The Journey Part 2/Transcript
Intro[edit | edit source]
- Mewtwo: (narrating, while the Absolution arrives at Coruscant) Captain's Log, star date 1998. Thanks to Bowser and the First Order, the Enterprise is out of commission to help finish the journey. But thanks to some old friends, TOM and SARA, we're on our way to the planet Coruscant. Our old friends, the Grand Councilwoman, Gantu, and Reuben will be waiting for us there. Along with some new allies in the form of the Triceratons whom like us share a common goal: the defeat of the First Order.
- TOM: Coruscant.
- Rabbit: The Heart of the New Republic.
- Lillie: Wow! Alola's cities are nothing like this.
- TOM: The entire planet's one big city. There's the Grand Councilwoman's shuttle. And look there she, Gantu, Reuben, and one of the Triceratons' is waiting for us.
(the Absolution lands, everyone gets out as Gantu and Reuben approaches)
- Gantu: Aloha, my friends. It’s been awhile.
- Mewtwo: How is everything going for you two honorary members of our team?
- Reuben: Since Hamsterviel’s defeat, we helped the New Republic gain new members to help the Resistance defeat the First Order.
- Good Fairy: Excellent. Anything else?
- Gantu: Let’s talk about that later. The Gand Councilwoman is approaching.
(the Grand Councilwoman approaches with with two Triceratons one with a eyepatch)
- The Gand Councilwoman: It is great relief to see you and your companions alive, Zordon of Eltar. With what happened on Earth, we've become very concerned. I'm anxious to hear your report on the situation. May I present Traximus and Captain Mozar of the Triceratons.
- Traximus: Welcome, Zordon of Eltar. It's an honor to finally meet you in person.
- Zordon: Thank you, Traximus.
- Traximus: I must relay to you how distressed everyone is over the currant situation. The Grand Councilwoman’s called for a special session of the Senate to hear your position.
- Palutena: I am grateful for your concern, Traximus.
- The Grand Councilwoman: There is a question of procedure, but I feel confident we can overcome it...
- Darth Vader: (to Traximus) I must speak with my daughter and the Utroms. The situation has become much more complicated.
- Traximus: As you wish, Lord Vader.
(everyone boards a space taxi as seen in Star Wars Episode 1)
Who was that Girl?[edit | edit source]
- Tails: How strange, I could have sworn I saw.... Cosmo.
Remembering Old Wounds and Scars[edit | edit source]
(Scene: Jedi Temple)
- Darth Vader: Even the memories of this place continue to haunt me from the day I betrayed them, those who were my brothers, allies, but above all our friends.
The Gathering[edit | edit source]
- Councilor Brody: Dark Specter?. I thought we'd heard the last of that Monster.
- High Councilor Renier: His Son is now Continuing what the United Alliance of Evil started and that Includes bringing back their Members who caused a Lot of Trouble on Angel Grove years ago.