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Ash's Adventures of Alice in Wonderland/Transcript

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Revision as of 21:13, 2 February 2025 by Seabiscuit2020 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This is the transcript for ''Ash's Adventures of Alice in Wonderland''. == Script == == Opening/Ash Ketchum and his friends meet Alice == (The film opens in the park of England, where the bees buzz and the butterflies fly around. The camera pans to a young woman sitting under the tree.) Alice's Sister:(reading the history book) "...wanted leaders, and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation and conquest." "Edwin and Morcar, the Earls of Mercia and Northumbr...")
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This is the transcript for Ash's Adventures of Alice in Wonderland.

Script[edit | edit source]

Opening/Ash Ketchum and his friends meet Alice[edit | edit source]

(The film opens in the park of England, where the bees buzz and the butterflies fly around. The camera pans to a young woman sitting under the tree.)

Alice's Sister:(reading the history book) "...wanted leaders, and had been of late much accustomed to usurpation and conquest." "Edwin and Morcar, the Earls of Mercia and Northumbria declared for him, and even Stigand... (Her little sister Alice sticks her leg out while sitting on the tree) Alice.

(Alice is sitting on the tree with her kitten Dinah.)

Alice: Hmm? (sighs) I'm listening. (Alice finished her flower crown)

Alice's Sister: (continues reading) "And even Stigand, the Archbishop of Canterbury, agreed to meet with William and offer them the crown." (Alice placed the flower crown onto Dinah's head, she giggled and Dinah gets the flower crown off her head which landed on Alice's sister) "Williams conduct at first was... (sternly) Alice. Will you kindly pay attention to your history lesson.

Alice; I'm sorry. But how can one possibly pay attention to a book with no pictures in it?

Alice's Sister: My dear child, there are many good books in this world without pictures.

Alice: In this world, perhaps. But in my world the books would be nothing but pictures.

Alice's Sister: Your world? (scoffs) What nonsense. Now, once more from the beginning.

Alice: (to herself) Nonsense? That's it, Dinah. If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. (Dinah nods her head) Nothing would be what it is because everything would be what it isn't. (Dinah looks confused) And, contrariwise, what it is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?

(Dinah meows in response)

Alice: (gets down the tree) In my world, you wouldn't say "Meow." You'd say "Yes, Miss Alice."

(Dinah meows and Alice picks her up off the tree. Just then Ash and his friends arrive and Alice see's Ash and friends.)

Alice: Hello there my name is Alice and this is my cat Dinah, what are your names?

Ash Ketchum: My name is Ash Ketchum and these are my friends Brock, Misty, Pikachu and Togepi.

Alice: (curtsies) Please to meet you all.

Ash Ketchum: It's very nice to meet you too, Alice.

Brock: The pleasure's all mine, Alice.

Misty: I love your kitty, Alice. She's really adorable. (pets Dinah)

Alice: Why, thank you, Misty.

Misty: You're welcome.

In a world of my own/Alice, Ash and friends enter Wonderland[edit | edit source]

Ash Ketchum: So Alice, what are you up to?

Alice: Well, Ash. I'm glad you asked I was bored listening to my history lesson and what I really want is my own world where everything is nonsense.

Misty: What's it like, Alice?

Alice: I'll explain everything to you all. Dinah would be just like people and all of the other animals, too. Why, in my world.


Cats and rabbits would reside in fancy little houses

And be dressed in shoes and hats and trousers

In a world of my own

All the flowers would have very extra special powers

They would sit and talk to me for hours

When I'm lonely in a world of my own.

There'd be new birds

Lots of friendly howdy-do birds

Everyone would have a dozen blue birds

Within a world of my own

I could listen to a babbling brook

And hear a song that I could understand

(Alice, Dinah, Ash and friends sit in front of the riverbank.)

I keep wishing it would be that way

Because my world would be a wonderland

(Alice touched the surface of the water. Just then a white rabbit appears in the reflection of the water, which caught Dinah, Ash and friends attention. He whistles as he walks along.)

Ash Ketchum: (surprised) Hey, what is that?

Pikachu: Pika?

Misty: I don't know.

Brock: (surprised) Is it just me, or is that a white rabbit wearing clothes?

(Dinah meows at Alice getting her attention.)

Alice: Oh Dinah. It's just a rabbit with a waistcoat...(surprised) and a watch.

White Rabbit: Oh my fur and whiskers! (hops away) I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!

Ash Ketchum: Where's he going, Alice?

Alice: I don't know, Ash. This is curious. What could a rabbit possibly be late for?

Brock: I think we should follow him and find out where he's going.

Misty: Good idea, Brock.

Alice: Please, sir.

Ash Ketchum: Wait for us!

(Alice, Dinah, Ash and friends follow the white rabbit.)

White Rabbit: I'm late, I'm late for a very important date. No time to say hello, goodbye. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!

Alice: It must be awfully important, like a party or something. Mr. Rabbit. Wait!

White Rabbit: No, no, no, I'm overdue. I'm really in a stew. No time to say goodbye, hello. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late. (Goes into the rabbit hole)

Alice: Oh my, what a peculiar place to have a party. (Dinah meows)

Ash Ketchum: I'm not sure if it's such a great idea, Alice.

Alice: You know Ash, I think you're right. We really shouldn't...(grunts while coming into the rabbit hole as Ash and friends follow her behind) be doing this.

Misty: We shouldn't come to the party if we're not invited.

Brock: Yeah, that wouldn't be polite.

Alice: You're right, Brock and curiosity often leads to trouble. (shrieks while falling over and Ash and friends fall over while yelling in surprise, a shocked Dinah felt shocked upon seeing this she stopped herself from falling) Goodbye, Dinah!

Ash and friends: Bye, Dinah!

(Dinah waves to the group as they continued falling. Alice's dress catches her fall like a parachute as she holds hands with Ash and friends.)

Alice: (sighs) Well, after this we shall think nothing of...(her apron went up) of falling down the stairs.

(Alice see's a lamp and turns it on, while Ash and friends react with amazement. Alice picked out a book)

Ash Ketchum: Whoa, look at all this stuff.

Misty: It looks like we're in the house.

Brock: Yeah, and look at that clock.

(The clock chimes and Alice lands on the rocking chair as she sighed in relief. She yelped in surprise and Ash takes Alice's hand.)

Alice: Goodness. What if we should fall right through the center of the Earth...(Alice, Ash and friends go upside down upon seeing the illustration walking upside down) and come out the other side where people walk upside down?

Brock: People walking upside down.

Ash Ketchum: This is really ridiculous.

Misty: Yeah, people can't walk upside down.

Alice: You're right, that's silly. Nobody...

(They hit something by their feet. Then they all see the white rabbit.)

Ash Ketchum: Hey, there he is guys!

Alice: Oh!

(Alice, Ash and friends come down and they continued to follow the white rabbit.)

Ash Ketchum: Mr. Rabbit, please wait for us!

(They all look around to see where the white rabbit is going and they hear the door shut.)

Ash Ketchum: That must be the door he went.

(Ash opened the door then it appears to have big and small doors. They all crawled through the small entrance entering the room.)

Brock: Whoa.

Misty: It has five doors, this is weird.

Alice: Indeed, Misty. Curiouser and curiouser.

Ash Ketchum: Hey look, there he goes.

Directions from the doorknob/A Caucus Race[edit | edit source]

(The white rabbit went through the small door and the curtains close. Alice, Ash and friends walk up to the small door. Ash opens the curtains and he turns the doorknob waking him up which caused him to yell in pain. Alice, Ash and friends jump back startled.)

Ash Ketchum: Oh I'm so sorry, sir.

Doorknob: (kindly) Oh, quite all right son. But you did gave me quite a turn.

Pikachu: Pika!

Togepi: Toge!

Brock: Wow!

Misty: (surprised) You can talk!

Doorknob: Why of course I can, young miss.

Alice: Please, sir.

Doorknob: One good turn deserves another. What can I do for you, children?

Ash Ketchum: We're looking for a white rabbit.

Alice: Yes, so if you mind...

Doorknob: Eh? Oh.

(Alice, Ash, Brock and Misty peek through the keyhole)

Ash Ketchum: Hey, there he is!

Brock: Yeah, we better get through fast.

Doorknob: Sorry, children. You're much too big. Simply impassable.

Misty: I think you mean impossible.

Doorknob: No, young miss, impassable. Nothing's impossible.

Ash Ketchum: Then how are we supposed to get through if we can't fit?

Doorknob: Well, son, I'm glad you asked. Why don't you try the bottle on the table?

Brock: Table?

(The table and the bottle appear.)

Alice: Oh.

Doorknob: Read the directions and directly you'll be directed the right direction.

Alice: (reading the tag) "Drink me." Hmm. (the doorknob looks at Alice with confusion) Better look first, for it one drinks much a bottle that marked "Poison". it's almost certain to disagree with one sooner or later.

Doorknob: (confused) Beg your pardon?

Alice: I was just giving myself good advice.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, honestly we adivise ourselves all the time.

Doorknob: I see.

Alice: (drinks the bottle) But... Hmm. Tastes like a cherry tart. (suddenly Alice starts to shrink) Custard, pineapple, roast turkey. Goodness. What did I do?

Ash Ketchum: You just shrunk!

Doorknob: (chuckles) That's right. You almost went out like a candle.

Tweedle dee and Tweedle Dum tell the story of the Walrus and the Carpenter[edit | edit source]

Ash Ketchum: Well, who do we have here?

Misty: They look like school boys.

Alice: Why, What perculiar little figures. Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum.

Ash Ketchum: (laughs) Cute names. (lightly touches Tweedle-Dum which caused him to honk)

Tweedle-Dum: If you think we're waxworths, you ought to pay you know?

Tweedle-Dee: Contrariwise, if you think we're alive you ought to speak to us.

Ash Ketchum: (embarrassed) Oh, excuse me, guys.

Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee: That's logic.

Alice: Well.. it's been nice meeting you. Goodbye.

Brock: Yeah, we better get going.

(Alice, Ash and his friends tried to leave but Tweedle-Dum and Tweedle-Dee block their way.)

Tweedle-Dee: You kids are beginning backwards.

Pikachu: Pi?

Tweedle-Dum: Aye, the first thing in a visit you need to say. (singing and dancing with them) How do you do and shake hands, shake hands, shake hands. How do you do and shake hands, state your name and business. (song ends) That's manners.

White Rabbit's house/We'll smoke the blighter out[edit | edit source]

(We cut to Alice, Ash and his friends arriving to see the house.)

Alice: I wonder who lives here?

White Rabbit: Mary-Ann! Oh, that girl. Where did she put the- Mary-Ann!

Alice and Ash: The rabbit.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Misty: So, that's where he lives!

Brock: Let's ask him what he's late for.

White Rabbit: Mary-Ann! Oh, you can't wait that long! Oh, me, oh, my.

Brock: Excuse us, sir. What are you late for?

White Rabbit: (to Alice) Why, Mary-Ann, what are you doing out here!

Alice: Mary-Ann?

Misty: Excuse me, her name is Alice!

White Rabbit: (ignoring Misty) Don't just do something, stand there! No, no! Go, go, go! Go get my gloves, I'm late!

Ash Ketchum: Late for what, Mr. Rabbit?

Brock: Yeah, that's what we like to know!

White Rabbit: (ignoring them, pulling out his trumpet) My gloves! (blows his trumpet loudly) At once! Do you hear?!

(Alice, Ash and his friends go inside the house.)

Alice: Goodness, I suppose I'll be taking orders from Dinah next.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, I'd take orders from my mom sometimes.

Pikachu: Pika.

Misty: And not to mention taking orders from my sisters.

Brock: I just don't understand why the rabbit is in such a hurry.

Alice: Oh, we'll have his answer after we get his gloves.

(Alice, Ash and friends go up to the Rabbit's room.)

Alice: Hmm, now let me see. If I were a rabbit, where would keep my gloves? (open a cookie jar) Oh! (takes the cookie) Thank you. Don't mind if I do.

Misty: Uh, Alice, I wouldn't eat that.

Alice: Oh, don't worry, Misty. It's just a little snack. (eats the cookie)

(Alice hums as she keeps looking for the rabbit's gloves but suddenly she began to grow.)

Brock: Uh, Alice. We got a big problem.

Alice: (yelps) Oh, no, no. Not again!

(The rabbit is outside waiting impatiently for his gloves.)

White Rabbit: Oh, Mary-Ann! (Alice continues to grow as he goes upstairs to lecture her) Now you see here, Mary-Ann!

Ash Ketchum: Dodo is trying to burn down the rabbit's house.

Pikachu: Pika.

Alice: Oh, dear, this is serious. We simply must-(gasps) Forgotten. (Misty whispers into Alice's ear to get the carrot) Good idea, Misty. Perhaps if I eat something (the rabbit tried to stop her from getting the carrot but gets picked up by her) it would make me smaller.

White Rabbit: Oh, let go! Help!

Alice: I'm sorry, but, I must eat something.

White Rabbit: Not me, you-you, barbarian! (eats the carrot)

Brock: Alice is not talking about you, she meant the carrot you were holding.

White Rabbit: What?! Help?! (Alice shrinks down and he falls down the stairs) Monster! Help! (looks at his watch) Ahh! I'm late! Oh, dear, I'm here. I should be there. I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.

Dodo: (not noticing the solution solved) I say. Do you have a match?

White Rabbit: Must go. (shakes Dodo's hand) Goodbye, hello, I'm late, I'm late.

(Alice, Ash and his friends come outside.)

Alice: Wait, please, wait.

Dodo: Ah, children. Do you all have a match?

Ash Ketchum: No, we don't have one, sorry.

Misty: Yeah, no monsters.

Brock: Sorry, Mr. Dodo, we have to go now.

Alice: Mr. Rabbit!

All in the Golden Afternoon/The flowers throw Alice, Ash and friends out[edit | edit source]

Brock: That's beautiful, ladies.

Rose; Thank you, my dear.

Daisy: What kind of garden do you all come from?

Ash Ketchum: We don't come from any garden, MIss Daisy.

Daisy: Do you suppose the children are wild flowers?

Misty: Oh, no. We're not wild flowers.

Rose: And, just what specie or should we say genus are you, my dears.

Alice: Well, I suppose you can call us genus humanus. Uh, Alice.

Daisy: Ever seen an Alice with a blossom like that?

Iris: Come to think of her. Did you ever seen an Alice?

Daisy; Yes. And, did you notice her petals? What a perculiar color.

Iris: And, no fragrance.

Daisy: (giggles) Just look at those stems.

Iris: Rather scrawny I'd say.

Rose bud: I think she's pretty.

Rose; Quiet, bud.

Alice: But we're not flowers!

Iris: Ah-ha! Just as I suspected! (whispers to Rose) They're nothing but common mobile vulgaris.

Flowers: Oh, no.

Alice: A common what?

Iris: To put it bluntly, a weed.

Alice: (offended) I'm not a weed!

Ash Ketchum: (furiously) We're not either!

Pikachu: (angrily) Pika!





Alice: "You can learn a lot of things from the flowers." Hmph! Seems to me they could learn a few things about manners.

Ash Ketchum: Oh, tell me about it.

Pikachu: (agreeing) Pika.

Misty: (growls in anger) Stupid flowers! They didn't even know what human beings are! They're nothing but snobs!

Brock: Yeah, who wants to hang with those stuck-up flowers, anyway?

Ash Ketchum: (bitterly) I will make those flowers eat those words! I swear it!

Alice: (gently) Shh, calm down, Ash.

Misty: Yeah, that won't be necessary.

Ash Ketchum: (calms down) You're right.

Brock: (hears something) Shh, do you guys hear that?

Advice from the Caterpillar[edit | edit source]

Alice: Oh, dear. Everything is so confusing.

Ash Ketchum: (sighs) It sure is, Alice.

Caterpillar: It is not.

Caterpillar: (shouting) The mushroom, of course! (flies off)

Ash Ketchum: Geez, what a grouch.

Brock: You can say that again.

Alice, Ash and friends get directions from the Cheshire Cat[edit | edit source]

Male voice: Lose something?

Ash Ketchum: (surprised) Huh?

Misty: (surprised) Who said that?

Male voice: I did.

Alice: (surprised) Oh! (giggles nervously upon seeing a grin in the sky) No, I mean, We were just wondering...

Male voice: Oh, that's quite all right. (a pair of eyes appear) One moment, please. (his teeth pressed like a harmonica) Ooh. (just then the rest of his body appear which reveals to a pink and purple striped cat) Second chorus. (singing) Itwas brillig and the slithy toves (Alice, Ash and friends react with amazement) Did gyre and gimble in the wabe.

Ash Ketchum: Whoa, you're a weird looking cat.

Cheshire Cat: A Cheshire cat. (singing) All mimsy were the borogoves. (He's about to disappear)

Alice: Wait. Don't go, please.

Cheshire Cat: (reappears quickly) There you are. Third chorus.

Brock: Nevermind that.

Misty: Yeah, we just wanted to ask you which we ought to go.

Cheshire Cat: Well, that depends on where you all want to get to.

Alice: It really doesn't matter as long as we...

Cheshire Cat: Then it really doesn't matter which you go. (comes down to the ground turning invisible)

Ash Ketchum: Where did he go?

Misty: He just turned invisible.

Brock:(see's the cheshire cat's pawprints on the ground) Look guys, it's the cat's paw prints.

(The cheshire cat makes pawprints on the ground as he hums then he comes back to the tree becoming visible again.)

Cheshire Cat: Oh, by the way, if you all really like to know, he went that way.

Alice: Who did?

Cheshire Cat: The white rabbit.

Ash Ketchum: He did?

Cheshire Cat: He did what?

Brock: Went that way, of course.

Cheshire Cat: Who did?

Misty: (annoyed) The white rabbit!

Cheshire Cat: What rabbit?

Ash Ketchum: (annoyed) Will you quit playing games with us?!

Brock: Yeah, we're not playing with you. We're asking you directions

Alice: Ash and Brock are right. Didn't you just say... I mean...Oh, dear.

Cheshire Cat: (standing on his head) Can you all stand on your head?

Misty: (rolling her eyes) Oh, brother!

Alice: (annoyed) Oh!

Ash Ketchum: Oy-vey!

Brock: You've got to be kidding us.

Cheshire Cat: However, if I were looking for a white rabbit. (puts his head back on) I'd ask the Mad Hatter.

Alice, Ash and friends: Mad hatter? (they see the sign that said "Mad Hatter")

Alice: No, we don't want..

Cheshire Cat: Or there's the March Hare in that direction.

Ash Ketchum: March Hare?

Cheshire Cat: That's right, son.

Alice: Thank you. I think we shall visit him.

Cheshire Cat: Of course, he's mad. too.

Alice: But I don't want to go among mad people.

Ash Ketchum: Neither would we.

Pikachu: Pika.

Cheshire Cat: Oh, you all can't help that. Most everyone's mad here. (laughing then slowly starts to disappear) You all may have noticed that I'm not all there myself. (laughing as he disappears he sings) And the mome raths outgrabe.

Ash Ketchum: I've never seen a cat disappear before.

Misty: Me neither Ash, this is weird.

Alice: Goodness, If the people here are like that. I must try not to upset them.

Brock: We don't want to upset them either, Alice.

A Mad Tea Party/Mad Hatter and March destroy the White Rabbit's watch[edit | edit source]

(Alice, Ash and friends arrive at the Mad Hatter's house and the cheerful singing is heard.)

Pikachu: Pika?

Ash Ketchum: Hey, did you guys hear that?

Misty and Brock: Yeah.

Alice: How very curious.

Mad Hatter and March Hare: No room! No room! No room!

Ash Ketchum: But we thought there's plenty of room.

March Hare: Ah, but it's very rude to sit down without being invited.

Mad Hatter I'll say it's rude. It's very rude indeed.

Dormouse: Very, very, rude, indeed.

Ash Ketchum: We're very sorry, We couldn't help overhear.

Pikachu: Pika.

Alice: Yes, but we did enjoy your singing.

Brock: And we wonder if you could tell us.

March Hare: You children, enjoyed our singing?

Ash Ketchum: Uh-huh.

Mad Hatter: Oh, what delightful children. I'm so excited. We never get compliments. You all must have a cup of tea.

March Hare: Ah, yes, indeed. The tea. You kids must have a cup of tea,

Alice: That would be very nice. We're sorry we interrupted your birthday party. (March Hare gives a cup of tea) Thank you.

(March Hare quickly snatched the tea cup back which shocked Ash and his friends)

Misty: Hey, that's not polite.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, they're being rude.

March Hare: Birthday? (chuckles) My dear child this is not a birthday party.

Brock: It's not?

Mad Hatter; Of course not. This is an unbirthday.

Alice: Unbirthday? I'm sorry, but we don't quite understand.

March Hare: It's very simple. 30 days have Sep... No. When? An unbirthday... If you have a birthday then, then you... She doesn't even know what an unbirthday is.

Mad Hatter: How silly. Well... I shall elucidate.

March Hare: I have an excellent idea. Let's change the subject.

Mad Hatter: Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Ash Ketchum: I don't know. Do you guys know?

Pikachu: (shaking head) Pika.

Brock: Not really.

Misty: Uh-uh.

Alice: Maybe, I do know riddles. Let me see now. Why is a raven like a writing desk?

Mad Hatter: I beg your pardon?

Ash Ketchum: Alice said "Why is a raven like a writing desk?"

Mad Hatter: Why is it... What?

March Hare: Careful, the kids are stark raving mad.

(Alice, Ash, Pikachu, Misty and Brock get really angry.)

Misty: We don't get your riddle! You both are not making any sense!

Ash Ketchum: You guys are such a pain!

Pikachu: (angry) Pikachu!

Brock: Yeah, all you do was snatch our cup of teas and you didn't let us drink any of it!

Alice: That's right, and you just said...

Mad Hatter: Easy, children. Don't get excited.

Ash Ketchum: Oh, you're telling us calm down?! I'm not buying any of your nonsense.

March Hare: How about a nice cup of tea, children?

Misty: Not from you too, thank you. Since you guys are both rude!

Alice: "Have a cup of tea", indeed!

Brock: Yeah, we haven't got the time!

March Hare: The time! Who's got the time?

(Just then the white rabbit arrives.)

White Rabbit: No, no, no! No time, no time! Hello, goodbye, I'm late, I'm late!

(Alice, Ash and friends turned to see the white rabbit.)

Alice: The white rabbit!

Ash Ketchum: That's who we're talking about!

Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu!

Brock: We've been trying to tell you guys!

(Misty glares at the mad hatter and march hare angrily which made them nervous.)

Misty: (to Mad Hatter and March Hare) We knew why you two idiots won't listen to us!

White Rabbit: Oh, I'm so late. I'm so very, very late. (he get's yanked by the mad hatter)

Mad Hatter: Well, no wonder you're late. Why, this clock is exactly two days slow.

White Rabbit; Two days slow?

Mad Hatter: Course you're late. (drips the watch into the tea) My goodness. (breaks the watch) We'll have to look into this. (puts the salt shaker onto his eye) Aha! I see what's wrong with this. (used a fork digging out the gears) Why, this watch is full of wheels!

White Rabbit: Oh, my poor watch! Oh, my wheels and springs! (the spring landed on his nose and pulled it off) But-but-but-but.

Mad Hatter: Butter! Of course, it needs some butter! Butter!

March Hare: Butter!

Ash Ketchum: (softly) They've lost their minds.

Misty: (softly) They sure did, Ash.

White Rabbit: B-Butter?

Mad Hatter: Butter. (takes the butter) Thank you, butter. (spread the butter onto the watch) That's fine.

White Rabbit: Oh, no, no, no, you'll get crumbs in it!

Mad Hatter: (ignoring him) Oh, this is the very best butter. (splats the butter onto the Rabbit's face) What are you talking about?

March Hare: Tea?

Mad Hatter: Tea! Oh, I never thought of tea. Of course! (pours the tea onto the watch)

White Rabbit: No! No, not tea!

March Hare: Sugar?

Mad Hatter: Sugar, two spoons. Yes, two spoons frankly yes.

White Rabbit: Please, be careful!

White Rabbit: Oh, my watch.

Mad Hatter: It was?

White Rabbit: And, it was an unbirthday present too.

March Hare: Well, in that case.

(The mad hatter and the march hare grab him.)

Mad Hatter and March Hare: (singing) A very merry unbirthday too you!

(The white rabbit runs off into the distance.)

Ash Ketchum: Hey, wait for us, Mr. Rabbit!

Brock: Aww, man. We lost him again,

Alice: Now, where did he go to?

(Alice, Ash and friends look at the mad hatter and the march hare continue singing the Unbirthday song.)

Alice, Ash and friends decide to go home[edit | edit source]

Ash Ketchum: These two guys are nothing but tea-sipping maniacs.

Pikachu: Pika.

Alice: You're right, Ash. Of all the silly nonsense. This is the stupidest tea party we've ever been to in all our lives!

Misty: Hmph, tell me about it. Who wants to hang out with those two idiots with bad manners, anyway!

Brock: Yeah, this is totally ridiculous!

(Ash, Alice, and friends stalk away from the tea party.)

Ash Ketchum: (fed up) That does it! I have had enough of this mad place!

Alice: Me too, Ash I'm going home! Straight home!

Misty: Me three!

Pikachu: PIka!

Brock: Then let's get outta here and never come back!

Alice: That's right, Brock. That rabbit who cares where's he going anyway. Well it hadn't been for him I...

Misty: (reading the sign) "Tulgey Wood?" What a strange name for the woods.

Alice: Strange indeed, Misty. Hmm, curious. I don't remember this.

Ash Ketchum: Neither do we.

(The glasses creature popped out.)

Ash Ketchum: Now let me see.

(The glasses creature land on Ash's shoulder and the mirror bird appears in front of him.)

Ash Ketchum: Hmm? (looks at the mirror bird) Please, guys, we're through.

Pikachu: Pika.

Alice; Ash is right. No more nonsense.

Ash Ketchum: Come on, guys. Let's go.

Misty: Now, which way, Alice?

Alice: Now if we came this way.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, we should go back this way.

(Ash accidentally steps on the horn duck which caused him to jump back and the horn ducks to run off.)

Ash Ketchum: Oh, do, excuse me.

Alice: Ash, are you all right?

Ash Ketchum: Uh-huh, there's some horn ducks.

Misty: I've heard of horn ducks in real life. But not like these.

Ash Ketchum: Man, when we get home I'm gonna ask my mom to see a therapist.

Alice: And, I should write a book about this place.

Brock: Yeah, if we get home.

(Just then quacking was heard.)

Misty: Hey, listen. What's that sound?

Very good advice/Painting the roses red[edit | edit source]

Ash Ketchum: (disappointed) Awww, man.

Misty: That stupid dog swept our way out of Wonderland!

Brock: Oh, great, just great.

Alice: Oh, dear, now we'll never get out.

Misty: (sighs) What do we do now?

Alice: Well, Misty. When one's lost I-I suppose it's good advice to stay where you are until someone finds you.

Ash Ketchum: I don't think anybody around here could find us, Alice.

Alice; You're right, Ash. Good advice. If I listened earlier we wouldn't be here. But that's just the trouble with us.

Ash Ketchum: Well, we're lost and it's all my fault.

Pikachu: Pika. (comforting Ash)

Misty: Aww, Ash don't blame yourself. It was that stupid broom dog that swept our way out.

Brock: We'll keep looking for the exit out of here.

Alice: I give myself very good advice. But I'm very seldom follow it.

Pikachu: Pika.

(The tulgey wood animals gather around listening to Alice singing.)

Alice: (singing) That explains the trouble that I'm always in, be patient is very good advice But the waiting is making me curious and I love the change should something strange begin. Well I went a long merry way (beginning to cry) And I never stop to reason. I've should've known there'd be a price to pay someday, someday, I'd give myself very good advice. Did I very seldom follow it. (crying) Will I ever learn to do the things that I should.

(The tugley wood animals cry silently then they disappear.)

Ash Ketchum: Don't give up till it's over, OK?

(Ash comforts Alice as she continues crying. Just then, the Cheshire Cat appears on the tree Alice, Ash and friends turn to see him.)

Alice: Oh, Cheshire Cat it's you!

Ash Ketchum: Boy, are we glad to see you.

Cheshire Cat: Whom, do you all expect the white rabbit, perchance?

Misty: No, we're through with rabbits.

Brock: Yeah, we wanna go home!

Alice:(blows her nose) But we can't find our way.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, we lost our way out of here.

Pikachu: Pika.

Cheshire Cat: Naturally. That's because you all have no way?

Misty: What do you mean we have no way?

Cheshire Cat: All ways here, you see, are the Queen's ways.

Ash Ketchum: (shocked) What?! There's a Queen?!

Brock: Oh, great, we're stuck here!

Cheshire Cat: Yes, you're all stuck.

Misty: Where's the exit out of here?

Cheshire Cat: I told you, miss. All ways here are the Queen's ways.

Alice: But we never met any Queen.

Cheshire Cat: You haven't? You haven't? Oh, but you all must. She'll be simply mad about you, simply mad. (laughs, then sings) And the mome raths outgrabe.

Alice: Please, please. How can we find her?

Cheshire Cat: Well, some go this way. Some go that way. But as for me, myself, personally,... I prefer the shortcut. (pulls the branch like a lever then disappeared)

(Alice, Ash and friends see the entrance of the Queen's entrance.)

Alice: Oh!

Ash, Brock and Misty: Oh!

(Alice, Ash and his friends enter and walk through the maze.)

Ash Ketchum: Excuse us Mr. Three, but why do you paint them red?

Card Painters: Huh? Oh!

Three: Well, the fact is, kid, we planted the white roses by mistake, and...

Cards: (singing) The Queen she likes them red if she saw white instead.

Two: She'd raise a fuss.

Ace: And each of us..

Cards: Will quickly lose his head.

Alice: Goodness.

Ash, Misty and Brock: Yikes.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Three: Yep, so you kids better watch out for her. You'll also lose your heads if you make her angry.

Meeting the Queen of Hearts/Croquet game[edit | edit source]

Alice: Oh, please, please. they were only trying...

Queen of Hearts: And who are they?

King of Heart: (goes to check on Alice, Ash and friends) Well. Well now, let me see, my dear. They certainly aren't hearts. Do you suppose they are clubs?

Queen of Hearts: (sweetly) Why, it's four children and two unusual creatures.

Alice: Yes. And i was hoping...

Queen of Hearts: (firmly) Look up. Speak nicely. And don't twiddle your fingers. Turn out your toes. Curtsy. (Alice curtsies) Open your mouth a little wider. (Alice opens her mouth wider) And always say "Yes Your Majesty."

Alice: Yes, your Majesty. (Queen chuckles while patting Alice's head)

Queen of Hearts: (sweetly) Now uh... where d'you all come from and where you going?

Ash Ketchum: We're trying to find our way home.

Queen of Hearts: (yelling) Your way?! All ways here are my ways! (Ash jumps back startled)

Alice: Yes, we know. But I was just thinking...

Queen of Hearts: Curtsy while you're thinking. It saves time.

Alice: Yes, Your majesty. But I was only going to ask...

Queen of Hearts: I'll ask the questions! Do you all play croquet?

Alice: Why yes, Your majesty.

Ash Ketchum: No, your majesty we don't. We'll sit down and watch.

Queen of Hearts: Suit yourselves children. Let the game begin!

(The card soldiers laugh at Alice while Ash and his friends look on with concern. The flamingo tickles Alice with his feet which caused her to laugh.)

Alice: Stop!

Queen of Hearts: Of all the impossible.

Alice: Do you want us both to lose our heads?

Flamingo: Uh-huh. (giggles)

Alice: Well. I don't!

(The flamingo keeps messing with Alice and the soldiers kept on laughing as Ash and his friends get even more annoyed so they went to help Alice. The flamingo holds Alice's legs annoying her as the hedgehog nods happily.)

Ash Ketchum: Hey, pinky!

Flamingo: Huh? (get's his neck grabbed really hard) Oww!

(Alice, Brock, Pikachu and Misty smile with satisfaction. Then Alice grabs the hedgehog and swung the flamingo hitting it. Then the hedgehog rolls through the cards then it hits the tree which amused the cards and the queen. Alice looked at the cards with annoyance.)

Ash Ketchum: Are you all right, Alice? (helping up Alice)

Alice: Yes, thank you, Ash.

(The Cheshire Cat appears on the Queen's back.)

Cheshire Cat: I say, how are you all getting on?

Ash Ketchum: Not very good.

Alice: Not at all.

Cheshire Cat: Beg pardon?

Alice: (yelling) I said not at all.

Queen of Hearts: Who are you all talking too?!

Ash Ketchum: The Cheshire Cat, your majesty.

Queen of Hearts: Cat? (The Cheshire Cat keeps appearing and disappearing) Where?

Alice, Ash and friends: There.

Misty: There he is again.

Queen of Hearts: I warn you, children. (yelling) If I lose my temper, you'll lose your heads. Understand?!

(The threat made Alice, Ash and friends nervous.)

Ash Ketchum: (mutters softly) Sheesh, she sounds like Jessie from Team Rocket.

(Then the cheshire cat appears again.)

Cheshire Cat: You know, we could all make her really angry. Shall we try?

Ash Ketchum: No, bad idea!

Misty: Don't even think about it!

Brock: You're gonna get us all in trouble!

Cheshire Cat: (ignoring them) Oh, but it's loads of fun.

Ash Ketchum: Uh-uh! We'll lose our heads!

Alice: Oh, no, no, no! Stop!

(The Cheshire Cat caused the Queen to flip over, revealing her bloomers.)

Alice: Oh, no!

Ash Ketchum: Oh, we're in big trouble.

Pikachu: Pika.

Misty: Yeah, that stupid cat never listened!

Brock: Oh, man!

White Rabbit: Oh, my fur and whiskers!

King of Hearts: Oh, dear. Save the queen,

(The card guards circle around the queen just then the queen is about to blow her top.)

Queen of Hearts: Someone's heads will roll for this! (Pushed the cards down and shouts furiously at Alice, Ash and friends) Yours!

Ash Ketchum: Oh no!

Queen of Hearts: Off with their...

King of Hearts: (tugging her dress, calmly) But, consider, my dear. Couldn't they have a trial...first?

Queen of Hearts: Trial!

King of Hearts: Well, just a little trial? Hmm?

Queen of Hearts: Mmm, very well then. (patting her husband on the head) Let the trial begin!

(The card guards cheer)

Misty: Don't worry, Alice.

Ash Ketchum: We'll get out of here.

Alice, Ash and friends in trial/ Escaping Wonderland[edit | edit source]

(The scene changes to a trial where the white rabbit arrives sounding his trumpet.)

White Rabbit: Your majesty. Members of the jury. Loyal subjects. (he get's tapped by the king) And the king. The prisoners at the bar are charged with entincing her majesty, the Queen of Hearts into a game of croquet, thereby willfully...

Alice: (attempts to protest) But.. (she is blocked by two card guards)

(Ash and his friends roll their eyes in annoyance.)

Ash Ketchum: (under his breath) You've got to be kidding me.

Misty: (under her breath) We've never touched her.

White Rabbit: Teasing, tormenting and otherwise annoying...

Queen of Hearts: (shouting) Never mind all that! (calmly) Get to the part where I lose my temper.

White Rabbit: (mumbles) ...thereby causing the queen to lose her temper.

Queen of Hearts: Now, are you children, ready for your sentence?

Alice: Sentence?

Misty: This is uncalled for!

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, there must a verdict first. (two guards blocking him) (annoyed) Hey, quit it, guys!

Queen of Hearts: Sentence first! Verdict afterwards.

Brock: This is ridiculous!

Alice: Yes, this just isn't the way!

Queen of Hearts: (shouting) All ways are!

Alice: Your ways, Your Majesty.

Queen of Hearts: Yes, my child. (shouting) Off with her...

King of Hearts: (calmly) Consider, my dear.

Queen of Hearts: Huh?

King of Hearts: We've called no witnesses. Couldn't we have one or two, huh? Maybe?

Queen of Hearts: Oh, very well. But get on with it!

King of Hearts: First witness. Herald, call the first witness.

White Rabbit: The March Hare!

(The cards carry the march hare by his ears who is drinking tea.)

King of Hearts: What do you know about this unfortunate affair?

March Hare: Nothing.

Queen of Hearts: (shouting) Nothing whatever?!

March Hare: (shouting back) Nothing whatever!

Queen of Hearts: That's very important! (calmly) Jury, write that down.

(The jury writes down messages from the March Hare.)

Alice: Unimportant, Your Majesty means, of course.

Queen of Hearts: (shouting) Silence!

(Alice shushes and Ash growls softly in anger while holding his fist at the queen, king, the cards and the white rabbit scaring them. Alice holds his fist gently while calming him down.)

Queen of Hearts: Next Witness!

White Rabbit: The dormouse.

(The cards carry the tea pot with the dormouse.)

Queen of Hearts: (shouting) Well?!

Cards: Shh.

Queen of Hearts: (whispers) What have you to say about this?

Dormouse: Twinkle, twinkle, little bat How I wonder...

Queen of Hearts: (to king) That's the most important piece of evidence we've heard yet. (shouting, to jury) Write that down!

Jury: (writing down "Twinkle") Twinkle, twinkle...

Alice: (annoyed) Twinkle, twinkle.

Ash Ketchum: Oh, brother. What next?

White Rabbit: The Mad Hatter.

(The guards block Ash annoying him once more. Ash growls while grabbing their spears really hard.)

Card guard: (shocked) Hey, kid!

Card guard 2: You can't do that!

Misty: (softly) Those 2 idiots never witnessed anything.

Alice: (softly) I couldn't agree more, Misty.


Ash Ketchum: Oh, no! Not this baloney nonsense again!

Brock: And in the middle of a trial?! Seriously?!

Mad Hatter, March Hare and Cards: (sings) A very merry unbirthday!

Queen of Hearts: To me?

Mad Hatter, March Hare and Cards: To you!

Alice: Oh, no. (face-palms)

Misty: Good grief.

Mad Hatter, March Hare and Cards: (sings) A very merry unbirthday!

Queen of Hearts: For me?

Mad Hatter, March Hare and Cards: For you!

Mad Hatter: Now blow the candle out, my dear and make your wish come true! He he he.

Mad Hatter, March Hare and Cards: A very merry unbirthday, to you!

Ash Ketchum: (groans, facepalms and lays back with head looking up) Remind me to ask my mom to schedule an appointment to see a therapist when we get home, please?

Misty: Will do.

Brock: Sure thing.

Ash Ketchum: And I think I might need some ibuprofen as well. Those two idiots, along with their crazy "unbirthday" shenanigans, are giving me a headache.

(Alice comforts Ash as the cheshire cat appears on top of the Queen's head.)

Alice: Oh, Your Majesty!

Queen of Hearts: (chuckles) Yes, my dear?

Ash Ketchum: What is it now, Alice?

Brock: Hey, there he is now!

Queen of Hearts: (surprised) Huh? What? Who?

Misty: The cheshire cat!

Queen of Hearts: Cat! (cheshire cat quickly disappears)

Ash Ketchum: Huh? Cheshire cat? Where, where?

Brock: He's disappeared again!

Dormouse: Cat?! Cat?!

(The march hare and the mad hatter fruitlessly attempt to calm the dormouse.)

King of Hearts: The jam! The jam! By order of the king!

Queen of Heart: The jam! Let me have it!

Queen of Hearts: Somebody's head will roll for this! (rips the table cloth glaring furiously at Alice, Ash and friends) Aha!

Alice: The mushroom! (eats it)

Queen of Hearts: Off with her hea- (gulps nervously as she sees Alice grow into a giant)






Ash Ketchum: (groans as he picks up Alice and begins carrying her) That's it! We will not take this anymore! These people here are insane! Come on, guys! We're outta here!

Pikachu: Pika!

Misty: Let's go, Alice! It's time to ditch this nightmare and get you home for real this time!

Brock: That's right! Time to say goodbye to Wonderland and to its crazy inhabitants!

(Ash, Brock, Misty and Misty make a run from the trial and into the maze. Two of the card guards from the trial block their way.)

Card guard: You kids aren't going anywhere!

Card guard 2: Yeah, and you're gonna lose your heads!

Ash Ketchum: Oh no, not you guys again!

Misty: Get out our way, you jerks!

Card guard: Not a chance, missy!

Brock: You're talking to Pokemon trainers!

Card guard 2: Oh, and just what are you kids gonna do about it, hmm?

Ash Ketchum: I'm gonna have my Pikachu shock you with his electric attacks that's what I'm gonna do!

Pikachu: Pika!!! (sparks of electricity sputter from his cheeks which caused the card soldiers to gasp in horror)

(The Queen of Hearts King of Hearts and the white rabbit gasp in horror as well)

Card Soldiers: (scared) Uh-oh!

White Rabbit: Oh no.

(Pikachu shocks the card soldiers which causes them to yell in pain. The white rabbit reacts with shock.)

Alice:(amazed) Oh my goodness!

Ash Ketchum: Alice, I'll handle them. You make a run for it! Hurry!

Alice: You really are brave. (kisses Ash on the cheek which makes him blush in embarrassment, he then sets her down and lets her make a run for it with Brock and Misty)

(Ash and Pikachu glared at the queen and king of hearts furiously.)

Ash Ketchum: Now, it's your turn your majesty's.

Queen of Hearts: (scared) Huh?

King of Hearts: (scared) Our turn, son?

Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, shock them both!

Queen of Hearts; Oh no.

(Pikachu shocks the king and queen with his thunderbolt which caused them to scream in pain.)

Ash Ketchum: Come on, let's get out of here quick!

(Ash and Pikachu run off to catch up with Brock, Misty and Alice. The king and queen struggle to get up after getting shocked by Pikachu.)

Queen of Hearts: (growls) That little brat is so annoying! Off with their heads!



Mad Hatter: Just a moment! You can’t leave a tea party without having a cup of tea, you know!

Alice: But we can't stop now!

Misty: Let go of her, you idiots!

Brock: Haven't we done enough with you already?!

March Hare: Ah, but we insist! You must join us in a cup of tea!

Ash Ketchum: Alright, that's enough! (pushes March Hare and Mad Hatter down, making them drop their mallet; Ash catches the mallet in midair) You guys want a cup of tea so badly? I'll give you gentlemen a cup of tea! (whacks them both really, really hard in their heads with their mallet) ON BOTH OF YOUR SOFT, FRAGILE HEADS!!!

March Hare: (dazed) Pretty stars...

Mad Hatter: (dazed) Twinkly, twinkly, little stars...

Ash Ketchum: How do you like them apples, you tea-sipping maniacs?!

Alice: Excellent work, Ash.

Doorknob: Ooh! Still locked, you know?

Ash Ketchum: But the queen and her card soldiers are on our tail!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Misty: Yeah, they're going to kill us all!

Alice: That's right and we simply must get out!

Doorknob: But you kids are outside.

Brock: Huh?

Alice: What?

Doorknob: See for yourselves.

(Alice, Ash, Brock and Misty peek through the keyhole and see themselves sleeping.)

Ash Ketchum: Hey, that's us!

Alice: Yes, Ash. We're asleep.

Queen of Hearts: Don't let them get away! (she appears with the guards and all of the other wonderland residents) Off with their heads!

Misty: Oh, no, here they come!

Brock: They're coming right at us!

Alice: Alice, wake up! Please, wake up, Alice!

(Pikachu shocks all of the Wonderland residents with his thunderbolt.)

March Hare: Ouch!

Ash Ketchum: Get us out of here!

Ending[edit | edit source]

(Ash's words echo as the wonderland residents and the queen ceased to exist then it turns out to be a dream as Alice, Dinah, Ash and his friends fall asleep.)

Alice's Sister: Alice, will you kindly pay attention and recite your lesson?

Alice: (wakes up) Hmmm?

Ash Ketchum:(wakes up) Whoa, what a crazy dream we had!

Pikachu: (agreeing) Pika.

Alice: Oh, how doth the little crocodile improves each shiny tail and pour the waters of-

Alice's Sister: (confused) Alice, what are you talking about?

Ash Ketchum: Well, that's a long story.

Brock: Yeah, and a longer dream.

Alice: Oh, I'm sorry, but you see, the Caterpillar said...

Alice's Sister: Caterpillar? Oh, for goodness sake, Alice, I... Oh, well. Come along, it's time for tea.

(Alice picks up Dinah as Ash and his friends follow her and her sister)

Ash Ketchum: Okay, we take Alice home, we say goodbye, we keep walking, we don't look back and let's all agree that we never talk about our crazy experience in Wonderland ever again.

Brock: You got that right.

Misty: You said it.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Alice: That's a very wise decision, Ash.

Ash Ketchum: Thank you, Alice. I could really have some real tea.

(Later on, Ash and his friends are about to depart and leave Alice.)

Alice: Ash, you and your friends are my only kind friends I've ever met. I couldn't done it without you all.

(Alice hugged and kissed Ash on the cheek which made him blush, then she pets Pikachu which made him smile and she hugged Brock and Misty.)

Alice: Goodbye, Ash! Goodbye, Pikachu! Goodbye Misty! Goodbye, Brock!

Ash Ketchum: Bye, Alice!

Pikachu: (waving) Pika, Pi!

Brock: Goodbye, Alice!

Misty: Bye, Alice!

(The end)

Post-Credits Scene[edit | edit source]

Queen of Hearts: OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!

Ash Ketchum: Shut up! SHUT UP!!

Misty and Brock: SHUT UP!!!

Pikachu: Pikachu!