Pooh's Adventures of Winx Club Episode 6/Transcript

This is the transcript to the sixth episode of Pooh's Adventures of Winx Club Season 1.

Transcript edit

The Trix's Failed Spell Attempt/Bloom Learns About the Great Dragon edit

  • (The Trix try to unlock the power of the ring, but are unsuccessful. The ring plunks down near Icy. All three regain consciousness.)
  • Darcy: That was pathetic!
  • Stormy: Yeah, that was the 14th power spell we've tried.
  • Darcy: I'm wiped.
  • Knut: (emerges from the wardrobe) What's going on?
  • Stormy: Turn right around and go right back to sleep. Close your eyes and pretend you're devouring a herd of sheep. (waves her finger and Knut becomes drowsy.)
  • Knut: Huh? (yawns) Good night. I'm going to bed.
  • Icy: What are we missing?! WHY CAN'T WE USE THE RING'S FULL POWER?!?! Darcy! Did you do a realm wide search for all the jewelry spells that exist?!
  • Darcy: Yes. I got everything that was listed on the Witch Wide Web.
  • Stormy: Unlocking the power of the Great Dragon is gonna take more than a spell or incantation. It's gonna take something inspired.
  • Icy: LIKE WHAT?!?! Why don't you make yourself useful for once and FIGURE IT OUT BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO A PUPPY!!! (growls. and then picks up the ring and throws it.) And you! I DARE you to keep defying me you SECOND RATE RING!!!

(Meanwhile, at Alfea, the girls and Pooh and his friends are in the library, trying to look up information on the power of the Solaria ring)

  • Bloom: (checks up on the Ring of Solaria) Here it is again.
  • Musa: Well, share the 4-1-1, girl.
  • Tigger: Yeah, what does it say?
  • Bloom: Kay, this is what I know so far: The ring is so powerful because it was created directly from Starlight, the most pure source of magic in the universe. But what's really interesting is that some say the ring is extra special, (scene fades back to the dorm room) because it's made of the same light that created this legendary creature called "The Great Dragon". Do you know about this, Stella?
  • Stella: Well, yeah. I know all about the Starlight stuff, but the other stuff makes me think I should have it reappraised.
  • Bloom: THINK! This could be why the witches wanted your ring.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Bloom may be right about this, Stella. Your ring might have hidden power.
  • Stella: Yeah.
  • Flora: In that case we'd better go get it back.
  • Stella: We have to get it back anyway. I'm like, so useless without it.
  • Musa: True that. In Magical Defense class she got beat by a Keekbug.
  • Piglet: What else do you know about the ring's power, Bloom?
  • Bloom: When I looked up the Great Dragon, all I found was a restricted book and it would only show me one four-line paragraph. It said that although there's no proof of this, and that it's only a myth, the Great Dragon is supposed to have created the entire Magical Dimension.

(The scene fades to Bloom walking in the hallway)

  • Bloom: I gotta find out more about this Great Dragon. Maybe there's a way to convince that restricted book to let me read more than a paragraph.
  • Faragonda: You were in the Restricted Vault?
  • Bloom: Uhhh, no. I mean, yes.
  • Faragonda: In my office.

(The scene fades to Miss Faragounda's office)

  • Bloom: I'm sorry Miss Faragonda.
  • Faragonda: Let me tell you about the Great Dragon, Bloom. The book showed me two chapters once. It described the beginning of the Magical Universe. First there was a great solar explosion, and from that fiery starlight an enchanted dragon was born. The dragon then used her fire to create all the different fairy worlds, and spread life and magic across the universe. At the end of her journey, the dragon landed on a world that would become known as Sparks, the center of the magical universe. She made it her home, and eventually became one with the very planet itself.
  • Bloom: That's a great story. Where is Sparks?? Is it real?!
  • Faragonda: It was, but sadly Sparks doesn't exist anymore. It's said that a coven of evil witches went there seeking the Great Dragon's power. When they failed to get it, they destroyed the entire planet.
  • Bloom: Oh no!
  • Faragonda: I must ask, how did you get into the Restricted Vault?
  • Bloom: I don't know. I was just in the library and the vault opened and it let me in.
  • Faragonda: Then, you were meant to go in.
  • (The bell rings.)
  • Bloom: Oh, I have to go to class, but thank you so much. (leaves Faragonda's office and Faragonda ponders.)

Journey to Cloud Tower edit

  • Stella: How are we going to get my ring back? I can't do anything without it.
  • Tecna: And, we have that major quiz in spells tomorrow.
  • Flora: That quiz counts for like half our grade. We have to get your ring back or you'll never pass, Stella.
  • Winnie the Pooh: You know, since Icy, Darcy, and Stormy have the ring, maybe they must have hid it in Cloud Tower.
  • Tigger: I don't know, Pooh. What if those witches find us there?
  • Rabbit: You heard what the teachers said, Pooh! Cloud Tower is dangerous!
  • Piglet: What kind of d-d-d-dreadful things those witches could do to us if they find us there?
  • Winnie the Pooh: I know it's risky, but there isn't another way. We have to sneak in there and get the ring back somehow.
  • Bloom: I got it! We can cast a hypnosis spell on the witches while they're sleeping, and then we can make them give us the ring.
  • Stella: Ye-es! Classic payback!
  • Rabbit: Hold on, everyone, how will we get into Cloud Tower?
  • Tecna: Oh. I know where to download a map of the inter-school tunnels.
  • Bloom: Sweet! We'll go right after lights out, and be back while everyone is still asleep so no one will know we left. Hey, you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. That's the power of the Winx Club.

(The scene fades to the girls and the stuffed animals in the underground tunnel to Cloud Tower while Flora holds a flashlight)

  • Rabbit: We shouldn't be that much farther away. (notices a venus flytrap nearby) Oh, why look! Is that a Golden Dahlia-Daffodilus? Rare for this location. (the flytrap snaps)
  • Winnie the Pooh: What exactly is this location, Rabbit? And might it be nearer Cloud Tower than farther?
  • Rabbit: Why, we're right here! On course, of course. Where else would we be? (checks his map) Where could this school be? "Nice Peaceful Spot" (sarcastically) Ha! Indeed.
  • Piglet: Oh d-d-d-dear. This is not the place for a small and frightfully fearful animal, such as myself.
  • Tigger: Or myself, (notices Eeyore) or himself.
  • Eeyore: Thanks for noticin'.
  • Rabbit: Tecna, do you still have your own map with you?
  • Tecna: Of course I do, Rabbit. After I downloaded it, I memorized it.
  • Bloom: I'm still amazed she memorized the cafeteria menu for the rest of the school year.

(In the Trix's dorm room, Knut is busy sweeping)

  • Knut: I've been asking and asking them for a vacuum cleaner, but no one cares about my needs.
  • Icy: Did you say something?
  • Knut: (stops sweeping, stutters, and turns around) Oh, uh yes. U-uhh. I was counting all the calories I was burning with the sweeping.
  • Icy: Shut it, finish here and meet us in the forest. We need to consult the dark force about the ring.
  • (Icy and Stormy walk to a secret door. Icy touches it with her hands, it opens and they step through.)
  • Knut: I'd be done now if I had a vaccum.
  • Darcy: What did you just say?
  • Knut: I said I'd be right there.
  • Darcy: That's what I thought. You missed a spot over there.
  • (Darcy walks past Knut and joins Stormy and Icy. Knut starts sweeping again, he sweeps Pepe against a wall and Stella's ring into a pile of dirt.)
  • Knut: They could at least give me a mop, then I could really get in this dust. Ugh! I know I have a way with a broom, but there's so much an ogre can do. I'll have a talk with those witches. Oh yeah.
  • Darcy: Knut!
  • Knut: (stops sweeping, throws the broom and starts running to Darcy) Be right there!

(The scene fades to a secret door opening in the entry hall of Cloud Tower, and the girls and stuffed animals enter)

  • Flora: We're here. This was easy.
  • Tecna: Almost too easy.
  • Musa: So this is it?
  • Flora: It's not as scary as I thought it would be.
  • Bloom: I have a feeling it's creepier than it looks.
  • Tecna: Their room is on the second floor.
  • Tigger: How're we gonna get way up there?
  • Winnie the Pooh: By going... in there?
  • Tigger: But it's dark.
  • Piglet: And f-f-frightful!
  • Rabbit: And we have no idea where we'll find the ring.
  • (They hear a strange growling sound nearby)
  • Eeyore: But we know who's gonna find us!
  • Piglet: Icy, Darcy, and Stormy!
  • (Pooh and his friends run inside with Bloom, Stella, Flora, Musa, and Tecna following close behind)
  • Bloom: Let's go and get 'em.

(The Winx and Pooh and his friends run up the stairs until they have reached the Trix's dorm room)

  • Winnie the Pooh: Where are the witches now?
  • Bloom: They're gone, but they sure left a stench behind!
  • Musa: (pinches her nose) This place reeks like an ogre after a ten mile run!
  • Eeyore: Something tells me Knut was here with them.
  • Flora: Remember that spell we learned about finding stuff fast?
  • Tecna: (says the incantation) Lead us to what is lost, find it at any cost.
  • (The spell is activated.)
  • Rabbit: Alright, everyone. The sooner we start searching, the sooner we can leave.
  • (The girls and the stuffed animals search the room.)
  • Tecna: (grabs a doll with needles) Look, they're into voodoo! I wonder who this is... Poor girl...
  • Musa: (grabs something that looks like a baton) Think this is for cheer leading? A baton! (The "baton" suddenly grows spikes, startling Musa.)
  • Piglet: Yikes!
  • Flora: I wouldn't play with that doll!
  • Tecna: You're right! (throws the doll) Voodoo is soo junior high!
  • Tigger: (starts to get scared) Okay, so did spell work yet?
  • Stella: Not yet, lost and found spells take awhile. (opens a small jar and is disgusted by its smell.)
  • Bloom: (walks over to a pile of dirt) Hey, look! It's working!
  • Winnie the Pooh: There's the ring!
  • Stella: Those filthy witches! Why would they keep my beautiful ring here?! Preposterous!
  • Bloom: Yeah.
  • Stella: Come to mommy! (takes the ring and puts it on her finger.) Oh, my six point one karats of pure magic! Mission accomplished, guys!
  • Piglet: Oh, anyone feel like going home yet?
  • Tecna: I'm with Piglet on this, let's get out of here!
  • Bloom: (opens the door) Follow me you guys.

Escape From Cloud Tower edit

  • Bloom: I just want to stop here for a sec. It's their book chamber, it has the only other book that exists about the Great Dragon.
  • Tecna: That's grand, but the gateway to the other school tunnel will close in five minutes.
  • Bloom: That leaves three minutes to find the book! (enters the book chamber.) If the witches know about the power in the ring, so should we!
  • Flora: Do you know what the book looks like?
  • Winnie the Pooh: How will you know this book when you find it, Bloom?
  • Bloom: I don't know, Pooh. But when I find it, I'll know. (grabs a book from one of the shelves) It's right here! It looks just like the one in the restricted vault! (puts the book down and opens it. The book shines a bright light.)
  • Bloom, Flora and Musa: Ahh!

(In Griffin's office, she notices the commotion through her crystal ball.)

  • Griffin: What? There's someone in the book chamber at this hour? (touches the crystal ball.) Who could possibly be out of bed? (The crystal ball shows her the Winx and Pooh and his friends) Well, well, well, we have guests! Why don't I treat them to the good old Cloud Tower welcome!

(Back in the book chamber...)

  • Tigger: Well, since we can't find that book, can we head back to Alfea now?
  • Musa: Chill-lax, we have a couple of minutes and they have a book about every fairy of the universe!
  • Bloom: Know what them means? There could actually be books about every one of us somewhere in here!
  • Winnie the Pooh: Perhaps there might be books somewhere in here about us too.
  • Tecna: We're leaving in a minute and a half. So please, don't get distracted!
  • Bloom: I have know clue where my powers come from, I don't even know why I'm a magical being. My whole story could be in one of these books!
  • Tecna: Then look for it, you've just over a minute.
  • Bloom: (walks amongst the shelves) How are these books organized, alphabetically or by powers?? Hmm... (she sees a book with her name on it.) Quick, I found it!
  • Flora: It's really big!
  • (Bloom is about to open the book, Tecna stops her by placing a hand over it.)
  • Tecna: Wait.
  • Bloom: Huh?
  • Tecna: This is too much of a coincidence. Why would it be be sitting here waiting for you?
  • Stella: The witches could've been looking her up. They probably read all about us, right?
  • Rabbit: Even if that's true, this looks very odd to me. The witches could likely lure us into another trap.
  • Tecna: I'm afraid Rabbit is on to something here. There is a significant risk factor involved. Should I calculate the exact number for you? (removes her hand from the book.)
  • Bloom: No. This book could have the answers to everything I've been wondering about since I got to Alfea. I have to look inside! It may be my only chance to find out!
  • (Just as Bloom was about to reach the book, some vines from the book suddenly wraps around her arm)
  • Bloom: Huh?! (removes her hand from them.)
  • Winnie the Pooh: (gasps)
  • Piglet: (gasps)
  • Tigger: (gasps)
  • Bloom: Ah!
  • (The book starts to talk.)
  • Griffin: I'll destroy you! Ha-ha!
  • (In Griffin's office)
  • Griffin: You asked for it, fools! You dare break into Cloud Tower, but now I dare you to try and break out! (cackles)
  • (Back in the book chamber)
  • Musa: (grabs Bloom) We're ballin' outta here now! This place is whack! (pulls Bloom.) Come on!
  • (In Griffin's office)
  • Griffin: Ha-ha-ha! So sorry, fools, no exit for you!
  • (In the book chamber, the door disappears as Tecna runs to it)
  • Tecna: What?!
  • Tigger: It's a dead end. We're trapped. Trapped like ratchets.
  • Tecna: The wall is hot, someone must've used a dark spell to make the door disappear.
  • Bloom: Then maybe we can make a one, what do you guys think?
  • (Tecna steps back.)
  • Winnie the Pooh: It might be worth a try.
  • Musa: I think you're right! Let's bust it!
  • Tecna: (gathers energy to her finger tips) A shot of digital power should do the trick! (shots a beam at the door.)
  • (The door starts smoke.)
  • Musa: It looks worse.
  • Piglet: Oh d-d-dear. Now what?
  • Tecna: Power convergence?
  • Bloom: Good idea! Now, let's do it, girls!
  • (The girls transform.)
  • Bloom: All together now!
  • (The girls blast the door together.)
  • (The girls and the stuffed animals run down the hallway.)
  • Bloom: Is this the right way?
  • Tecna: I think it's just an illusion tunnel!
  • (They stop and catch their breaths.)
  • Rabbit: My, that was close.
  • Piglet: Oh, it's awfully dark in here.
  • Tigger: Don't worry, little Piglet. Hoo hoo! Nothing can get us in here.
  • Eeyore: Unless it got in here first.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Where are we, Tecna?
  • Tecna: I'm afraid we're lost.
  • Flora: But you memorized the map, didn't you?
  • Tecna: Yes, but this isn't on the map. It's as if it changed.
  • Stella: What?! Like, someone is messing with the space?
  • Tecna: That's right, altering both perception and reality.
  • (Weird sounds start to echo in the hallway.)
  • Bloom: What is that? Does anyone hear that?
  • Tecna: Hm?
  • (The sounds get louder.)
  • Flora: Yeah.
  • The Winx: Huh??
  • Piglet: What was that?
  • Tigger: Sounded too hungry for a heffalump!
  • (Red cataposes appear around the corner.)
  • Musa: Red catapose! We had some in my realm!
  • Winnie the Pooh: How bad are they?
  • Musa: They got into my friend's castle and I never saw her again!( The red cataposes surround them.) One bite and we're done for!
  • Bloom: They're everywhere!
  • Stella: I'd step on them but not in these boots.
  • (The girls and the stuffed animals bend down.)
  • Tigger: What are we gonna do?!
  • Stella: What we need is a fire shield! Now!
  • (The girls make a shield, and the red cataposes touch the shield and burn.)
  • Stella: Snaaaaps! I SO knew this was gonna work! They're getting fried. (The red cataposes regenerates and head for the shield.)
  • Bloom: Or not!
  • Stella: These bugs are fire proof?!
  • Bloom: It's like the fire made them stronger! Ah! They're getting through the shield!
  • Flora: Hey, I know what we can do. (giggles.) Come on. Follow me! Flora flies up and the girls follow suit, and they give Pooh and his friends enough fairy dust to float up with them) Up here everyone!
  • Stella: This better be good!
  • Piglet: Whatever you do, p-p-p-please make it fast!
  • Flora: In my realm, when we have to get rid of bugs we use their natural enemies. (blows magic dust onto the bugs.)
  • (A creature manifests and starts to eat the bugs.)
  • Flora: Erapnus sparthus Sirisus!
  • Tigger: (chuckles) Nice work, Flora!
  • Stella: That's one of the grossest and coolest things I've ever seen and it works!
  • Flora: It's bio-control!
  • (The creature stomps on the bugs.)
  • Flora: Using natural means to fight pests is way affective!
  • (The creatures eats the bugs as the Winx and Pooh and his friends watches.)
  • Flora: It's not toxic like bug spray, it's safer than fire and it's all environmentally sound!
  • (The creature disappears.)
  • Bloom: Is that the sound cataposes make when they disappear?
  • Tecna: Look, are they turning into something else?
  • Stella: Yeah.
  • Winnie the Pooh: What do you think they're turning into?
  • Stella: They're turning into mud! Note to self: book a facial mud treatment. (laughs, unbeknownst to what is happening; the "muddy" cataposes join together")
  • Musa: Yo, that's not mud, it's slime! And, they're about to give you a facial! Stella!
  • Stella: (stops laughing and sees the creature, then screams in disgust)
  • Musa: Run!
  • Rabbit: Run! Run! WE GOTTA RUN!!!
  • (The girls and the stuffed animals run as the creature chases them.)
  • Bloom: That thing is so gross!
  • Tecna: (jumps and flies) Air travel!
  • (Bloom and everyone follows suit.)
  • Musa: I heard if one of those things slimes you, you can't get the smell off for a week. Even if you use magical shampoo.
  • Tigger: Move those feet, Pooh boy, before we end up looking like scrambled Easter eggs.
  • (The girls continue to fly with the stuffed animals running beside them and the monster hot on their tail.)
  • Stella: Don't you even! Duh-AHHHH!!
  • (The girls and the stuffed animals are driven into a halt, they reached a dead end.)
  • Stella: I can't get slimed! This outfit is couture!
  • Tecna: I suggest you cease whining and follow my lead!
  • (The girls and the stuffed animals group together and face the opponent.)
  • Tecna: Wait 'till its gets close and then strike!
  • (The monster nears them.)
  • Piglet: Now?!
  • Bloom: NOW!!
  • (They all blast the monster as it howls.)
  • Bloom: It's gonna blow! Put the shield up!
  • (It explodes as the girls and the stuffed animals are protected behind Tecna's shield. The shield is dispersed and they look at the results.)
  • Tigger: Yuck! That was one icky-sticky monster!
  • Flora: Double gross...
  • Stella: The door is locked!
  • Rabbit: I got this. (rams the door down)
  • Stella: Thanks!
  • Tecna: Huh? According to my map this is supposed to be the grand ball room.
  • (The girls and the stuffed animals enter the room.)
  • Stella: If this is suppose to be the grand ball room, I'm leaving them my interior designer's number. Wallpaper might... do the trick and it'll really open up the space, you know?
  • Tecna: Clearly, the map is useless! If I can only get online.
  • Piglet: N-n-now how do we get out of Cloud Tower?
  • (Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, and Eeyore turn to Rabbit)
  • Rabbit: Eh, don't look at me.
  • Musa: Let's retrace our steps. Wait, what is that noise? (hears something and looks towards the direction it is coming from and sees another bug and freaks out.)
  • Pooh and Pals: (huddle together) AAAHHHHH!
  • Musa: A puncture beetle!
  • Stella: (stands in front of her) Fret not, I got it under control! Sun burst!! (illuminates the whole room in light. Which also sets the whole room on fire.)
  • Flora: Stella, I could've created a beetle eater. Look at all the fire!
  • Stella: I always say "when it comes to bugs, you never have enough fire!" A-ha-ha! Good one Stella!
  • (The flames become larger and stronger.)
  • Stella: Uh-wahh! Then again, maybe not!
  • Musa: Way to go...
  • Rabbit: Oh! My goodness gracious!
  • Flora: (coughs) Did anyone learn any fire spells?
  • Tecna: This fire's too big! A spell won't work!
  • Winnie the Pooh: Oh bother! There's no way out!
  • Stella: What are we gonna do?!
  • (Suddenly, a voice speaks to Bloom.)
  • Daphne: Listen to me Bloom. I can save you!
  • Bloom: What?
  • Daphne: You have to trust me. You have to follow my voice. You know, my voice. Think back in time, Bloom. Way back. Remember? I used to watch over you.
  • Bloom: Huh?
  • Daphne: You have to trust me! This way Bloom, follow me!
  • (Bloom unconsciously follows the voice.)
  • Stella: Bloom, where are you going?! What's going on?! Bloom!! (watches Bloom walking towards the fire.) She's walking right into the fire!!
  • Daphne: Follow my voice.
  • Rabbit: Bloom! Have you lost your mind? What are you doing?!
  • Tigger: Bloom! You're going the wrong way!
  • Tecna: We have to stop her!!
  • (Bloom stands in front of the fire.)
  • Daphne: Trust me Bloom. (The fire parts ways, revealing a portal.) Keep going. Use the portal!
  • (Bloom touches the portal, it opens, revealing an exit.)
  • Stella: Oh wow!
  • Winnie the Pooh: Why, Bloom, you found a portal!
  • Stella: (walks towards Bloom) It's a way out! All snaps to you, girl! (smacks Bloom, bringing her out of her daze.)
  • Bloom: Huh?
  • Stella: Bloom!
  • Bloom: Uh, what?? What just happened?
  • Eeyore: Don't want to rain on anybody's parade, but it seems to me if we don't get out of here, we could be trapped by the spreading fire.
  • Musa: Enough talking, it's time to bounce! It's getting hot in here!!
  • Stella: You go first!
  • (Bloom jumps in the portal first. Followed by everyone else. They all slide down the portal.)
  • Pooh and Pals (yell wildly as they slide down)
  • (Bloom lands on the ground first.)
  • Tecna: Heads up! (Bloom looks up.)
  • (All the other girls and the stuffed animals land on her.)
  • Flora: Ooh noo!! (she lands on her friends.)
  • Piglet: (gets up) Tigger! Rabbit! Pooh Bear! Bloom! Stella! Tecna! Musa! Flora! Eeyore!
  • Eeyore: Thanks for noticin'.

Back at Alfea edit

(The girls and the stuffed animals walk through the cave-like tunnel.)

  • Tecna: So, Bloom, what happened to you back there?
  • Bloom: Well. I didn't know where I was going, I heard this voice it told me to follow it.
  • Winnie the Pooh: What voice was it?
  • Tigger: Yeah, and what was it telling you to do?
  • Bloom: I don't know, but... This might sound totally bananas, but I knew I could trust the voice!
  • Stella: Bananas got us out! So, it looks like it you were right to listen to it.
  • Tecna: That's called intuitive thinking.
  • Rabbit: And if it weren't for you, Bloom, we never would have made it out of Cloud Tower in one piece.
  • Eeyore: At least we didn't have to deal with Icy, Darcy, and Stormy.
  • Stella: What matter's is that I got my ring back! And you know what means: we majorly rule!

(The scene fades to the girls and stuffed animals walking down Alfea's hallway, exhausted)

  • Flora: I wish we could use magic to fly to our beds.
  • Bloom: I'm so tired, that if we could use magic in here, I'd make the bed fly to me and tuck me in.
  • Musa: I'm so tired, I would just crash right here!
  • Bloom: (chuckles)
  • (The girls gasps as Griselda clears her throat.)
  • Griselda: You're not as tired as you're gonna be tomorrow. I'll see you in Miss Faragonda's office.
  • Tigger: I think we're in big trouble.
  • Eeyore: We're not gonna enjoy this, are we?

(In Miss Faragounda's office...)

  • Faragonda: We warned you, Cloud Tower is off limits! Yet you went there in the middle of the night and you broke in! Unbelievable!
  • Griselda: Unthinkable!
  • Faragonda: Unacceptable!
  • Griselda: You must be punished!
  • (The girls and the stuffed animals sigh.)
  • Faragonda: We cannot tolerate this kind of behavior at Alfea! But, I hope you have a reasonable explanation.
  • Bloom: The witches stole-
  • Griselda: If I may, I believe that in such an extreme violation any reason they could give us would be completely irrelevant.
  • Faragonda: I agree.
  • Griselda: In fact, I'd suggest punishment 4D. I know we've only used it once before but we need to set an example for our other students, whatever the consequences may be.
  • Stella: But the witches were the ones who started it!
  • Tigger: Yeah, Faragounda! They stole Stella's ring in the first place!
  • Faragonda: That's enough! Punishment 4D will do. (spreads her arms and green energy fills the room and it surrounds the girls.) Powerus Revokurus, Magicus Suspendus.
  • (Pooh and his friends watch in shock as the girls' powers are revoked.)

(In the dorm room...)

  • Stella: Well, at least we don't have to go to class for a whole week!
  • Flora: We can't do any homework without our powers... We'll be so behind!
  • Tecna: And what about our network privileges? What am I supposed to do without the realm wide web?!
  • Musa: I was almost finished this off-the-hook spell to hit the perfect high note! Which was gonna so rad for my new demo!
  • Winnie the Pooh: I can't believe Faragounda would take away your powers just because we were only trying to get the ring, girls.
  • Tigger: Maybe if she and Griselda had believed us, none of this would have happened.
  • Rabbit: I agree with you, Tigger. After all, it's those witches that are to blame!
  • Bloom: You guys, this is bigger than any of that stuff. When the witches realize we took the ring, they'll come here to get us and we won't have our powers.