Tino Tonitini and The Princess Twins of Legendale

Tino Tonitini and The Princess Twins of Legendale is an upcoming Weekenders/Lionsgate crossover film made by Sonic876 and Magmon47. It will appear on Pandora.TV as a double feature with Tino's Adventures of The Powerpuff Girls: Superfriends in the near future. 

Plot edit

Sheltered in the land of Eternal Daylight, Princess Dawn dreams of a world beyond the palace. Certain the forbidden Night World holds the key to her past, Dawn embarks on a mystical moonlit adventure and discovers that the two worlds were divided by an evil sorceress. The kingdom's only hope is revealed when Dawn encounters her twin sister Eve and they realize that they alone hold the power to unite the kingdom.

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Transcript edit

Main article: Tino Tonitini and The Princess Twins of Legendale/Transcript