Pooh's Adventures of Winx Club Episode 69

This is the Transcript to the seventeenth episode of Pooh's Adventures of Winx Club Season 3.

Transcript edit

Pooh and Bloom Return to Alfea and Discover Tecna is Alive/Reconciling With Sky edit

(The episode starts as Bloom and Pooh returned from their adventure on Pyros, having arrived at Alfea)

  • Bloom: Where is everyone?
  • Winnie the Pooh: Perhaps they could be on a field trip to Downtown Magix?
  • Bloom: Oh, I forgot. We're still on Pyros time. Everyone must be still asleep.
  • (They walk in the school)
  • Winnie the Pooh: I can't wait to see our friends' reactions when they see us.
  • Bloom: Yeah, let's wake them up. They'll be glad to see us, Bloom.
  • (They run upstairs to find their friends)
  • Bloom: Stella! Stella, open up! It's me, Bloom!
  • Winnie the Pooh: Piglet! (knocks on Stella's door) Piglet, it's me, Pooh!
  • Bloom: Huh?
  • Winnie the Pooh: That's funny. Why didn't they answer?
  • Bloom: I don't know. (walks into Flora's dorm and knocks on the door) I'm back, Flora!
  • Winnie the Pooh: Rabbit? (knocks) Are you not there? (his stomach growls) Oh.
  • (They go to Layla and Musa's dorms)
  • Winnie the Pooh: Tigger? Eeyore? We're back.
  • Bloom: Musa, are you there? Layla? (she knocks on the door) Ash? SpongeBob? Mickey?
  • Winnie the Pooh: Simba? Littlefoot? Bugs? Anyone? Oh bother. Where has everyone gone?
  • Bloom: I don't know, Pooh. (lays on her bed, sadly) I hope they're okay.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Me too.
  • Lockette: Bloom, Pooh Bear, you're back! I've been waiting and waiting for you!
  • (Bloom and Lockette hug)
  • Winnie the Pooh: Oh! Hello, Lockette!
  • Chatta: Welcome back!
  • (The other pixies hug Bloom)
  • Bloom: Chatta! Amore! I'm so glad to see you guys.
  • Winnie the Pooh: It's awfully good to see you again, pixies.
  • Lockette: I'm glad you're home. I was so worried about you two.
  • Bloom: We're fine, but what's going on here?
  • Winnie the Pooh: Bloom's right, girls. Where did all of our friends go?
  • Amore: While you were on the island of dragons, Piglet, Tigger, the rest of the gang, and the other girls left for the Omega Dimension.
  • Bloom: Huh?
  • Winnie the Pooh: What?!
  • Digit: They went there to try to find Tecna.
  • Bloom: Tecna?!
  • Winnie the Pooh: Tecna's alive?
  • (Pooh and Bloom run out of the dorm; Piff wakes up and yawns)
  • Bloom: Griselda, Miss Faragonda, hi!
  • Faragonda: Welcome back, Bloom and Pooh. Come on in.
  • Bloom: Okay.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Excuse me, Miss Faragonda, but is there a small smackerel of honey in the Alfea cafeteria that I might have?
  • Faragonda: We might have something for you in a moment, Pooh. I need to talk to Bloom first.
  • (Pooh and Bloom enter the office)
  • Bloom: We just got back from Pyros and Digit said that everyone went to Omega to look for Tecna.
  • Faragonda: We'll talk about that in a minute. First, let me co congratulate you on what you achieved on Pyros. Maia is a friend and kept me informed of your progress.
  • Bloom: Wow.
  • Winnie the Pooh: That's wonderful.
  • Faragonda: I'm proud of you, Bloom. Not many fairies could have survived there.
  • Bloom: I was able to grow so much and I got way more in touch with my powers. But...
  • Griselda: There's always a "but".
  • Bloom: I don't understand how I earned my Enchantix without saving anybody from my realm.
  • Faragonda: You've become a rare exception to the rules of fairies. A very rare exception.
  • (A flashback of Bloom's Enchantix transformation is shown)
  • Faragonda (voice over): On Pyros, you used all of your willpower. And your belief in yourself was so powerful that it simply transformed you.
  • (Flashback ends)
  • Faragonda: It's as if you willed yourself into an Enchantix.
  • Griselda: Very impressive.
  • Bloom: Thanks a lot. So is it true what Digit said? What they heard from Tecna?
  • Winnie the Pooh: Is it possible that Tecna might still be alive?
  • Faragonda: A signal was received. We're not sure if it was really her.
  • Bloom: We have to go.

(Not too long after meeting with Faragonda and Griselda, the Red Fountain ship lands on the quad)

  • Bloom: A Red Fountain ship!
  • Winnie the Pooh: Do you think it could be...
  • Pooh and Bloom: Sky!
  • Sky: Hi, guys.
  • Bloom: Hey, We're really glad to see that you're okay.
  • Sky: Well, I guess if by "okay", you mean that I'm no longer under Diaspro's spell?
  • (Flashback to where Stella is breaking Baltor's mark on Sky)
  • Sky (voice over): Then yes, I suppose that I'm okay. But I really won't be okay. In fact, I won't be okay at all until I've somehow managed to make this up to you, Bloom.
  • (Flashback ends. Bloom holds Sky's hand)
  • Bloom: Don't say that, Sky. It wasn't your fault.
  • Sky: I know, but I hurt you, Bloom. And that's the last thing I would ever want to do.
  • Winnie the Pooh: We know you might have hurt Bloom back at Eraklyon, Sky. But we know you really didn't mean to do it.
  • Sky: I know, Pooh, but I don't have any excuse for that. I guess I really am nothing but a sorry excuse for a prince and a boyfriend to Bloom.
  • Winnie the Pooh: But that's not true. You were just...
  • Sky: I was under Diaspro's control.
  • Bloom: And Baltor's. I really thought I might've lose you, Sky.
  • Sky: You didn't lose me and you never will. (hugs Bloom and kisses her)
  • Winnie the Pooh: (sighs) How very romantic.

(Bloom and Sky are sitting on the bench, with Pooh eating from his honeypot)

  • Winnie the Pooh: So, Sky, what brings you here to Alfea?
  • Sky: I didn't go to the Omega Dimension because I was put on active patrol on Red Fountain. But when I heard you were back, I asked Codatorta to grant me special permission to escort you both.
  • Bloom: (laughs) And 'cause he's so nice, he said yes?
  • Sky: Exactly!
  • (Sky and Bloom laugh as they hug)
  • Bloom: Who told you we'd be back?
  • Sky: That's confidential information. Sorry.
  • Amore: I told him because of true love.
  • (Sky and Bloom gasp and look away)
  • Winnie the Pooh: Hmm?
  • Chatta: Amore!
  • Amore: What? What's wrong with what I said?
  • Tune: Look, you made them both blush!
  • Lockette: Bloom, you and Pooh can't go to the Omega Dimension. That horrible place is way too dangerous!
  • Bloom: Lockette, you know that if there's any possibility of saving Tecna, we have to try.
  • Winnie the Pooh: And so we will.
  • Lockette: But the other fairies and Piglet, Ash, Simba, Littlefoot, and their pals are already there.
  • Bloom: They might need help. And don't forget, Sky will be there with us.
  • Winnie the Pooh: That's right, Lockette. Bloom, Sky, and I will assist our friends in saving Tecna and bringing her back home or my name isn't Winnie the Pooh! Which it is.
  • Lockette: (to Sky) Then you have to promise to make sure nothing happens to her.
  • Sky: Don't worry. we'll be by Bloom's side every second.
  • Lockette: That'll make it safer for you.

Trouble in the Omega Dimension edit

(Meanwhile, down in the Omega Dimension, trouble was brewing. Timmy, Brandon, and Helia are locked in a call while the Omega prisoners are on patrol)

  • Helia: I've got an idea. If I create a diversion, you might he able to take out the first guard.
  • Brandon: That's true, but what about the two guys on the rock ledge above you and the two that are in the cage behind Timmy?
  • Timmy: If we had our light swords then we might have a chance. But the odds of success without weapons are very low.
  • Helia: You guys are right. We have to come up with something better than that! Let me think on it for a while.
  • Brandon: I'm worried about the others. I sure hope they're okay.
  • (At that moment, in the Omega Dimension's depths, Stella has created a bright light to protect the other girls and their allies)
  • Piglet: Oh d-d-dear. I don't like the looks of this one bit, you guys.
  • Timon: Yeah, but look on the bright side, at least Genie turned himself into a large pillow to break our fall before we git the ground.
  • Misty: How long before that ice snake attacks again?
  • SpongeBob SquarePants: I don't know, Misty.
  • Cera: Never thought it'd say this, but I rather be attacked and eaten by a sharptooth.
  • Stella: Don't you worry, guys. I promise you all that I can hold on. I can. I know that if I let my sun power down, that ice snake will pounce, all of us will freeze. So I won't give up! But I also know no matter how hard I try, pretty soon I'm gonna run out of power.
  • Mickey Mouse: So what are we gonna do?
  • Piglet: I don't know if Pooh Bear or Bloom will come to us on time. But you know, I'd give anything to make sure they got home safely from Pyros.
  • Rabbit: You know, so would I.
  • Eeyore: Me too.
  • Tigger: If only... (sniffs) if only we had them back. (blows is nose on a tissue)
  • Ash Ketchum: I just hope they managed to beat those witches on the Island of Dragons.
  • (The other other heroes were lamenting on how to get out, Ratigan, Jafar, Maleficent, Scar, and the other villains are searching for Tecna above the chasm.)
  • Jafar: Any sign of her, Iago?
  • Iago: Haven't seen Tecna anywhere, Jafar. She's disappeared like magic!
  • Jafar: Hmm. A crafty one, she is.
  • Ratigan: That fairy is hiding around the Omega Dimension somewhere, and we won't stop until we find her and finish her for good.
  • Maleficent: He's right. Keep searching!

(Meanwhile, Sky, Bloom, and Pooh were traveling to the Omega Dimension on a Red Fountain ship)

  • Sky: Alright, we cleared the last of the ice skulls.
  • Bloom: Those were some awesome evasion tactics there, captain. Well done!
  • Winnie the Pooh: So this must be the dreaded Omega Dimension?
  • Sky: That's right. The worst criminals in the entire Magic Dimension are sent here deep frozen and abandoned.
  • Bloom: Let's hope they haven't thawed.
  • Winnie the Pooh: More importantly, let's hope we find Tecna in time.
  • (The ship lands in the cave)

Reuniting With Tecna edit

(Sky, Bloom, and Pooh enter the icy caves of the omega Dimension, walking carefully on the cliffs)

  • Bloom: I guess I don't have to ask which way to go.
  • Sky: Yeah, there's not much choice.
  • Winnie the Pooh: I do have to wonder which direction will lead us to Tecna.
  • Bloom: Look. Those rocks make sort of a path. (tries to walk on the rocks, but slips)
  • Sky: Don't slip or I might have to catch you and well, that would be okay.
  • (Bloom, Sky, and Pooh walk on the ice path)
  • Bloom: Is it me or is the temperature dropping by the minute?
  • Winnie the Pooh: I don't think it's you, Bloom. This place has gotten a lot colder down here.
  • Sky: Pooh's right, they say this realm has a heart of ice. So the further down you go, the colder it gets.
  • (The two hear a monstrous noise)
  • Bloom: What was that?
  • Winnie the Pooh: Did you hear that?
  • Sky: I have no idea. But it probably means we should be moving along now.
  • (Pooh, Sky, and Bloom have almost reached the end of the path; Bloom slips and nearly falls)
  • Winnie the Pooh: Hold on, Bloom!
  • Sky: Stretch out your hand, Bloom!
  • Bloom: (about to lose her grip) Don't let me fall! I can't transform!
  • Sky: Just reach for us! Come on!
  • Winnie the Pooh: We'll pull you up!
  • (Bloom almost reaches for Sky and Pooh's hands. But when she is losing her grip, she successfully grabs Sky's hand. Sky and Pooh pull her back up)
  • Winnie the Pooh: That was close. (hears something) What was that?
  • Sky: Something's there.
  • Bloom: (sees Tecna glowing yellow and wearing a suit) Wait, Sky. Hold on a second.
  • (A boomerang hits the wall)
  • Tecna: Try that again and I'll wipe you out!
  • Bloom: That voice...
  • Winnie the Pooh: There's something very familiar about that voice.
  • Sky: Hey, doesn't that sound like... Wait a second, Bloom!
  • Bloom: Tecna!
  • Winnie the Pooh: Oh! Hello, Tecna!
  • Tecna: Bloom, Pooh Bear, I don't believe it! Is that really you?
  • (Sky gasps; Bloom runs to Tecna)
  • Bloom: Tecna! You're okay!
  • Tecna: (tears up as she hugs Bloom and Pooh) I'm so happy to see you, guys.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Thank goodness you're alive, Tecna. We thought we never see you again.
  • Bloom: I want you to tell us everything. The last time we saw you...
  • (Flashback)
  • Bloom (voice over): You went into the Omega Funnel and used your fairy dust to force your way down into the portal.
  • Tecna (voice over): Once I got inside, I used all my power and was able to close the gate.
  • (Flashback ends)
  • Tecna: And since then, I've been trapped here in this horrible place, which I can tell you it has not been fun at all.
  • Bloom: How'd you get that suit?
  • Tecna: I made it. Plus, I figured out how to turn ice into food that's better than Alfea's cafeteria! (giggles)
  • Winnie the Pooh: (chuckles) That's very clever of you.
  • Bloom: Good one. Remind me to tell that to the rest of the girls.
  • Sky: This is one of the harshest realms there is and you managed to survive without any trouble at all.
  • Tecna: But then, there's the convicts.
  • Bloom: In the ice prisons?
  • Tecna: I'm afraid most of the convicts have broken out.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Convicts?
  • Sky: Those cells are supposed to last for eternity.
  • Tecna: That's true, but the entire balance of the realm was upset when Baltor broke out. And that's led to mass escapes.
  • (A flashback shows the convicts breaking out of their pods)
  • Bloom: How many would you say there are?
  • Tecna: I'm not sure, but there are large gangs that roam around the place both day and night.
  • Sky: Those guys would be desperate enough to do anything.
  • Tecna: I'm worried that they might have captured Timmy, Brandon, and the others.
  • Sky: Why? What makes you say that?
  • Tecna: I saw some tracks in the snow. And I noticed that Ratigan, Jafar, and the rest of the villains are here guarding them somewhere in this horrible place.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Oh no! Our enemies are here in the Omega Dimension?
  • Tecna: I'm afraid so. Come on, I'll show you where they were.

(A few minutes later...)

  • Bloom: There's one in front and two in back. It looks like Team Rocket, Brer Fox, and Brer Bear are near the prison cel. If you take out the guy in front, Tecna, Pooh Bear, and I can flip around behind.
  • (Bloom is about to follow Tecna; Sky stops her by grabbing her hand)
  • Sky: Wait, Bloom.
  • Bloom: I know, Sky. These guys are ruthless and I'll be careful. Don't worry!
  • Winnie the Pooh: She's right, Sky. I've been able to help Bloom during our mission on Pyros. She'll be okay.
  • (Sky throws a boomerang at the convict)
  • Team Rocket: Huh?
  • Brer Bear: Did you just hear that?
  • Omega Guard #1: What's going on?
  • (The convicts are hit by more of Sky's boomerangs; Bloom picks up an ice block and throws it at the convict)
  • Bloom: Well that takes care of that guy.
  • Jessie: What was that odd sound?
  • James: It sounded like it came from other there.
  • Meowth: Let's go investigate.
  • Guard #3: Keep your eye in the prisoners. I'll go see what's happening outside.
  • Brer Fox: You got it, sir.
  • Tecna: (hides from Team Rocket, Brer Fox, Brer Bear, and the guard) Let's go Enchantix!
  • (Tecna goes into her Enchantix form)
  • Brer Fox: Hey look!
  • Jessie: It's that tech-fairy twerp-ette!
  • James: Let's get her!
  • (The guard throws hooks at her, but she attacks him by using yellow ropes to tie him up, then uses her magic to throw Team Rocket, Brer Fox, and Brer Bear down)
  • Tecna: Hey, guys, are you alright?
  • Timmy: Tecna!
  • Tecna: Timmy, I'll get you out of there.
  • (Just before Tecna is about to free the boys, the guard lurks up behind her)
  • Timmy: Watch out!
  • (The guard lashes the rope on Tecna's hands)
  • Guard #4: Get over here.
  • Tecna: Let go!
  • Timmy: Tecna!
  • (The guard drags Tecna toward him, Brer Fox, Brer Bear, and Team Rocket)
  • Meowth: Nowhere to run, Tecna!
  • Brer Fox: (In Acer (from Cars 2)'s voice) This time, we're gonna make sure you stay dead!
  • Brer Bear: We're gonna knock your head clean...
  • (Sky knocks the guard, Team Rocket, Brer Fox, and Brer Bear out by his boomerang)
  • Sky: Take that!
  • Brer Bear: Oof!
  • Meowth: Well, that hurt.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Now's our chance, Bloom. Hurry!
  • (Bloom shoots a fireball at the glass, freeing the boys)
  • Helia: Thanks guys.
  • Timmy: Tecna, I don't believe my eyes! Is it really you?
  • (The boys, Bloom, and Tecna reconcile)
  • Brandon: Hey, way to go. Thanks for saving us, buddy.
  • Helia: The convicts are gone.
  • Winnie the Pooh: And that takes care of Brer Fox, Brer Bear, and Team Rocket. But where are the other villains?
  • Helia: They probably went for reinforcements.
  • Brandon: Well, now that we've got our weapons, we're ready for 'em!
  • Bloom: Sky, while you guys hold off the convicts and the rest of the villains, we'll go and look for the others, okay?
  • Brandon: Follow the trail at the back end of the cave.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Then there's no time to waste.
  • (Pooh, Bloom, and Tecna arrive at the back end of the cave)
  • Tecna: It's so cold. I hope Stella and the others are okay. (calls for the others) Stella! Flora? Musa? Huh...
  • Winnie the Pooh: Tigger! Rabbit! Piglet!
  • Bloom: Ash! SpongeBob! Simba!
  • Winnie the Pooh: I don't know if they can hear us. What now, girls?
  • Bloom: I'd say let's just fly down there, Tecna. But I haven't been able to transform since I got back from Pyros.
  • Tecna: Then we'll walk.
  • (The ice snakes emerges from the cliff, scaring Pooh and the two fairies; Bloom almost falls and Tecna grabs her hand as she almost falls as well)
  • Winnie the Pooh: Oh bother.
  • (They lose their grip and fall)

Fighting Off the Ice Snake, the Omega Prisoners and the Villains edit

(Down in the chasm...)

  • Stella: Don't worry, guys. I won't let you down.
  • Layla: You're going to collapse, Stella.
  • Brock: Don't force it, Stella. Your life is more important.
  • Genie: We'll try to make a different force field.
  • Flora: Why don't you try to rest for a while?
  • Stella: Mm-mm. I can't. I won't. I...
  • Musa: It's okay. Calm down.
  • (Stella has collapsed)
  • Patrick Star: SpongeBob, what are we gonna do? That ice snake is sure gonna eat us!
  • SpongeBob SquarePants: Don't worry, Patrick, we'll find a way out of this mess.
  • Littlefoot: There's gotta be a way out of here somehow.
  • Rabbit: Not to mention we have to save Brandon, Helia, and Timmy from the Convicts and our enemies that are still up there.
  • Brer Rabbit: But how do we do that?
  • Rabbit: I... I don't know.
  • Eeyore: (depressed) We're all gonna die.
  • (Meanwhile, above the chasm...)
  • Tecna: Watch out, guys!
  • (Bloom slips off the cliff, and so does Pooh, but manages to cling onto Bloom in time)
  • Bloom: I'm good.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Me too.
  • Tecna: Over here, snake! (transforms into Enchantix again; shoots a green beam at the snake's breath)
  • (Tecna, Bloom, and Pooh fall again)
  • Stella: Don't make me blast you, snake!
  • Flora: I don't think it's listening.
  • Roo: Look, everyone, a falling star!
  • (A yellow spotlight appears out of nowhere)
  • Simba: But that's impossible.
  • Huey: That's strange.
  • Louie: What's a star doing down in the Omega Dimension?
  • Rabbit: Why, that's no falling star, that's... that's...
  • (The yellow spotlight reveals Tecna, Bloom, and Pooh)
  • Winnie the Pooh: Hello, everybody.
  • Piglet: (gasps with relief) Pooh Bear?!
  • Roo: Pooh, you're back!
  • Ash Ketchum: (gasping with relief) With Bloom!
  • Mickey Mouse: And Tecna!
  • (Pluto barks frantically)
  • Tigger: Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!
  • Nala: (excited) Woah!
  • Simba: Woah!
  • Nala: How did you...?
  • Simba: But how did you...?
  • Nala: Where did you come from?
  • Simba: This is gr... It's great to see ya!
  • (The other heroes and the Winx are happy to see them)
  • Jiminy Cricket: (jumps in joy) Yippe!
  • SpongeBob and Patrick: Hooray!
  • Sandy Cheeks: (hugs Tecna) Tecna! Is it really you?
  • Tecna: You bet it is, Sandy.
  • Littlefoot: (laughs with relief) You’re alive!
  • Ducky: Yep, yep, yep!
  • Zazu: Thank heavens.
  • Misty: Good to see ya, Tec!
  • Goofy: I can’t believe it! Timmy was right all along!
  • Donald Duck: Looking good, T.
  • Scrooge McDuck: (in Mr. Ping’s voice) Don’t you ever go disappearing into a dimensional vortex like that again!
  • Genie: (in Li Shan’s voice) We thought we lost you!
  • Musa: Tecna, I'm so glad you're okay.
  • Tecna: You guys help Bloom, I'll deal with the snake.
  • Bugs Bunny: You got it, toots.
  • (Musa uses the fairy dust to heal Bloom)
  • Winnie the Pooh: Are you quite alright, Bloom?
  • Bloom: Yeah, I'm fine. Where's Tecna?
  • Pumbaa: She's fighting that giant ice snake.
  • (Tecna fires green beams at the snake twice)
  • Flora: It's not working.
  • Petrie: Tecna may need help.
  • Layla: Let's try convergence.
  • Musa: But we're really low on Winx.
  • Stella: It's our only chance. Let's go.
  • Cera: Oh, yeah? And what are the rest of us supposed to do?
  • Kanga: Genie's got enough phenomenal cosmic powers to assist the girls, I think he can help them.
  • Genie: I got your back, ladies!
  • Bloom: Go get him, guys! You can do it!
  • Flaps: Let him have it! Hit him!
  • (Flora, Stella, Musa, Layla, and Genie use their attacks on the snake along with Tecna)
  • Stella: Oh no! That didn't even phase him!
  • Genie: That ain't good.
  • (The ice snake uses its breath to blast Genie and the Winx Club away)
  • Tecna: That thing's unbeatable.
  • Bloom: No it's not.
  • Rabbit: What are you doing?
  • Buzzie: He's right, Bloom, you can't transform!
  • Bloom: I'm gonna have to. (transforms into Enchantix)
  • Tigger: Bloom, you got your Enchantix!
  • Lumpy: Oh goodie!
  • Scrooge McDuck: Bless me bagpipes!
  • Bloom: Musa's fairy dust fixed whatever was keeping me from transforming.
  • Squidward Tentacles: Well that explains everything.
  • Bloom: Now what do you say we take this snake out, get our guys, and head on home?
  • Stella: All right, let's do it!

(Above the chasm, Brandon, Helia, and Timmy are fighting the convicts and the other villains)

  • Brandon: Get back!
  • Timmy: Here, take this!
  • Jafar: Stop them, you fools!
  • Scar: Kill them all!

  • (Back down in the chasm, the Winx Club and their allies are winning against the ice snake)
  • Bloom: If we’re gonna take this big ice serpent out, we’re gonna need a lot of power.
  • Ash Ketchum: Then, how about we give this thing a taste of Convergence, Pokemon, and Genie power.
  • Mickey Mouse: Great idea!
  • Goofy: It just might do it!
  • Petrie: Me think it'll work!
  • Roo: Alright, then let’s try it!
  • Tigger: You said it, Roo boy!
  • SpongeBob SquarePants: Genie, think you can blind that thing with some strong winds please?
  • Genie: Sure thing! Don’t worry, I can take this clown! (flies up to the snake and turns into a giant eagle) I fight for truth justice, in the Agrabanian way! (starts to blow wind against the Ice Snake as it shuts its eyes upon being blinded from the strong gusts)
  • Rabbit: It’s working!
  • Rafiki: Now that it’s blinded for the moment. Let’s do the rest!
  • Mr. Krabs: You’re up, Winx!
  • Winx Club: Got it!
  • (The Winx Club form a circle and spin faster and faster)
  • Winx Club: Enchantix Convergence!
  • (The convergence sprinkles on the snake and got its mouth shut tight)
  • Sandy Cheeks: Its mouth is tied up!
  • Ash Ketchum: Okay! Now’s our turn!
  • Misty: Are you all set, Bloom?
  • Bloom: You bet!
  • Ash Ketchum: Okay, let’s do it! Pikachu, use Thunderbolt and Cyndaquil, use Flamethrower!
  • Misty: Staryu, use Swift attack!
  • Brock: Onix, use Rock Throw!
  • (Pikachu, Cyndaquil, Staryu, and Onix fired their attacks together)
  • Bloom: Now let me show you what I learned on Pyros. (forms a red dragon and joins the four Pokemon’s attacks and made impact on the snake)
  • Bugs Bunny: Whoa, talk about lights out.
  • Tigger: Can someone give us some light, please?
  • (Stella uses a ball of light to ignite the dark)
  • Tigger: Thanks, Stella.
  • Stella: No problem, Tigger.
  • Littlefoot: So did it work?
  • Layla: Look!
  • (They find the Ice Snake seemingly defeated)
  • Simba: I think it worked.
  • Winnie the Pooh: That's incredible!
  • Donald Duck: Whoa, look at that!
  • Patrick Star: Wow!
  • Jiminy Cricket: Do you think…?
  • Lumpy: ...It's defeated?
  • Stella: I think your new mega dragon attack and along with Ash, Misty and Brock’s Pokemon’s attacks finished him off.
  • Musa: All right! Way to go, Bloom!
  • (The Winx Club and their allies cheer while Bloom senses something)
  • Bloom: Wait a second, it's not over yet.
  • Cera: Huh?
  • Timon: Come again?
  • Scrooge McDuck: What are you talking about, lass?
  • Louie: Yeah, that snake is history.
  • Bloom: No it's not, you guys. When my dragon form collided with it, we formed a kind of instant connection and now it's speaking to me. Or at least I'm hearing what it's thinking.
  • Tigger: Really?
  • Flora: And what is it telling you, Bloom?
  • Bloom: It's telling me that it is the ice snake's purpose to keep all things imprisoned. And since it's part of the Omega Dimension itself, it's impossible to destroy.
  • Brer Rabbit: No kiddin'.
  • Stella: Well... in that case, if we haven't defeated it, then...
  • (The Winx Club gasp)
  • (Pooh and his pals gasp)
  • (Roo and Lumpy both gasp)
  • (Ash and his friends gasp)
  • (The Vultures all gasp)
  • Jiminy Cricket: Huh?
  • (Simba gasps)
  • (Pumbaa gasps)
  • Zazu: Ah!
  • (Littlefoot and his friends gasp)
  • (SpongeBob and Patrick both scream)
  • (Squidward screams)
  • (Sandy gasps)
  • (Mr. Krabs gasps)
  • Mickey Mouse: Yikes!
  • Goofy: Gwarsh!
  • Donald Duck: (quakes in terror)
  • (Scrooge gasps)
  • Daffy Duck: Yikes!
  • (Brer Rabbit gasps)
  • Genie: Ah! I think it's time we make our exit!
  • (They all go airborne as the snake chases them)
  • Musa: We've made it really mad.
  • Bloom: I have an idea! You go find the guys.
  • Piglet: What are you thinking about doing, Bloom?
  • Bloom: I'm not sure yet, but I have to try something.
  • (Above the chasm, the specialists are still fighting against the convicts and villains)
  • Brandon: How are we supposed to take out all these convicts and other villains, Sky?
  • Sky: Just think about protecting Stella and Bloom!
  • Ratigan: Give it up, boys. Your precious girlfriends and Pooh and his friends are longer here.
  • Maleficent: And there is no one to stop us this time.
  • (Above the depths of the chasm, the ice snake is still chasing Bloom)
  • Bloom: Your mission is to catch convicts, right?
  • (The ground opens up)
  • Pete: Huh?
  • Plankton: Wait, what's going on here?
  • (Bloom and the ice snake emerge out)
  • Team Rocket: It's Bloom!
  • Jafar: WHAT?!
  • Genie: And don't forget about the rest of us, Jafar!
  • Winnie the Pooh: He's right!
  • Fidget: Uh-oh.
  • Maleficent: Pooh Bear?! How did you and Bloom manage to survive on Pyros?
  • Iago: Yeah, and how did you two manage to beat the witches?!
  • Bloom: Like you villains really care! Pooh, what do you say we chase our enemies away!
  • Winnie the Pooh: You bet!
  • Bloom: Go for it, snake!
  • (The snake scares the convicts and the other villains by using its ice breath)
  • Ratigan: Retreat!
  • Brer Fox: Come on, fellas, let's get out of here!
  • Banzai: (chuckles nervously) Toodles.
  • Brandon: That's right, you better run!
  • Jafar: Mark my words, Pooh and Bloom: one of these days, we shall have our revenge!
  • (Maleficent uses her magic so she and the other villains disappear, transporting back to Cloud Tower)
  • Roo: Yeah! We did it!
  • Tigger: "Absoposilutely"! We showed those villains a thing or three.
  • Scrooge McDuck: Aye, those vile scoundrels will ought to think twice before interfering our rescue missions again.
  • Buzzie: Well, come on, let's go congratulate our friend.
  • Sky: Bloom!
  • (Bloom and Sky hug. The other Winx Club and their allies arrived)
  • Ash Ketchum: Great work, everybody.
  • Rabbit: Well, this calls for a celebration.
  • Bloom: What do you say we head for home?
  • Simba: You got it!
  • Mickey Mouse: Yeah, let's head back to Alfea!

Sleepover at Alfea/The Villains Tell Baltor and the Trix About Their Failed Mission edit

(Back at their dorm room at Alfea, the Winx Club and their allies are having a slumber party in celebration of Tecna's return)

  • Musa: Now that Tecna's back, I guess we're officially the Winx Club again!
  • Rabbit: And if it wasn't for Timmy, we would have never traveled all the way to the Omega Dimension and brought Tecna back home.
  • Ash Ketchum: And from now on, nothing's gonna break you girls apart again!
  • Pikachu: (agrees) Pika!
  • Goofy: That's right!
  • Genie: Now that we're all here together, what do you say we get this party started?
  • Patrick Star: Oh boy!
  • Ducky: Yep, yep, yep. The more, the better.
  • Tigger: It's party time!
  • Winx Club: Yeah!
  • Amore: I've never been to a pajama party, Stella. What kind of stuff do you do?
  • Stella: Well, my favorite thing at sleepovers is to have a pillow fight. Like this!
  • Misty: I like your idea, Stella! (picks up a pillow and begins to pillow fight with Stella)
  • Layla: I like to put on some cool tunes and then rock out.
  • Timon: Come on, Pumbaa, let's dance.
  • Pumbaa: Okay!
  • (Layla, Tecna, and Musa dance in a conga line)
  • Musa: You're so gonna get it!
  • Stella: You are!
  • Misty: We'll see about that, Stella!
  • Zazu: Careful, young ladies!
  • (Stella, Musa, and Misty are playing their pillow fight)
  • (Huey, Dewey, and Louie all run around, giggling as they play pillow fight with Misty, Stella, and Musa)
  • Donald Duck: Boys! Not so fast!
  • Dewey: Sorry, Uncle Donald!
  • Stella: The overhandoverhand-underhand attack combo works every... (gets hit by Musa's pillow)
  • Musa: Not was well as the one-handed loop swing!
  • (Roo and Lumpy both giggle)
  • (The Vultures all laugh)
  • (SpongeBob and Patrick both laugh)
  • (Littlefoot and his friends all laugh)
  • (Huey, Dewey, and Louie all giggle)
  • (Brer Rabbit laughs)
  • (Stella and Musa both laugh)
  • Piglet: It sure is awfully good to have you and Bloom back, Pooh.
  • Winnie the Pooh: It sure is, Piglet. I'm just glad Bloom was finally able to earn her Enchantix powers, despite there was no one on Sparks for her to save.
  • Daffy Duck: But what I don't really understand is how she got her Enchantix in spite of that?
  • Winnie the Pooh: Miss Faragonda told us she is a rare exception to the rules of fairies.
  • Kanga: I guess perhaps she was lucky.
  • Eeyore: Didn't have to come clear out there to find it. Had it inside all along.
  • Rafiki: Or course she did, Eeyore. All she had to do was to believe she had the power within her.
  • Daffy Duck: Hard to imagine that, but I guess she did.
  • Jiminy Cricket: So, Bloom, what do you and Sky plan to do now that you're both back together?
  • Bloom: Sky invited me to visit his parents' lake house on Eraklyon.
  • Flora: The summer lake house? Isn't that what couples do right before they get married?
  • Bloom: That's ridiculous. It is! Unless, do you really think?
  • Flora: I do. Well, "I do" is actually what you might be saying.
  • Bloom: Stop it!
  • (Bloom and Flora giggle)

(While the girls and their allies were celebrating at Alfea, trouble was brewing at Cloud Tower, as Ratigan, Fidget, Jafar, Iago, Maleficent, Scar, the Hyenas, Brer Fox, Brer Bear, Plankton, Pete, and Team Rocket told Baltor and the Trix what happened in the Omega Dimension)

  • Ratigan: And so you see, Baltor, that's how we got outwitted by those pesky heroes in the Omega Dimension.
  • Baltor: Hmm. That was very disappointing. Who would have thought they'd be so sneaky and clever.
  • Icy: So those fairies and their pals beat you again did they?
  • Scar: Oh yes.
  • Jafar: Yes, awful, isn't it?
  • Jessie: Not to mention humiliating!
  • James: Outrageous!
  • Meowth: And outright infuriating!
  • Banzai: You can say that again. Man those lousy do-gooders! I won’t be able to sit for a week.
  • Ed: (giggles)
  • Banzai: It’s not funny Ed!
  • Ed: (laughs hysterically)
  • Banzai: Hey, shut up!
  • (Ed continues laughing till the annoyed Banzai pounces and starts wrestling him much to Shenzi and the others annoyance)
  • Icy: Hey, quit it you two!
  • Shenzi: Would you knock it off?!
  • (Banzai stopped while Ed starts biting his leg in mistake for Banzai’s)
  • Banzai: Well he started it!
  • Shenzi: Just look at you two. No wonder we’re being such losers in battle.
  • Banzai: Man I hate being losers.
  • Darcy: You and me both dog boy.
  • Stormy: You can say that again. Now we gotta deal with all six of those Winx girls again with our other foes.
  • Plankton: And to make matters worse, all six of those fairies have gained a new power now!
  • Pete: No kidding, that Enchanto whatever they call it, really packed a wallop.
  • Shenzi: Yeah, well if wasn’t for them getting the way, we’d be running all the Magic Dimension.
  • Banzai: Man I hate those Winx.
  • Shenzi: They’re so pushy.
  • Banzai: And girly.
  • Shenzi: Annoying.
  • Banzai: And man are they…
  • Shenzi and Banzai: Uuugly! (both laugh)
  • Brer Bear: But, uh, guys, the Winx girls aren't so ugly, I'd say they're mighty pretty.
  • Brer Fox: That don't matter, Brer Bear. What matters is that we gotta find a way to outsmart those bratty fairies before they outsmart us again!
  • Scar: He's right you know.
  • Iago: If I gotta get beaten around those annoying, insufferable pixies one more time, bam! Whack!
  • Jafar: Calm yourself, Iago.
  • Maleficent: (to the Trix) Anyway, why didn't you three dealt with Bloom and Pooh on Pyros and captured them when you had the chance?
  • Stormy: Well, we would have gotten them, Maleficent, if Bloom hadn't boosted her powers.
  • Icy: Her Enchantix powers could be a problematic obstacle in our plans.
  • Maleficent: Oh dear, what an awkward situation.
  • Jafar: Indeed. Now then, what is your next plan, Baltor?
  • Baltor: Well, now that we have to deal with all six fairies again along with that bear and his friends, we're going to have to take drastic measures. We'll start by relocating to a different headquarters.
  • Ratigan: Hmm. Very well. If that is your decision. Oh, uh, by the way, what about Griffin and her students?
  • Fidget: Yeah, are we just gonna leave them?
  • Maleficent: They're of no use to us now. But one of these days I shall settle my score with Griffin once and for all.
  • Baltor: She's right, we'll deal with Griffin again another day when we're close to taking over the entire Magic Dimension. We have far more important scores to settle right now. (chuckles evilly)