Pooh's Beach Day/Transcript

Revision as of 18:26, 6 February 2025 by Brerdaniel (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Here is the transcript of Pooh's Beach Day of Pooh's Adventures Chronicles. - *'''Korra:''' Whew! *'''Piglet:''' Oh-d-d-dear, Korra you're looking so sweaty. *'''Korra:''' Tell me about it. *'''Piglet:''' G-Goodness, I hope this weather changes. Piglets aren't very good at being sweating. *'''TBA:''' But pigs don't have sweat glands! - - - * '''Eddy:''' We wouldn't be so hot if a certain someone would hurry up and fix the air conditioner - - - - - -...")
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Here is the transcript of Pooh's Beach Day of Pooh's Adventures Chronicles.


  • Korra: Whew!
  • Piglet: Oh-d-d-dear, Korra you're looking so sweaty.
  • Korra: Tell me about it.
  • Piglet: G-Goodness, I hope this weather changes. Piglets aren't very good at being sweating.
  • TBA: But pigs don't have sweat glands!




  • Eddy: We wouldn't be so hot if a certain someone would hurry up and fix the air conditioner

















  • Rabbit: Then it's settled! We'll all head to the creek at dawn.


  • Mina Aino: What a glorious day today. The sun is shining and warm, the sky is blue, the water is cool...
  • Clover: (is relaxing on a chair, putting on sunscreen) Perfect beach weather
  • Taranee Cook: It's nice to have some time off
  • Ash Ketchum: Which we deserved after those long battles with our enemies
  • Shaggy Rogers: Totally! (fist-bumps with Ash)
  • Misty: (drinks her drink) Now that none of our enemies are here to ruin our relaxation, we can all just relax from all of the battling we did
  • Cornelia Hale: You said it, Misty!









  • Winnie the Pooh: Um, fellas there seems to be something.. or is it someone.. missing.
  • Serena Tsukino: Now that you mention it, has anybody seen Ed, Double D, and Eddy?
  • Fred Jones: Yeah, they were supposed to meet us here over an hour ago. Where can they be?
  • Misty: I don't know.
  • Daphne Blake: Knowing those three, they've probably been sidetracked by jawbreakers.

(At a tent in the woods Ed, Double D, and Eddy are asleep. Eddy wakes up for a few seconds and rolls over. He then goes back to sleep for a few more seconds. He then sits up, unzips the tent, and looks outside)

  • Eddy: Wake up! We slept in!
  • Double D: Slept in? Oh dear! I've never slept in! I've blemished my personal resume!
  • Eddy: (Ed is still snoozing) Ed, wake up! We gotta get to the creek or we'll lose our spot at the swimming hole!
  • Ed: (sitting up) Oh, no, spot is lost! Say it ain't so, Eddy! (He runs out of the tent. Double D is rolling up his sleeping bag)
  • Eddy: Ed, this way! Hurry up, Sockhead. (He runs in the opposite direction)
  • Double D: But I haven't brushed my teeth or had my crumpet or... (Ed runs into him, tent clad)
  • Ed: Here, Spot! Come on, boy!

(Meanwhile, back at the beach)

  • Brock: I wonder what's taking the Eds so long?
  • Amy Anderson: Yeah. We don't want for them to miss out the fun
  • Ed: (offscreen from a distance) Here, Spot! Come on, boy!
  • Raye Hino: Speak of the devil, here they come.

(Eddy, hustling, strips off his shirt. Double D follows, changing out of his PJs as he runs)

  • Double D: Ed, you're not listening! The spot by the creek!
  • Ed: Spot's by the creek, Eddy!

(The Eds rush down to the creek)

  • Eddy: Tell me something I don't know, Ed.















  • Eddy: (in a rocky, undesirable area) Nice spot, Double D. Is there something on my back?

(On Eddy's back are wedged many rocks, a stick, and a soda can)

  • Double D: This isn't oh so bad, Eddy. Let's stay all day. Oooch.
  • Ed: Oink, oink, oink. (He has placed two giant leaves around his neck and has a branch sticking out of the rear of his underpants) Oink, oink, oink. (He shoots his tongue out three times) I am a lizard! Oink, oink, oink.
  • Double D: (searching through his bag) Well, Ed's lack of sleep is evident. (He pulls out a microscope)
  • Eddy: This spot stinks! There's rocks, garbage, and bugs everywhere!
  • Double D: Not to mention the lack of shade. Boy, is it hot! (He continues to hunt through the bag)
  • Eddy: C'mon, let's get out of here.
  • Double D: Oh dear. It can't be! (He drops the bag) I forgot my sunscreen! I'm so vulnerable. I can feel my flesh tighten. The stinging of the ultraviolet rays! Eddy, Tino and his friends stole our spot.
  • Eddy: Man, it's like a merry-go-round. That's exactly what I said twenty pages ago!
  • Double D: But Eddy, look at them. They look so comfortable.
  • Eddy: Let's put stamps on their heads and mail them to Siberia.
  • Double D: Too inhumane, Eddy. In chess, in order to position oneself, one must first go through the pawns.















  • Eddy: What're you waiting for, guys? (He is tossing the beach equipment) Looks like the girls abandoned their spot! We're one small step to one giant leap from kicking Tino and his friends out of our spot!





  • Cornelia Hale: Hey! Get out of our spot!
  • Eddy: You and who's army?
  • Double D: You'd think you would've learned by now, Eddy.















(The sun is beating down on the rocks as the Eds climb the cliff)

  • Eddy: (on Ed, who is acting like a camel) Let's see. What'll we use to get Timon and Pumbaa off their perch? Explosives? Nah. A giant slingshot? Nope. A trapeze! Double D, that's it! We'll use a trapeze! They'll never know what hit them! (plotting) We'll lower some rope–and Ed, you can wear the tights.
  • Double D: (touching a particularly hot rock) Aaauughgh!
  • Ed: A bar mitzvah.
  • Eddy: So anyway, you just swing over,–
  • Double D: A trapeze? Please. Here's an idea, Eddy. Next time, let's just sit in an oven!
  • Eddy: Why don't you do something useful? LIKE HURRY UP!

(Double D begins to shake with rage)


















  • Ed: Seeya, Tino!
  • Eddy: (excited) Tino and his friends leave? Woohoo! Took them long enough. Slugs.
  • Double D: Assistance please. Assistance.

(Double D is stretched out on the cliff, his body burned red from a day without sunscreen)

  • Eddy: What's with you?
  • Double D: Mother nature is sssooooooooooo unforgiving.
  • Ed: (extending his arm) Come on, Double D. (He lifts Double D to a standing position)
  • Double D: Yowch! Don't touch me! (He touches his face) Ow! My face! Every nerve in the primary layers of skin are screaming, 'DOUBLE D, YOU NINCOMPOOP, YOU FORGOT THE SUNSCREEN!' (He moves) Yeowch!
  • Eddy: You look a little sunburnt, Double D.
  • Double D: (through gritted teeth) Don't toy with me, Eddy, I'll be shedding for weeks!
  • Eddy: Welcome to the great outdoors, Nature Boy. What a whiner. (He realizes he's burned on his left side)
  • Ed: I am a lizard. (He is also half burnt) I have changed colors! I have become Chameleon Man! Oink!
  • Double D: Stay back! (Ed prods his sensitive skin) Ouch!
  • Ed: Oink! (He pokes Double D again)
  • Double D: Yahouch! Eddy, make him stop!
  • Eddy: Cut it out...
  • Ed: Oink! (He prods Eddy)
  • Eddy: Ow!
  • Ed: You can be my sidekick, Frogmouth Kid! And... and Double D is our butler, um...Double D!

(Eddy decides to slap Ed's burnt back)

  • Ed: Oink! (He pokes both of his friends)
  • Double D and Eddy: Ow! (They hit back)
  • Ed: Oink! (He pokes them again)
  • Double D and Eddy: Ow! (The hit is returned)
  • Ed: Oink!
  • Double D and Eddy: Ow!
  • Ed: Oink oink! Oink oink!