Ash's Adventures of Kiki's Delivery Service/Transcript
This is the transcript for Ash's Adventures of Kiki's Delivery Service.
Opening/Ash and Friends Meets Kiki/Tonight's The Night[edit | edit source]
Pikachu: Pika Pika
Dirigible accident/Kiki regains her flying/Kiki saves Tombo[edit | edit source]
???: ???
Barsa: Go! Kiki!
Madame: Oh, my!
Osono: She can fly again!
Ket: Get him, Kiki!
Serena: (gasps and frantically taps Ash's shoulder)
Ash Ketchum: Hmm?
Pikachu: Pika?
Serena: (points up to where Kiki is)
Ash Ketchum: (looks up, gasps, grabs Brock's binoculars and sees Kiki flying up to Tombo) Hey! It's Kiki! She's flying again!
Misty: What?! Kiki's up there?!
Brock: Is it really Kiki?!
Kiki: (grunts) Tombo! Come on! Be a good broom. Hold on, Tombo!
Brock: Gosh! That broom is really giving Kiki some trouble up there.
Misty: I know, Brock. I really hope she can pull this off.
Max: We hope so too, Misty.
Serena: Oh, dear! Oh, dear!
Ash Ketchum: (in his thoughts) Come on, Kiki! Come on!
Ash Ketchum: (groans and takes a megaphone from a firefighter)
Firefighter: Uh, hey!
Ash Ketchum: (climbs up the firetruck and speaks through megaphone)
Ash's team: (cheering Kiki on)
Misty: Come on, just a little more closer!
Brock: You almost had him! Just a little further!
Max: Reach, Kiki! Reach out!
May: Come on, Kiki! A little bit further! Come on!
Crowd: (chanting) Don't give up! Don't give up! Don't give up! Don't give up!
Serena: Come on! Come on, Kiki!
Crowd: (chanting) Don't give up!
(Tombo loses his grip and begins to fall.)
Tombo: (screams as he falls)
Ash Ketchum: (gasps and shouts through the megaphone) KIKI, DON'T GIVE UP!!!
Pikachu: PIKA, PIKA!!
Kiki praised as a hero/Ending[edit | edit source]
(Kiki flies downward after Tombo as he falls. Tombo's scream begins to fade. There is a stunned silence amongst Ash, his team, and the crowd as a heartbeat is heard in the background during a slow motion. In the air, Kiki reaches out her hand and manages to catch Tombo in midair before he hits the ground. Things speed up again when Brock's reaction turns from horror to happiness.)
Brock: (gasps) SHE'S GOT HIM!!
(The crowd starts to cheer.)
Announcer: She's got him! She's saved the youngster!
Ash and his team: (cheering wildly)
Misty: She did it! She did it! (laughs)
Iris and Cilan: Hooray!!!
Haxorus: Haxorus! Hax!
Dedenne: Dedenne!
Bonnie: Yippee! Yay!
Captain: Well done, young lady! Well done!
Man: That broom she used was mine. That was my broom, you know.
Barsa: Oh, my goodness! Yippee!
Madame: Oh, my! What a girl!
Osono: Kiki was so brave. She really saved the day. (feels something) Ah, oh! Uh, better call the hospital, honey. I think it's time now.
Osono's husband: Huh?! Oh, my! Whoa! Uh, oh! (trips) Ow, ow, ow, ow!
Jiji: Kiki, can you hear me?