Mime for a Change/Transcript

  • (Opening shot: the city skyline, with a rainbow stretching across the multicolored buildings instead of the usual opaque blue tint.)
  • Narrator: The city of Townsville! (Camera turns down toward the park.) A vibrant and colorful community. Listen! Don't you hear the joy?
  • (A clown pops into view, singing loudly and without particular regard for pitch or meter. Pull back to show him in front of a group of kids at a birthday party in the park. He is dressed in a gaily colored striped shirt, polka-dotted pants, oversized red shoes, and a small green derby.)
  • Clown: Fa-la-la-la-la-la! Happy, happy, happy, happy birthday, Jim!
  • (The kids cheer, and the clown starts singing again.)
  • Clown: I'm Rainbow the Colorful Clown! (He stands on his head.) You can keep on looking, you'll never see a frown! ( He goes over to Jim.) It's your birthday, and I'll dub you King with a crown! (He crowns him.) It's your birthday, it's your birthday, it's your birthday...uh...Jim! Look at all my colors, don't they make you smile? Listen to my singing, it could last for quite a while!
  • (He slides over to a man and a woman whose clothes sport his own gaudy colors.)
  • Clown: All my stripes and spots are the brand new style! It's your birthday, it's your birthday, it's your birthday, Carl! (Jim is nonplussed by the slip.) Uh...Jim!
  • (The kids begin to cheer again. Cut to Rainbow, kneeling in front of Jim and looking downcast.)
  • Clown (Rainbow): (sadly) Today we've had our fun, And my time is almost done, (brightening) So goodbye! Goodbye! Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye!
  • (He dances backward happily and waves, his shoes squeaking, until he gets to the middle of the street. Over Jim's shoulders, we see him get ready for the big finish. Zoom in.)
  • Rainbow: Good...
  • (He is interrupted by the horn of a tractor-trailer bearing down on him, causing him to turn and look in concern at his impending demise. The driver slams on the brakes and the truck flips hard onto its side and skids along in a screech of metal against the asphalt. The top of the trailer bears a single word in huge black letters: "BLEACH." Spinning as it skids, the rig just spins around Rainbow and comes to a stop next to him. It looks as though Rainbow has escaped becoming street pizza.)
  • Rainbow: Whoo! (singing) Now that was clo-o-o-se!
  • (Unfortunately for Rainbow, he tempted fate, and the trailer suddenly bursts open. Rainbow disappears from sight beneath a wave of liquid bleach. He is left standing, but the colors begin to drain out of his costume and makeup, leaving him black and white, with his hair from its original curly state hanging down and limp. His smile turns into an angry grimace. He becomes silent. Cut to the trucker, who has climbed out of his rig and is waving to get Rainbow's attention.)
  • Trucker: Hey, buddy! Hey, buddy! Are you okay, buddy?
  • (Rainbow turns his head and catches sight of the trucker; the colors of his clothes cause the clown to recoil in pain, trying to shield his face with his arms to conceal what he just laid eyes on. Extreme close-up of his hand being placed on the trucker's chest and the color draining out of the shirt. Pull back.)
  • Trucker: (sighing with relief) That was quite a -
  • (His words give way to choking sounds as the rest of his body turns gray, and he finally hangs his head, closing his eyes, and makes no sound at all, as if he was placed in a downcast, unresponsive state.)
  • Kid: (from o.c.) Rainbow! Rainbow! (Pan over to bring him into view; he is holding a balloon.) Are you okay?! 'Cause that was crazy and -
  • (Rainbow touches the balloon, turning it and the kid gray and silencing him as he gasps when it takes effect on him. Camera shifts to Rainbow's feet and points up; he holds his hands out and looks at them, reveling in this new ability of his with a vicious grin. He raises one foot and plants it on the ground, and a zone of B&W spreads outward from it. The camera pulls back slowly to an overhead view of several city blocks, the B&W still radiating out, and Rainbow still smiling wickedly.)
  • Narrator: (uneasily) Oh, my. Rainbow the Clown has now become...Mr. Mime!
  • (The colorless balloon floats up toward the camera. Cut to a school bus making its rounds; we hear Bubbles singing happily.)
  • Bubbles: (singing) La, la-la, la-la-la-la-la, la-la.
  • (Inside, the camera pans slowly along the aisle as she continues.)
  • Bubbles: (singing) First you take the pink, and then some blue...
  • (Stop on the girls, seated in the back row. Bubbles is hard at work with crayons and paper; Buttercup is looking out across the aisle, bored.)
  • Bubbles: (singing) And then the green,
  • (Head-on view of Buttercup, panning across the girls. Blossom looks over Bubbles' shoulder as she draws.)
  • Bubbles: (singing) And then more pink, and then a dash of blue. Coloring, coloring, coloring, (fishing out another crayon) Get another color, doo-dit-doo!
  • (She finishes and proudly holds up her drawing.)
  • Bubbles: Look! (Close-up of it; she continues o.c.) I drew us!
  • (She has indeed done so, even getting Buttercup's scowl and crossed arms about right. Cut to Blossom.)
  • Blossom: Mmm-hmm.
  • Buttercup: (calling) Bus Driver! Are we there yet?!
  • Bus Driver: Just one more stop and it's education for--
  • (The bus driver screams in panic that the traffic light didn't go off because Mr. Mime's touch. The driver hits the brakes while the old woman halts her car then the crash wasn't heard then he felt his bus floating as he reacts in confusion it was Bubbles and Buttercup carrying the bus as the kids cheer while Blossom carries the car as the old woman smiled. The girls gently placed the vehicles onto the ground.
  • Narrator: Good job, girls! Congratulate yourselves. You deserve it!
  • (The girls hug each other but Bubbles sees that everything in the city is now black and white.)
  • Bubbles: What happened to all the color?! This door should be green, that flower should be yellow, the brick should be red. What's going on here?!
  • Misty: I don't know, Bubbles. Everything's all black and white.
  • Blossom: Yeah, this is peculiar. Guys, what do you think?
  • Rabbit: Very perculiar, indeed, Blossom.
  • Tigger: Looks like a giant coloring book. Right, Buttercup?
  • Buttercup: Whatever.
  • Ash Ketchum: Yeah, Buttercup, this is serious! Look around you, everything's all black and white!
  • Bubbles: We can't live in a world without color! Mother Nature has big, big plans with color, and it just can't be taken away! Not to mention all the safety reasons! (a car pulls over and Bubbles screamed as she picked it up) You can't park next to a fire hydrant!
  • Driver: I didn't (gets thrown by Bubbles) knooooooooooowwwww!
  • (Tigger gasps and catches the driver.)
  • Bubbles: (frantically colors the hydrant) Don't just stand there! START COLORING!!
  • Buttercup: Bubbles has gone cuckoo.
  • Blossom: She's right though. Spread out and search for clues!
  • Bubbles: This should be green! And this should be orange!
  • Buttercup: Yo, Blossom! Check this out!
  • Blossom: Good work, Buttercup! These footprints should lead us right to whoever is responsible for this mess.
  • Ash Ketchum: Um, Blossom, Buttercup?
  • Blossom and Buttercup: Yeah, Ash?
  • Ash Ketchum: We'll stay here with Bubbles while you girls find the culprit.
  • Pooh Bear: Yes, we don't want to lose our color.
  • Buttercup: Good idea.
  • Blossom: No, that's a great idea. Come on!
  • Bubbles: Thanks, guys. I do need backup.
  • Piglet: The mailbox should be blue.
  • Bubbles: Very good, Piglet.
  • Cop: Stop, or we'll shoot! Put your hands to the ground!
  • Blossom: This is disturbing.
  • Buttercup: Blossom, look.
  • (Mr. Mime silenced the birds singing draining their color.)
  • Blossom: So, you like things to be black and white, huh?
  • Buttercup: How would you like to be black and blue?
  • (Mr. Mime felt angered and runs away from them as Blossom and Buttercup chased after him. But, then they stop to a full color alley.)
  • Buttercup: Where'd he go?
  • Blossom: Well, he hasn't been here. It's still color. (with Buttercup) Hmm.
  • (Suddenly Mr. Mime looms behind them then Blossom and Buttercup turned around in fright. They both scream in horror as Mr. Mime reached his hands to them. Then the camera fades to black. Meanwhile we cut back to Bubbles and the heroes color with her crayons.)
  • Pooh Bear: And this traffic light should be green.
  • Bubbles: Thanks, Pooh Bear. Ah, now that's better. Looks we've saved the day all by ourselves.
  • Piglet: Isn't that wonderful, girls?
  • Heroes: (with Bubbles, worried) Girls?
  • Rabbit: That's strange Blossom and Buttercup didn't come back to report the culprit to us.
  • Pikachu: Pikachu.
  • Ash Ketchum: I guess we'd better find them.
  • Misty: I guess we do.
  • Tigger: They could be anywhere around the city.
  • Brock: Man, not only it's all black and white. Everything's silent.
  • Piglet: Oh, dear.
  • Bubbles: Blossom? Buttercup?
  • Pooh Bear: Where are you, girls?
  • Rabbit: Answer us!
  • Pikachu: Pika, pika.
  • Bubbles: What's wrong, Pikachu?
  • Pikachu: Pika!
  • Bubbles: (gasps) Girls!
  • (The heroes gasp in shock upon seeing Blossom and Buttercup's color drained.)
  • Pikachu: Pika!
  • Ash Ketchum: Oh, no. Not you two, girls.
  • (Pikachu attempts to revive them with his thunderbolt.)
  • Misty; It's not working.
  • Bubbles: Oh, Blossom, Buttercup, not you too. (starts crying for a moment) Wait a minute. I got crayons! I'll have you too fixed up in a jiffy! There! Good as new.
  • Ash Ketchum: I don't think it's working, Bubbles.
  • Rabbit: Yes, we're sorry to say this, Bubbles.
  • Bubbles: You're right, guys. My crayons are beautiful, just not magic.
  • (Pikachu comforts Bubbles as she drops her crayons.)
  • Bubbles: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
  • Narrator: Oh, Bubbles in this big dark town you and your friends are all alone and blue. What are you all going to do?
  • Bubbles: I got it!
  • Pooh Bear: What did you have in mind, Bubbles?
  • Bubbles: (giggles) Just watch.
  • (A pair of sticks striking a snare drum; pull back to reveal Bubbles at a kit on a stage, laying down a backbeat. Said drumkit is white and blue, the bass drum bearing a pink heart with the girls' logo in the center. The color begins to return to the scene as she plays, expanding out from the bass drum, the camera pulling back to follow it. Buttercup stands off to the left of the kit, with a left-handed bass slung up. After a four-beat intro and four bars of drums, she has been revitalized and she begins to play, joining in with her sister. The color advances toward Blossom, on the right with a "Flying V" guitar in her hands; she comes back to life and joins in as well after four bars of bass. All three play a Beatlesque melody together for four bars before Bubbles begins to sing.)
  • Bubbles: (singing) Open your eyes and take in everything that you see.
  • (The color radiates out from their stage and into the park.)
  • Bubbles: (singing) Look at all the colors like yellow, blue, and green. We can take an airplane and fly across the globe. Look down upon the colors, everyone come on, let's go! Because...
  • (The color reaches the truck driver and the kid who had the balloon, revitalizing them.)
  • Buttercup: (singing) Love...
  • Blossom: (singing) Love...
  • Bubbles: (singing) Love...
  • Girls: (singing) La-la-love, La-la-love makes the world go round.
  • Buttercup: (singing) Love...
  • Blossom: (singing) Love...
  • Bubbles: (singing) Love...
  • Girls: (singing) La-la-love, La-la-love makes the world go round.
  • (The color reaches all the people Mr. Mime silenced: the baby, the construction worker, etc. The crowd of people gathers around the stage, screaming in delight while the girls perform. As the girls sing, Pooh Bear, Ash and their friends begin to feel the rhythm of the song and dance to the music.)
  • Bubbles: (singing) Open your ears and listen what the world has to say.
  • (The crowd is now pushed up to the edge of the stage and enjoying every note.)
  • Bubbles: (singing) Hear the birds and bells and you will have a brighter day.
  • (In a nearby alley, Mr. Mime has overheard everything, and upon peering out to investigate, is truly infuriated by the entire scene as everything he had silenced and made black-and-white has been reverted in short order thanks to Bubbles and the song.)
  • Bubbles: (singing) Everyone has a special song deep inside their heart.
  • (Back to the stage. Zoom in on Bubbles in steps.)
  • Bubbles: (singing) I f you want, you could sing with us, it's the perfect place to start!
  • (Blossom slides to the edge on her knees and begins to rock out, more Jimi Hendrix than George Harrison, as psychedelic lights flash across her. Mr. Mime, now at the back of the crowd, climbs onto their heads and tries to rush the stage in a vain attempt to stop the music and restore his lovely silence of a black and white world. Blossom sees him coming and fires an energy beam from the head of her guitar. It hits Mr. Mime dead center, leaving him silently recoiling in pain, anguish, and agony before his color is restored - he is the silly, cheerful Rainbow again.)
  • (Blossom ends her solo after eight bars, and all the parts drop out except for the drums. The screen goes black; Buttercup appears in the left third on a green field.)
  • Buttercup: (singing) Love, love, love, la-la-love, La-la-love makes the world go round.
  • (Bubbles appears in the middle third on a blue field. She sings over Buttercup's part.)
  • Bubbles: (singing) You can't hurt me with the things that you do, I'll pick up dandelions and I'll give them to you.
  • (Blossom appears at the right on a pink field, singing over the other girls.)
  • Blossom: (singing) Puppy dogs, kitty cats, Swimming through love.
  • (They sing their parts together once more, their images floating past one another on a honey yellow field.)
  • (Back to the stage; the missing parts come in again.)
  • Buttercup: (singing) Love...
  • Blossom: (singing) Love...
  • Bubbles: (singing) Love...
  • Girls: (singing) La-la-love,
  • La-la-love makes the world go round.
  • (Cut to a pink field, the girls popping into view one by one.)
  • Buttercup: (singing) Love...
  • Blossom: (singing) Love...
  • Bubbles: (singing) Love...
  • Girls: (singing) La-la-love, La-la-love makes the world go round.
  • (They clasp their hands behind their backs, the background and their bodies fading to black to leave only their heads at the end: think Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" video and you get the idea.)
  • (Rainbow's face pops into view; he is laughing. Cut to the cheering crowd, which includes George Jetson, then to our heroes as they laugh with joy and happiness.)
  • Brock: Wow! That was incredible!
  • Piglet: It was so much fun!
  • Pooh Bear: The crowd seemed to like the girls' song.
  • Misty: They loved the girls' song.
  • Tigger: Oh, I get it. Bubbles saved the day with the power of music.
  • Ash Ketchum: Colorful music, Tigger.
  • (Bubbles and Buttercup take Ash's hands and escort him to the stage.)
  • Bubbles: Now, it's your turn to sing a song for the citizens, Ash.
  • Buttercup: Yeah, Ash, come on up on stage.
  • Blossom: We like to have you as a backup singer.
  • Ash Ketchum: Uh, be there in a sec.
  • Girls: (shrug)
  • Ash Ketchum: Guys, I-I-I can't. I don't know how to sing. And I don't know how to strum a guitar.
  • Pooh Bear: Sure you do.
  • Rabbit: Don't be afraid. Just be yourself, Ash.
  • Tigger: Besides, the girls need you.
  • Bubbles: (singing) I have climbed the highest mountains. I have run through the fields. Only to be with you. Only to be with you.
  • (Ash backs away from the curtains, becoming stage fright.)
  • Pikachu: Pika Pi.
  • Girls: But I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
  • Girls and the crowd: (singing) But I still haven't found what I'm looking for. But I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
  • (A vision of Serena appears next to Ash and smiles at him. Pooh Bear and his friends give Ash the guitar. Then, thanks to the motivation of the crowd, the girls and the vision of Serena smiling at him, he finds his rhythm and his song. He begins strumming the electric guitar, brushes the curtains open, and goes on the stage to perform the song.)
  • Ash Ketchum: (singing) I believe in the kingdom come. Then all the colors will bleed into one. Bleed into one. But yes I'm still running.
  • (Pooh Bear, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Brock and Misty smile proudly at their friend.)
  • Pikachu: (cheering) Pika, Pika, Pikachu!
  • Ash Ketchum and the girls: (singing) You broke the bonds and you loosed the chains. Carried the cross of my shame. Oh my shame. You know I believe it. But I still haven't found what I'm looking for. But I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
  • (Pooh Bear, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, Brock and Misty run out to join them in the final verse.)
  • Ash Ketchum, the girls, the crowd, Pooh Bear, and friends: (singing) But I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
  • Ash Ketchum: (singing as he steps up to the front) I still haven't found (strums a powerful note on his guitar) what I'm looking for.
  • Ash Ketchum, the girls, the crowd, Pooh Bear, and friends: (singing) But I still haven't found what I'm looking for. But I still haven't found what I'm looking for.
  • (The crowd cheers and Rainbow the clown laughs joyfully. The heroes and girls gave a bow to the crowd. Ash smiled proudly as he gives a victory salute to the crowd.)
  • Ash Ketchum: Gee, girls, the citizens really love our song.
  • Blossom: They sure do, Ash.
  • Buttercup: Wasn't that fun singing on stage with us, Ash?
  • Ash Ketchum: You betcha! I thought I didn't know how to sing or strum a guitar until now.
  • Bubbles: You did great, Ash.
  • Rabbit: Ash, we're so proud of you, son.
  • Pooh Bear: Job well done, Ash.
  • Piglet: That's amazing, Ash.
  • Tigger: How do you feel, Ash?
  • Ash Ketchum: I feel like a rock star.
  • (Rainbow pops up)
  • Rainbow: (singing) Thank you, kids, for returning my color and for throwing away my frown! I owe it to (facing Buttercup) I owe it to you...(facing Blossom) And you...(facing Bubbles) And you. (to Pooh Bear, Ash Ketchum, and friends) And to all of you. I'm back! Rainbow the clown!
  • (The crowd cheers. Ash growls and whacks Rainbow in the face with his guitar. The girls join in by beating Rainbow silly, leaving him injured.)
  • Bubbles: Obviously, Sing-Sing is the place for you!
  • Misty: You tell him, Bubbles!
  • Rainbow: But.
  • (The exterior of the jail is shown, the environment's colors are as dull as ditchwater. A door slams shut. Inside, a very sad Rainbow is in a cell, having to face what would be a little time in jail for the trouble he caused Townsville as his dark alter ego.)
  • Narrator: Boy, oh, boy. Your colorful life is gonna be pretty black and white from now on, Rainbow!
  • (The background for the end shot comes up.)
  • Narrator: So once again the day is saved...
  • (The music changes to "Love Makes the World Go Round" as the girls appear with their instruments: Buttercup at front left, Blossom at front right, Bubbles at rear center.)
  • Narrator: ...thanks to the Powerpuff Girls! (singing) Love, love, love, la-la-love... (He hums the rest.)
  • [The End]