The Journey Part 1/Transcript

Intro/Mewtwo's Captain Log edit

  • Mewtwo: (narrating) Captain's Log, stardate no idea. The evil Thanos, also known as the Mad Titan and his cohorts the Black Order, have invaded Earth. He wanted to wipe out half of the universe, so with the aid of Bowser and his New United Alliance of Evil, he unleashed the power of the Infinity Gauntlet by uniting the Infinity Stones and succeeded at the one place eligible for his plan, Planet Earth, The Avengers's Earth's Mightiest Heroes were no match for him. We lost our friends, Families, our allies, even our lair, the Power Chamber. We were only saved at the last second by our old friends, Fennec Shand and the Fugitoid. Now, it was just me, my Family, My Friends, our 100 Acre Wood Rebel Alliance, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Ash and his friends, the Digidestined, and the Newcomers the PAW Patrol. We're on our way to planet KO-35 to get supplies then off to Coruscant.
  • Mewtwo (Narrating): Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Command Ship. Its continuing mission: to explore new worlds, Protecting and Serve to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

(Intro Music Plays)

Space Battle/Ambush edit

(Scene: Astro Megaship)

(Cut to inside the Astro Megaship. The Mario Bros. are at the Main Deck, while Chase and Aisling are playing cards at a table in the back.)

  • Luigi: *gulp* Uh oh! Mario, check your rear view video screen!

(Mario presses a button, and the Imperial Army appears on a screen.)

  • Mario: Slag! Imperial Troops! ! They're right behind us!

(Mario presses another button and speaks through the loudspeaker.)

  • Mario: Attention This is your plumber speaking! The fasten seatbelts sign has been turned on!, While requesting the available units to prepare the remaining ships for an offensive counterattack.

(The words "FASTEN SEATBELTS" appear on a monitor by Aisling and Chase, who put down their cards and Chips and fasten their seatbelts.)

  • Chase: Just when I was winnin'!
  • Aisling: It's that they're never going to give us a break.
  • Mario: Hang on, I'm pouring on the pasta power!
  • Izzy Izumi (OS): Hull breach in Sector Seven! Guidance systems failing!
  • Michelangelo: (OS) Oh, man! This is ridiculous!, We're just an exploration ship, not a Klingon battle cruiser!
  • Zordon (OS): No choice. Our ship and the Astro Megaship were the only ones that could lock onto Megatron's warp signature.
  • Tai Kamiya (OS): Shields are doing a major fade!
  • Mewtwo (OS): Plasma cannons to full power!

(Scene: Omega Doomship)

  • Ecliptor (OS): Their shields are down! Destroy them! and deploy the Launching Cables.
  • Bowser (OS): Oh, now where's the fun in that?, A little torment I think first, yess? Side guns! Online!

Unexpected Reinforcements edit

  • Tai Kamiya: What do you think it is, Chief?
  • Mewtwo: Not what. Who.
  • Good Fairy: After the Beast Wars, there was a Federation, the United Federation of Planets, they formed the Starfleet.

(Scene: Omega Doomship)

  • Darth Sidious (OS): The Enterprise!
  • Azula: Who now dare to challenge us?.
  • Bowser (Angry): Jean-Luc Picard!
  • Azula: Picard?!, He's a Foolish Old Man!
  • Darth Sidious: Yes, since the fall of my Empire, those lapdogs of Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets, have discredited my position as Chancellor, due to my ties to Dark Specter, including our War Crimes on The Jedi Council until the Romulan Half-Blood named Sela was executed for treason, due to recent encounters with Picard.
  • Mistress 9: She had to learn that Playing with Fire would be burned.

Space Battle edit

  • Aisling: Too quiet here.
  • Commander William Riker: Indeed, most likely, they are ready for a kind of Ambush.
  • Ecliptor: Ha! Excellent prediction, Commander William Riker!
  • Aisling: Ecliptor!
  • Ecliptor: Let's see how you fare in the battlefield.
  • Ecliptor: OPEN FIRE!!

(They Begin to Fire the Enterprise)

  • Aisling (to Worf): Where are the Galaxy Gliders and our Jet Jammers?
  • Lieutenant Worf: They are in the Hangar.
  • Aisling (to Mewtwo and Ashi): Let us hope that our powers are still functioning, even without the Power Chamber.
  • Mewtwo: Let's Go.

Ending edit

  • Princess Cadence: What happened?
  • Data: The villains must have switched to auxiliary power.
  • Mewtwo: Then we gotta search for them.
  • Geordi La Forge: I'm afraid not, General. That battle left us without fuel and weaponry.
  • Tai Kamiya: Slag!.
  • Rarity: What do we do now, darlings?
  • Worf: Captain. We're being hailed.
  • Picard: Onscreen. This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. Identify yourself.
  • Familiar Voice: This the Absolution. We read you, Captain Picard.
  • Good Fairy: That voice. TOM?
  • TOM: Hey, GF. Been a long time.
  • SARA: Hi, GF.
  • Good Fairy: SARA?
  • William T. Riker: Do you know them?
  • Good Fairy: They're good friends of ours.
  • Zordon: Yes. They manage to help us during Eltar's invasion long ago.
  • Picard: State your business, Absolution.
  • TOM: The citizens of KO-35 has informed me about the trouble and it looks like we're just in time. So, we're gonna make you an offer: we'll help you get the Chosen Ones and their supplies to Coruscant and you get refueled and reweaponized here on KO-35. Deal?
  • Picard: (sees everyone nodding yes) We have a bargain, Absolution.

(everyone boards the Absolution)

  • SARA: Everyone and everything is onboard, Enterprise. You may begin refueling and reweaponizing.
  • Picard: Good Luck, Absolution. And all of you.
  • Mewtwo (to Picard): Long Live and Prosperity, Captain, We hope to see each other on occasion.
  • TOM: May the Force be with You.

(screen turns off)

  • Aisling: I'm sure gonna miss them.
  • Mewtwo: I know Ais.
  • Peach: But we got a mission to do.
  • Andros: Right.
  • Zordon: TOM, set course for Coruscant.
  • TOM: Yes, sir. SARA?
  • SARA: On our way.

(Absolution enters hyperspace)

  • TOM: Boy, do I love this job.
  • Good Fairy: you can Say that Again, Old Friend.


Executive Producers




Special Thanks to the Cast and Crew Members of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" at Paramount Pictures and CBS Studios

In Memoriam of Gene Roddenberry 1921-1991

Teaser: "Next Time on Pooh's Adventures Armada: Hunt for the Chaos Emeralds" edit

  • Dave Mallow (Narrator): Next Time on Disney and Saban's "Pooh's Adventures Armada: Hunt for the Chaos Emeralds", our Heroes have Arrived at Coruscant, while having an Encounter of their Newfound Allies from the Triceraton Empire, and a Special Session of the Senate.
  • Grand Councilwoman: Bowser's Madness and his obsession with the Legacy of the Great Monarch of Evil has reached Extreme levels.
  • Dave Mallow (Narrator): Meanwhile the Session becomes a Target, as The New United Alliance of Evil and the First Order, prepares an Assault on our Heroes.
  • Bowser: The universe cowered once at the name of Dark Specter, and it shall do so again!, even if i have to Kill you All! Mewtwo: Freedom is the right of all sentient beings, Bowser.
  • Dave Mallow (Narrator): Can our Heroes find a Way to Stop the New United Alliance of Evil?, find out in Part 2 of "The Journey" Mini Series on the Next Disney and Saban's "Pooh's Adventures Armada: Hunt for the Chaos Emeralds!"

(Fades to Black)