Sora's Retribution

Sora's Retribution is a fan-made episode of Sora's Adventures of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2 created and developed by Daniel Esposito.

Plot edit

Sora still a grudge against Lord Zedd after what he did to Sora, Donald and Goofy in the battle in Radiant Garden which it concerns Donald and Goofy and tried to calm him down since he arrived. But Sora snapped at Donald and Goofy and quits the Power Ranger team face Zedd alone.

Tommy and the others heard what happened they asked why Sora was acting so strange Donald and Goofy explained what happen back at Radiant Garden when Lord Zedd attack and they understand them completely and have Tommy go out and help Sora during his fight with Goldar.

Transcript edit

Sora's Retribution/Transcript