Pooh's Adventures of Dinosaur/Transcript

Here is the transcript of Pooh's Adventures of Dinosaur.

Opening edit

We pan across live-action houses.

  • Narrator: It's time for another Pooh's Adventures special! But it's not an ordinary special, (we cut to outside Patchy's house) because today we go to Encino, California, as it was… 

Lightning flashes and the houses are replaced by caves. It's smoggy, there are loads of plants and trees, and a volcano in the distance.

  • Narrator: …100 million years ago! So prepare yourself for… 

Cut to a screen reading "Pooh Bear's B.C. Adventure".

  • Narrator: Pooh Bear's B.C. Adventure! (stone text drops reading: 'Before Comedy') Before Comedy.

Cut to a still frame of Patchy and Potty.

  • Narrator: With your host, Patchy the Pirate!

The audience cheers and applauds as the camera zoom inside the stone house. Inside are all the creature comforts of a normal home, but de-modernized. Patchy, in leopard garb, comes in wearing an orange paper-mache dinosaur with green spikes and stripes around his body. A pair of felt legs are under Patchy's sides to make it look like he's riding the dinosaur like a horse.

  • Patchy: Yee-ha! Hey kids! Now, you're probably wondering, "Hmm, what's Patchy doing in a cave?" Good question, you little… (grumbles to self. The dinosaur walks over to a wall where there a cave drawings of Sponge and jellyfish) Well, it's because today's Pooh's adventure takes place in prehistoric times (cut to the drawing of Sponge with a stick and jellyfish) …back when man struggled for survival (pan over to show a dinosaur eating Pat and Sponge running away) and dinosaurs ruled the Earth. (the dinosaur walks back into the middle of the room) Isn't that right, Bronty? But I'm riding you now. (pan out to reveal Patchy is wearing the dinosaur like an inner tube, and he struggles to get out of it) It's stuck. (He falls over on his side. He screams for aide and two stagehands run over to him. Cut to a "Please Stand By" screen. Soon, Patchy is up) Like I was saying, prehistoric times were the greatest. (cut to black-and-white footage of cavemen) It was a simpler time (cut to a picture of a monkey with a finger up his nose) with simpler pleasures. (cut to Patchy, holding up two robes, identical to each other and the one Patchy is wearing) Your clothes always match. (cut to Patchy with a paintbrush) You can draw on the walls. And nobody yell at ya. (he picks up a giant club) It was much easier to hit a baseball. (he sits down on the stone couch) Oh yeah, prehistoric times were the best. (he gasps) Hey kids. Are those pterodactyl wings I hear 'a flappin'? I think I know who that is. Please welcome the Pottydactyl! (Potty flies in, wearing a jetpack and a futuristic head visor)
  • Potty: (squawk) Sorry I'm late.
  • Patchy: Potty! Why aren't you wearing your costume? (Patchy picks up a purple and pink pterodactyl costume) I stayed up all night making it!
  • Potty: (squawk) You're wasting your time, old man. Prehistoric stuff is lame. Everybody knows the future's where it's at.
  • Patchy: What?! (laughs nervously) That's not true. (points to viewers) Don't mind 'em, folks. Why, even Pooh Bear knows that prehistoric stuff is, what the kids say, (air quotes) cool.
  • Potty: (squawk) No, he doesn't.
  • Patchy: Yes, he does.
  • Potty: Nope.
  • Patchy: He most certainly does.
  • Potty: No, he doesn't.
  • Patchy: Yes, he does!
  • Potty: No.
  • Patchy: (angry) I know for a fact that he does!
  • Potty: …not. (Patchy fumes)

Cut to a screen reading…

  • Narrator: Meanwhile... 

Cut to SpongeBob at the grill, all nervous.

  • Mr. Krabs: (bursts in) SpongeBob. What's wrong?
  • SpongeBob SquarePants: I don't know, Mr. Krabs, but I've got this strangest feeling that somewhere a pirate and parrot are arguing about Pooh. (close-up on SpongeBob’s face) And the parrot is winning. 

Cut to Patchy and Potty still quarreling.

  • Patchy: Does.
  • Potty: Doesn't.
  • Patchy: Does.
  • Potty: Doesn't.
  • Patchy: Does.
  • Potty: Doesn't.
  • Patchy: Does! Uh, look, while we're arguing, why don't you folks go ahead and watch Winnie the Pooh's Prehistoric Adventure? Roll the cartoon! …does.
  • Potty: Doesn't. (Patchy grumbles)


  • Narrator: Some things start out big... and some things start out small. Very small. But sometimes the smallest thing... can make the biggest changes of all.

(There are twelve eggs in the nest. Soon twelve eggs will hatch into twelve beautiful dinosaur children. And before you can say "iguanodon", they will be fifteen feet tall and weigh four and a half tons. A flock of ichthyornis flies gracefully overhead, water cascades down a nearby waterfall and the surrounding mountains are almost overbearing in their protective majesty. It is known as the Nesting Grounds, a valley of birth and growth where dinosaurs know their eggs will be safe. The mother iguanodon notices a young parasaurolophus taking an interest in her handiwork. She brushes him off gently with a free foot, but soon he returns. She turns suddenly, frightening him off with an exaggerated snort. The little parasaurolophus is on a child's mission. He hardly seems to notice the other mother dinosaurs and their nests as he makes his road through the thick foliage. He can see several large brachiosaurs drinking from a sparkling lake in the clearing ahead. Then he watches as a winged lizard flies into a hollow log and comes out the other side with a stick-like fashion bulging from the corner of its mouth. A drop splashes innocently onto a branch in front of the young dinosaur. He looks at it, but sniffs it curiously. It is too thick and gooey to be rain. He watches the strange, syrupy liquid stretch until it drips onto the ground below. There is a rustle of trees, and hears a low, menacing growl. He looks around, suddenly fearful, but all the little parasaurolophus can see are flashes of white through the bush. Teeth oozing with thick, gooey saliva. It is a carnotaur. He turns and flees. The powerful carnotaur uproots trees and destroys everything in its path as it chases the young parasaurolohpus, who is running as fast as his little legs can carry him. The giant beast blazes through the forest with terrifying speed, and is about to overtake the smaller dinosaur, but then suddenly surges right past him. A parasaurolohpus is just an appetizer, and the carnotaur isn't interested in an appetizer. He is looking for a real meal. The herd of dinosaurs in the Nesting Grounds are caught unaware as the carnotaur bursts through the trees. Within seconds, the peaceful tranquility of the valley turns to chaos and panic. The herd scatters, stampeding away from the raging beast. Moments later, the carnotaur smashes the nest complete with eggs with a deafening lament. Looking around, he eventually spots his first curse--a slow-footed pachyrhinosaur. Without warning, the carnotaur pounces on the hopeless animal, roaring triumphantly. As the terrifying roar echoes through the valley, a soft breeze blows gently through the trees surrounding the iguanodon nest. Eleven of the eggs are destroyed, but one has miraculously survived)

The Egg Travels edit

(In the aftermath of destruction, an oviraptor snatches the egg from the nest and brings it to a jagged rock where he tries to crack it open. He catches the attention by one of his mates, and soon they are recklessly fighting over the egg. With all the clawing and pulling, the egg bursts free, plunging over the cliff into a river hundreds of feet below. A labyrinthodon catches sight of the large egg sinking through the rushing water. He swallows the egg, but swiftly spits it out. The egg continues along with the current, bobbing its road downstream. A giant pteranodon spots it from the air and swoops down and snatches the egg from the water. Without delay, the pteranodon makes its road home to a nearby island. A flock of ichthyornis spots the egg from the ground, and flies at the pteranodon, trying to steal the egg midair. Fighting off the nasty birds, the pteranodon loses its grip on the egg and it slips off, disappearing through the clouds. The calm serenity of Lemur Island is suddenly broken as the egg smashes through the thick, leafy branches of the towering trees, plunging toward the forest floor. It eventually lands in the outstretched branches of a huge tree, cradled delicately)

Egg Hatches edit

(It is round and spotted and no tree-dwelling, vine-swinging, run-of-the-forest lemur has ever seen anything like it before. A few lemurs slowly approach. They are looking at this fact that has just fallen from the heavens. To their amazement, it has landed safely, high in the outstretched branches of a large tree)

  • Zini: Yar, what is this?
  • Yar: I don't know.

(Plio climbs up ahead, determined to get a better look)

  • Yar: Plio! Get back here. We don't know what this is!

(She wasn't listening)

  • Zini: Pilo, be careful.

(With cautious steps, she moves toward the object. It is big, and something seems to be moving inside. With a loud crack, it starts to open and Plio draws back, alarmed)

  • Plio: Dad...get over here.
  • Yar: Zini, it's not safe.
  • Zini: Oh, I always have to go when stuff's happening.
  • Yar: Well, what is this?
  • Plio: It was an egg. Look.

(Then she turns slowly, revealing a creature cradled in her arms, which has never been seen on Lemur Island. It is a baby dinosaur)

  • Pilo: What?
  • Yar: It's a coldblooded monster from across the sea. Vicious, flesh-eating...

(She can't help feeling a kind of motherly love for the new arrival. Sure, it is a dinosaur, but it is also a baby)

  • Plio: Looks like a baby to me.
  • Yar: Babies grow up! You keep that fact, one day we'll turn our backs, it'll be picking us out of its teeth!



























Pooh and Friends Meet Aladar and the Lemurs edit

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The Courtship/Meteor Strikes edit







(Suddenly, everyone looks up towards the sky and see streams of light soaring across the sky)

  • Aladar: Whoa.







  • Tigger: It's a dead end we're trapped trapped like Ratchets.



The Aftermath edit














  • Aladar: Come on, we can't stay here.


  • Eeyore: End of the road. Nothin' to do. And no hope of things gettin' better. Sounds like Saturday night at my house.


Raptors Attack edit

Meet the Herd edit










  • Rabbit: Since when do we take orders from the likes of him?
  • Eema: (chuckles) Kron has swatted flies bigger than you, ????.


Morning/Crossing the Desert edit



  • Tigger: Huh, the charm never stops around here.













Reaching the Lake edit

Ambush/Aladar and Neera edit

Left Behind/Cave edit

On a nearby ridge, Kron sits above the sleeping herd watching Neera and Aladar.

  • Bruton: (offscreen) Kron!

Behind him, having nearly escaped the attacking Carnotaurs, a badly wounded Bruton makes it back to the herd as he limps over to Kron with his hide slashed and bloodied.

  • Bruton: Carnotaurs!
  • Kron: (surprised and disturbed) What? They never come this far north!
  • Bruton: The fireball must have driven them out. (grunts in pain)

A distant roar sounds out alerting Kron and Bruton.

  • Kron: You've led them right to us! MAYBE YOU CAN FEED THEM WITH YOUR HIDE! (Bruton's head drops) Move the herd out, double-time!

Bruton and Kron roars for the herd to awake and move out. Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Eeyore, the Vultures, Jiminy, Aladar, and Neera take notice of this.

  • Eeyore: What's happening?
  • Neera: My brother's moving the herd.

Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Eeyore, the Vultures, Jiminy, Neera, and Aladar walk over to Kron.

  • Neera: Kron! What's going on?
  • Kron: Carnotaurs. If we don't keep moving, they'll catch up to us.

Carnotaurs Attack/Bruton's Death edit


  • Bruton: (whispering) Shh. Carnotaurs.


  • Aladar: (whispering) What do we do?
  • Bruton: Wake the others.












A Dead End/The Nesting Grounds edit

Meanwhile, back in the caves, our heroes and Aladar have been traveling through the cavern, wondering if they'll ever find a road out. Up on Baylene's head, Zini is playing a game of "I Spy" with them.

  • Zini: Alright, that's it. Let's do it again. Let's do it again. Uh, I spy with my little eye..
  • Rabbit: A rock.

Apparently, Rabbit, along with the others, are starting to get annoyed by Zini's questions, which are happened to be the same response; a rock.

  • Zini: You got it again! Ooh! You are good!
  • Eema: Well, I'll tell you what I spy. A dead end.

The passage appears to be caved-in by the buried rocks and stones. Everyone is fully stunned. This is NOT what they are hoping for.


  • Buzzie: So what we gonna do?
  • Aladar: I guess we just go back.
  • TBA: But it's all caved-in back there! How can we get out through here?
  • TBA: There is no road back.
  • TBA: Well, we'll just have to dig ourselves out.
  • Winnie the Pooh: C'mon.

They start to turn around, as Zini smells something familiar.

  • Zini: Hang on a moment.

Everyone stops and looks up high at him on Baylene's head.

  • TBA: What is it, Zini?
  • Suri: Zini, what is it?

Zini continues to suspiciously smell the air as Suri approaches him.

  • Zini: Do you guys smell that?
  • TBA: Smell what?

Suri smells the air, and she catches the wind of it.

  • Suri: Yeah.







Zini and Suri jump on over to the rocks as Aladar and Jiminy run on over. Jiminy joins Zini as they both remove some rocks from one point of the rock wall. Both groan as they try to remove one rock. But as they remove it, a light shines through a hole, lighting up the cave a little. Everyone gasps by what they are seeing outside, including everyone else.

  • Eema: (gasps) Get a load of that.
  • Baylene: Good show.




  • Aladar: Everybody, stand back. We're outta here!
  • TBA: Aladar! Wait! I don't think it's safe!

But Aladar ignores him. He is so eager to get out, he isn't aware by the dangers of it. He begins using his body to push against one large rock. And until he pushes it further, the cave starts to shake roughly. Everyone cries out in grand agony, trying to look for shelter before the rocks fall on them.

  • Jiminy Cricket: YIKES!!
  • Eema: Aladar, look out!



Aladar swiftly runs back as the rocks from the wall starts toppling over, shaking the ground at their feet. Aladar avoids one rock as he jumps out of the road. As he turns back, the hole where the light is coming from, is sealed once again by the rocks. Then all is silent. Everyone is shocked by what just happened, and some begin to weep. Piglet sheds some tears as Pooh consoles him. Rabbit places her hand on Tigger's back as feelings of hope are gone from him, including Zazu as he hangs his head low. Even the vultures are shocked and stricken as well. Aladar is shocked as he became furious.

  • Aladar: NoooooOOOO!!!!

His yell was so loud that it echoes across the cavern. He starts pushing harder against the rocks, but they won't budge. Even with all his might, it is not nice enough. He stops and turns back to the others. He can clearly see that most of them are now feeling hopeless. But Aladar does not let them down at all. Turning frustrated and clenching his teeth, he angrily flings as he hits against the rocks, trying to push them.









Aladar breathes heavily as he starts to calm down and he just lies there. Now everyone is also shocked and stunned at Aladar's sudden rage. Consoling him, Pooh speaks to Aladar.

  • Winnie the Pooh: Aladar, we'll just go back.
  • Aladar: Back to what? It's gone. We're not meant to survive.
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  • Bayleane: Oh yes we were. We are here ain't we
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Blocked Passage/Aladar vs. Kron/A New Leader edit

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Standing Together edit

Welcome Home/Ending edit

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(Cut back to Patchy, depressed sitting on his front step of his prehistoric house)

  • Patchy: Now I know how Squidward feels… (Potty comes in)
  • Potty: (squawk) Why the long face?
  • Patchy: I think you know perfectly well, you little winged vermin. All I wanted was to show the nice people how great the cavemen were. But all they got was technology-induced chaos!
  • Potty: Come back inside. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.
  • Patchy: You got rid of the robot android cyborg?!
  • Potty: Nope, even better. (the two walk inside)
  • Patchy: Potty, I guess I really misjudged you… (he looks) What the-?! (Cavey is at a drum set, wearing gold bling with a bone, and the robot is DJ-ing, as strobe lights go off)
  • Song: "When Worlds Collide"
  • When worlds collide
  • Potty: (Patchy is still shocked) Pretty sweet, eh? Brawk.
  • You can run
  • But no can hide
  • When worlds collide
  • You'll laugh so hard
  • You'll swear you've died
  • When worlds collide
  • Hold my hand
  • I'll be your guide
  • When worlds collide
  • Buckle...buckle...buckle up for the sweetest ride
  • And prepare to have your mind blown wide
  • When worlds collide
  • Potty: Yo, check it out!
  • When worlds collide, it's a curious thing
  • Bet you never heard a robot and a caveman sing
  • In his metal chest are some working parts
  • How is that different from my beating heart?
  • I'm from the future, and I'm from the past
  • But that don't mean this friendship wasn't built to last
  • He was made in a lab, and I was born in a cave
  • So let me hear you holler for this inter-era rave
  • Squidward: (Scene from SB-129) Future!
  • Potty: Word!
  • SpongeTron: (Another scene from SB-129) I am SpongeTron.
  • You, you, you, you can run
  • But you can't hide
  • When worlds collide (Patchy shuts his mouth with his hook. The lighting returns to normal)
  • Patchy: Well, Potty, I guess you were right. The future is cool.
  • Potty: Just to show you there's no hard feelings, I got you a present from the prehistoric times.
  • Patchy: Ooh! What is it? A new loincloth?
  • Potty: No.
  • Patchy: An enlarged forehead?
  • Potty: No. (Potty flies off)
  • Patchy: Aww, what is it? (Potty opens the door, revealing a Tyrannosaurus Rex, which roars at Patchy. Patchy screams, his eyes bugging out, then he runs off with the Tyrannosaurus Rex chasing him) Potty! (he continues screaming as he runs off. Potty watches from the window, with popcorn and a soda)
  • Potty: (squawk) This is great. (the dinosaur grabs Patchy by the legs, who screams. Patchy is on his side, his feet inside the Tyrannosaurus Rex's jaws)
  • Patchy: Well, thanks for watching SpongeBob B.C., kids. (waves) Bye! (he continues screaming, then laughing. The Tyrannosaurus Rex tickles Patchy with his teeth) Now he's tickling! (he laughs) Cut it out, you rascal! (he continues laughing)