Paste Makes Waste/Transcript

  • Narrator: The City of Townsville...Pokey Oaks County! A sleepy suburb of the City of Townsville. Pokey Oaks Kindergartin! A school in Pokey Oaks County, a sleepy suburb of the city of Townsville. Ms. Keane the teacher of Pokey Oaks, a school in the sleepy suburbs of-(Ms. Keane glares at the camera in annoyance) I'm-oh, I'm sorry.
  • (We hear the students work on their class projects.)
  • Ms. Keane: Okay, kids, now continue working on your projects and I will take roll call. Julie? Julie Bean?
  • Julie Bean: Here.
  • Ms. Keane: Harry? Harry Pitt?
  • Harry Pitt: Here.
  • Ms. Keane: Wes? Wes Goingon?
  • Wes Goingon: Yeah.
  • Ms. Keane: Bubbles?
  • Bubbles: Here.
  • Ms. Keane: Blossom?
  • Blossom: Present.
  • Ms. Keane: Buttercup?
  • Buttercup: Yep!
  • Ms. Keane: Lloyd Floyjoydson?
  • Lloyd: Huh?
  • Ms. Keane: Floyd Floyjoydon?
  • Floyd: What?
  • Ms. Keane: Mitchell? Mitchell Mitchelson?
  • Mitch: (annoyed) It's Mitch! And yeah, I'm here, okay?!
  • (Buttercup giggles upon hearing his outburst while the heroes on the other hand rolled his eyes at Mitch for his rude attitude towards Ms. Keane.)
  • Ms. Keane: Elmer? Elmer Sglue?
  • (The students and the heroes felt startled upon hearing a squishing noise and we see a timid boy named Elmer Sqlue who is eating paste.)
  • Elmer Sqlue: (gulps then burps) Here.
  • (The heroes look at Elmer with sympathy.)
  • Mitch: (disgusted) Ohh! (pushes Elmer to the floor) Paste eater!
  • (Buttercup and the students laugh at Elmer except Blossom, Bubbles and the heroes.)
  • Rabbit: (outraged) Well, I never!
  • Ms. Keane: (shocked) Elmer! (outraged) Mitchell! (Buttercup and the students keep laughing at Elmer while Blossom, Bubbles and the heroes glare at her for being mean to Elmer) Mitchell Michelson, that was a terrible thing to do. (concerned) Elmer, are you okay?
  • Elmer Sglue: (moans) Yes, Mrs. Keane.
  • Kids: Eww!
  • Ms. Keane: (sternly) Okay, now, children, behave. Especially you, Mitchell!
  • Pooh Bear: Buttercup, be nice to Elmer, if you please.
  • Rabbit: (sternly) Yes, you'd better behave yourself, young lady.
  • (Mitch looks down at a rough figure of a person in front of him. It has a large glob of paste on one corner. He picks this up.)
  • Mitch: "Ooooh! My name's Elmer!" (scraping up paste from the table, sticking it on) "And I like to eat gooey paste! 'Cause I'm stupid!"
  • (He sticks the creation squarely onto Elmer's forehead.)
  • Mitch: D'oh! (The kids laugh again; Elmer is mortified.)
  • Ms. Keane: Children! (Close-up of the twins.)
  • Lloyd, Floyd: (pointing o.c., sing-song voices) You eat paste! You eat paste! What a doof! (They trade high-fives.)
  • (Our heroes as well as Blossom and Bubbles take no part in the ridicule, but Buttercup is enjoying the whole thing.)
  • Ms. Keane: Now that is just about enough!
  • Harry: You're gross! (Buttercup looks eagerly toward him.)
  • Julie: Yeah, you look like a dummy! (Buttercup looks to her.)
  • Wes: (picking nose) Ha-ha! What a sick habit, man!
  • (Extreme close-up of Buttercup, zooming in on each successive insult.)
  • Mitch: (from o.c.) Glue-ber!
  • Floyd: (from o.c.) Paste-head!
  • Lloyd: (from o.c.) Tacky!
  • (Buttercup finally decides to really drive home the point herself. She scoops a wad of paste off the table and stands over Elmer.)
  • Ash Ketchum: Oh, Buttercup! Don't you dare!
  • Misty: Don't even think about it, Buttercup!
  • Buttercup: (refuses to listen) EAT THIS, PASTE EATER!!!
  • Heroes: (slow-motion) NO!!!
  • (Buttercup lets the paste fly, and the chunk sails down the table in slow motion and finally splatters all over Elmer's face.)
  • Blossom: (gasps)
  • Bubbles: (groans)
  • Ms. Keane: (gasps)
  • Heroes: (gasp in horror)
  • (Elmer cries loudly as Mitch and Floyd smiled meanly. Buttercup's sisters and our heroes were not really pleased for what she did.)
  • Class: Ooh!
  • Pooh Bear: Oh, this will never do.
  • Ash Ketchum: Now, look what you've done, Buttercup!
  • Misty: You've made poor little Elmer cry!
  • Pikachu: (angrily) Pika Pika!
  • Ms. Keane: Buttercup, I am surprised at you! You know better than that. Now, apologize right this instant.
  • Buttercup: But, Ms. Keane.
  • Ms. Keane: Little lady, apologize to poor Elmer.
  • Buttercup: But, I didn't mean to and Mitch started it--
  • Ms. Keane: Buttercup!
  • Rabbit: (sternly) No excuses, young lady!
  • Tigger: Just say you're sorry.
  • Misty: Apologize right now, Buttercup.
  • Pikachu: (angrily) Pika!
  • Buttercup: Elmer...I;m, uh...oh, did you have to... I mean... I'm s-s-s...I'm s...I'm s-s-s...Aww, you should've ducked!
  • (Just then the bell rang.)
  • Mitch: Whoo-hoo! Recess!
  • (Mitch runs off, Buttercup looks back and forth for a moment then she runs after the kids. The heroes felt deeply dismayed over Buttercup's refusal to apologize to Elmer.)
  • Pooh Bear: (sighs) Oh, bother.
  • Piglet: Buttercup just refused to apologize to Elmer, Ms. Keane.
  • Rabbit: She seriously needs a stern lecture.
  • Ms. Keane: Don't worry, guys. I'll deal with her later. (to Elmer) For now let's just get you cleaned up.
  • Pooh Bear: What Buttercup and the kids did was wrong.
  • Piglet: Eating paste is not good for you.
  • Elmer: W-why?
  • Ms. Keane: Well, for one thing it's an imitatable act. If the other kids were to see you doing it. They might want to do too.
  • Kids: (from outside) Eww! No way!
  • Rabbit and Ms. Keane: Children!
  • Ms. Keane: (to Elmer) Now you give me that. (takes away the jar) And go outside and play with your friends.
  • (Elmer sadly walks to the door. The heroes feel deeply sorry for him.)
  • Pooh Bear: We best go outside.
  • Rabbit: We'll give Buttercup a talking to.
  • Ms. Keane: Thank you.
  • (The heroes go outside. Then we see Elmer sitting under a tree feeling sore about the bullying Mitch gave him and Buttercup not apologizing to him.)
  • Elmer: Stupid Mitch! Buttercup thinks she's all cool. Just because she has powers. (pulls a jar of paste from his coat) I'd be cool if I have powers. She's not so cool. (eats his paste) I'd be cool.
  • (Meanwhile we cut to a industrial facility where a technician is eating his cereal and then he accidentally knocks down the toxic samples.)
  • Technician: Oh! (wipes the floor with his napkin then he placed the spilled contents onto his cheeks then suddenly the tentacles come out) Whoa, that's definitely no good!
  • (Then he throws the chemical soaked napkin into the recycling bin. A worker empties the garbage into the waste truck just then a fly comes in and sucks up the glowing napkin but suddenly it caused him to grow big and then it comes out of the truck. The mutant fly is too big to fly and then it lands in the paste where Elmer unknowingly takes the fly while eating his paste.)
  • Mitch: Get up!
  • Elmer: (gulps)
  • (He stands up but Mitch rudely pushed him.)
  • Mitch: Get up, paste eater!
  • Floyd: Yeah, get up!
  • Lloyd: (laughs, as Elmer gets up)
  • (We cut to Blossom, Bubbles and the heroes who are still feeling annoyed with Buttercup that she won't stop teasing Elmer.)
  • Buttercup: (laughing) When will he ever learn?
  • (The heroes rolled their eyes upon hearing it.)
  • Blossom: I'm telling Ms. Keane!
  • Buttercup: What?! I didn't do nothing! Oh, I'm always getting blamed.
  • Rabbit: Well, what you did to Elmer was really wrong, young lady. Ms. Keane and your sisters are not pleased for what you've done.
  • Ash Ketchum: Bullying is not cool.
  • Misty: I agree with you, Ash. When is Buttercup going to apologize to poor Elmer?
  • Brock: I don't know. But, she sure is stubborn.
  • (Elmer gets up and he coughs up glowing green sludge then he moans.)
  • Mitch: (mocking pity) Boy, you don't look so good. Maybe, you'd better...(pushes him to the ground) Sit down! (he and the twins laugh then he takes notice his arms being covered in paste) (disgusted) Hey, hey, what the?! What is this, man?! (Elmer's body is now turned to glue) Eww, is this your snot? (we see Elmer's shadow growing bigger) Man, get it off! Oh, you're gross!
  • Floyd and Lloyd: Hey, dude.
  • Mitch: What?!
  • Floyd and Lloyd: (scared) Dude, dude.
  • (Elmer is now giant paste monster he angrily roars at them. Then he looks himself realizing what has happened to him. He blows a giant glue bubble from his mouth and the globs of glue fall to the ground which caused Mitch, Floyd and Lloyd to scream and run with terror. Then he attacks the students as retaliation for bullying him he picks them up with his sticker fingers. Elmer smiles at them as he wiggles the terrified students in his sticky fingers then he sends them flying. Floyd and Lloyd are both glued to the side of the flying airplane and Mitch gets glued to the top of the flap pole as Buttercup witnessed the action.)
  • Buttercup: Hey!
  • Elmer Sglue: (deep voice) Huh?
  • Buttercup: Not so fast, paste eater!
  • (Elmer gets really mad as the glue bubbles on his body. Buttercup attempts to fight but only for get to glued to the school wall. She struggled to get out of the glue but to no avail. The heroes and her sisters glare at her in disgust.)
  • Rabbit: I hope you learned your lesson, young lady!
  • Tigger: Yeah, this is what you get for teasing poor Elmer!
  • Buttercup: Hurry, guys! You gotta help me stop him!
  • Misty: Why should we?!
  • Blossom: No way! You and those bullies deserve what you get for picking on poor little Elmer!
  • Pikachu: (agreeing) Pika!
  • (Then they see Ms. Keane being held by Elmer.)
  • Buttercup: Well, is she a bully?!
  • Blossom and Bubbles: Ms. Keane!
  • Heroes: Ms. Keane!
  • (Elmer stomps his foot onto the school.)
  • Blossom and Bubbles: He's gone crazy!
  • Ash Ketchum: You girls go ahead, we don't want to get stuck in the paste.
  • Pikachu: Pikachu.
  • Bubbles: Okay, Ash.
  • Blossom: Sure, Ash.
  • Buttercup: About time.
  • (Blossom and Bubbles go to help Ms. Keane but they skid to a halt and then they got glued to the school wall. Elmer laughs and he walks to the city. Ms. Keane and the girls struggle to get out of the glue but to no avail.)

Brock: Elmer is now a paste monster, Ms. Keane and your sisters are stuck and it's all your fault, Buttercup!

Buttercup: My fault?!

Blossom: Yeah, none of this would've happened if you just apologize in the first place!

Misty: You have only yourself to blame!

Ms. Keane: He's going to destroy Townsville you guys got to stop him!

Bubbles: But we're hot-glued to the wall.

Buttercup: That's it! Heat ray!

(Buttercup uses her lasers to dry the paste and the girls break free while Ms. Keane remains inside the dry glue.)

Girls: Yay!

Blossom: Come on! Let's stick it to him!

Pooh Bear: Let's go!

(The girls and the heroes go to save Townsville.)

Ms. Keane: Yay!

(We cut to Elmer taking the city buildings like bowling pins and he used a paste ball like a bowling ball and throws it to the buildings.)

Elmer Sglue: Yeah! (sniffs the air and sees a screaming man on his sticky foot) Oh, man!

(Elmer scraps the man onto the sidewalk. Then he picks up the bus with the kids inside.)

Kids: Whoa! Radical!

(The girls and the heroes arrive.)

Blossom: Hey! You better stop it!

Pooh Bear: Yes, if you please, Elmer.

(Elmer just ignored Pooh Bear's plea and holds out the bus.)

Pooh Bear: Oh, bother.

Blossom: Watch out! Swerve!

(Blossom and Bubbles avoid the bus and they place Pooh Bear, Piglet, Rabbit, Brock and Misty down.)

Tigger: Buttercup, you gotta put me, Ash and Pikachu down!

Ash Ketchum: Yeah. we're crash!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

Buttercup: What?

(Buttercup, Ash, Pikachu and Tigger crashed into the bus.)

Blossom: Tigger!

Bubbles: Ash! Pikachu!

(Blossom and Bubbles catch Tigger, Ash and Pikachu from falling to the ground and Buttercup falls from the sky and lands on the sidewalk.)

Tigger and Ash: Thanks, girls.

Pikachu: Pika.

Bubbles: You're welcome, Tigger, Ash and Pikachu.

Blossom: Hey, where's Buttercup?

Tigger: She's on the sidewalk and she can't get up!

(Blossom and Bubbles look down at Buttercup in concern and they set Tigger, Ash and Pikachu to rejoin the other heroes.)

Blossom: (suddenly becomes angry) That's it! Now you done it! Blood is thicker than glue! (to heroes) You guys stay here on the ground! We'll handle Elmer!

Pooh Bear: Girls, wait!

(Blossom and Bubbles charge at Elmer but they both got stuck in his chest.)

Blossom: Ugh, I'm stuck!

Bubbles: Ugh, me too!

(Elmer laughs at them.)

Piglet: Oh, dear. Is there anything we can do?

Blossom: Yeah, you guys go get Buttercup!

Heroes: We're on it!

Tigger: Buttercup, get up!

Buttercup: (groans) What? Guys, what's going on?

Rabbit: Your sisters need your help!

Buttercup: (gets up) No! Okay, pasty face! You're gonna get socked to the kisser!

Ash Ketchum: No, Buttercup!

Misty: Don't do it!

Blossom and Bubbles: You'll just get stuck!

Pikachu: Pikachu!

(Buttercup skids to a halt as her sisters sink into Elmer's chest.)

Blossom: You know what you have to do!

Brock: You gotta apologize to Elmer before he hurts anymore people!

Bubbles: And hurry we're sinking!

Buttercup: (stubbornly) No! I can fight him!

(The heroes are shocked when she still refuses to apologize to Elmer.)

Heroes: What?!

Pikachu: Pikachu?!

(Buttercup fires her lasers at Elmer's arm releasing the bus but then he grows another arm which shocked Buttercup then flies to the flour and gets covered in.)

Buttercup: Ha! I'm flour and you're glue! Try to fight and I won't stick to you!

(The heroes are annoyed with Buttercup wasting time.)

Misty: (rolling her eyes) Oh, brother!

Tigger: She's wasting time.

Buttercup: (sing-songy) You can't stick to me! You can't stick to me! Nyah-nyah-nyah!-nyah! Nyah? (goes through Elmer's stomach)

Rabbit: (frustrated) Enough of this nonsense, young lady!

(Elmer throws a punch at Buttercup and she dodged out of the way smashing the building as the woman sings opera.)

Singer: (faints) No!

Blossom: There's only one thing you can do!

Buttercup: No! Anything but that!

Blossom: (sinking) Buttercup!

Buttercup: No, no, no, no!

Heroes: Just apologize!

Pikachu: Pika!

Buttercup: All right! Elmer!

Elmer: Huh?

Buttercup: I'm s-s-s-s....

Misty: Go on, Buttercup.

Elmer: (normal voice) What?

Buttercup: I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I picked on you and called you a paste-eater.

(Elmer pulls Blossom and Bubbles out of his sticky chest.)

Elmer: Thanks, Buttercup. That's all I wanted.

Rabbit: There, Buttercup, was that so hard?

Buttercup: Yeah, it was.

Ash Ketchum: I don't think Buttercup will be picking on Elmer anymore.

Pikachu: Pikachu.

Tigger: Nope, I don't think so.

Buttercup: Don't worry, guys. I've learned my lesson the sticky way.

Ash Ketchum: Elmer?

Elmer: Huh?

Ash Ketchum: Do you think eating paste is good for your stomach?

Elmer: I don't know. Is it?

Brock: Nope.

Rabbit: Eating paste is becoming a habit Elmer. So I think it’s best if you stop eating paste.

Pooh Bear: We really care about you, Elmer.

Piglet: Yes, Elmer, please don't eat anymore paste.

Elmer: Maybe you guys are right. Eating paste does make you sick.

(We cut to the city now being held by radioactive glue.)

Narrator: A reconstructed city of Townsville!

(Then we pan to Pokey Oaks Kindergartin where Elmer, the girls and the heroes put the school back together with radioactive glue.)

Narrator: Reconstructed Pokey Oaks Kindergartin. A school in the sleep suburb of- (Elmer glares at the camera in annoyance) Oh. Uh-I'm sorry.