Pooh's Adventures of The Elm-Chanted Forest

'Pooh's Adventures of The Elm-Chanted Forest is an all-new upcoming film to be created by Daniel Esposito and 76859Thomas. It will appear on Odysee or Rumble in the near future.

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Pooh, Ash, Simba, Sora, SpongeBob, Tai, Thomas, Twilight Sparkle and their friends meets an artist named Peter Palette (whom he had taken a nap under an enchanted elm tree and he discovers that he now has the ability to communicate with the animals of the forest, and that his paintbrush now has magical powers). To help his new friends survive, he must use his abilities to stop the evil Cactus King (whom The Bowser Family, Siege, Chameleon, Wraith, Psycho Rangers, Dr. Facilier, Sheldon J. Plankton, The Horned King, Creeper, The Grand Duke of Owls, Hunch, Brer Fox, Brer Bear, Diesel 10, Devious Diesel, Sir Oswald, Hexxus, The Crime Empire and Team Rocket work for) from turning the forest into a desert.

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