The Sunblock Solution
The Sunblock Solution is the third episode of the revival season of Pooh's Adventures Armada.
Plot edit
After moon's repair in the last episode, the sun gets blocked and created an artificial eclipse. Captain Mutiny claims that the Koopa Moon was damaged and it caused the Moon to block the sun. He promises to fix everything and the President gives him one chance. However, it turns out that he can't fix the moon any time soon, so Captain Mutiny provides an alternative solution: by sending a reflection satellite into space and directing sunlight from it into large Mirror Towers, he can cause artificial sunlight by emitting sunlight from towers to his Sunshine Balls.
Public immediately begin to call Captain Mutiny to purchase Sunshine Balls in order to have sunlight again. However, Sonic is not convinced about Captain Mutiny's sincerity and storms out, leaving others wondering. Soon after, Sonic knocks out one of the Mirror Towers. Recorded footage about his attack is delivered to Captain Mutiny and the President and after it is given to the media, Sonic is declared a threat.
An angry mob begins to surround Cranston Tech, demanding Sonic to answer for what he has done. The Rebels are trying to convince the mob that Sonic's innocent, to no avail, as they either head back into the Command Center, or are caught with the protesters. The episode ends with Captain Mutiny becoming popular and Sonic knocking out a second Mirror tower while his friends are trapped inside the mansion by the mob while Deviot successfully brings the New United Alliance of Evil back.