Pooh's Adventures of Stuart Little 2/Transcript

Opening/Reuniting with the Littles edit

Stuart: George wake up. George!

George and Stuart's soccer game edit

(The scene changes to a soccer game)

Coach: Wallace get up!

Stuart flies the airplane/Mr. Little encourages Stuart edit

Stuart: (imitating airplane) Bogeys, 12 o’clock! I got em Brooklyn! (Imitates gun noises) would it be cool if I flew this thing?

George: Yes. There’s only one problem.

Meeting Margolo edit

Falcon visits Margolo edit

Margolo spends time with the Littles and the heroes edit

Falcon orders Margolo to steal the ring edit

Stuart goes down the drain edit

Margolo leaves edit

Stuart, Snowbell, Pooh Bear and friends go out edit

George lying for Stuart edit

Monty's advice edit

Confronting Falcon/Stuart gets thrown edit

Pooh Bear: Margolo could be anywhere around the buliding.

Stuart: Is anybody here?

Falcon: I'm here.

(Stuart exclaims and the heroes gasp.)

Falcon: What's this I see? Stuffed animals, human kids with strange looking pets.

Pooh Bear: We came to rescue Margolo from the clutches of you.

Tigger: Yeah, brunos, what did you do to Margolo?!

Stuart: If you hurt her I'll-

Falcon: You'll what?

Rabbit: You'd better tell us right now! Is she all right?

Falcon: Why don't ask yourself, long ears? Margolo?

Heroes: (with Stuart) Margolo.

Piglet: Run for life, Margolo.

Brock: What are you waiting for? Save yourself!

Falcon: (sighs) These kids are priceless. Tell me, kids, does this sound familiar? "Oh, my wing. Ow. I don't think I can fly."

Stuart: What are you talking about?

Falcon: I can't drill through the wood. She scammed you, okay? She played you like a harp.

(The heroes are shocked upon hearing it.)

Pooh Bear: Margolo, is this true?

Margolo: Yes.

Falcon: (chuckles) That is true, teddy boy. Okay, now this is getting sad. Maybe this will clear things up. (shows them Mrs. Little's ring)

Pooh Bear: (gasps) Mrs. Little's ring.

Piglet: Margolo, why'd you do that?

Margolo: I'm so sorry, guys. I never wanted to hurt any of you.

Stuart: But, Margolo, why?

Falcon: Don't be upset, mouse boy. She has conned smarter than you. (mockingly) Or did you think you were special? A real friend?

Misty: You're disgusting!

Falcon: (chuckles) You're quite fiery, missy.

Margolo: I didn't lie about that Stuart. You are my friend.

Stuart: Then come with us.

Rabbit: Yes, you don't need to live with that monster.

Falcon: She's not going anywhere!

Ash Ketchum: (losing his temper) Yes, she is! You let Margolo go or I'll have my Pikachu fry you with his electric attacks.

Pikachu: (angry sparks) Pikachu.

Falcon: (mockingly) Ooh, I'm so scared. A tough little human boy with a temper with a sparky little yellow mouse.

Stuart: Allow me, Ash.

(He attempts to shoot an arrow to Falcon's beak.)

Falcon: Was that your best shot? Now, let me show you mine.

Pooh Bear: No!

Piglet: Please, don't hurt him!

Falcon: I won't hurt him, pig boy! The sidewalk will!

Stuart: Can't we talk this over?

(Falcon drops him.)

Margolo: No, Stuart!

Heroes: Stuart!

(Margolo attempts to help Stuart but Falcon grabs her. Stuart lands in the garbage truck. Falcon throws Margolo into the can.)

Falcon: A few days in here would provide you with an attitude adjustment!

Pooh Bear: I don't suppose you'd be satisfied with a hug instead?

Falcon: Not from you, teddy boy!

Brock: You'll be sorry for this!

Misty: Yeah, you'll be locked in a cage when we're finished with you, Falcon! Staryu, water gun attack!

(Staryu squirts water at Falcon getting him wet.)

Falcon: (growls angrily) I'll deal with you later, you rotten little brats!

Margolo saved by Stuart/Standing up to Falcon edit

Pooh Bear: Please, Falcon, leave Snowbell alone!

Margolo: Yeah, don't do it, Falcon! Or else!

Snowbell: Do what? What's he doing?

Falcon: Or else what?

Margolo: Or else you'll lose this.

Falcon: Put that down, Margolo.

Misty: You can't tell her what to do anymore, you no-good bird! She doesn't even like you!

Falcon: (annoyed) You got alot of nerve back sassing me, you sassy redhead human!

Margolo: You heard what Misty said! I'm through doing what you tell me, I'm leaving you, Falcon, forever!

Falcon: Oh, what do you think you'll be without me?!

Margolo: Free!

Falcon: Big mistake!

Rabbit: Right now, Margolo is nobody's slave!

Falcon: (growls angrily at the heroes) You fools are so annoying! (to Ash) And you, little boy are a scrawny blabber mouth!

Ash Ketchum: What Margolo really wants is freedom and she doesn't want be with you anymore, you cracked brain slavedriver!

Margalo: That’s right! (She flies away)

Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, thunder shock him!

Safe at last edit

Ending edit