You Snooze, You Lose/Transcript















Buttercup: Wow!

Bubbles: That was fun!

Blossom: Yeah, Amoeba Boys! That was great! (the laser comes towards her and her sisters) Oh, no! That laser is coming right towards us! This is no ride, this is a Powerpuff destruction machine!

(The girls struggle to break free from the gum, but are really stuck.)

Girls: HELP! (×5)

(Meanwhile, Pooh Bear and friends are wandering in the park, having a good day. When suddenly....)

Pikachu: Pika? Pika!

Girls: HELP! (×3)

Ash Ketchum: Whoa! Huh? Good grief! What was that?! Who's yelling help?!

Pikachu: Pika?!

Misty: Is that the girls?

Tigger: I believe so!

Girls: HELP! (×2)

Brock: I hear them!

Winnie the Pooh: But I don't see them anywhere!

Eeyore: Maybe they're calling from the sky. Probably got stuck up there somewhere.

Piglet: Oh, no! Look!

Girls: HELP! (×5)

Mojo Jojo: (getting agitated while crumbling up papers in looking for his missing blueprints) What's all that racket?!

(The heroes rush over to the scene where the girls are. They react in horror.)

Pikachu: Pika!

Ash Ketchum: The girls!!!

Mojo Jojo: (gasps) My machine!

Junior: Duh—hey, look, Boss! I'm drivin'! (Mojo shoves them aside.)

Mojo: Get out of here! This is my machine! (laughs maniacally) Now I've got you, Powerpuff Girls! (The laser turns down to point right at them.) And it is my plan that will destroy you! And then I will rule the world!