The Tale of the Nightmare Creatures
The Tale of the Nightmare CreaturesIt's the 4 parter episode of Pooh's Adventures Chronicles by Daniel Esposito and it Will Appear on ZippCast in a Near Future.
Plot[edit | edit source]
Part 1[edit | edit source]
Jason Blood and his alter-ego Etrigan the Demon, seek the assistance of Pooh and his Friends in preventing the Philosopher's stone and the Diary of Adam Crowley from falling into the hands of their ancient enemies, Mistress Nine & the sorceress Morgaine Le Fey, To Unleash the Demonic Broot of the Nightmare Creatures.
Part 2[edit | edit source]
When Our Heroes are trapped in a nightmarish dream world controlled by Dr. Facilier and Rasputin, they are forced to confront the Nightmare Creatures of Adam Crowley.
Part 3[edit | edit source]
After Escaping from the Nightmare World Our Heroes team up with Etrigan to Stop Bowser and the evil Morgaine le Faye from finishing her quest to find the Sorcerer's Stone and Adam Crowley's Diary - legendary objects that Controls the Nightmare Creatures.
Part 4[edit | edit source]
Our Heroes are transformed into eight-year-olds in a desperate attempt to save Angel Grove from the magic of Bowser, Jafar, Facilier, Rasputin and Morgaine Using the Diary of Adam Crowley to Nightmare Creatures to Become More Deadlier.