, ooh! Oh, oh, ohhh! B-B-Brrrr! Ohhh! Oh, d-d-dear, dear.
[Tigger comes in and pounces on Piglet]
Tigger: Hiya, Piglet, old pal!
Piglet: Aaah!
Tigger: What say you and I do a little bouncin' together?
Piglet: B-B-Bouncing? Oh, my! I haven't enough firewood to last the winter, and-
Tigger: Sure, you do! Why, there's lots of firewood. It's lyin' all over the place.
[Tigger grabs Piglet's chair and tosses into the fireplace. The fire comes up]
Piglet: Ohhh! Aaah!
Tigger: There! See? Now we can go bouncin'.
Piglet: B-But...I would really rather prefer that my firewood... [his chair burned to ashes] not have quite so much... chair in it.
Tigger: Oh. Well, then, uh, T. T. F. N.! Gotta be bouncing along. Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!
(he bounced to Kanga’s house)
Tigger: Hello there! And good mornin', Mrs. Kanga, ma'am!
Kanga: Well, good morning, Tigger, dear.
Tigger: She called me "dear. " Hee hee hee... Pardon me for askin', but you wouldn't happen to be interested in doin 'a bit of bouncin ' with me, would ya?
Kanga: Well, I'm afraid I have just too much to do this morning, dear.
Tigger: Oh. Well, if you have to-See ya later. Bye.
[He bounces away sadly. Roo comes outside]
Roo: Tigger! Tigger! Tigg... er. Oh
Rabbit's Rock Remover/"Someone Like Me" - [The camera sees that Tigger is resting on a boulder]
Tigger: I wonder why nobody wants to bounce with me. Hmph. Oh, well. Hoo, hoo! What am I talkin' about? There's plenty of others I haven't even asked yet. Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!
[He bounces off a tree, which causes the boulder to fall. To Eeyore, little pebbles wakes him up, he gets up and walks out of his house, just as the boulder lands on Eeyore's house, smashing it]
Narrator: And so, the others all came round to see what they might do to help.
[the page turn to the next scene]
Narrator: But the end of Eeyore's house was merely the beginning of a very unfortunate day.
Roo: Wow! Look at the size of it.
Ash Ketchum: Yeah, that boulder is huge!
Korra: Well, I might try to moved that boulder with my earth bending style.
Jiminy Cricket: That’s a great idea, Korra! That might be able to move the boulder.
[ Then Rabbit shows up with papers in his hand]
Rabbit: Your attention, uh, please. Uh, ahem. I have officially completed... the plans.
[Awkward silence]
Pooh: What plans?
Rabbit: The plans... for removing this boulder... and restoring to Eeyore, uh, his happy home.
Eeyore: No need to bother on my account.
Brock: No offense Rabbit. But the last time you made the plans, it kinda got backfired.
Ash Ketchum: I agreed with Brock on this one.
Pikachu: Pikachu.
Rabbit: That won’t be necessary Brock. I make sure I double check. All we need is a little, uh, uh, team effort.
[Rabbit shows the plans. We fade to Pooh and the others with Rabbit's rock remover]
Rabbit: Rabbit's Rock Remover! Now then, Pooh Bear, release the counterweight.
[Pooh pushes down a leaver. Eeyore gets lowered]
Rabbit: Kanga and Roo, start depressurizing the granite extractor.
[Kanga and Roo do what Rabbit told them]
Rabbit: Piglet? Piglet, start pulling your own weight over there.
Piglet: I- I don't weigh anything.
Rabbit: A- A little more over there. Yes. That's good. No, no, no, no! Over here. This way.
Pooh: Ohh!
[We hear a twang. Pooh sees that he has ripped a seam in his bottom]
Rabbit: Oh, good. I think-
Pooh: Bother.
[He releases the leaver and Piglet goes spining]
Piglet: Aaaah!
Kanga: Oh!
Roo: Aaaah!
[Roo flies up and lands in Kanga's pouch]
Pooh: Oh, my.
Piglet: Oh!
Rabbit: Well, now, why didn't it work? Oh, let's see here now. The counterweight....
Kanga: [goes to Pooh and fixes him] Perhaps we could use another helping hand.
Rabbit: Yes. All we really need is....Aaaahhh!
[Suddenly, Tigger appears pouncing on Rabbit.]
Roo: Tigger!
Tigger: Hello, you blokes! Anyone up for a little bouncin'?
Rabbit: No! No! No bouncing! Look! Just look at all this work we have to do!
Tigger: What? Movin' that old thing? Not a problem. All you need is a little bouncin'.
Piglet: How will b-bouncing move the rock, T-Tigger?
Tigger: Tut, tut, tut. Not now, Piglet. If maybe we had a little, uh- Hm, mm, mm. Mm, mm, mm. Mm-hmm. Right there!
Rabbit: "Bouncing will move this boulder." Ha, ha! It's almost amusing.
[Tigger curls himself up and prepares to do his Whoop-de-Dooper, Loop-de-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce, and he ricochets all over the Rock Remover and then at the boulder. Suddenly, the boulder starts to roll with Rabbit on top, and the Rock Remover goes off with Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore, Kanga and Roo with it. They all landed in the mud. Roo lands on a tree branch, alongside Ash and Pikachu.]
Ash Ketchum: Are you guys okay?
[Roo sees the others in the mud, coughing]
Roo: Wow!
[Kanga coughs and pulls out of fish. Eeyore, on the other hand, already landed in brambles, and he got thorns all over him.]
Misty: [coughs] We’re okay Ash! We’re covered in mud.
[Tigger comes bouncing as Rabbit climbs out of the mud]
Tigger: Hoo hoo hoo hoo! Now that that's outta the way, who's up for a little bouncin'?
[Tigger slaps Rabbit’s back, causing him to move backwards]
Rabbit: Aaah!
[He falls back into the mud and comes up]
Rabbit: What is it with you and bouncing? Just look at my rock remover.
[The boulder sinks a bit as some splashes are heard by a few sticks]
Rabbit: Everything's ruined, and all you can think about is... bouncing?
Tigger: But that's what Tiggers do best.
Eeyore: Exactly. Unlike us.
Kanga: [sighs] I'm afraid he's right, dear.
Piglet: Wh-What we're... trying to say is that, uh, we really can't bounce like Tiggers anyway, because, uh-
Winnie the Pooh: We're not Tiggers.
[Tigger looks at his friends. Rabbit had his arms crossed]
Rabbit: Hmph!
[Tigger feels sad and he walks off sadly]
Ash Ketchum: [looks over to Roo] You know, Roo. I think Rabbit was a little too harsh on Tigger.
Roo: [sadly] Yeah...
Pikachu: [sadly] Pika.
[Roo jumped on top of Ash as he started to climb down the tree. Ash, Pikachu and Roo decided to follow Tigger in order to cheer him up.]
Jeremy Crow: Ash, where are going?
Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, Roo and I are going to find Tigger and cheer him up. What about you guys?
Brock: We are going to get cleaned up after that accident. Try not to upset Tigger.
Ash Ketchum: We won’t. See you guys later!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
[Ash went away with Roo and Pikachu. We cut to Tigger]
Tigger: Who needs them other fellas anyhow?
[He sees some squirrels chattering and climbing a tree. Music plays as the song Someone Like Me plays]
Tigger: Mostly I'm happy and I'm bouncy~
Because I am the onliest one
Humming birds: Hmm, hmm, hmm-hmm~
Tigger: But now all at once, I feel so lonely
For someone like me
Mice: Someone like me
Tigger: Right now, I sorta feelin' downcy
I'm just about the loneliest one
Humming birds: Hmm hmm hmm hmm~
Tigger: And deep in my heart~
I'm sort of wishin'~
For someone like me~
Bats: Someone like me~
[At the next line he sings, Tigger bounces with his shadow and then, he bounce on a branch and we see him up in the sky]
Tigger: Somebody with springs and things
Who laughs and sings and jumps everyday
Somebody who’s fun, fun, fun
Who love to trounce and pounce
[He falls into the water and comes up to the serface]
And bounce the gloomies away
[Then, three fish show up, one of them makes a bubble]
Tigger: How I dream there is another
A double or a triple of me
[Three bubbles pop]
Three Fishes: To keep him company
[Tigger goes to the bridge]
Tigger: But since I'm awake, I feel so lonely
Because I know it can't be~
Woodland animals: It never can be
Tigger: Bein' the I'm the one and onliest me
[We pan to Tigger's reflection in the water]
Tigger: [sighs] Someone like me
Owl’s Advice/ The Search Begins Ash Ketchum: Poor Tigger. He must be sad about they way his friends said to him.
Roo: I know Ash. You and I like the Tigger’s bouncing and he is our best friend.
Ash Ketchum: You said it Roo. Come one let’s go talk to him.
Pikachu: Pika. (agreed)
Roo: Right. Tigger? Don't be sad, Tigger. Why don't you go bouncing? That'll cheer you up.
Tigger: No one to bounce with, Roo Boy.
Ash Ketchum: Well, you can always play with me and Pikachu. Right Pal?
Pikachu: Pika!
Tigger: You and Pikachu are not a Tigger like me.
Roo: Well, what about another Tigger?
Tigger: Another Tigger? No it's... It's impossibibble. It's crazy. I'm the onliest one.
Roo: But aren't there other Tiggers? Ash and I got a mama. Don't you have a family somewhere too?
Tigger: Why, that's... I mean... A family full of Tiggers, you say. Can you imaginate such a thing? There'd be more Tiggers than you could stick a shake at! And we'd all be bouncing! Bouncing, morning, noon and nighty-night!
Roo: But I could still bounce with you, right Tigger?
Tigger: My very own Tigger family!
Owl: You wish to find your family. A most noble quest indeed. Here we are. Help yourself to the cream and sugar. The search for Familius Genus Tiggeris. That is Latin, I believe. Or is it Greek? Speaking of family, why, my very own family portraits hang right over there, a collection I've gathered throughout the years. Notice the interesting twists and turns of its many branches stretching out across the ages. It all comes from having strong roots, you know and plenty of time to grow. In fact, I do believe that the very seed of my family began to germinate as far back as the 14th century when a great-great-great-grand Uncle Torbett of mine went out on a limb and proclaimed his blossoming love to a blooming young maid. As their love blossomed, they eventually were blessed with nine fine, young saplings. Never a bough did break in that... Oh, my dear boy, are you quite all right? Have some more tea. Anyway, if I may go out on a limb here, I would first and foremost suggest for Tigger that to find one's family, one must first look up one's family tree. It does bring to mind a distant nephew of mine. A handsome fellow who became a sailor and fell in with a member of the feline...
Tigger: My family tree. My family tree! Why didn't I think of thinking of that? So long, Beak Lips! Thanks for the tip!
Ash Ketchum: Hey Tigger! Wait up!
Pikachu: Pikachu!
Owl: I say, was it something I said?
Narrator: And so began Tigger's grand search for his family tree. He searched high. He searched low. He searched near. And he searched far.
Tigger: Yoo-hoo! Family! Halloo!
Roo: Tigger, how are you gonna know which tree is your family tree?
Tigger: Why, that's obvious Roo Boy. My Tigger family tree has got to be the biggest, hugest and most gigantical tree in the entire 00 Acre Woodses on account of all the enormous, numerical, numerous numbers of Tigger family members that'll be on it. And besides and furthermore, it'll be all stripedy, just like yours truly. The only question is, where could my family tree be?
Rabbit: There! Good as new. Or maybe even better, if I do say so myself.
Eeyore: Could be a bit drafty. Might leak some. Sort of lopsided. Kind of cramped. Otherwise, a dream house.
Tigger: Hiya, donkey boy!
Roo: Hiya, donkey boy!
Pooh: Tigger.
Piglet: Tigger!
Rabbit: Tigger?
Eeyore: Back to his bouncy old self.
[Tigger checks around a big oak tree.]
Tigger: Oh, is this perhaps a tigger family tree up there?
Pooh: Were you asking us to bounce with you? Because, you see, we would be glad to--
Tigger: Hello, tigger family! Hello! Uh, no, not this one. Hello!
Roo: Hello!
Tigger: Other tiggers, come out, come out, wherever you are!
Roo: Other tiggers!
Tigger: Come out, come out, wherever you are! And aren't! Et cetera! Hello! Tigger's family!
Roo: Hello! Tigger's family!
Tigger: Where are you?
Piglet: Pooh bear? I didn't know Tigger had a family.
Pooh: Yes. Only it appears… that he has lost them. Seemed to be lookin' for 'em.
Piglet: Uh, was that something we were supposed to be doing too?
Pooh: Why, I believe it must be, Piglet. I quite often remember to forget these sorts of things.
Rabbit: (offscreen) Oh, no, no.
Pooh: Aren't you coming, Rabbit?
Rabbit: Huh? To look for more tiggers? As if one wasn't bad enough. No, no! No! I have too many winter preparations to make. And-- And if you three had any sense, you'd be doing the same.
Pooh: Come on.
"The whoop de dooper bounce” [?]
Tigger: Hello! Hello!
Roo: Hello!
Tigger: Tiggers! Come out, come out, wherever you aren't!
Roo: Tiggers! Hello! Tiggers!
Tigger: Just where aren't those tiggers anyway? We looked every which and where… not to mention right over there… and not a single stripedy tree in sight.
Tigger: Maybe I've been going about this all the wrong way upside down. Maybe what I need to do is find some sort of clue… as to where are their whereabouts.
Roo: What kind of clue?
Tigger: Maybe in here. Some thingamabob or an heir-i-loom or something. Oh! Maybe this belonged to my uncle! Whatever. And just think… if there are other tiggers, we could all bounce… the Whoop-de-Dooper, Loop-de-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce! 'Cause it's the bounce that tiggers do best.
Roo: The Whoop-de-w– What kind of bounce?
Tigger: Oh, you know, that bounce I bounc-ed when I bounced that big rock… the most hardest bounce of them all that only the very bestest bouncers can bounce. You know.
Roo: Only the very bestest bouncers… can bounce it.
Tigger: Oh! Could my auntie have made this for me?
Roo: I could bounce it.
Tigger: It looks like she made a pair.
Roo: If you could teach me the Whoopy Super-Duper Bounce, then I could--
Tigger: Teach ya the W-D-double-L-A-O-B? (stammers) What? That's ridickerous! Why, it-- it's a– It's a very powerful bounce, and it's only… for professional bouncers.
Roo: But I'm a real good bouncer.
Tigger: Hoo, hoo, hoo. No offence there, Roo boy… but I think you're a little on the smallish side of tiny… and kinda lackin' in perpendicaler.
Roo: I-l could do the Whooper Dooper, uh– The Looper Dooper, uh– If you teach me.
Tigger: Oh, you can't bounce the bounce… if you can't even pronounce the bounce. Repeat after Tigger. (sings) The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce. The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce. It's got the zip that makes you flip and that's what really counts in the Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce. (speaks) Now, half this bounce is 90 percent mental. If you calculate the specific tiggerjectory of your stripecelleration dicipherus by the square boot of your rebounce, your vertical situituation indicator and your stripersonic springnertia should ric-a-ticochet your hydranific fu-silly-age into an accelerometric de-orbit! Any questions?
Roo: When do I get to learn the Whooping Looper Whooper– I mean, the Looper Dooper Whooper, uh--
Tigger: (sings) The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce. The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce. The more you try, the more you fly and that's what really counts in the Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce. (speaks) Now, you swing your legs up high, and you twist your tail in tight. Wind up all your springs and with your eyes situated straight ahead… you let it all loose.
Roo: Um, is this right?
Tigger: (sings) It's best when done by tiggers 'cause ourtiggerific figgers Are filled with vim sand vigours and that's the thing that triggers the Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce. The Whoop-de-Dooper Loop-de-Looper, Ali-Ooper Bounce.
Roo: (sings) The more you try, the more you fly and that's what really counts.
Tigger: (sings) Right. It activates, it elevates, accelerates, and more.
Roo: Whee!
Tigger: (sings) You're bouncing off the ceiling like you never did before. The Whoop-de-Dooper..
Roo: (sings) Whoop-de-Dooper…
Tigger: (sings) Loop-de-Looper..
Roo: (sings) Loop-de-Looper…
Both: (singing) Ali-Ooper Bounce!
Tigger: Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!
Roo: Wow! Now me! Now me!
Tigger: Tut, tut, tut! Hoo, hoo, hoo. Wait a minute. We haven't gone over all the safety rules and regularations.
Roo: Aw!
Tigger: Rule number one: Always bounce in a well-lit area. Rule number the-next-one: Never bounce near an open flame. Rule three: Never bounce right after eatin', or you'll get tail cramps.
[As Tigger talks, Roo prepares himself.]
Roo: First you-- And then you--
Tigger: Rule number four: Do not forget rule number--
Roo: And then you let it all loose with a--
Tigger: Rule number--
Roo: Whoo! Whoa!
Tigger: I think you let it a little too loose.
Roo: Maybe another lesson? I could– What is this doohickey?
Tigger: Why, that's no doohickey. It's a thingamabob. Been in the family for generations. And I never even knew I had a doo-- Hoo, hoo, hoo! This is the exact thingamabob I was lookin' for. And it must have a picture of my tigger family inside it.
Roo: Oh, boy!
Tigger: Oh! I can't wait. I'll bet I got my mother's eyes… and my father's tail and-and– one of my sister's chins, of course. My grand pappy's stripes.
Roo: It's kind of, sort of--
Tigger: Empty. Completely tiggerless. How am I supposed to find my family now?
Roo: M-Maybe there's another way to reach 'em.
Tigger: Another way?
Roo: A letter! Why don't you write 'em a letter?
Tigger: Hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo, hoo!
"Lullabee" -
???: ????
Piglet: Pooh's been up in that tree an awful long time don't you think
Eeyore: Most likely he's stuck been known to happen
???: Are you stuck?
Eeyore: It doesn't look good.
(Suddenly, they hear a "Charge!" fanfare)
Piglet: Oh, bees, run!!!
TBA Narrator: At last, the day had come to an end, as days often will. And what had begun as a vey exciting idea had changed to a rather discouraging one.
Roo: Tigger? I gotta go home now. Mama will be worried about me. Tigger?
Tigger: Oh What am I kiddin' myself. there not coming.
???: ???
???: ???
TBA Owl: I say young Roo if you suggest that a letter would bring cheer to our friend Tigger
Narrator: And so the next morning.
????: ????
Tigger's "Family" Arrives/Ta-Ta For Ever Tigger: I wonder where they could be? What if they got the wrong directions? What if they strayed off beaten path? What if they hopefully lost? Clutched in cruel grasp of winter! Hold on Tiggers! I'm coming at to getcha!
Tigger: Is it Is it really you? My very one and only family?
Piglet: What a nice home you have
Kanga: Yes, and what lovely decorations
Eeyore: Nice weather
Tigger: Party flavor
Tigger: (gasps) Roo? What are you doin' impersonizin' a Tigger? -
Tigger: (Deeply hurt by his friends' lie) Oh. Oh. Now I understand. It was all a big joke. Well, that's all right, 'cause somewhere out there, there's a Tigger family tree full of my real Tigger family! I got a letter to prove it! And I'm gonna find 'em, so... T. T. F. E.! Ta-ta for ever! -
We've Got to Find Tigger -
Ash Ketchum: Tsk, tsk, tsk. Rabbit, we're surprised at you. Look what's happening to you now because of your selfish neglect. Every time your friends try to help you in any way or come to ask for your help, you're more preoccupied with something else like your stupid garden. You don't care about any of your friends at all. Especially when they're in a matter of need.
Pikachu: Pika Pika.
Misty: Why do you care about anything but not Tigger?
Jeremy the Crow: ????
Rabbit: Well, uh...Well, why don't you all just go find him yourselves.
Winnie the Pooh: But Rabbit, we're not really go at it like Ash and his friends are.
Brock: And besides, Rabbit, this whole mess was all your fault in the first place.
Rabbit: My fault?!
Ash Ketchum: Yeah, it was your fault, you long-eared selfish, neglectful idiot! All he ever wanted was to feel like he was a part of this family. But you could never accept him because of his bouncing and his superhuman strength.
Rabbit: But how was this my fault?! Tigger was the one who destroyed my rock-remover with his bouncing!
Brock: It doesn't matter! He was trying to help you fix something, but all you did was push him around or push him aside like he mattered to you in any way. And you even made him feel unwanted while you even called him a pest. Which was something that you've never done before!
Misty: Yeah! Some friend you've turned out to be, Rabbit! All you cared about was your stupid garden and keeping things under your stupid order!
Rabbit: Guys, I was only...
Korra: And now, because of you, Tigger is out there freezing to death in the blizzard, searching for his "family"! And pretty soon, Christopher Robin and the rest of us are gonna end up losing him forever!
Mato: Rabbit, do you even care if Tigger's going to die of hypothermia out there?! Are you gonna let that happen?! Is that what you wanted?!
Rabbit: Well uh-
Ash Ketchum: No. You just think Tigger is annoying. But at least we are like a family to him, but I guess you don't see it that way. You should be ashamed of yourself. We need you. You're only one who can help us find him. And he's the one who believes in you.
Brock: Rabbit, get your act together and help us find Tigger this very instant, or it's cold soup for dinner the rest of the winter!
Ash Ketchum: Let me handle this. (clears throat) Oh, Rabbit, you've forgot to store this for the winter. (holds up one of his mother's old decorative eggs)
Rabbit: Ash, I am not interested in any- (gasps) Is that a handcrafted, jewel-encrusted, ornamental egg?! That'll complete my collection! Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Ash!
Ash Ketchum: (immediately stops Rabbit before he could take the egg) Not so fast, you selfish, little, long eared furball! Help us bring back our best friend, Tigger, first! And then you'll get this old decorative egg as a reward. Got it?!
Tigger finds his "Family Tree"/Avalanche Tigger: Is it-Is it? My family tree! (laughs)
(Tigger bounces up to the tree and goes to enjoy it, but little does he know that somewhere near the tree, there's an old, bear trap that hasn't been activated for long periods of time.)
Tigger: Hello? Maybe they forgot I was coming. I thought you we're always there for me.
Tigger: It looks like the whole family is finally here
Rabbit: "Doing"? What are we doing here? We came all this way to look for you! Now- Now, forget about all this other Tiggers nonsense and come home!
Misty: Rabbit!
Brock: That isn't helping, Rabbit!
Rabbit: I didn't start it.
Tigger: "Nonsense"?
Ash Ketchum: Oh, you, see? Now look what you did. You are making him even more upset because you insulted him. Hope you're happy with yourself, you selfish, ungrateful, long-earred little brat!
Tigger: No!
(Tigger's voice echos, making the ground shake.)
Ash Ketchum: (gasps) Oh, no....
Rabbit: Are you crazy? It's not safe out here.
Tigger: Exactakly! That's why you should all go home... where it is safe. But I've got to wait here... in my family tree for my real family!
(His voices echos louder, making the ground shake harder.)
Ash Ketchum: (quietly) Tigger, keep your voice down! You're gonna cause an avalanche!
Tigger: (gasps) Avalanche?! (even louder) What avalanche?!
(His voices echos even louder, making the ground shake even harder.)
Pooh: Is that a rumbly in your tumbly, Pooh?
Piglet: I don't think so, Piglet.
(Everyone turns and sees a massive torrent of snow tumbling towards them. It has become clear that Ash's warnings came true. Tigger's loud outbursts had indeed caused an avalanche.)
Ash and his friends: THAT AVALANCHE, TIGGER!!!!
Ash Ketchum: Everybody, run!!!
(Everyone runs over to the tree to take cover of the avalanche.)
Tigger: Come on! Hurry up! No time for dawdling. Not a second to waste.
Brock: Hurry, let's go!
Misty: Come on!
(Suddenly, Ash's foot gets caught in the old, bear trap.)
Ash Ketchum: (screams in pain and falls over; groans and gasps upon seeing the trap on his foot) No! (grunts as he tries to free himself)
Tigger: Watch yourself there, Roo boy. Take care, Pooh bear. Don't be scared, Piglet. Up ya go, donkey boy! There you go, Misty! Don't be afraid, Pikachu! Steady there, Brock and Jiminy!
(Tigger reaches out for Rabbit.)
Rabbit: Oh, no, no, no!
(Tigger grabs Rabbit and throws him up.)
Ash Ketchum: Tigger, help! (grunts)
Tigger: (gasps) Ash! (picks up a rock) Hold tight, Ash! Tigger's a comin'! (breaks the trap's rusted chain with the rock and scoops Ash up) Hang on! (performs the Whoop-de-dooper-loop-de-looper-alley-ooper-bounce and throws Ash down to Brock and Misty before getting himself caught in the avalanche)
Roo: Tigger!
Ash Ketchum: No!
Pikachu: Pika!!
(Everyone watches in horror as Tigger falls in the avalanche)
Rabbit: Oh, no!
Misty: No, Tigger!
Ash Ketchum: What do we do?!
Roo: The Whoop-De-Dooper