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Tino Tonitini and A Wrinkle in Time (2003)

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

Tino Tonitini and A Wrinkle in Time an upcoming Weekenders/Live Action Disney crossover film planned to be created by Sonic876. It will appear on Pandora.TV in the near future.

Plot[edit | edit source]

Meg Murry (Katie Stuart) is having a difficult time. Her father, astrophysicist Dr. Jack Murry (Chris Potter), has mysteriously disappeared. Her youngest brother, Charles Wallace (David Dorfman), a genius, is teased and belittled and thought to be stupid because he does not talk to anyone but family. Meg does not get along with her peers, teachers, her 10-year-old twin brothers (Munro Chambers, Thomas Chambers), or even with herself.

Into this unhappy situation comes a stranger, the mysterious, weirdly dressed Mrs. Whatsit (Alfre Woodard), and her friends Mrs. Who (Alison Elliott) and Mrs. Which (Kate Nelligan). They take Meg, Charles Wallace, and their new friend Calvin O'Keefe (Gregory Smith) via tesseract to other planets, preparing the children for a mission to rescue Dr. Murry from the malevolent "IT" on the planet Camazotz. Along the way they ride on the back of a beautiful winged creature (the transformed Mrs. Whatsit), learn about the shadow of tangible evil known as the Black Thing, and visit the Happy Medium (Seán Cullen).

Once they reach Camazotz, however, it is up to Meg, Calvin, and Charles Wallace to face the dangers of CENTRAL Central Intelligence, aided only by each other and a pair of Mrs. Who's glasses. They do find and rescue Dr. Murry, but Charles Wallace is seduced away from his family by IT's agent, the Man with Red Eyes (Kyle Secor), and thus comes under the control of IT. Dr. Murry manages to tesser himself, Meg and Calvin, away from Camazotz, but Charles Wallace is left behind, trapped in the mind of IT. Angry with her father, Calvin and herself for leaving Charles Wallace behind, Meg is cared for by the sightless and motherly Aunt Beast (Ellen Dubin) on the planet Ixchel and argues with Mrs. Which about returning to rescue her brother. Returning alone to Camazotz, Meg must find a quality in herself—love—to free Charles Wallace, and possibly free the planet Camazotz as well.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Masters of the 100 Acre Team, Timmy Turner, Cosmo and Wanda, Poof, Chloe Carmichael, Chester McBadbat, A.J., Trixie Tang, D-Team and their Dinosaurs (Max Taylor, Chomp, Zoe Drake, Paris, Rex Owen, and Ace), Alpha Gang and their Dinosaurs (Dr. Z, Ursula, Zander, Ed, Rod and Laura), Tara Duncan, Cal (Tara Duncan), Sparrow, Corey Riffin, Laney Penn, Kin Kujira and Kon Kujira, Bibi Blocksberg, and Pippi Longstocking guest star in this film.