Trouble at the DigiWorld
Story edit
Within the depths of the Digital World, a Chaos Emerald has revealed itself...only to wind up in Bowser's greedy claws. Meanwhile, Gennai and Leomon reveals that Bowser has the Digidestined's family hidden in the Digital World. Now Pooh and his friends, along with the assistance of Tai and the Original Digidestined, must get back the Chaos Emerald before the newly returned MetalSeadramon uses it for his own ends.
Trivia edit
- Pooh is able to rescue the parents and reunite them with their children at the same time as his compatriots recover the Chaos Emerald from MetalSeadramon.
- Sailor Moon, and Digimon Digital Monsters Season 1 are Both Produced by Toei Animation,
- Both Digimon Season 1 and The Power Rangers Series are Made by Saban Entertainment and Broadcasted by Fox Kids Network
Script edit
Monster of the Day edit
- Monster: Myotismon
- Megazord Battle?: Yes (VenomMyotismon)