Pooh's Adventures of Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys

Pooh's Adventures of Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys is the seventh upcoming Winnie the Pooh/Pokémon crossover film planned to be made by RatiganRules. It will appear on Google Drive in the near future.

File:Pooh's Adventures of Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys Poster.jpg
The poster for "Pooh's Adventures of Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys".

Plot edit

Accompanying Professor Lund on a research expedition to a polar region, his son Tory walks over to a group of Spheal, Sealeo and Walrein. As he pets a young Spheal, a meteor crashes down, frightening the Pokémon and making them run towards the sea. Tory is consequently caught up in the stampede and pinned against an ice rock, he is left feeling traumatized by the experience. His dad and research assistant Yuko manage to save him. A mysterious new Pokémon later named Deoxys by Professor Lund, soon appears from the middle of the crash site, having been carried inside the meteor. It clears some of the ice to expose a mysterious green crystal, proceeding to collect it. However, Rayquaza sees this as an invasion of its territory and attacks. A battle starts between the two, destroying most of the researchers' equipment. While Lund is impressed by Deoxys’s regenerative abilities and form transformations, he, Yuko and Tory are forced to evacuate the clash area immediately. Rayquaza ends up blasting Deoxys to the bottom of the ocean, before returning to the ozone layer. The green stone is later found at the crash site and is taken back with the researchers on a helicopter.

Four years later, Professor Lund and his team continue to research the mysterious green crystal. Firing lasers at the greenstone, they manage to get it to start glowing, but the power suddenly cuts out and stops the experiment from progressing. Yuko confirms that a component error was the cause, and Professor Lund asks her to replace it and try again later. Playing outside in the greenhouse, Tory meets his mysterious sprite-like friend again. Meanwhile, the purple core Deoxys has regenerated and bursts through the polar ice to resume its search for its friend.

A ride on the monorail, and soon Ash Ketchum and his friends arrive in LaRousse City with the hopes of competing at the local Battle Tower. Team Rocket, meanwhile are on their trail, managing to sink their Magikarp submarine during a rocky landing. At the same time a wild Plusle and Minun are playing with a high-tech bin, with a Munchlax cleaning up litter.

The group is greeted by a security robot, known as a Block Bot, and given passports to use during their time in LaRousse. May, however, pulls a surprised face as her photo is being taken, and is left embarrassed by her passport card. Stepping from the monorail station, Ash is caught off-guard by the city's moving sidewalks. He tries to run back to his friends, leading a passerby named Rafe to send out his Blaziken to save Ash. Rafe is quick to mock Ash, as are his twin sisters Audrey and Kathryn. Learning that Rafe is planning on competing at the Battle Tower, Ash challenges him to a match. Equally keen to battle Rafe is Rebecca, whom Max has to stop Brock from chasing after. Also accompanying them is another Trainer named Sid, who quickly falls for May's cuteness, much to her embarrassment.

Ash soon reaches the Battle Tower and tries to ask directions from a boy about the same age as himself, who runs away, seemingly scared by Ash and Pikachu. Tory, followed by Ash, runs into an elevator, and the pair soon finds themselves in the middle of a battle. Rebecca, meanwhile, misses her chance to battle Rafe and will have to wait for another time. Ash and Tory are up against Sid and Rafe, so Ash loans his Torkoal to Tory, who reveals that he has no Pokémon. Tory is too scared to give any commands. Ash and Tory lose badly, and Tory runs off after his dad congratulates him on taking part in the battle. Then Yuko tells Ash what happened four years ago, and that Tory is scared of Pokémon. Ash decides to try to help Tory overcome his fear. Tory, after freeing the Minun from earlier from a bin with a stick, goes into the greenhouse to meet with his strange friend.

Deoxys has reached LaRousse City, and creates some strange purple lights in the sky, resembling an aurora. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is trying to get hamburgers from a machine, but as they don't have passports and are trying to destroy the machine, they get attacked by a security robot instead. By this point, Ash and the others find Tory in the greenhouse, but Tory runs off and refuses to tell them who he was talking with. Ash follows after him and tries to get Tory to touch Pikachu. Tory reacts angrily and pushes Ash away. Ash instantly grabs him by the collar demanding answers from Tory, though May and the other intervene. Brock has an idea and prepares some cheese fondue in a park to smooth things over. The food intrigues some of the wild Pokémon, and luckily Brock has also prepared some bowls of Pokémon food for them to enjoy. Tory is feeling more confident but stops himself from petting Pikachu. He thanks them before apologizing and rushing back home. Brock is optimistic that they will eventually help Tory overcome his fear. Max turns his attention to their picnic table to see a wild Munchlax gobbling all of the food. Munchlax finishes the food before leaping off the table and casually walking off. Plusle and Minun approach the group, with Pikachu inviting them to enjoy some food.

Looking from the Pokémon Center balcony, Ash and the others admire another aurora over LaRousse City. Rebecca, with her analyzing computer, is stunned to see an aurora, remarking that it can usually only be seen at the North and South Poles. Unexpectedly, Tory arrives and presents them with some homemade Pokémon-shaped cookies. With that, everyone calls out their Pokémon to have fun on the nearby playground while they enjoy the cookies. The Rocket trio spot an opportunity to steal the leftovers, however, the gluttonous Munchlax reaches the food first. Tory takes Ash aside to talk privately. He admits he has had fun with everyone today. As he is about to touch Pikachu, the unexpected arrival of Ash's Corphish startles Tory and puts him off entirely. Ash orders Corphish to apologize, to which Tory admits he will be fine.

The next day, the arrival of Rayquaza is detected by Officer Jenny's headquarters and separately by Professor Lund. Scanning through the surveillance network, Lund and Yuko soon spot a Deoxys in the LaRousse City area and realize that it has attracted Rayquaza down from the ozone layer. Professor Lund immediately alerts Officer Jenny to the threat that a Deoxys and Rayquaza clash poses for the city, so she orders an immediate emergency evacuation. The Block Bots coordinate the city-wide evacuation of LaRousse City, helping people board the monorail and ferry services to safety. Professor Lund orders his staff to leave as well, while he rushes to the garden to find Tory, who is busy showing Ash and the others his mysterious green sprite friend. On his route to reach his son, Professor Lund is caught off-guard by the rebooted automatic sidewalks and he is forcibly directed outside the city. He tries to go in the opposite direction, only to fall from the Block Bot evacuation bridge before being saved by Officer Jenny's passing boat.

Deoxys makes copies of itself and tries to carry the people and Pokémon being evacuated away, with Team Rocket amongst the first to be carried off. Deoxys creates a force field around LaRousse to stop Rayquaza or anything else from getting in. Deoxys’s force field also manages to overwhelm many of the city's automated technology, leaving Ash, Tory, and the others unable to use their passports and trapped inside the greenhouse building. Ash and the others try to get out but are attacked by multiple Deoxys clones. Sid and his Blastoise help open the doors for everyone to escape. However, the pair is soon grabbed by the Deoxys decoys, leaving Ash and Rafe to try and defend everyone else from the same fate. Rebecca asks if there is another escape route, to which Tory leads everyone through a hidden underground tunnel.

Yuko is relieved to see Tory and the others are okay and takes them to the Lund laboratory for their safety. She explains the situation, revealing that Deoxys has created a force field around LaRousse to stop anything from getting in or out. Rebecca is glad to learn that the backup generators have kept the lights on, but remarks that even the Poké Ball Management System isn't working. While some of the group have managed to call out their Pokémon before the system failure, May and Brock cannot call out any of their party. Yuko reveals that Deoxys is an Extraterrestrial Pokémon and recalls the events from four years prior, during the polar region expedition. Plusle, Minun, and Munchlax have a close encounter with Deoxys, though managed to flee into a pipe, leading them directly to the lab's air duct system where they find Ash and his friends. Everyone realizes they now need food and water, so they go outside and Pikachu shocks a hot dog machine, but again, they get attacked by Deoxys, who steals Minun and the hot dog machine.

Back inside, Tory tries to touch Plusle, but still can't do it. Brock finds water in some boxes. Rafe and Rebecca watch Deoxys take Minun into a domed tower, then drop the hot dog machine into the water. Rayquaza is still trying to break through the force field. Rebecca and Yuko try to work out why the Deoxys dropped the hot dog machine. The others are all trying to get some rest, wrapped up in blankets on the floor, when Surskit becomes agitated and runs around waking everyone up, warning them Deoxys is trying to get in. They run to an underground laboratory, where Yuko tells them that a second Deoxys is dormant inside the recovered green crystal. Tory's friend, the green light soon appears from the crystal, and they work out the light and the aurora share the same frequency of light. The green one is saying "friend" and the other one "where are you?" So Deoxys is just looking for its friend. Rayquaza, meanwhile, is still attacking the barrier.

Ash and the others decide to try to reactivate the second Deoxys, but they don't have enough power. While Yuko will remain at the lab, everyone agrees to generate some extra power using the city's wind turbines. They put their plan into action the very next day, but Deoxys lands in front of them. Ash tries to assure Deoxys that they're not enemies, but it doesn't work, so everyone orders their Pokémon to attack. Rafe holds the Deoxys decoys off long enough to let Ash escape, only for himself and Blaziken to be carried off. Inside the domed building, Rafe meets up with Sid to put the escape plan into action. On the outside, Ash and Tory head one way, while the others rush to the wind park, and Munchlax decides to go its separate way. Ash and Tory soon arrive at the domed building, where Rafe shouts out to them that he has been rigged by the electricity. With that, Ash and Tory have Pikachu and Plusle, respectively, use Thunderbolt on the doors of the dome, freeing everyone inside.

Looking on from a distance, Professor Lund and Officer Jenny watch as Rayquaza blasts its way through the force field, and they fear the situation will only escalate now. Rayquaza is soon detected by Deoxys and swarmed by an army of clones. However, Rayquaza is able to out-maneuver them and launches several Hyper Beams to destroy the decoys. Rayquaza pursues the real Deoxys, causing chaos and destruction across the city.

Ash, Tory, Plusle, and Minun return to the lab, while Sid and Rafe join the others in trying to get the wind turbines moving to generate more electricity. They attach ropes to the inside, before having Blaziken jumping from one blade to another, various Water Pokémon using Water Gun, Flying types using Gust, Metagross using Confusion and Team Rocket pedaling a machine. Everyone’s combined efforts pay off, with electricity soon restored to the lab. Tory turns on the lasers to reactivate the green core Deoxys. However, they're still 20% short on power, so Pikachu, Plusle, and Minun zap the machine and it works. The crystal grows into a Deoxys, who makes Ash and Tory float out of the building.

Meanwhile, Rayquaza and the purple core Deoxys continue to clash. Rayquaza manages to tangle Deoxys in its tail and throws it to the ground. The harsh impact leads the force field to dissipate, and with it now gone, the wind and electronic transmissions return to LaRousse City. Soon, the purple core Deoxys returns with a vengeance and lashes Rayquaza with several attacks. The green core Deoxys arrives on the scene, just in time to stop a finishing blow being dealt to Rayquaza. Deoxys stops attacking, and the two Deoxys change forms and release an aurora after being reunited. Rayquaza bursts from debris and goes on the attack.

Because of the increased power, the block security robots power up and go on overdrive, trying to attack Rayquaza. It gets buried under the Block Bots and, when the Deoxys try to help, they get buried as well. Just then, Tory's father appears on a screen, saying the only way to stop the Bot Blocks is by presenting a passport to the chief robot, allowing them to regain control and shut it down. Ash and Tory ride on a hot dog machine near the tower they need to get up, but miss. Just then, Munchlax, who was hiding in the bottom of the machine, gets out and evolves into a Snorlax, allowing Ash to step over it to a nearby tower. Pikachu realizes the only way to get to the tower they need is by stepping on the Block Bots. Ash follows but drops his passport. Tory throws him over, and Pikachu leaps off to bat it up to Ash. He manages to give the robot the passport, allowing Tory's dad to power down the robots. But Plusle and Minun, who are at the top of a pile of blocks with Tory, fall off. Tory reaches out to grab them but falls off too. They get saved by the green core Deoxys. The purple core Deoxys help Pikachu return to Ash. Rayquaza has seemingly befriended the Deoxys after they tried to save it from the blocks, and it soon leaves LaRousse City to return to the ozone layer.

The Deoxys reunite Ash and Tory with their waiting friends. Yuko and Professor Lund happily greet Tory, grateful that he is okay. Tory remarks that he is only fine because of all of his new friends. And in a remarkable change, Tory is no longer fearful and doesn’t flinch when Plusle and Minun nuzzle him out of affection. The two Deoxys soon soar off into the distance, leaving a brilliant aurora as they go.

Tory, Professor Lund, and Yuko see Ash and the others leave LaRousse City aboard the monorail. While sad to see his new friends leave, Tory has Plusle and Minun to keep him company now. Rafe and his two sisters are the first to get off. Followed by Sid, who is heartbroken to be leaving May’s side. Next, Rebecca waves goodbye to the group, dashing Brock’s chances of love. Later, Ash and his friends are back on the road towards their next adventure, camping out along the way.

Trivia edit

Script edit

Pooh's Adventures of Pokémon: Destiny Deoxys/Transcript