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Ash's Adventures of DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp/Transcript

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This is the transcript to Ash's Adventures of DuckTales the Movie: Treasure of the Lost Lamp.

Opening/Ash and his friends reunite with Scrooge[edit | edit source]

Pikachu: Pika Pika!!!

Scrooge McDuck: (Screams)

Huey: Faster Launchpad, Faster!

Scrooge McDuck: Slower Launchpad, Slower!

Merlock sends Dijon to find the lamp[edit | edit source]

Pikachu: (sparks fly from his cheeks) PIKA!!!!

Searching for the treasure of Colli Baba[edit | edit source]

Pikachu: Pika!

Escape[edit | edit source]

Pikachu: Pika!

Back to Duckburg/Ash and friends meet Gene[edit | edit source]

(Webby rubs the lamp with a cloth but suddenly the lamp moved.)

Webby: Hey!

Huey: What?

Ash Ketchum: What's wrong, Webby?

Pikachu: Pika?

Webby: It-It shook. (she rubs the lamp again and it moved again)

Louie: Wackaroonie!

(Ash examines the lamp and peaks inside.)

Ash Ketchum: Hmm, I don't see anything.

Pikachu: Pika.

Ash Ketchum: Huey, can you see what's in it?

Huey: Sure, Ash. (peaks inside) There's nothing it.

Louie: Huh?

(Huey rubs the lamp and suddenly it jumps and down.)

Ash Ketchum: Hey, what's going on here?

Brock: I don't know.

Dewey: What is it a Mexican jumping lamp?

(A spark comes out and it revealed to be a genie. Huey, Dewey. Louie and Webby gasp in surprise.)

Ash Ketchum: Wow!

Misty and Brock: Whoa!

Korra: Did you guys see that?

Asami: Yeah, I don't believe this.

Mako: I have a feeling Scrooge is not going to believe this.

Zazu: My word!

Kronk: Incredible!

Vultures: Ooh!

Puffin: Unbelievable!

Speed: No kidding.

Gene the Genie: (happily) Wonders of wonders! (laughing) I'm free at last. Shabooey!

Bolin: (amazed) Is it just me or is that a genie?

Louie: Yeah, it is. (To Dewey) Isn't it?

Dewey: It's the not the tooth fairy.

Asami: Of course not, tooth fairies don't live in lamps.

(Gene felt startled at first upon seeing Huey, Dewey, Louie, Webby, Ash and friends.)

Huey: What the?

Ash Ketchum: Hey, don't be scared, we're good guys.

Pikachu: Pika Pikachu.

Gene the Genie: Hmm? Who are you? Where's Collie Baba? Did Rome fall yet?

Ash Ketchum: My name is Ash Ketchum and these are my friends Brock and Misty.

Buzzie: I'm Buzzie and this is Flaps, Dizzy and Ziggy.

Flaps, Dizzy and Ziggy: Hi, there.

Korra: I'm Korra and this is Asami, Bolin and Mako.

Zhane: And, I'm Zhane.

Kronk: I'm Kronk.

Jean-Bob: I'm Jean-Bob.

Speed: I'm Speed.

Puffin: And, I'm Puffin.

Jeremy: I'm Jeremy.

Jiminy Cricket: Cricket's the name, Genie. Jiminy Cricket.

Zazu: And, I am Zazu.

Gene the Genie: Nice to meet you, all.

Zazu: Charmed I'm sure.

Zhane: Likewise, Genie.

Pikachu: Pika.

Gene the Genie: (sees Pikachu) Hey, who's that little adorable yellow guy?

Ash Ketchum: This is my partner Pikachu and he's really harmless.

Gene the Genie: (pets Pikachu) Hi, there, little guy.

Pikachu: (happily and calmly) Pika.

Webby's disastrous wish[edit | edit source]

Webby: (giggling) I know what I've always wanted. (takes the lamp)

Misty: What's that a puppy or a kitten?

Webby: No, Misty, even better. I wish for a baby elephant.

Ash Ketchum: What?!

Brock: An elephant?!

Zhane: Are you kidding us?!

Pikachu: Pika?!

Gene the Genie: Oh, no! Oh, no, please! Oh, no! (Genie attempts to prevent making a big wish but to no avail) Shabooey!

(A baby elephant appears and Genie get's really angry.)

Zazu: Oh, dear me!

Gene the Genie: Now look what you've gone and done!

Webby: (calmly) Well, what's wrong? She's cute.

Gene the Genie: And big. (chuckles sarcastically) Big wishes always spell big trouble. The bigger the wish, the bigger the trouble.

Ash Ketchum: You know what they say. "Be careful what you wish for."

Pikachu: Pika Pika.

Louie: You know, Ash is right. One look at the elephant, and Uncle Scrooge'll want to know what's up.

Gene the Genie: Everyone who sees it will and before you know it they'll all be fighting over me, and the wishes get out of control and I'll end up being buried in the lamp for another 1,000 years.

Louie: Ah, jeepers. I hadn't thought of that.

Ash Ketchum: (To Gene) We seriously don't blame you.

Gene the Genie: So, please, please, make small wishes.

Buzzie: So, what are we gonna do?

Flaps: I don't know. Hey, now, don't start that again!

(Just then Mrs. Beakley hums happily as she's about to enter the room.)

Ash Ketchum: Uh-oh, it's Mrs. Beakley.

Brock: She'll freak out when she see's the elephant.

Louie: You're right, guys. Hurry, hide the elephant.

Dewey: (sarcastically) Oh, yeah, like where?

Misty: Oh, here she comes now. Come on, Webby.

(Mrs. Beakley comes in sweeping as Ash and the others hide behind the elephant. She bumped into the elephant and she screamed in fright. The elephant trumpets in surprise.)

Gene the Genie: Oh, Shabooey! I'm in trouble already.

(Ash and Pikachu look out the window and see's the limo pulling over.)

Ash Ketchum: We all are and Scrooge isn’t gonna like it.

Bolin: He’ll be very angry if he finds out! And we’ll be in serious trouble!

Vultures: Blimey!

(A frightened Mrs. Beakley comes outside and runs up to Scrooge.)

Mrs. Beakley: It's an elephant! Pink! Hurry!

(She pulled Scrooge inside. Webby tries to calm down the elephant as it trashes the book shelf.)

Webby: Down, girl, down! Oh, please!

???: The elephant won't stop!

???: Mrs. Beakley and Scrooge will be in any minute!

???: Oh, dear! What do we do?!

Louie: I think I know, guys. (to Huey) Here, Huey, you wish pinky away.

Huey: Uh-uh, I'm not wasting one of my wishes. You do it.

Louie: No way.

Gene the Genie: Will somebody do something?!

???: Guys, there's no time for arguments!

Huey: Aww, okay, here. I wish Webby never made her stupid wish!

(Gene magically made the elephant disappear and the book shelf returns to normal.)

???: We'd better get out of here before Genie gets noticed.

(The heroes, Webby, the nephews and Gene hide behind the chair while Mrs. Beakley and Scrooge enter the room.)

Mrs. Beakley: In here, Mr. McDuck! (gasps) It's gone!

Scrooge McDuck: Mrs. Beakley, is this a ploy to get some vacation time?

Mrs. Beakley: Oh, it was here! Honest! An elephant wearing a big pink bow! You think I'm crazy, don't you?

(Scrooge sees the chair move.)

Scrooge McDuck: Maybe not.

(The heroes, the nephews, Webby and Gene enter the bedroom.)

???: Phew! That was close!

Louie: I think he saw us.

Dewey: Quick! Get back in the lamp.

Gene the Genie: Not the lamp, please. Put me in the dog house, a madhouse, even a house of pancakes. Anywhere but the lamp!

???: In the closet fast!

(Gene gets in the closet and Scrooge pounds on the door which caused the heroes, the nephews and Webby to gasp. Then Scrooge enters the bedroom glaring angrily at them.)

Heroes: Hello, Scrooge.

Nephews: Hello, Uncle Scrooge.

Webby: Hello, Uncle Scrooge.

Scrooge McDuck: (sternly) Don't you "Hello" me! What kind of trick are you kids playing on Mrs. Beakley?!

Dewey: Who, us?

Huey: Tricks?

Louie: Never.

Webby: Uh-uh. Not us, Uncle Scrooge.

???: We're not playing tricks on anybody. Honest.

Scrooge McDuck: Then what's going on?

???: Nothing, sir.

???: Not much at all.

(As Gene is inside the closet standing on the skateboard he falls and crashes in.)

Scrooge McDuck: What was that?

???: It's only a crash in the closet.

Louie: Yeah, we didn't hear it.

(Gene comes out wearing a cap and a shirt riding a skateboard.)

Gene the Genie: Hey, pops, give me five. Get down, get back, get real, get a haircut.

Scrooge McDuck: Who is this?!

???: Oh, this is our new friend, Gene.

Gene the Genie: Yeah, kinda. I pop up every now and then.

Huey: He-He just came over to visit. For the night.

Scrooge McDuck: (surprised) The night? You mean, sleepover?

Huey: Yeah. Can he?

Dewey: Please? Oh, please?

Louie: We'll be good Junior Woodchucks.

(The nephews wear Woodchucks hats and give salutes.)

Nephews: Woodchuck's promise.

(Gene steps in and Dewey lightly kicks him.)

Gene the Genie: (salutes) Ditto.

Scrooge McDuck: (sternly) Oh, all right, but you kids stay out of trouble. I'm in no mood for mischief.

Ash Ketchum: Yes, sir.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

(Scrooge closed the door)

Ice cream wish/Genie explains to Ash and friends about Merlock[edit | edit source]

Ash Ketchum: You see, Gene, we had a big problem that keeps coming after us too.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Gene the Genie: Really, what's that?

Ash Ketchum: That no-good Team Rocket keeps following us everywhere and spying on us.

Gene the Genie: What's Team Rocket, Ash?

Ash Ketchum: They're the bad guys and our worst enemies, they kept trying to steal my Pikachu and other Pokemon.

Jiminy Cricket: Which is very bad.

Gene the Genie: I see.

Korra: Not to mention the Crime Empire who followed us everywhere.

Webby's 2nd disastrous wish/Scrooge leaves with Genie to the ball[edit | edit source]

Pikachu: Pika Pika.

Scrooge McDuck: (dismissively) Nonsense! A genie is not a person! A genie is a thing!

Misty: Unless it is a person.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

A night at the ball/Merlock looking for Genie[edit | edit source]

Scrooge arrested/Finding Genie[edit | edit source]

(The heroes gasp upon seeing Merlock revert to his form.)

Ash Ketchum: So, you're Merlock!

Korra: Yeah, you're that no-good sorcerer!

Merlock: Yes, what's it to you, kids?

Misty: Gene told us about you!

Merlock: And just who might you all kids be, hmm?

Zhane: We're friends of Gene!

Jean-Bob: Take your hands off that lamp!

Merlock: Not a chance, frog boy!

Jiminy Cricket: This lamp is important to Scrooge which means he needs an addition to his treasure!

Merlock: So?

Bolin: So, give Scrooge the lamp now!

Merlock: (annoyed) Shut up, boy! You kids don't give orders around here I do!

Ash Ketchum: You don't know who you're taking to!

Brock: Yeah, we're Pokemon trainers!

Misty: So am I!

Korra: We're the Avatars!

Mako: That's right!

Kronk: We're also known as the 100 Avatar Acre League!

Merlock: (chuckles) Oh, really? Pokemon trainers and Avatar, huh? I've never heard of you kids. Anyway, I got friends of mine too!

Pikachu: Pika Pika!

Villains: Surprise!

Final battle[edit | edit source]

Asami: No, Scrooge!

(Merlock transforms into a griffin which caused the kids to gasp in horror.)

Pikachu: Pika!

Merlock: I'll be back for you! (to heroes) Your dear old friend, Scrooge is thrown off and now you kids are next after him.

Heroes: No!

(Misty hands Togepi to Webby.)

Misty: Not if we take you down first! Staryu, water gun attack!

(Strayu squirts water at Merlock getting him all wet.)

Merlock: (growls) I'll get you for this, foolish girl! And, your little friends too!

Huey: Run for it, guys!

Ash Ketchum: Come on! (runs with Brock, Misty and Pikachu)

Merlock: Ha! You can run, but you can't hide!

(Ash, Brock, Misty, Pikachu and the other heroes hide.)

Brock: Did we lose him?

Ash Ketchum: I guess so.

Pikachu: Pika.

Misty: (hears Merlock coming) Not for long, guys.

Kronk: He's coming right at us.

(Merlock sees Misty hiding.)

Merlock: (cackles evilly) Ha! Got you!

(Ash, Brock Misty and the other heroes scream in terror. Misty attempts to run from Merlock but he grabs her.)

Webby: Misty!

Puffin: Oh, no, he's got her!

Speed: This can't be good!

Jean-Bob: Oh, dear!

Misty: Hey, get your claws off me!

Merlock: (tauntingly) Mmm-mmm, you're not going anywhere, missy! (pushes her to the ground)

(Misty struggles to get up but she is pinned underneath Merlock's talons)

Ash Ketchum: Hey, Merlock! Let her go!

Merlock: You’ll have to make me, boy!

Ash Ketchum: If you dare hurt Misty, you're gonna be in big trouble!!!

Merlock: (mockingly) Oh, now, I'm really scared.

(Ash growls in anger and charged at Merlock.)

Gene the Genie: (horrified) Ash, no! You don’t stand a chance!

Pikachu: Pika!

Scrooge McDuck: (gasps) Ash, don't!

Ash Ketchum: Misty!!!!

(Misty shuts her eyes and awaits for the impact to come for her, but nothing happens)

Misty: Huh?

(Ash gets slashed by Merlock's claws which caused him to scream in pain.)

Huey, Dewey and Louie: (gasps) Ash!

Brock: Oh, no!

Pikachu: Pika Pi!

Webby: Oh, no! Merlock’s injured Ash bad!

Ash Ketchum: Misty, are you okay?

Misty: Oh, Ash. You saved my life!

Pikachu: (angrily) Pika!

[Sparks fly from Pikachu's cheeks]

Merlock: (mockingly) What are you gonna do to me, you little freak?

Ash Ketchum: Pikachu use Thunderbolt!

(Pikachu attempts to shock Merlock but he is unharmed.)

Merlock: (chuckles) Your weak little pet can't harm me, boy. And you're a weak little boy too.

Brock: You're wrong! You're the one who is weak! You don't understand friendship, love or kindness! The only thing you feel at all is greed!

Misty: And you’re just a bully!

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash Ketchum: (grunts in pain) Yeah, nobody messes with Gene, you greedy old jerk!

Merlock: Your foolish nonsense means nothing, boys! Nothing can stop me now once I get that lamp!

Korra: Oh, yeah?!

Bolin: Think again, Merlin!

Mako: You will pay dearly for trying to hurt Misty!

Vultures: Charge!

Merlock: Get out of here, you bird brains!

Genie magically heals Ash/Ending[edit | edit source]

(As everything returns to normal and Dijon returns to his normal self. The scene changes where Scrooge, Genie, Webby, Huey, Dewey and Louie among with Brock, Misty felt deeply worried about Ash who is weakened from getting slashed by Merlock. Korra carries a wounded Ash in her arms.)

Webby: Poor Ash, he's badly hurt.

Dewey: Yeah, we know how he feels.

Louie: Stay with us, Ash.

Buzzie: Don’t give up, don’t you dare give up!

Asami: You’ve never given up in your life!

Huey: What's gonna happen to Ash, Uncle Scrooge?

Scrooge Mcduck: I don't know, lads.

Misty: Ash risked his own life to save me.

Gene the Genie: Yeah, and Ash was trying to protect me.

Scrooge Mcduck: Yes, Gene. I saw it all.

Pikachu: Pika pi. Pika.

Misty: Wait, he’s waking up.

Huey: (worried) Ash, are you ok?

Ash Ketchum: (weakly) Yeah, I think so. (moans in pain) But Merlock slashed me and it really hurts.

Scrooge Mcduck: (gently) Shh, it's all right, lad. You're safe, now.

Jiminy Cricket; Take it easy, son.

Korra: Rest, buddy.

Flaps: Blimey, those are big cuts Merlock gave you.

Dizzy: Yeah, that was quite a risk you got there.

Ziggy: And it needs to be bandaged.

Misty: Ash, thank you for saving me.

Ash Ketchum: You're welcome, Misty.

(Gene hugs Ash as he hugs him back.)

Gene the Genie: (shedding tears) Aww, Ash, is there anything I can do to help?

Ash Ketchum: (weakly) Well, Genie, my first and only wish is to feel better right now.

(Ash's friends, Scrooge, Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Gene are surprised upon hearing this.)

Ash's friends: Huh?

Webby: What?

Huey, Dewey, and Louie: What did you say, Ash?

Scrooge Mcduck: Your first and only wish, you say?

Gene the Genie: Ash, you've just made a wish.

Pikachu: Pika Pi.

(Gene uses his magic making Ash's wounds vanish and he starts to feel better.)

Gene the Genie: How do you feel now, Ash?

Ash Ketchum: I feel great. (hugging Gene) Thank you so much.

Pikachu: Pika Pi!

Gene the Genie: You're welcome, Ash and you're my best friend.

Ash Ketchum: You too, Gene.

Brock: Ash, you're okay. The wish worked!

Misty: It's a miracle!

(Huey, Dewey, Louie, and Webby hug Ash happily as he laughs.)

Webby: Ash, I was so afraid that we lost you.

Louie: Me too.

Dewey: Me three.

Ash Ketchum: I'm really sorry I've worried you guys.

Huey: Are you kidding? You're so brave.

Scrooge Mcduck: We're proud of you, son.

Ash Ketchum: Gene, now that you're free and a real boy. Nothing or nobody is going to hurt you ever again.

Gene: (smiling) Ash, you, Brock and Misty are my very first friends so you guys really made me happy. You too, Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika Pika.

Pikachu: Pika Pikachu.

Bolin: He's getting away!

Scooge Mcduck: Somebody stop those pants!

Vultures: Charge!

Ash Ketchum: Come back here, you thief!

Pikachu: Pika!

(Pikachu shocks Dijon with his thunderbolt.)

Dijon: Ouch!

(Dijon falls back as Bulbasaur ties him with vine whips tightly. Ash and his friends pick up Scrooge's money and puts them in bags.)

Asami: Great work, Ash!

Mako: That'll hold him!

Bolin: This thief is not going anywhere!

Jean-Bob: (to Dijon) That oughta teach you not to take Scrooge's money! Hmph!

Scrooge Mcduck: What do you think we should do with him, kids.

Brock: I say we report Dijon to Officer Jenny and the police.

Misty: And have him thrown in jail.

Ash Ketchum: I have a better idea. Dijon should be deported back to Egypt.

Scrooge Mcduck: Deported, that's a not a bad idea, Ash.

Zazu: That's an excellent idea!