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Tino Tonitini Meets Phineas & Ferb

From Pooh’s Adventures Wiki

Tino Tonitini Meets Phineas & Ferb is the first upcoming all-new Weekenders short film created by Sonic876 and LegoKyle14. It will appear on Pandora.TV in the near future.

Plot[edit | edit source]

A day of the last day of school (before the First Day of Summer starts) at Bahai Bay, Tino and his friends deciding on what to do for the Summer. Then, their new friend Akko return to Bahai Bay and ask the four to go to Danville with her since her friends aren't available at the time. So they decided to go with her to Danville for the summer, but one of but one of Tino's enemies Dr. Phillium Benedict hear their plans for the summer, Fat Cat along with his gang follow them there, and they plan to capture them and once again to get rid of Summer Vaction forever and taking over Danville. Until the heroes meet two boys help them to save the start of their summer.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

Transcript[edit | edit source]

Main article: Tino Tonitini Meets Phineas & Ferb/Transcript

Links[edit | edit source]

  • Full Short