Ash's Adventures of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie/Transcript
Opening/Skydiving[edit | edit source]
(movie begins near a star field and we hear a soothing voice and words appear)
- Voice: Centuries Ago, a legendary interdimensional being known as Zordon, came to the city of Angel Grove to establish a Command Center in his never ending struggle against evil. With the aid of his trusted assistant, Alpha 5, the noble master sought out six extraordinary teenagers and gave them the power to transform into a Superhuman fighting force. In time of great need, the young heroes could now call upon colossal assault vehicles known as "Zords". The identity of the six remained a guarded secret. Today, that tradition continues....
(the title appears, then explodes as we an airplane flying by inside we see the Power Rangers and their frenemies, Bulk and Skull)
- Rocky: Whoo-hoo! Come on, we're outta here!
- Kimberly: Easy, Rocky.
- Tommy: All right, guys, we're 15 seconds from the drop zone.
- Bulk: All right, pinheads, the Stealth Eagle's about to fly.
- Skull: Ditto for the Swooping Swallow.
- Aisha: Well, lead on, flyboys.
(everyone laughs as Bulk opens the door)
- Skull: That's a lotta air!
- Bulk: After you, Skull!
- Skull: What are you, crazy? This was your idea!
- Kimberly: Hey, guys. You might wanna slip those on.
- Bulk and Skull: (noticing the parachutes) Good idea.
- Billy: All right, guys. We're three seconds away from the target zone.
- Tommy: Aisha, you're on!
- Aisha: Yes! Stylin'!
- Adam: On your tail!
- Billy: All systems go!
- Rocky: Banzai!
- Kimberly: Show 'em your stuff.
- Tommy: You got it. Surf's up! Yeah!
- Kimberly: Catch you on the flip side.
(Highest Ground plays as the Rangers have a good time in the air)
- Rocky: Yeah, all right! All right, yeah.
- Tommy: All right, guys, let's break!
(the Rangers split up as they open their parachutes, meanwhile)
- Pokémon Narrator: Today, Ash and his friends begin an unforgettable adventure as they approach a familiar looking city known as Angel Grove.
(Ash and co. see a city)
- Misty: That must be...
- Ash: Must be!
- Pikachu: Pika!
- Brock: That's it alright: Angel Grove, the birthplace of the Power Rangers Legends!
- Ash: Yeah, no wonder.
- Misty: Wonder events are being held today?
- Brock: The book says there's a festival to honor the arrival of Ryan's Comet. But it only takes place once a year.
- Misty: When does it end?
- Brock: Lunchtime today. Too bad we won't be able to go.
- Ash: Why not? We still have time to make it!
- Brock: I know, but I've been planning to try a brand new recipe and make spicy pizza pancakes for lunch.
- Ash: (Drools) Really?
- Pikachu: Pika!
- Misty: Look! (Points to a passing bus down the cliff) There's a jump-a-thon down there!
- Brock: I guess so.
- Ash: Aaahh! Come on, maybe we can catch it!
- Announcer: With the arrival of Ryan's Comet just two days away, the Angel Grove Jump-a-thon will breathe new life into the old observatory. Tickets to see the comet are at the fire department booth. And now, folks, raise your eyes to the skies 'cause here comes the team from Angel Grove High!
- Ash: Hey, look!
(everyone applauds then we see a boy named Fred with his Dad)
- Fred: All right, Dad, pay close attention. This is how the pros do it.
- Fred's Dad: I didn't do so bad.
- Fred: You landed in the parking lot. It was embarrassing.
- Fred's Dad: Well.
- Announcer: The first of the team is beginning his final approach. It's Adam! As he rounds the turn he looks awful low but he pulls up just in time and hits the target dead center. Right behind him is skydiver Billy who manages a perfect landing! Skydiver number three is Kimberly! Her landing is flawless And here comes Rocky who lands right on target! Here comes Aisha! She makes it a perfect five out of five landing and ties the 1986 record. So now it's all up to Tommy Oliver. Can he make it six for six?
- Fred: Yeah, go, Tommy!
- Announcer: He's making his final approach. Looks a bit wide but still okay. Almost to the ground now. Can he do it? He does! The Angel Grove team sets a new city record! Way to go, guys!
- Fred: Let's go.
- Fred's Dad: Okay.
- Ash: C'mon, let's go!
- Announcer: Remember, folks, Ryan's Comet will be passing in just two days.
- Fred: Looking good up there.
- Tommy: Thanks, man. Maybe next time, you can join us.
- Fred: Really? Could I?
- Fred's Dad: Yeah, well, we'll talk about that, Fred. In about 10 or 12 years, all right? Hey, congratulations, Tommy. The observatory just got a new lease on life. It's great, huh.
- Tommy: Yeah, thanks, man.
- Fred: Awesome. Ryan's Comet is passing over in two days!
- Kimberly: Guys, we did it!
- Billy: That was awesome, Tommy.
- Aisha: Wonderful.
- Tommy: Thanks, guys. You too, man.
- Ash: Hey, Tommy!
- Tommy: Hey, Ash! Long time no see, man.
- Misty: Being with old friends sometimes feels like you've never been apart.
- Brock: Even the Pokemon are happy together.
- Pikachu: Pika.
- Kimberly: Long time, little guy.
- Pikachu: Cha.
- Ash: Even Kimberly missed Pikachu.
- Tommy: So what bring you to Angel Grove?
- Ash: We just wanted to see ya again.
- Brock: And maybe we check out Ryan's Comet.
- Aisha: Great idea. The more the merrier.
- Misty: Awesome!
- Togepi: Togeprrrri.
- Billy: Hey, has anybody seen Bulk and Skull?
- Aisha: Ernie's is serving a free dessert with lunch. They probably landed on the roof.
(everyone laughs)
Rollerblading/Discovering the purple egg/Reuniting with Zordon[edit | edit source]
- Pilot: You guys better hurry up and jump. We're runnin' out of fuel.
- Bulk: I got to be the eagle. I'm gonna be the eagle!
- Skull: Be the swallow! Be the swallow.
- Bulk: Come on, baby!
(Bulk and Skull jump together)
- Bulk: Let go of me!
- Skull: I want my mommy!
(meanwhile our heroes join the Rangers in rollerskating)
- Tommy: Rock and roll!
- Billy: Yeah!
(Free Ride plays)
- Tommy: Air time!
- Kimberly: Up and away!
(our heroes head to a construction site)
- Tommy: Hey, let's take shortcut.
- Kimberly: Right behind you!
(Bulk and Skull with their parachute opened lands there)
- Skull: Hey, this doesn't look like the target landing zone! Where's the free food?
- Bulk: You idiot! All your kickin' and screaming threw off the Stealth Eagle's sense of direction.
- Skull: Stealth Eagle? Lame duck is more like it.
- Dave the Worker: Hey!
- Bulk: Uh-oh.
- Dave the Worker: You guys, what do you think you're doing?
- Bulk: Uhh...We're from the Angel Grove building inspector's office.
- Skull: Yeah, that building's supposed to be over there!
- Bulk: Yeah, and what's that man doing over there without proper foot protection?
- Skull: Who's in charge around here, huh?
- John the Worker: Hey, Dave! Come and have a look at this.
- Skull: Go on, Dave. That was a close one.
- Bulk: Uh-huh.
- Skull: You hungry?
- Bulk: Always.
(the construction workers look to see a strange panel with a monster face on it)
- Dave the Worker: What in the world is this?
- John the Worker: It sure as heck ain't DWP.
- Dave the Worker: Let's get a crane in here.
(Dave and John attach cables to the panel)
- John the Worker: Okay, take it up!
- Worker: Take 'em up!
(the crane lifts the panel then a strange purple egg appears)
- Dave the Worker: Incredible. What do you think it is?
- John the Worker: No idea.
(John was about to touch the egg when suddenly purple lighting zaps him back)
- Dave the Worker: John, you all right?
(our heroes made it to Ernie's place)
- Billy: Hey, guys! Let's get somethin' to eat.
- Ash: I can't wait to see what this Ernie's got for us.
- Misty: Me neither.
- Brock: Maybe Ernie will let me make something for all of ya.
- Pikachu: Pika?
- Togepi: Toge?
(suddenly our heroes hear a beeping)
- Tommy: Hang on. Let's go over there.
(everyone head toward a secluded area)
- Tommy: What's up, Alpha?
- Alpha 5: Rangers, Zordon needs you in the command center. It's urgent.
- Tommy: We're on our way.
- Ash: Sounds like Alpha needs us.
- Tommy: Right. Let's go.
(everyone teleports, meanwhile at the Command Center)
- Alpha 5: Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi! The subtronic interphasers are short-circuiting. I have to find a way to alternate the frequency modulators.
(everyone is inside)
- Tommy: Alpha, what's goin' on?
- Alpha 5: A massive surge of evil energy is overloading our sensors. Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi!
- Zordon: (appears) Rangers, you must act swiftly. The planet is in grave danger.
- Misty: Danger from what?
- Zordon: 6,000 years ago, a morphological being known as Ivan Ooze ruled the world with a reign of unparalleled terror. He was on the verge of completing construction of his ultimate weapons: the Ectomorphicon Titans. Twin machines capable of enslaving the entire universe.
- Brock: What happened to him?
- Zordon: A group of warriors like yourselves lured him to into a hyperlock chamber and buried him deep underground. But now, the chamber has been accidentally uncovered. You must return it to the depths before it is opened and Ivan is released.
- Alpha 5: His Ectomorphicons were buried near the chamber. If Ivan escapes, he's sure to find them.
- Ash: Don't worry, Alpha. We'll make sure that doesn't happen.
- Pikachu: Pika-Pika.
- Zordon: Use extreme caution, Rangers. You're dealing with an evil that is beyond all imagination.
Meeting Ivan Ooze[edit | edit source]
(Scene: Construction Site at Night one guard sleeps while another gets a drink in his thermos, suddenly red lights flash then reveals to be Bowser, Bowser Junior, Mistress 9, Ranamon, Lord Zedd, Rita Repulsa, Goldar, and Mordant)
- Rita: What do I care about some stupid egg?
- Lord Zedd: This is no ordinary egg.
- Bowser; Zedd's right. This contains a unstoppable evil that can help us.
- Rita: Well, I say we hard-boiled that thing.
- Mordant: I'm with her. I'm hungry.
- Goldar: That's 'cause you're a pig!
- Guard: Hey, hey. Hey, Curt. Curt, take a look at this.
- Lord Zedd: No need to wake him. In fact, why don't you take a little nap yourself? (uses his staff to make the guards sleep)
- Ranamon: Wish I can do that. But, I don't have any sleep attacks.
- Goldar: Zip your lips.
- Lord Zedd: Aahh. After 2,000 years of searching, you are finally within my grasp. And now, let's crack this egg!
(Lord Zedd uses his staff to open hyperlock chamber while villains watch)
- Bowser; (chuckles evilly)
- Lord Zedd: Excellent,
(egg cracks open)
- Ranamon: Oh, my.
- Mordant: Yuck.
(Rita touches ooze inside)
- Rita: What? You spent 2,000 years looking for a tub of snot.
- Lord Zedd: Patience, motor mouth! Watch.
(Ooze begins to form)
- Lord Zedd (chuckles evilly)
(Ooze continues to form as villains watch)
- Mordant: Cool.
(Ooze continues to form until a figure takes shape)
- Ivan Ooze: (yawns loudly, then cracks his neck and sees the villains) Ladies and Gentlemen, the Ooze is back!
- Goldar: Yeah!
- Bowser Junior: Looking cool, dude!
- Ivan Ooze: Why, thank you.
- Bowser: I am Bowser Koopa, son of Dark Specter and King of the Koopa Empire. And this is my Second-in-Command.
- Lord Zedd: I am Lord Zedd, sworn enemy of all that is good and decent! It's a supreme honor to finally meet you.
- Ivan Ooze: How can I ever repay?
- Lord Zedd: Do you recall the name Zordon of Eltar?
(Ivan unleashes his anger by yelling and shooting lightening for his fingers as the villains cower in fear)
- Mordant: I think he's heard of him.
- Mistress 9: You think?
(Ivan calms down)
- Lord Zedd: I want you to destroy Zordon, so that Bowser's evil may once again reign supreme!
- Bowser: That's what I'm talking about. Loyalty.
- Ivan Ooze: I will not only destroy him, I will obliterate his entire legacy. It will be as if Zordon of Eltar, NEVER EXISITED!!!!
- Mistress 9: Now that is determination.
- Lord Zedd: (growls)
(Ivan hand kisses Mistress 9)
- Lord Zedd: We shall leave you to weave your evil ways.
- Mistress 9: (senses something) The Pokémon World Champion, is coming ever closer.
- Bowser: Are you sure?
- Mistress 9: Like moth flutter into the flame, he will come at my bidding.
- Bowser: (chuckles) Then it's time to go.
- Lord Zedd: Let's go, Rita.
(Villains teleport away)
- Ivan Ooze: (sniffing) What is that odious stench? (sniffs) Smells like.....teenagers.
(Ash, his friends, and the Rangers arrive)
- Aisha: Anybody see anything?
- Tommy: Let's take a look up there.
- Aisha: What is it?
- Adam: It reeks.
- Brock: I got a feeling someone beat us to the egg.
- Misty: (picks up something) And I know who it is, Bowser! Look! Here's one of his scales.
- Ash: That no good creep! We need to get to Zordon. He'll know why Bowser did this.
- Brock: I don't feel right about telling Zordon that Bowser's back in Angel Grove. Especially if who ever he's with is involved.
- Misty: If he and his family is behind all this, there's no telling what they'll do with Ivan.
- Ash: I think you just want to get caught.
- Misty: Who asked you!
- Tommy: Knock it off. Ash is right. We gotta tell Zordon.
- Ivan Ooze: (disguised as guard) Hey! What are you kids doin' here?
- Kimberly: Umm, you haven't seen a morphological being lurking around here?
- Ivan Ooze: (disguised as guard) A morphological being?
- Kimberly: Yeah.
- Ivan Ooze: (disguised as guard) What the heck is that? Wait a second. Did it look something like this? (transforms, laughs evilly)
- Kimberly: Eww, gross!
- Misty: He's so disgusting!
- Ivan Ooze: Too kind. Allow me to introduce myself I am the galactically feared, globally feared, universally despised. They call me Ivan Ooze.
- Rocky: Well, pack your bags, ‘Cause we're sending you right back where you came from.
- Ash Ketchum: Yeah, Ooze, you'd better get out of here before I have Pikachu shock you.
- Pikachu: Pika!
- Ivan Ooze: Gee, a teenager with a big mouth. And, a Pokémon Trainer and his sparky little rodent. Not much has changed in 6,000 years.
- Kimberly: You obviously don't know who you're dealing with, Mr. Raisin Head.
- Ivan Ooze: Really?
- Tommy: Yeah, we're the Power Rangers.
- Ivan Ooze: Whoo! Where's my autograph book? Ha! Power Rangers, huh? So Zordon's still using a bunch of kids to do his dirty work.
- Ash: Well, he still stuck in a time warp, he had to get help from someone. Got a problem?
- Ivan Ooze: Well, meet my kids! (laughs evilly as he creates Ooze Men)
- Kimberly: Ew!
- Ivan Ooze: From this moment forth, the world as you know it shall cease to exist! Welcome to my nightmare! Bye-bye, kiddies! (teleports)
- Brock: He's gone.
(Ooze Men prepare for battle)
- Kimberly: What are we gonna do?
- Ash: Looks like there's plenty of room down there.
- Tommy: Go, guys!
(Our Heroes prepare for combat as Are You Ready plays)
- Adam: Let's take these beasts!
- Tommy: Spread out! (grabs shovel handle) Welcome to my nightmare.
- Adam: Ever played kick the can?
- Aisha: Kiss and make up.
- Brock: Let me get the door.
- Billy: (after punching Ooze Man in the gut) You ooze, you lose.
- Kimberly: Sit down!
- Ash: Kim, look out!
- Kimberly: See ya!
- Billy: Right behind you, Kimberly.
(Tommy gets knocked out as the rest rejoin)
- Kimberly: Are you okay?
- Tommy: Yeah.
(Adam twirls over)
- Aisha: Adam! They got us cornered!
- Billy: We can't hold them off!
(Ooze Men corner our heroes)
- Billy: There's too many of 'em.
- Ash: What'd we do now?
- Tommy: Let's show them, guys!
- Rangers: Right!
- Tommy: It's morphin' time!
- Kimberly: Pterodactyl! (morphs)
- Billy: Triceratops! (morphs)
- Rocky: Tyrannosaurus! (morphs)
- Adam: Mastodon! (morphs)
- Aisha: Sabre-toothed tiger! (morphs)
- Tommy: White tiger! (morphs)
- Ash and Friends: (awes)
(as the Rangers land the Ooze Men have disappeared)
- Kimberly: Where'd they go?
- Adam: Keep your eyes peeled.
- Rocky: Heads up, guys! Over there!
- Brock: The Ooze Men went in there?
- Ash: We gotta stop them.
- Misty: Ash, wait!
- Tommy: No, Misty. He's right. We gotta stop them.
- Ash: Alright. Lucario, Charizard, I choose you!
- Lucario: (appears)
- Charizard: (appears)
- Ash: Lucario, can you use your Aura to find the Ooze Men?
- Lucario: (agrees, uses it's Aura sense)
- Ash: Charizard, you and Pikachu are on guard duty.
- Charizard: (agrees)
- Pikachu: Pika-Pika!
- Ash: Okay, let's go.
- Tommy: Careful, it could be a trap.
- Everyone: Right.
- Tommy: Let's go.
(the Rangers head while Ash and Friends follow)
Ivan Ooze destroys the Command Center/Battle Against the Oozemen[edit | edit source]
(The Command Center)
- Zordon: Alpha, my sensors tell me the Rangers were too late. Ivan is on his way here.
- Alpha 5: Don't worry. Nobody enters the command center without a power coin. (sees Ooze dripping on the door) Well, almost nobody.
(Ooze keeps dripping in as Zordon gets worried)
- Ivan Ooze: (forms, chuckles) Gee, pretty fancy-schmancy. I guess if you invest your money well over 60 centuries, you can buy something pretty nice.
- Alpha 5: Hi-yah!
- Ivan Ooze: (burps)
- Alpha 5: Uh-oh!
- Ivan Ooze: (chuckles, zaps Alpha)
- Zordon: You haven't changed, Ooze. You're still picking on creatures smaller than yourself.
- Ivan Ooze: Aw, put a sock in it, Z! 10 minutes out of the egg and I'm already listening to one of your lectures. You locked me into your stuffy hyperlock chamber and tossed me away in the depths like yesterday's trash. You any idea what it's like to be locked up in a rotten egg for 6,000 years? It's boring. Not to mention I've had a Charley horse since the Renaissance.
- Zordon: You won't get away with this, Ooze.
- Ivan Ooze: You robbed me of my prime. I was the supreme ruler of the most foul empire in the universe. And now, it's time to pay the piper. (grabs a pipe, plays it, then zaps the Command Center) Oh, the things that I have missed! The Black Plague! The Spanish Inquisition! The Brady Bunch reunion!
(Ivan zaps everything including Zordon as the scene fades back to the construction site)
- Adam: This place gives me the creeps.
- Aisha: I heard that.
- Billy: I've got a bad feelin' about this place.
- Misty: Me, too.
(everyone keeps walking until they hear a sound)
- Kimberly: Anybody see anything?
- Brock: 'Friad not, Kim. I can't see anything.
- Tommy: We need some light.
- Aisha: Activating power beam.
(Aisha's helmet activates flashlights as they keep walking)
- Misty: No sign of them anywhere.
- Tommy: They got to be around here somewhere.
- Ash: Lucario, need some extra help?
- Lucario: (agrees)
- Rocky: Activating power scope.
(Rocky's helmet activates a scanner visor)
- Tommy: Talk to me, Rocky. What do we got?
- Rocky: The readings are all over the place. I don't know what these purple creeps are made of, but I can't lock 'em down.
- Tommy: All right, stay alert.
(everyone keeps walking until)
- Lucario: (senses something, points)
- Rocky: Over there!
(scanner finds an Ooze Man)
- Tommy: Let's power up!
- Everyone: Right!
(Ooze Men come out of hiding)
- Aisha: Here they come!
- Ash: Let's get'em!
- Charizard: (roars)
- Lucario: (prepares)
- Misty: Staryu!
- Brock: Forretress!
- Staryu: (appears)
- Forretress: (appears)
(everyone battles the Ooze Men)
- Kimberly: You guys make me sick, sick, sick!
(everyone battles the Ooze Men until we reach Tommy)
- Tommy: Back off! (kicks Ooze Man while lying down, gets up) Have a nice flight! (twirl kicks Ooze Man) Later, dudes. (twirls upward and defeats an Ooze Man)
- Aisha: (kicks Ooze Man toward a tower) Ash, you think Pikachu can take down the ooze men?
- Ash Ketchum: I'll try, Aisha. Pikachu Thunderbolt the ooze men.
(Pikachu shocks the ooze men which caused them to melt.)
- Aisha: Good going, Ash. And you too, Pikachu.
- Ash Ketchum: Thanks, Aisha. Those ooze men are really gross.
- Aisha: Yeah, it's going to one messy night.
- Pikachu: Pika.
- Misty: Staryu, Double Edge!
- Staryu: (Double Edge, defeats an Ooze Man)
- Brock: Forretress, Rapid Spin!
- Forretress: (Rapid Spin, defeats an Ooze Man)
(Rocky and Adam battle some Ooze Men)
- Adam: Up and over?
- Rocky: Let's do it!
- Adam: Rocky, behind you! Goin' airborne! (kicks Ooze Man)
- Rocky: These guys don't know when to quit. Double whammy?
- Adam: You're on.
- Ooze Man: Huh? Uh-oh!
(we see Billy get tossed away by another Ooze Man)
- Billy: That does it. Stegastinger! (lassos back up) Did you miss me? (defeats Ooze Man)
- Kimberly: Pterodactyl Thunderwhip! Have a nice trip! See you next fall. Bye-bye. Gotta love it.
(we see Tommy defeat another Ooze Man then we see Aisha get tossed by another)
- Billy: Hold on, Aisha! One, two, three, four, five, six! Aisha! You okay?
- Aisha: These guys are tough.
- Billy: Let's finish these purple parasites.
- Aisha: You said it.
(our heroes gather together)
- Tommy: I want you guys to meet Saba.
(Tommy tosses Saba as it cuts a rope with a big object)
- Ooze Men: Uh-oh! (gets squished)
- Rangers: Yeah!
- Ash: We did it!
- Pikachu: Pika!
- Charizard: (Roars)
- Lucario: (Yells in victory)
The Power Ranges lose power/Zordon's Dying/New Mission[edit | edit source]
- Tommy: Now let's go find Ivan.
(suddenly electricity surge the Rangers uniforms and Saba disappears)
- Kimberly: Hey, what's happening?
- Billy: We're losing power.
- Kimberly: What's goin' on?
- Ash: If you ask me, I think something's happened while we were distracted.
- Misty: We better call Zordon.
- Billy: Alpha, come in.
- Aisha: Something's wrong.
- Tommy: We'd better get back.
- Ash: Right, Lucario return! Pidgeot, Dragonite!
- Pidgeot: (appears)
- Dragonite: (appears)
- Ash: Pidgeot, you take Misty. Dragonite, you take Brock.
- Misty: (gets on Pidgeot)
- Brock: (gets on Dragonite)
- Ash: (gets on Charizard) C'mon, let's go!
(everyone leaves as we see the huge ooze puddle) (we see the Command Center with smoke coming out)
- Ash: Hey, look!
- Billy: Oh, no. Ooze.
- Tommy: Let's get it open.
(everyone does so, everyone heads inside to examine what Ivan's done)
- Tommy: Look at this place. I can't believe it.
- Aisha: What happened here?
- Kimberly: Oh, no.
(everyone races toward)
- Ash: Zordon!
- Misty: What's happening to him?
- Billy: Outside of his time warp, he's dying. He needs power.
- Ash: Zordon, are you okay?
- Zordon: Rangers. Thank goodness you are safe.
- Tommy: Come on, we got to get you back inside.
- Zordon: I'm afraid that is impossible.
- Ash: Why?
- Zordon: The power has been destroyed. It is gone. The Zords. The weapons. All of it. The Power Rangers are no more. Ivan Ooze has won.
- Billy: We're losing him.
- Kimberly: Zordon, you can't leave us! Ever since you came into our lives, you've been like a father to us all.
- Zordon: You must be strong.
- Alpha 5: Rangers!
- Tommy: Alpha.
(everyone excluding Kimberly races toward Alpha)
- Brock: You okay, Alpha?
- Alpha 5: I'll be fine. There may be a power that can save Zordon.
- Adam: What power?
- Alpha 5: It is on the distant planet of Phaedos. It's very dangerous. All who have tried for it have perished.
- Ash: We can't give up, Alpha. We have to try. For Zordon.
- Alpha 5: Zordon's life force will not last long. You won't have much time.
- Misty: How do we get there?
- Alpha 5: Maybe if I can download the last plasmatic morphing gem into the transport core, I might have just enough power to get you there. But there won't be any left to get you back.
- Rocky: So, how do we get back?
- Kimberly: We have to hope that the power is there. Zordon's life depends on it.
- Alpha 5: Are you ready?
- Tommy: Yeah. We may not have our powers, but we're still the Power Rangers.
- Alpha 5: Remember, Rangers, Zordon doesn't have much time.
(everyone teleports out, the power then goes out)
- Alpha 5: Oh, no! Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi! Please hold on, Zordon!
Ivan Ooze takes command/Bowser's plan to help Ash[edit | edit source]
(our heroes teleportation have not gone unnoticed)
- Rita Repulsa: I can't believe it! How could he let them slip through his hands? He's no better than the rest of the hired help around here!
- Lord Zedd: Oh, give it a rest.
- Bowser: Yeah, Rita. Get a grip or I'll....
(palace doors open to reveal a returned Ivan Ooze)
- Ivan Ooze: Hi, honey, I'm home!
- Rita Repulsa: You egg-sucking purple pinhead! The Rangers and the Pokémon World Champ is going after the Great Power! I thought you said this guy was the master of disaster! He's nothing but a slime-infested jelly doughnut! (gets her mouth slimed shut)
- Lord Zedd: Finally someone shut her up.
- Rita Repulsa: (muffled) No!
- Ivan Ooze: Your feebleness is staggering. You obviously need a vacation. I think circumstances force us to choose a new leader and I pick me! (laughs evilly)
- Lord Zedd: (growls furiously) Who does this clown think he's dealing with?!
- Ivan Ooze: The bogeyman is taking over! (sits down on Zedd's throne)
- Lord Zedd: No one double-crosses Lord Zedd and lives! (zaps Ivan)
- Ivan Ooze: (laughing) Oh, stop it! It tickles! My turn.
- Bowser: Look out!
- Ivan Ooze: (zaps Rita and Zedd getting them trapped in a snow globe, laughs evilly)
- Rita Repulsa: Way to go, bonehead!
- Lord Zedd: It's fitting so you can't trust anyone in this galaxy!
- Ivan Ooze: Oh, I love snow globes.
- Rita Repulsa: Earthquake! Earthquake!
- Ivan Ooze: (to Bowser, Bowser Junior, Kamek, Mistress 9, Ranamon) Now you have a choice. You either serve me or you can join these insufferable dingledorks!
- Lord Zedd: Sire, get us out of here!
- Rita Repulsa: Don't listen to that purple booger!
- Lord Zedd: Don't you dare betray me!
- Bowser: Now you see us....
- Mistress 9: And now you don't.
(Kamek creates a smokescreen as they disappear)
- Ivan Ooze: Oh, well. Can't win them all.
- Rita Repulsa: Earthquake! Earthquake!
- Ivan Ooze: (to Goldar and Mordant) Now you have a choice. You either serve me or you can join these insufferable dingledorks!
- Lord Zedd: Goldar, get us out of here!
- Rita Repulsa: Don't listen to that purple booger!
- Lord Zedd: Don't you dare betray me!
- Goldar: We never liked those dingledorks in the first place.
- Mordant: You said it, they stink.
- Goldar: So what are we going to do about the Power Rangers and the Pokémon World Champion, oh my hideous one?
- Ivan Ooze: Ah, yes. The Power Rangers. And the World Champion. (snorts a loogie out of his nose)
- Mordant: Good distance.
- Goldar: Yeah.
- Ivan Ooze: Ah.
(the loogie suddenly starts forming into bird warriors)
- Ivan Ooze: Shut your beaks! Now, my Tengu Warriors, you will fly to Phaedos, you will find the Power Rangers and you will tear them apart! But spare the Pokémon World Champion, Ash Ketchum, and his friends and bring them to me alive!
(the Tengu Warriors fly out of the palace)
- Goldar: Go sic 'em, tweety!
- Mordant: Happy hunting!
(Ivan laughs evilly as the Tengu Warriors head toward Phaedos)
(meanwhile deep underneath the castle)
- Bowser Junior: Nice going, Zedd. Just like before, Ooze has overpowered ya.
- Rita Repulsa: Hey! You got the same blame too, Bonehead!
- Bower Junior: Why, you!
- Rita Repulsa: Earthquake! Earthquake!
- Bowser: Enough! It doesn't matter who's to blame. We need to stop Ivan.
- Kamek: But how, sire? He's too powerful!
- Ranamon: (gasp) I think I got it.
- Bower Junior: What is it, Ranamon?
- Ranamon: Maybe we should help the kids. After all, we did make a promise to help any hero fight a villain who's power is greater than our own.
- Bowser: Hate to be a burden, but Ivan's too powerful with just two teams.
- Voice: Thou art mistaken.
- Bowser: Mercurymon, my Digi-Warrior of Steel.
- Mercurymon: Thy thoughtless acts reflect badly upon us. Thou should study an opponent first, not just boorishly rush into battle.
- Voice: Got that right.
- Bower Junior: Arbormon, our Digi-Warrior of Wood.
- Arbormon: Yo. Good to see ya again, kid.
- Grumblemon: No forget me.
- Mistress 9: Grumblemon, Digi-Warrior of Earth.
- Mercurymon: Enough. Our circle is compelte.
- Grumblemon: But Myostimon, our other creator.
- Ranamon: Oh, sugah. He wouldn't join us in a million years.
- Kamek: That reminds me. Why isn't he here anyway?
- Mercurymon: Forsooth, he hath no heart for battle and dost little more than spy on the Digidestined waiting for thy time to strike.
- Bowser: I know that feeling. Well, Ranamon, I guess we're gonna go with your idea.
- Ranamon: Oh, goodie goodie!
- Bowser: Alright, here's the plan: we'll take our Imperial Shuttle to get to Phaedos fast. Then Junior and our Digimon will go with Ash, his amigos, and the Power Rangers to find the Great Power.
- Bowser Junior: Right.
- Bowser: Then Kamek, Mistress 9, and I will head back to Earth and see what Ivan's next move is. And when the time is right, we strike.
- Mercurymon: 'Tis a brilliant plan, my lord and master.
- Digimon: (laughs)
- Grumblemon: Me not get.
- Mercurymon: (groans) I'm surrounded by buffons.
Arriving at Planet Phaedos/Attacked by Tengu warriors[edit | edit source]
(our heroes have finally reached Phaedos)
- Ash and Friends: (awes)
- Aisha: Wow.
- Kimberly: My gosh. Look at this place.
- Ash: Well, we finally reached Phaedos. What'll we do now?
- Misty: What else? We find the Great Power and save Zordon.
- Brock: (looks at a map) Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. The map says there's ruins of a temple striaght ahead.
- Ash: And that's where we’re going. Yeah.
- Aisha: (OS) You guys! Over here, quick!
(everyone races toward Aisha as we see an giant skeleton)
- Aisha: Whoa, looks like somebody had a bad day.
- Adam: What is it?
- Billy: I think the question is what was it?
- Kimberly: Definitely not the welcoming committee, that's for sure.
- Tommy: Come on, guys, we got a job to do.
- Ash: C'mon let's go!
(everyone leaves the skeleton unbeknownst to them they're being watched by a cloaked figure, meanwhile back on Earth in an abandoned factory)
- Ivan Ooze: Taking over the world is one thing. Finding good help to run it for you, that's the killer.
- Mordant: Would you like me to make a few calls, sir?
- Ivan Ooze: No need. I'm going to recruit the parents of Angel Grove.
- Goldar: No offense, boss, but they might find you a little disgusting.
- Mordant: (burps)
- Ivan Ooze: Well, I suppose you'd be the experts on that. You forget, I'm a master of disguise.
- Mordant: How could I forget? I never knew.
- Ivan Ooze: First I'll turn them into zombies and then order them to dig up my Ectomorphicons.
- Goldar: How you gonna do that?
- Ivan Ooze: By showing them the wonders of being wicked with a little bit of Ivan's ooze. (reactivated the factory) Finally I get to finish what I started 6,000 years ago! Little do they know my weapons of destruction lie buried beneath their feet.
(the trio laughs evilly)
- Ivan Ooze: Stop it! Get to work!
- Mordant: Yes, your royal heinous highness.
(The scene changes changes to Zedd's palace)
- Arbormon: Hey! Where do you think you're going? Mercurymon ain't done wth yous yet.
- Grumblemon: You heard King Bowser. We go to Imperial Shuttle to leave now.
- Bowser Junior: Remember we're only doing this to stop Ivan from ruling behind our backs.
- Grumblemon: Me know that. (leaves)
- Ranamon: (giggles) Ooo, sounds like fun. (leaves)
- Mercurymon: (chuckles)
- Arbormon: I tried to stop him. You saw it, right?
- Mercurymon: Yes. Yes.
- Lord Zedd: Be careful, old friend.
- Bowser: Got her warmed?
- Bowser Junior: She's coming up.
- Bowser: Right. Kamek, let's see what this piece of junk can do.
- Kamek: Right, sire.
- Bowser: Ready, everybody?
- Bowser Junior: All set.
(the Imperial Shuttle takes off)
- Bowser: Alright, hang on. (engages hyperdrive)
(the Imperial Shuttle enters hyperspace)
(The scene changes back to Phaedos where the rangers, Ash, Misty, Brock and Pikachu walk over the rocks. Kimberly stops while a concerned Tommy and Ash walk up to her.)
- Tommy: (concerned) Hey, you okay?
- Ash Ketchum: What's wrong, Kimberly?
- Pikachu: Pikachu?
- Kimberly: I was just thinking about Zordon. You know everything we've been through together.
- Ash Ketchum: (looks down sadly) Yeah, me too.
- Tommy: Look, he's gonna make it. We'll find his power and then send that slime ball Ivan Ooze back to the sewer he crawled out of.
- Ash Ketchum: Yeah, when we're finished with him. I'll make sure he'll regret for attacking Zordan and Alpha by having Pikachu fry that no-good slime ball. Right, buddy?
- Pikachu: (agreeing) Pikachu.
- Ash Ketchum: And Kimberly, don't give up until it's over. Right, Tommy?
- Tommy: Right, Ash.
- Ash Ketchum: Come on, guys. Let's catch up with the others.
(Suddenly their sweet moment was cut as Kimberly screams in fright as the Tengu warrior appears. Ash gasps as Pikachu's cheeks spark.)
- Tommy: What the heck was that?(Adam, Aisha, Billy, and Rocky react in shock upon seeing the Tengu warriors appear.)
- Billy: Get down!
- Tommy: Let's move!
- Ash Ketchum: What's the matter, Pikachu?
- Pikachu: (pointing to the Tengu warriors) Pika, Pi!
- Brock: Giant birds!
- Ash Ketchum: Looks like Ivan found us!
- Tengu Warrior: Good guess.
- Brock: Man, can this get any worse?
- Tengu Warrior: I don't know. Let's try.
- Rocky: Look out!
- Adam: They're everywhere!
- Tommy: Take cover!
- Misty: Let's get out of here!
(Tengu Warriors lands and battles our heroes)
- Aisha: Back off.
(one tries to get Billy, but Billy gets out of the as Tengu hits the cliff and falls backwards)
- Billy: You know the funny thing about morphing?
- Rocky: What's that?
- Billy: You don't appreciate it until you can't do it anymore. (Tengu attacks)
(Tengu battle resumes)
- Bowser Junior: (OS) Hey, Ash!
- Ash Ketchum: Huh? (OS) Bowser Junior? What are you doing here?
- Ranamon: Look Out!
(a Tengu tries to get Ash and his friends)
- Ash and his friends (screaming)
- Mercurymon: Dark Reflection! (attacks)
(attack hits Tengu as it falls backwards)
- Ash Ketchum: Thanks.
- Mercurymon: Just doing thy duty, really.
(Kimberly kicks a Tengu until...)
- Ash Ketchum: Kim, look out!
(Tengu grabs Kimberly)
- Tommy: Hang on, Kimberly!
- Kimberly: Somebody help me!
- Aisha: They're too strong!
- Adam: We need our powers!
- Bowser Junior: They're gone, remember?!
- Arbormon: What do we do now?
- Brock: Don't look at me.
(Tengu keeps a hold of Kimberly)
- Kimberly: Let me go, Big Bird!
(a monstrous noise is heard as a mysterious figure appears, Tengu lets Kimberly go, Kim lands)
- Grumblemon: Who scare little Tengu?
(the figure drops done and reveals to be a beautiful woman as she lands)
- Brock: She's beautiful.
- Misty: Hello in there?
- Brock: Beautiful.
- Misty: (sighs) Here we go again.
- Bowser Junior: What's with him?
- Ash Ketchum: Don't ask.
(the woman attacks the Tengu, then snaps her staff in two and moves them making a whistling sound driving the Tengu Warriors away)
Meeting Dulcea/A Cloaked Figure Appears[edit | edit source]
- Brock: You were amazing. Thanks for saving us. (gets whacked) Ow!
- Dulcea: If you want to thank me, go back to whatever it is you came from.
- Misty: We just got here.
- Aisha: We can't go back.
- Billy: We were told that there was a great power. Is it true?
- Dulcea: Yes. The ground littered with the bones of those who had tried for it and failed.
- Tommy: We're different. We won't fail. (Dulcea whacks Tommy and pins him to the ground angrily)
- Dulcea: Leave Phaedos before it's too late.
- Ash Ketchum: Look, we don't want any trouble. Our friend, Zordon--
- Dulcea: Zordon? Did you say "Zordon?"
- Ash Ketchum: (giggles) Yep.
- Kimberly: You know Zordon? Who are you?
(Tommy gets up as she lets him go.)
- Dulcea: I am Dulcea, master warrior of the planet Phaedos. What has happened to Zordon?
- Bowser Jr: Zordon got attacked by that traitorous slimeball, Ivan Ooze.
- Dulcea: Ivan Ooze is free?
- Billy: You've heard of him?
- Dulcea: Ivan Ooze is a monster. If we don't hurry, your planet is doomed. Follow me.
- Pikachu: (jumps off Ash) Pika!
- Ash: (Ash turns to his allies) Should we?
- Arbormon: You heard the warrior, let's go!
(Everyone follows Dulcea)
(Scene: The Command Center)
- Zordon: Alpha. I'm deeply concerned about the Rangers.
- Alpha 5: Please, Zordon. Save your strength. You need to rest.
- Zordon: We must try to communicate with them. It is possible I can help them,
- Alpha 5: Perhaps if I can locate a vertical deflector, then we can make contact through the Viewing Globe.
- Zordon: Please. Please, hurry.
- Alpha 5: Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi! Hold on!
(an elevator opens to reveal a cloaked figure as he approaches Zordon)
- Zordon: I sense your training was interrupted.
- Figure: A small rebel force has landed on Phaedos and has met the Master Warrior.
- Zordon: Dulcea.
- Figure: Bowser's son is with them.
- Zordon: Are you sure?
- Figure: I have felt him, my Master.
- Zordon: Then Bowser must've realized his mistake. Tell me, have the spirits of your Jedi Masters forgiven you for your mistakes?
- Figure: They have, my Master.
- Zordon: Then you are ready to rejoin your friends.
- Figure: They will come to me?
- Zordon: Yes. I have foreseen it. Their love for you will make our alliance grow stronger. First, you must choose on how our friends will see you. In a cloak? Or not.
- Figure: I already made my decision. (leaves) Alpha?
- Alpha 5: Aye-yi-yi-yi. I have a bad feeling about this.
(Zordon turns to rest)
Ivan Ooze tricking the kids/Dulcea guides the heroes[edit | edit source]
(meanwhile Ivan Ooze disguise as a wizard appears before some kids)
- Ivan Ooze: Guys and girls, girls and guys, gather round and feast your eyes. I promise you all, you just can't lose when you've got your own supply of Ivan's ooze.
- Boy 1: What are we supposed to do with it?
- Ivan Ooze: Show it to parents, show it to friends. When you've got your ooze, the fun never ends.
- Boy 2: This is kinda gross.
- Ivan Ooze: You may have heard that looks can be deceiving. I'm sure that when you've tried it, you all will be believing. And did I mention? It's free!
- Boy 3: I'll take some.
- Ivan Ooze: There you go. Who else? There you are! Okay, there's enough for everybody. Take it home in boxes, take it home in cases. If your parents try to stop you, just throw it in their faces!
(meanwhile on Phaedos, our heroes continue to follow Dulcea)
- Grumblemon: Dulcea, where you take us?
- Dulcea: You shall know soon enough.
- Misty: We have to hurry. Zordon won't last much longer.
(our heroes continue until they reach a temple)
- Tommy: Wow!
- Aisha: Amazing.
- Mercurymon: What is thy place, mi'lady?
- Dulcea: These are the ancient ruins of the Ninjetti Temple. There, beyond the Niola Jungle, is the monolith. Inside awaits the power of the universe. The monolith is heavily guarded against intruders. No one has ever survived an attempt to reach it.
- Ash: Then how can we?
- Dulcea: You were chosen by Zordon. I have faith in his wisdom.
- Tommy: Can you help us?
- Dulcea: We will call upon the sacred animals of the Ninjetti for help.
(back on Earth, a car parks at a house, someone gets out: Fred's Dad)
- Fred's Dad: Fred!
(Fred's Dad opens Fred's jar of Ooze and gets hypnotized and heads out wit alot of other hypnotized people, back at the Command Center)
- Alpha 5: There, that should do it. Let's give it a whirl!
- Reporter: Angel Grove police have been fielding hundreds of calls from concerned citizens as the number of missing parents continues to grow.
(Static interferes then Ooze appears still in his disguise)
- Ivan Ooze: Hi, folks, Ivan Ooze here. Are you bored with your work? Are you bored with your life? Then come on down to Ooze City and let's get sticky!
- Alpha 5: Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi!
- Zordon: Ivan's evil plot is taking shape. I just hope they're not too late.
(meanwhile on Phaedos, it is nighttime and the Rangers stand near a fire as Dulcea opens a pouch containing dust)
- Ash: BJ, remind me again why we're all sitting here?
- Bowser Junior: Because, Dulcea said this is for the Rangers. Now keep it down, the show's about to begin.
- Dulcea: Buried deep within each of us is an animal spirit waiting to be released. Close your eyes and look deep inside.
(the Rangers do so as Dulcea blows the dust, it swirls as the Rangers get some ninja outfits)
- Ash and Friends: (awes)
- Dulcea: Aisha, you are the bear, fierce and unstoppable. Rocky, powerful, smart. You are the mighty ape. Billy, you are the wolf. Cunning and swift. Agile Kimberly, light as a feather, you are the crane. Adam. Adam, what's wrong?
- Adam: I'm a frog.
- Dulcea: Yes, a frog. Like the one you kiss to get a handsome prince. And you, Tommy, are the falcon, winged lord of the skies. To be in harmony with a sacred animal spirit is to have the force of the Ninjetti. To those who are Ninjetti, anything is possible. But I am afraid you must do this on you own.
- Misty: You're not coming with us, Dulcea?
- Dulcea: If only I could. One step beyond this plateau and I would begin to age as rapidly as Zordon is now. The strength is inside you. Trust it. Your sacred animals will be your guide.
- Ash Ketchum: We'd like to thank you for everything, Dulcea.
- Dulcea: It was my pleasure, Ash. Protect your friends well. (kisses Ash)
(Misty and Brock get shocked)
- Dulcea: May your animal spirits watch over you. (transforms into a white owl then flies away)
- Misty: Wait a sec. Did Dulcea do what we think she did?
- Brock: I don't know. But I am extremely jealous!
- Pikachu: Pika?
- Mercurymon: (chuckles)
- Arbormon: We tried to stop her. You saw it, right?
- Mercurymon: Yes. Yes.
- Ranamon: What do women see in that kid, anyway?
- Bowser Junior: Don't ask.
(back on Earth, Fred returns home to discover his Dad is gone)
- Fred: Dad? Dad? Dad, where are you?
The tengu warriors get destroyed/The heroes journey to the monolith[edit | edit source]
(at the construction site, we see Bowser, Kamek, and Mistress 9)
- Bowser: Is this it?
- Kamek: Yes, sire. This is where Zedd said to find him.
- Mistress 9: There.
(Ivan sits alongside Goldar)
- Ivan Ooze: I forgot how slow parents are. I thought my Ectomorphicons would be dug up by now. Oh, Goldie, I'm bored. Let's have some fun. (to an adult) Hey, you! Dance.
(Adult does so)
- Ivan Ooze: Do the swim.
(Adult does so)
- Goldar: (laughs) Ballet!
(Adult does so)
- Goldar: Hey, boss! They're back!
(the Tengu Warriors return)
- Ivan Ooze: Ah! My Tengu.
(the Tengu Warriors land)
- Ivan Ooze: Stop your screeching. How did you fare?
- Tengu Warrior 1: It couldn't have gone better.
- Tengu Warrior 2: Threw one of 'em off a mountain, one into a ragin' river.
- Ivan Ooze: So, the Wold Champion and his friends, they've all been captured?
- Tengu Warrior 1: Well, we were about to catch them, but...
- Ivan Ooze: What? You didn't catch them? You call yourself Tengu warriors? You're more like Tengu turkeys! I'll have you all stuffed and roasted!
- Bowser: Whew! They didn't get them.
- Mistress 9: That's a relief.
- Tengu Warrior 1: But, master, there was this monster with these huge sticks and it kept twirling them around!
- Ivan Ooze: Sticks? Did these sticks have a whistling sound?
- Tengu Warrior 1: Well, it was more like nails on a chalkboard.
- Ivan Ooze: Dulcea. That miserable, manipulating, loathsome she-devil of a witch! If she leads them to the Great Power, everything will be ruined.
- Tengu Warrior 1: Do you want us to take another whack at it?
- Ivan Ooze: How about takin' another quack at it? (destroys the Tengu) No time to waste. My Ectomorphicon machines must be unearthed by sundown.
- Kamek: At least we know that the Prince and the others aren't alone.
- Bowser: C'mon! Let's head back to the castle and prepare for phase 2.
(meanwhile on Phaedos, it's sunrise and our heroes await for the right time to go)
- Tommy: It's time.
(our heroes head toward the Niola Jungle)
- Billy: Man, this jungle goes on for ever.
- Tommy: We've got to keep moving, guys.
- Ash: Tommy's right. Zordon's time is running out.
(back on Earth, Fred is seen at the construction site to discover his Dad)
- Fred: Dad! (races toward him) Dad! Hey, Dad! Dad, what's wrong with you? It's me, Fred. Dad, we got to get outta here!
- Goldar: Hey, you! Get back to work!
- Mordant: Yeah, pick up those rocks! Tote that barge! Lift that bale!
- Goldar: Put your weak backs into it!
- Mordant: Yeah, I had a weak back about a week back.
- Ivan Ooze: (appears) Feast your eyes on the exoskeleton of the barbaric Hornitor! The dreaded Scorpitron should be close by. Once my lovely little Ectomorphicon machines are up and running, spreading ooze throughout the world, I shall annihilate Angel Grove, and then the universe!
- Mordant: We're taking over the world, taking over the world.
(Fred is shocked to hear and see the truth, suddenly a Troopa grabs him)
- Bowser: Hey, kid.
- Fred: Bow-
- Mistress 9: Shh.
- Bowser: Listen, kid. You know who I am. So, let's get down to business. The Power Rangers and the Pokémon World Champion are on another planet trying to reclaim their powers to stop Ivan. Since you know Ivan's plan we're gonna need your help to stop him. So, listen close...
Fighting the Dinosaur Skeleton/Ivan Ooze brings the Ecto-Morphicons to life[edit | edit source]
(meanwhile on Phaedos, our heroes head inside an area filled with giant bones)
- Aisha: What is this place?
- Billy: Looks like some kind of graveyard.
- Ash: I wonder what happened to them all.
- Adam: Personally, I'd rather not find out. Welcome to Jurassic Park.
- Ranamon: Very funny, sugah.
[a skeleton come to life]
(the skeleton attacks)
- Rocky: Aisha, get outta there!
(the skeleton attacks Aisha)
- Brock: Why is that thing attackin Aisha?
- Bowser Junior: He's a predator. Predators always hunt the females first.
(Rocky tries to stop it but gets knocked out)
- Kimberly: Rocky!
- Ash and Friends: (scream)
(the skeleton heads toward Adam and Pooh and Pals)
- Adam: Uh-oh.
- Ash and Friends: Let's get outta here!
(they escape but the skeleton heads toward Kimberly)
- Kimberly: Get away from me!
- Ash: Kimberly!
- Kimberly: Tommy!
- Tommy: Hang on!
- Kimberly: Tommy, help!
- Misty: Somebody do something!
- Tommy: All right, bonehead! (attacks then gets on the skeleton's back riding it like a mechanical bull)
- Aisha: Tommy, hang on!
- Billy: Tommy!
- Rocky: Hold on tight, Tommy!
- Tommy: (holds on then sees a bone on the skeleton's head) Yo, fossil head! I've got a bone to pick with you! (removes bone defeating the skeleton) Huh? (falls off)
- Kimberly: Are you okay?
- Tommy: Yeah, I'm fine.
- Billy: Looks like biology finally paid off for you, huh?
- Rocky: Maybe we should get outta here before he pulls himself together or something.
- Tommy: Yeah.
(everyone leaves) (meanwhile back on Earth in the abandoned factory, the adults reconstruct the Ectomorphicons as shipments of Ooze convey)
- Goldar: You there! Let's show a little initiative! And you, get your rear in gear!
(unbeknownst to the villains, Fred, Bowser, Kamek, and Mistress 9 is inside the factory looking for Fred's Dad)
- Goldar: Pick up the pace! We haven't got all day! (to Ivan) Hey, boss, construction is completed.
- Mordant: Yeah, when's lunch?
- Ivan Ooze: Parents of Angel Grove! You have completed my Ectomorphicons! But, frankly, I'm sick of your ugly faces and your dull personalities.
- Goldar: Yeah!
- Ivan Ooze: You will return to the construction site and leap to your doom.
- Mordant: Yeah, leap to your doom.
- Ivan Ooze: Bye-bye.
- Goldar: Bye-bye!
- Mordant: Aloha!
- Goldar: Arrivederci!
- Fred: Dad!
- Bowser: That creep!
- Mistress 9: That weasel!
- Ivan Ooze: Hasta la vista, baby.
- Goldar: See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!
- Ivan Ooze: Ciao.
- Mordant: See ya later, alligator.
- Ivan Ooze: Finally, the moment of truth! Mordant, let the ooze flow!
- Mordant: Comin' right up.
(Ooze starts flowing into Ivan's machines)
- Ivan Ooze: Ooze, give my creatures life! Life, I tell you! Life!
(Ivan then zaps the Ectomorphicons bringing them to life)
- Hornitor: (growls)
- Goldar: Excellent!
- Mordant: (screams)
- Scorpitron: (hisses then snaps it's claws)
- Ivan Ooze: Now my machines will destroy the city! (laughs evilly)
- Ectomorphicons: (growls)
- Mistress 9: (The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie VO) No, no, no! Oh, Junior, wherever you are, you better hurry.
Fighting the temple's guardians/The Power Rangers get new powers[edit | edit source]
(meanwhile on Phaedos, our heroes finally reach the Monolith)
- Adam: Hey, guys, check this out.
- Ash and Friends: (awes)
- Rocky: Incredible.
- Tommy: Let's go, guys. Nice and easy.
(our heroes walk toward the Monolith door)
- Adam: What do you think?
- Tommy: Wait here.
(Tommy exams the door touching a picture of a gargoyle)
- Kimberly: Tommy!
- Brock: Look out!
(gargoyle comes to life and attacks, then more come to life)
- Ash: What now?
- Tommy: Ninjetti! The falcon!
- Adam: The frog!
- Rocky: The ape!
- Kimberly: The crane!
- Billy: The wolf!
- Aisha: The bear! Whoa! (ducks)
(everyone attacks the gargoyles)
- Adam: These things are made of rock.
- Billy: These guys are strong.
- Kimberly: Yikes.
- Aisha: Back off, boulder breath!
(Adam comes face to face with the first gargoyle)
- Rocky: Hang tight, Adam!
- Mercurymon: We're coming, frog knight.
- Adam: Ever played leapfrog?
- Rocky: (slips toward a ledge) Adam!
- Adam: Hang on, Rocky!
- Mercurymon: Hey, lava head! Dark Relfection! (hits the gragoyle as it falls to the water)
- Rocky: Thanks, Mercurymon. Thought I was finished.
- Adam: That's one down, and three to go.
(Aisha tries to escape another gargoyle by hiding in a cave)
- Aisha: Whoa! Somebody help!
- Grumblemon: Seissmic Sledge! (whaps gargoyle) Can we talk? (gargoyle growls) Guess not.
- Kimberly: Come on, roll!
- Misty: Push harder, Kim.
- Tommy: Hang on, girls! They're strong, but they're not too smart. Come on, help me push.
- Kimberly: Right.
- Misty: Let's rock his world.
- Adam: What is this, pick-on-the-frog day?
- Billy: Hey, Adam, could you use a hand? The thought crossed my mind. (pulls a vine down) Adam!
- Adam: Elevator goin' up.
- Billy: Elevator goin' down. Talk about a splitting headache.
- Rocky: (after gargoyle tries to get him) That was close.
- Tommy: All right. Ready?
- Billy: Yeah.
- Tommy: Go!
(Kimberly and Billy swing toward the gargoyle)
- Tommy: Ninjetti corkscrew kick! Eightball, corner pocket!
(our heroes celebrate until an earthquake happens)
- Aisha: What now?
- Kimberly: Whoa, what's happening?
- Ash: Hey, look.
(the doors open to reveal a monument with a picture of familiar animals)
- Ash and Friends: (awes)
- Aisha: The Great Power.
- Billy: The sacred animals.
(the picture glows as spirits of Zords appear)
- Adam: New Zords!
(the spirits of Zords swirl around the Rangers until their uniforms change into their Power Ranger suits)
- Aisha: We did it!
- Billy: Our morphers are on line.
- Tommy: We got the power!
- Kimberly: All right.
- Ash and Friends: (celebrate)
- Rocky: Hang on, Zordon! We're on our way.
- Kimberly: Let's do it.
- Brock: Next stop, planet Earth!
(our heroes begin to teleport home)
- Ash: We're coming, Zordon!
(Dulcea still an owl watch our heroes return home)
- Dulcea: Good luck, Rangers. (flies away)
(meanwhile back on Earth, Hornitor and Scorpitron attack the city)
- Ivan Ooze: Citizens of Angel Grove, how do you like my friends, huh? The boys are back in town!
- Goldar: Long live the king of ooze!
(at the Command Center, Alpha watches something horrible)
- Reporter: The mayor has declared a state of emergency. He's asked that the city be immediately evacuated. Angel Grove has never before known such a...
- Alpha 5: Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi! Ivan's evil machines are destroying Angel Grove!
- Zordon: Alpha, keep trying.
- Reporter: Where are the Power Rangers?
(scene transcends to our heroes returning to Earth, Ivan examins the chaos)
- Ivan Ooze: I love the smell of destruction in the evening.
- Goldar: Me, too.
- Ivan Ooze: (sniffs) What's that smell? (sniffs, looks up) Inconceivable. The Power Rangers!
The heroes battle Ivan Ooze and the Ecto-Morphicons[edit | edit source]
(our heroes land safely)
- Tommy: Oh, man! Look at this mess.
- Rocky: This is Ivan's handiwork.
- Adam: Let's get back to the command center.
- Ash: Good idea. Once we revive Zordon, he'll tell us what's going on.
- Billy: (hears a stomp) Wait, what was that?
- Aisha: I think we're about to find out. Look!
(Scorpitron appears)
- Kimberly: Whoa, what is that thing?
- Mercurymon: Forsooth, 'tis one of Ivan's Ectomorphicons.
- Tommy: Guess Ivan's been busy while we were away.
(Scorpitron fires it's tail laser puting our heroes in a shock)
- Tommy: What's that?
(everyone turns to see Hornitor)
- Misty: There's another one.
- Kimberly: That one’s even uglier.
(Hornitor fires it's eye lasers)
- Kimberly: Whoa!
- Aisha: We've got to stop these things.
- Ash: What'll we do now?
- Tommy: We've got new Ninja Zords. Let's use 'em!
- Rangers: Right!
- Kimberly: Ninja Crane Zord!
- Billy: Ninja Wolf Zord!
- Adam: Ninja Frog Zord!
- Rocky: Ninja Ape Zord!
- Aisha: Ninja Bear Zord!
- Tommy: Ninja Falcon Zord!
(Rangers extend their arms as beams of light appear)
- Goldar: Uh-oh.
(the symbol seen from the Monolith appear lighting strikes to reveal the Zords)
- Kimberly: Check it out!
- Adam: Ninja Zords!
- Tommy: Cool!
- Aisha: All right!
- Rocky: Yes!
- Adam: Awesome!
- Ash and Friends: (awes)
- Goldar: Oh, No! It's the Zords!
- Ivan Ooze: Ah, Zords, schmords. I'll crush 'em like roaches.
- Tommy: Let's do it!
- Rangers: Right! Ninja Zords power up!
(Rangers teleport upward)
- Bowser Junior: (as he, Ash, and Tommy enter the Falcon Zord) Yee-haw!
- Tommy: Ready to ride. Yes!
- Billy: All systems on line.
- Adam: Activating weapon systems.
- Kimberly: Nice stereo.
- Rocky: We're outta here!
(the Rangers fly away in their Zords, we see the parents still hypnotized marching)
- Parents: Leap to our doom! Leap to our doom! Leap to our doom!
(meanwhile at Ernie's the kids party while Trouble plays until Fred appears)
- Fred: Hey, everyone! (whistles) Listen up! You all think this is one big party, don't you?
- Kids: Yeah!
- Fred: Well, you've all been brainwashed. Ivan's taking over the planet and he's using all of us in his plans! And he's got our parents.
- Kid: What are you talking about?
- Fred: Look, Ivan Ooze is evil. And if you don't come with me right now, our parents are gonna die! You got to believe me!
(meanwhile Tommy, Ash, and Bowser Junior are flying in the Falcon Zord)
- Tommy: Alright Rangers, I'm over the east quadrant. My sensors are picking up a disturbance. I'm goin' in.
- Ash: Look!
- Bowser Junior: There it is!
- Tommy: Somebody call for an exterminator? I've got a lock. (Falcon Zord arms rockets) Rockets away! (fires but misses but Scorpitron doesn't)
- Tommy: I've been hit! We're pullin' out!
- Adam: Don't worry, Tommy, Frog Zord is in position.
- Goldar: We got 'em now, boss.
- Ivan Ooze: Touch me again, you'll be chicken wings in the morning.
(Goldar takes his hand off, meanwhile the Frog Zord unleashes his tounge on Scorpitron)
- Adam: Tongue-tied and twisted. Yee-Haw! (Scorpitron zaps)
- Brock: Bad move, sparky. You play with fire, you're gonna get burned. (Frog Zord sends electricity on Scorpitron but it retaliates)
- Mercurymon: Me thinks we need backup!
- Billy: I'm on my way! (Wolf Zord appears) Wolf Zord approaching target. Keep him tied up, Adam. I'm loading hydraulics.
- Adam: I'm losin' him!
- Billy: Ready, Arbormon?
- Arbormon: Let's get'em.
- Billy: Here it goes! (Wolf Zord grabs tail) All right! Got him.
(both Zords hold on tight, meanwhile Aisha and Misty inside the Bear Zord face Hornitor)
- Aisha: Time to boogie with the bear.
- Misty: Okay Bug Breath, bring it on.
(Hornitor fires at the Zord)
- Misty: (screams)
- Aisha: Whoa! I've been hit hard!
(the Ape Zord appears)
- Rocky: Ape Zord locked on target.
- Grumblemon: Dog pile on buggy.
- Rocky: Yeehaw! Ride 'em, cowboy!
- Aisha: Hang in there, Rocky!
- Rocky: Oh, I'm hangin'! I'm hangin'!
(the kids menwhile, head toward the monorail)
- Fred: Come on! We'll take the monorail!
- Kid: We got to stop Ivan!
- Kid: All right!
- Girl: Let's get down to the construction site!
(the monorail leaves the station, meanwhile Kimberly heads toward the observatory)
- Kimberly: All right, guys, I've got a lock on the ooze man.
- Ivan Ooze: Ah. Here comes that cute little Pink Ranger to the rescue.
- Goldar: Oh, you think she's cute too, huh?
- Kimberly: One order of toasted slime comin' up.
- Ivan Ooze: So, you wanna play, huh? (zaps the Crane Zord)
- Kimberly: Ivan's got me in an electromagnetic deadlock! I can't break free!
- Tommy: Hang on, Kimberly!
(meanwhile Adam, Billy, Mercurymon, Brock, and Arbormon are still holding on)
- Billy: I'm getting airsick up here!
- Arbormon: I'm getting dizzy.
- Adam: My stabilizers have ruptured! I can't hold on much longer!
- Brock: Hang in there, Adam!
- Ivan Ooze: (laughs evilly)
- Kimberly: I'm burning up in here!
- Aisha: Kimberly, use your thrusters!
- Kimberly: Right! Now, which button? (hits the button) WHOA!
- Ivan Ooze: Dah! I'll deal with you later.
- Goldar: Yeah, later.
(meanwhile the Wolf Zord loses it's grip and break Scorpitron's tail)
- Billy: Ah, oozed.
- Arbormon: Yuck.
(meanwhile, the Frog Zord still holds on tight)
- Adam: I'm losing my grip! I can't hold on much longer!
- Mercurymon: Hang in there!
- Bowser Junior: We're coming, Mercurymon!
- Tommy: Falcon Zord is back in the game.
- Ash: Adam, disengage. We got a clear shot!
- Adam: He's all yours. (lets go)
- Tommy: All right, big guy, it's lights out for you. (Falcon Zord moves its wings face forward) Rockets away!
(the Falcon Zord fires it wing tip rockets and destroys Scorpitron)
- Adam: He's outta there!
- Tommy: Target neutralized. Let's get the other one.
Ivan’s Fury/Megazord Battle/Stopping the Parents[edit | edit source]
(meanwhile, Hornitor still tries to shake off the Ape Zord)
- Rocky: He's too strong! I can't take him down!
- Grumblemon: Hang in there!
(Hornitor lets them go)
- Rocky: Whoa!
- Grumblemon: (screams)
(the Zords come in)
- Tommy: Everybody close in. This street's a dead end.
- Bowser Junior: There's no escaping now.
- Ivan Ooze: They've destroyed my beautiful creation.
- Hornitor: (whimpers)
- Ivan Ooze: Now I'm beginning to get really angry!
- Goldar: Dah!
(Ivan starts form a stream as he bounds with Hornitor)
- Kimberly: Oh, I'm gonna be sick.
- Ivan Ooze: I feel big again!
- Goldar: Go get 'em, booger man!
(Hornitor becomes Ivan Morphicon)
- Ash and Friends: (gasp)
- Aisha: Whoa, somebody call a plastic surgeon.
(Ivan grabs the observatory)
- Goldar: Oh, no! I'm outta here! (flys away)
- Ivan Ooze: Time for a little swordplay.
(Ivan heads toward our heroes destroying the monorail track)
- Kimberly: He destroyed the monorail track.
- Misty: Bad news, the monorail is coming this way. Some kids are heading toward the construction site.
- Ash: We got to save them and stop Ivan!
- Tommy: We need Ninja Megazord power now!
- Rangers: Ninja Megazord, power up!
(Zords start to form the Megazord)
- Tommy: Ash, BJ, head to the others, I'll catch up.
- Ash: Right.
- Tommy: Guys, the monorail's in trouble. I'll complete docking sequence later.
- Kimberly: Okay, we'll take care of Ivan.
(Zords finish forming the Megazord)
- Kimberly: Crane Zord locked on. Checking out.
- Rangers: Ninja battle mode now!
(Ninja Megazord steps forward)
- Billy: Activating Ninja Megazord battle mode.
- Rangers: Power Sword, now!
(Ninja Megazord prepares for combat)
- Ivan Ooze: Shall we tango?
(the two giants battle, meanwhile on the monorail)
- Kid: Oh no, what is that?
- Fred: The track's broken!
- Kids: Oh, no!
(meanwhile Tommy arrives in time)
- Tommy: Hang on, kids. Falcon Zord is coming for a landing.
- Fred: Everybody hang on!
(the Falcon Zord lands on the broken track in time)
- Everyone: All right, yeah!
- Tommy: Good luck, kids.
(meanwhile Ivan destroys the Power Sword)
- Aisha: The Power Sword has been destroyed.
- Misty: Not good.
- Ranamon: Uh-oh.
(Ivan punches the Megazord then grabs it)
- Rocky: Micropressure's dropping!
- Adam: Negative helm control!
- Kimberly: Tommy, we need your help!
- Tommy: Hang tight, guys. I'm on my way.
(Ivan then twirls the Megzord)
- Kimberly: Everybody hang on!
- Ivan Ooze: Next stop, Angel Grove First National. (tosses the Megazord)
- Ash and Friends: (screams)
- Billy: Brace for impact!
(the Megazord hits its target)
- Billy: All systems are down! He's closing in!
- Misty: Tommy, get over here now!
- Tommy: Falcon Zord, coming in to complete the sequence. (docks onto the back) Ninja Falcon Megazord! All right, guys. Let's get Ooze outta here before he destroys everything.
- Billy: I'll set a course for outer space.
- Tommy: Good idea.
- Rangers: Let's do it!
(the Megazord flys away)
- Ivan Ooze: You can run, but you can't hide. (sprouts wings) Yee-haw! (flys after them)
(at the construction site)
- Parents: Leap to our doom! Leap to our doom! Leap to our doom! Leap to our doom!
(the kids arrive in time)
- Kid: It's our parents!
(Fred looks around then sees two trucks)
- Fred: (to everyone) You guys try and stop them. (to Bulk and Skull) And you two come with me.
(Bulk and Skull follow as the kids try their best to stop the parents)
Ivan Destroyed/“Too Late?”/Zordon Saved[edit | edit source]
(meanwhile in space the air pursuit continues)
- Billy: Guys, I think I know a way to get rid of Ivan.
- Grumblemon: Really? How?
- Billy: Ryan's Comet.
- Tommy: Billy, that's brilliant!
- Kimberly: What?
- Billy: We get Ivan in the comet's path.
- Aisha: And kaboom! He's space dust.
- Tommy: All right, guys, main thrusters.
- Rangers: Right!
(at the construction site, the kids continue to try their best to stop the parents)
- Kid 1: We can't hold 'em back!
- Kid 2: We have to keep on trying!
(everyone reaches the ledge)
- Kid 3: Help!
(suddenly Fred appears in a ladder with a water hose)
- Fred: Turn it on!
(Bulk turns on the water pump, Fred fires constant streams of water at the parents Meanwhile in space the air pursuit continues as our heroes and Ivan pass Zedd's palace)
- Kamek: Sire, the Rangers are heading toward us!
- Bowser: (The Rescuers VO) Pull up! Pull up!
(both sides do so)
- Rita Repulsa: Well, if it isn't that double-dealing dough head!
- Lord Zedd: I hope those Rangers, the World Champion, and his friends put that lousy lowlife out of my misery! Go, Rangers!
- Rita Repulsa: Go, Rangers!
- Both: Go, Rangers! Go, Rangers!
- Billy: We're approaching the comet's coordinates.
- Tommy: All right, guys, this is it. We'll wait here and lure him in.
- Ivan Ooze: I'm gonna rip you apart Zord by Zord.
- Ash and Friends: Here he comes!
- Tommy: Brace yourselves!
(both titans swirl around while Ivan laughs evilly)
- Adam: Micropressure's in the red!
- Rocky: We're imploding!
- Billy: Bearing zero, zero, nine. We're tight in the comet's trajectory. We need to break free.
- Ivan Ooze: Have you hugged your Zords today?
(Ryan's comet suddenly appears)
- Rocky: Here it comes!
- Tommy: We have to break his grip!
- Ash: But how will we do that? We don't have much time!
- Aisha: Desperate times call for desperate measures. (flips switches)
- Misty: What are you doing?
- Aisha: (breaks glass) Taking care of business. (hits button)
(Ninja Megazord knee kicks Ivan between the legs sending him away)
- Tommy: We're outta here.
- Rangers: Right!
(our heroes fly away just as Ryan's Comet heads toward Ivan)
- Ivan Ooze: Huh? Oh, no.
(Ryan's Comet destroys Ivan Ooze, at the construction site, with Ivan destroyed, the parents return to normal as the kids and parents celebrate)
- Fred: Yeah.
- Bulk: Skull!
- Skull: Bulk.
(Bulk and Skull shake hands as Fred finds his Dad)
- Fred: Dad!
- Fred's Dad: Fred!
- Fred: Dad!
(the father and son reunite in happiness)
- Fred's Dad: I love you, son.
(at the Command Center our heroes return)
- Aisha: Alpha!
- Alpha 5: Rangers, you made it! But I'm afraid you're too late.
- Billy: Too late?
- Kimberly: This can't be happening.
- Ash: (starts to cry) Zordon, you can't die!
(Misty and Brock start crying)
- Pikachu: Pika.
- Bowser Junior: What...what have we done?
- Mercurymon: Me thinks we've gone too far by releasing Ivan Ooze.
- Ranamon: That's what Bowser said, you shiny twit.
- Grumblemon: What we do now?
- Arbormon: I don't know.
(Ash, Misty, and Brock continue crying)
- Tommy: (realizing something) Remember what we learned? To those who possess the Great Power, all things are possible. Come on.
(the Rangers raise their arms as their animal pendents glow releasing magical swirls that repair the Command Center, and then reviving Zordon)
- Billy: Zordon!
- Aisha: Zordon!
- Zordon: Rangers!
- Alpha 5: He's alive! He's alive! He's alive!
- Ash: Alright!
- Pikachu: Pikachu!
- Kimberly: We thought that you had....
- Zordon: It is good to see you again, too.
- Bowser Junior: Well, guess it's time to go.
- Ash: Hey, BJ. Thanks.
- Bowser Junior: Don't make us regret this.
(Bowser Junior and the Digimon teleport away)
- Misty: I don't get it. Why doesn't Bowser use his powers to do something good?
- Zordon: Misty, the only time Bowser does anything to help us is when there's a holiday when people get off work and school, if you have an adventure involving sports, or if there's an evil greater than his own.
- Brock: Like Ivan Ooze!
- Ash: I get it now. Just like Team Rocket. Maybe someday Bowser will learn that being evil won't get what you want and that love and friendship can triumph over hatred and vengence.
- Misty: Well, maybe he won't realize that, Ash.
- Ash Ketchum: Huh?
- Brock: Well, maybe he will.
- Ash Ketchum: (laughs) Hmm. Well, maybe we'll see.
- Pikachu: Pikachu.
Ending[edit | edit source]
(back at Angel Grove, a celebration takes place)
- Bulk: We were awesome.
- Skull: Incredible!
- Bulk: Brilliant! Ivan and his 50-foot monsters had us completely surrounded.
- Skull: There was no escape.
- Bulk: We knew that at moment, we were facing death in the eye.
- Skull: We could smell death's breath.
- Bulk: And death could use a mint.
- Kimberly: Can you believe those guys?
- Misty: Are those two always like this?
- Ash: Looks like it.
- Adam: I'm so hungry.
- Fred: Hey, guys.
- Tommy: Hey, Fred!
- Kimberly: Rumor has it you're quite the hero.
- Tommy: That's my man!
- Brock: Great job, Fred.
- Fred: I helped a bit. You guys and the Power Rangers did most of the work.
- Tommy: Hey, things got tough, you didn't panic. You, my friend, demonstrated true bravery.
- Fred: It's like what you taught me about martial arts. Use your head, and above all, stay calm.
- Aisha: I heard you're in line to be a Ranger yourself one of these days.
- Fred: Nah, that's impossible.
- Tommy: Hey, anything's possible.
- Fred: You really think so?
- Tommy: I know so.
- Fred: Fred Kelman, the Silver Ranger.
- Billy: It does have a certain ring to it.
- Fred: Fred Kelman the Gold Ranger.
(everyone laughs)
- Ash: Hey, look!
- Tommy: Whoa, check it out!
(everyone enjoys the fireworks as Dreams plays)
- Fred: Cool!
(they now see fire writing taking shape)
- Fred: All right!
(the writing says "THANK YOU, POWER RANGERS")
- Skull: Power Rangers?
- Bulk: Bulk and Skull!
(fireworks continue)
- Tommy: Yeah!
- Fred: Whoo, yeah!
(meanwhile at Lord Zedd's palace)
- Goldar: I am King Goldar, the ruler of the universe!
(he and Mordant laugh evilly until Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd appear)
- Lord Zedd: (growls angrly)
- Bowser: (approaches)
- Mistress 9: (growls in anger)
- Goldar and Mordant: Uh-oh.
(lighting strikes to reveal the title)
Bonus Ending: Figure Revealed[edit | edit source]
(deep in the Command Center we see Zordon and Alpha with the figure from earlier suits up in a similar way as seen in “Mask of the Phantasm.” Alpha gives him a familiar mask and helmet to the figure as he puts it on, the figure turn to a shocked Zordon and Alpha as the figure is revealed to be Darth Vader)
- Alpha 5: Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi!
- Zordon: My God!
(Vader walks away as we hear his breathing sound as scene fades)